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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. that sounds like a direct challenge! seriously: the admins have watch lists, or you name a name in between, I think that's ok, but we shouldn't start with further lists in this direction. I think "secured or tested member" as a seal is also ok. but i find it very questionable to create whitelists for players... that has a negative aftertaste for me. I know this thread was not meant in a negative way and I have no real problem with it. just wanted to put it in the room to think about... ^^
  2. this random number dude: if you see him flying cas or trans, better keep distance. but he is a good sniper and anti-personnel...and he knows how to drive a dirtbike.
  3. but dont fall off the moon...it has big deathzones...^^ its on 400m in the middle of the map.
  4. what else occurred to me: maybe it was my own fault for the crashes... i played with bots on both sides. can it be because of that? and i misused the bots in my team pretty much... ^^
  5. Create a local deployment game and search for "flat earth"
  6. on adak it was during taking the second flag. Radar was taken and factory was at least neutral... at lback gold sometime after leaving the first flag. loading was fine.
  7. both maps CTD. Unfortunately, i cannot say when, because it was for no apparent reason.
  8. looks interesting ... I'll try the maps tomorrow evening.
  9. only players with a microphone are allowed to comment here...;p and you're really good as a trans or SL.
  10. exactly. I've worked with C4D in the past. this is even possible on an i3 with 2.6 GHz, 8gm ram, onboard graca. if you know what it looks like afterwards, you can work quite fluently. But if you use a lot of effects, hair or complex textures, looking at them while working can take forever. if you want to render it out you can do that overnight and let it run for hours. so simple tasks can be solved with weak computers, but if you want to do more complex things then you quickly lose the desire and you need something faster. with C4D you mainly need cpu cores and ghz, less the graphics card. it will probably be similar with cad. But here you should pay close attention to which program uses which hardware/software most. (such as opengl or cuda/cpu or gpu/) depending on what you use for a cad/3d program, you have to differentiate between work view and export. When you export, you render the finished animation as a clip out of the program and that takes a long time. but if you want to see what you are doing at work, there is usually a work renderer with a "quick view". here you can often change the view and you can, for example, only display the structure without the textures, which is then faster... and in general: two eggs that move a little and change shape = CPU two hairy eggs with 20,000 hair pieces that all move individually, have shadows and reflect light = GPU + CPU just try it and maybe try different software.
  11. Sorry but I won't start resigning SLs just because they don't have a mic. that would also very often empty the server by a third because you are often get kicked out of a squad if you dont have a mic and then you only can open your own squad... only to get resigned again. if it were done that way, I wouldn't be here.
  12. if you have a suqad full of newbies and nobody communicates (incl. SL) that sucks. but I have to agree with skitalez. i often play in squads without a mic or where it is rarely used. if everyone knows what to do, you don't need any orders or a SL. Also there are a few players without mic who hold their squads together pretty well... it doesn't bother me at all as long as it doesn't interfere with the game. At assets squads it's something different, but even then it's enough for me if the SLs is typing in the chat... there are players who can type better when flying than I speak English in the game... as long as there are no complaints, I actually don't interfere. I warn/resign enough anyway...^^
  13. I was definitely talking about something completely different ^^ sorry...
  14. or his screen is just black...^^ i haven't had the problem myself but as far as i know you have to look to the ground and press c (or vice versa) to fix it.
  15. now you have a stretched game because 16:9 and a compressed menu because 4:3... great ^^ somehow it looks strange... the only thing better is that you can now read the chat while the map is open.
  16. if you don't do server stuff or video editing you will rarely get 128gb ram filled. 8GB is just enough for normal use. for gaming and video and audio editing you then need at least 16GB. better 32-64gb. if you want to have buffer upwards or edit 8k videos you need 64gb upwards ... since your first option only contains 32gb, i assume that you won't need any more. Save the money or invest it in faster ram. 32gb with a high clock rate makes your computer faster in normal operation than 128gb with a lower clock rate.
