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=VG= Fastjack

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Fastjack

  1. That's looks epic too man Boatsquad Marksman Officer kit MGL140 for the officer as Support !crazy
  2. I must talk with Bludklot first, if he installed the PRSP mappack. Maybe the patch 0.966 removed something. So far i know following maps have some issues and crash the server : Asad Khal, Black Hawk Down, Archer. I know that the server crashs more after 0.966 patch. Maybe we must find a good maprotation (with good i mean server stability), some times the game crashs because the mapvotes. Quinn, u tried a mapvote ?
  3. ....Like we don't use Huey's to transport troops, we use the CH46, CH53 and they are not in the game. The Huey is a commanders tool, or specops insert method, not typical Infantry.... MH53j Pavelow .... is that an option for an PRSP map?
  4. I like it. There some minor bugs, like edit an post or if i look my profile the profile shows up on the right side from the banner and not under the banner ... but generally i like it. Or i'm the only one with this problems?
  5. Why u think its waste of time? Edit: I forgot to ask if u tried to run the broken maps Archer and Asad Khal after the patch 0.966?
  6. I think we didn't lose the SP Mappack, Blud. I think they works with 0.966. Ok, Fallujah_sp map can be deleted because the PR team intergrated the coop mode into the main Fallujah map. Jabal isn't available for coop anymore. The patch says they fixed some crashes UAV etc and more. Maybe other maps working now for coopmode because the rootcause is fixed. !secret Someone tried it to run maps like Asad Khal or Archer?
  7. Losing the coop server.......my heart bleeds !shok Long Story: I played first time PR one this server (was recommended by an old former clanmember). He told me, if u want to learn pr ... play here! Good people, good rules and the importants thing = TEAMPLAY. The TEAMPLAY wasn't my problem before, only to find the good peoples and rules (GOOD SERVER) !sorry So i started to play here and found more than a GOOD server. Agree. It seem's like they don't take any care about coop anymore. But i can understand it. Coop makes the most problems. It need much more ressources to handle the KI of the bots as the multiplayer gamemode. Coop crashs more times clients and servers. The bot Ki can't handle some python scripts (try to capture uncap. flags) What i can't understand They have enough old maps from older pr versions they worked good before. It isn't a big deal for those guys (high moddingskill), to convert or create more alternative coop gamemode layers for those maps and make a new SP mappack 0.966. It's possible to have two version of an map in the levelsfolder. Best excample in 0.957 Fallujah/Fallujah_sp. Why not an Jabal and Jabal_sp or Korengal and Korengal_sp. It exist an Korengal Coopmode in 0.86 that works with 0.957 so i think it works in 0.966 too. I know, much why's! !dntknw Back to topic If we switch the coop server to an deployment server many people lose her lovely favorite coop server. Keep that in mind. But i know, that VG overbear this obstacle too. If we play deployment in the same wise like we play on the coop server ....... we can only win. I remember one time deployment. Our squad took out 4 weaponcaches without much ticket losts ...... Respect Poffadder. Let's have a try. Let play us deployment with an good insurgency mappool. !2cool
  8. The only way I see this getting fixed is if we do it ourselves word
  9. I modified the map only. Its a DICE map. If they want to play it, that's ok for me. The map isn't allready finished. No ESAI inside and the other stuff, no second layer ...etc... etc...
  10. Pls all, play it and make some suggestions for changes. In my opinion, Karkand is an infantry map. Its to small for larger vehicles than hummvee's. I planning a second layer for it. KARKAND: I did a mishap by karkand with the supplygroup ID of factory and cementfactory. Blud have the wish that i change one LB to an trans LB. CLEANSWEEP I'm not sure but the jets for the bots is too much of them. What u guys thinking? thanks in advance
  11. Here the Dl's for : Strike on Karkand http://www.mediafire.com/?pvn33ctbi4jxern and Sharqi Peninsula http://www.mediafire.com/?3j6luzp2lbn8u28 Greetz
  12. Can't edit the last post. Edit: i did it as attachment. I dont know why the pics so small: @T.E.D: thank clivevil from AIX team. Without his permissions no Osprey and Void for the ESAI
  13. Got it! PR use another method to load the loadscreens and pics. Some of the png pics must be renamed in loadBackground1 / loadBackground2 etc. You have an png pic (size 385 kb) with an -VG- logo or something like that? I can rename it to loadBackground1 ...?! Only if u want. I think u catch it what i want to do Edit: k0rengal Done! http://www.mediafire.com/?bvv0toon5dtan28 It can't scrap the original korengal. All can install it without doubts.
  14. What u mean with SU? The russian jet? Its an Botjet What's happend with the Background screens? IDK or wait... Yupp, work on it.
  15. Use the 32 layer. The 64 layer haven't the Osprey I upload korengal, or better k0rengal (with zero). So it can exist with the original korengal map at same time in the levelsfolder without trouble. Whazz up with Cleansweep? It works? if yes .. i deleted the mapID (gsid) Karkand .... ok ... any wishes? No tanks or what ever?
  16. Cleansweep done! http://www.mediafire.com/file/g2rzdzrnp4entug/operation_clean_sweep.zip I hope it's fixed. Edit: new karbalb mapversion done! http://www.mediafire.com/?14236zlg945ayd5 If i make an local coopserver it works perfectly with the osprey. Try it too pls to find the rootcause I renamed some archives. Maybe that helps. WIP: k0rengal
  17. ok Edit. I deleted the old cleansweep from mediafire and upload a new cleensweep version. Maybe the force with us
  18. Seems we must change the letters of and in the descfile too. Lokalisation in operation cleansweep/info/ There are greatletters. The descfile must be renamed in small letters and if u open the descfile u find the name of the map. That letters must be changed too. Welcome to the world of modding
  19. Bluuuuuuuuuuuuud, u using a linux server right? Linux use unix (all small letters). Can u change yourself the greatletters from Sharqi and Cleansweep to small letters like sharqi and cleansweep (all greatletters to small letters pls). Only the mapname folders. Edit: same with Karbalb (karbalb) greetz
  20. I downloaded the Karbalbmap from the mediafile again and played it. I gettin no crashes. Strange. Blud, u installed all maps (PRvanilla and PRSP Mappack) on the private server?
  21. Sharqi, Cleensweep and Karbalb is already uploaded to ur mediafire. I don't remember what Karbala version i uploaded. It has ESAI inside and the OSprey but i added some POV (point of Views) to the cockpitview for the pilot. IDk if this version have this POV's but that isn't a problem. Many things can be changed on command and in short time. The maps are not 100% converted. I didn't figured out how it works with the mapgrid and CC has the same problem with it.
  22. Yes we talk about korengal. Korengal already exist as PR vanilla map. U remember my mapversion of Karbala (karbalb) ? Install this map on the private server. Normally no MD5 archive about an map with the name Karbalb exist so we cant get any PB kick. Maybe renaming korengal to another name can solve such problems with the PB. U undedrstand what i mean.
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