  17. So, why a studio monitor review in this forum? "studio properties": I will spare you all the details that can be found in other reviews and there are everywhere on the net. I should only mention that the loudspeakers have their volume control, on/off switch and power-LED on the back, so they are not easy to reach. it is the Adam T8V. a neafield monitor that is almost a midfielder. you need space. it is definitely bigger than a normal nearfield monitor, not too huge in the front but rather deep. So actually so deep that it no longer fits on a desk and want a stand. let's start at the top: the heights are incredibly beautiful and soft. sometimes a bit sharp or s-heavy which I attribute strongly to the recordings and also here not really intrusive but demonstrative. with percussion i hear details that i have never heard from any speaker in this price range. With voices and real instruments you have reached a level of information that I only know from speakers that are 10 times more expensive. the middle is also very precise and there are crazy depths and widths that I didn't know about in some of the songs before. i miss the lower mid a little bit, but i would put it 100% to my room because it is not acoustically processed and i have similar problems with other speakers. but we're talking about nuances that may be important when mixing or making music but play no role in hi-fi and gaming. the bass: hmm, a sub for 600eur can do more. a four-way system too. but for a 2-way box that didn't cost 250 € each, I've never heard of anything like that. of course they don't have as much pressure as a sub at 38hz but a punch of a bass drum is physically perceptible and when you hear ennio morricones - hateful 8 as wav loud, you are not only struck by the high altitude thunderstorm but also by the thunder in the width. stereo spectrum and depth: a 3000 euro neumann monitor sounds more defined and broader. the adam sound different. I can't say whether they are less or more wide than other speakers. at the beginning i missed the panorama a bit but i started to hear other things around it. I would describe them as subtle, whatever that means^^ as described below, the 3-d location has become much better and compared to logitech, alexa and bose it is just divine but I think in a comparison test with yamaha or jbl could many classify the Adam as inferior. I don't know if I see it that way... anyone who listens to a lot of pop on mobile or laptop, uses alexas and co. will not have fun with these speakers. many inferior mp3's are no longer really audible because every bug is revealed. I also assume that you can run into trouble with the unbalanced connection to the onboard sound card... symmetrical, out of my motu, I can't make these speakers loud enough that I could hear a hum or other interfering noises. heavily compressed, inferior or poorly produced music also sounds the same through these speakers. you don't want to hear it. a normal hi-fi box colors music and mostly makes it more pleasant. However, these monitors are interested in reproducing things exactly as they are made. so actually more analytical tools than party boxes. on the other hand, if you can already hear the difference between a 128kbps and a 320kbps mp3 and you don't think autotune is a divine talent, this speaker might be interesting... as already mentioned, if you wanted a "real" studio environment, you need something bigger. but when it comes to home/bedroom/project studios and a low budget, you've found your box. In the home area too, if you consider a few things: the box is big and heavy. too big for a usual nearfilder. you hear much louder with it than with a "logitech" desk alternative and you do that automatically because you want to hear the full stage. so you should have stable neighbors. since near-field monitors have a spot, they usually do not emit a good sound in the room. therefore near field... you sit in front of it. But since these devices are so brutal, I can use them to cover my entire apartment and the classification near field only half fits here. So due to size, power and weight, I would rather pack them in the midfield corner. but due to the great sweetspot and the relatively linear properties, they are near field... correctly set up the speakers have a sweetspot that easily goes around 1 meter in the width. you no longer have to stay in one position and can move. you don't fall out of the sweetspot like with other loudspeakers, but you slowly start to locate one of the two loudspeakers more strongly in the sweetspot and notice that you have to go back to the middle. for "normal" music enjoyment you need an equalizer and you have to know a little how to use it. eg lower the middle, do not increase the bass...the speakers would immediately show you the distortion! I can't really judge how the "gaming" sound is because I don't compare it enough. With PR, however, local tracking has become significantly better. you not only hear more precisely from which direction the shot came, but you can better locate tanks, apc and the like in the background noise. if i don't hear any music in the background i can tell from the sound of the footsteps whether it is opfor or blufor. I've never noticed that before. the first apc-shot: "WHOOOOOP, WHOOOOP!" and i felt the bass in my stomach and floor. the mechanical noise above it never sounded so great. But all in all so loud that I had to turn it down, which of course exactly lost this effect. long story short: this series includes 3 models that start at 5" and end at 8" with a price range of 150-250 € per LS or 300-500€ for the pair. I assume that the smaller models sound the same but dont go that low. anyone looking for a cheap tweeter for internet radio shouldn't have read this. But if you are looking for a really good speaker that you can use in the near field (computer/video editing/audio/mixing/sound design/gaming/etc), have some space, make music, are interested in linear sound, are not afraid of an eq and/or are looking for awesome hi-fi speakers or don't want to use a sub, you should give this speaker a listen. -- Rick Rubin
  18. even if you install pr in a different folder, the following folders should always be in the same place. C:\Users\your name\Documents\ProjectReality C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Project Reality C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Project Reality the first path is to your settings. the two after that are probably not that important, but I would still delete them after an deinstallation. if you want to keep your settings and don't want to download the updates again, you can simply cut everything out and paste it in a completely different place. if everything works, you can copy your settings back. maybe it is not enough to copy this one file and you have to reinstall dx9. https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/7/1/1718CCC4-6315-4D8E-9543-8E28A4E18C4C/dxwebsetup.exe if it doesn't work you have to activate the compatibility mode for win xp sp2 with the right mouse button and run it as administrator.
  19. its ok as long as you dont delete system805... maybe your system takes longer to boot after this.^^
  20. if the problem continues just disable firewall and antivirus...and enable the right to write in your systemfolder can(t) hurt.^^ dont do it, if you dont know what you are doing!!!!
  21. we had something like that in the past... that is absolutely not against you but at this point it must be pointed out that the execution of unknown files is always a security risk and you cannot know what else this file does. As I said, this is not against you personally, but EVERYONE should be careful when executing unknown files from unsecured sources. therefore everyone has to know for himself whether he is executing this file or not and be aware that even at =VG= nobody can confirm or deny the security of this file at the moment.
  22. you can load the demofiles up to this site: https://tournament.realitymod.com/prt_mods/tracker/#0 and watch the game...
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