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Everything posted by Bones

  1. BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... I know it's almost like they're adding little extra bits of video cus I keep seeing new parts, or so it seems. This is gunna be the greatest event ever I hope they don't fuck it up with pinball effect graphics, you know like those you see as you score kills or what not. That would ruin it for me. At least have an option to remove all that crap if they do. *giddy* Hey!!!! I bought Bulletstorm last night and I don't care what you say, that shit is just plain fun!!!! But yeah, that stuff has no place in BF-Land. !sarc
  2. Looks good but I really wish they would stop using that horrendous teal colored HUD! I still think that the stock yellow/gold BF2 HUD is the best in the Battlefield family of games.
  3. Because this sim is far more complex then many of its contemporaries I figured we could all use a little help in wrapping our heads around it. I strongly recommend that you also play through (multiple times) the included tutorial missions in the sim as well. There is so much more and I will update this thread as sim pilots around the world start tearing into it and posting "How to's" Startup Procedures [yt=640,390]_MDnglKtcSA&hd=1[/yt] Navigation [yt=640,390]EsU-hbSyJgM&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]8JztibZnPTs&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]LcTVbLDp0Lc&hd=1[/yt] Weapons [yt=640,390]SwAz7d8rIpc&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]6JGLFeKVwy4&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]Qy-RNLLP-Rs&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]dLuXwMGlhO8&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]qET4A9z4eAk&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]IOZ18GNPI-c&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]KGQX-27-8Mg&hd=1[/yt] Landing\ILS [yt=640,390]kCc6L_Iu9IY&hd=1[/yt] [yt=640,390]66IHLDVi9sY&hd=1[/yt] Aux Systems [yt=640,390]EBbxFb_rm7A&hd=1[/yt]
  4. Yeah I played some last night and it runs really really well. Word of caution though, plan on spending a lot of time getting your controls\keymaps\HOTAS just right. With so much depth and realism involved in all the avionics\weapon systems there are a ton of keystrokes you need to memorize. I think I clocked in about 3 hours last night and I still don't have everything mapped out. I believe that this is the most complicated sim I have yet to fly. It is certainly going to take many many flight hours to get proficient with everything that this sims capable of.
  5. i get off work in an hour and I will start DL when I get home, hopefully more seeders are on by then. Anyone check some of more popular torrent sites to see if they have been uploaded other than the ED site?
  6. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Bones, I would do a clean install. I believe the key you have from Beta is THE key to use in the final version. Kewl! I wonder if they will reset the number of "Activations" for the serial key then back to 7 as I have used a few of them due to rebuilding my rig several times.
  7. Nice! Do you know if we can just install it over the top of the Beta 4 release or do we need to do a completely new install. Also do you know if the CD Key is the same from the Beta because I have not received anything from ED?
  8. Bones

    Flight Sims?

    I fly FSX with the VRS F-18E Super Hornet. Its a great sim but lack of anything combat driven kinda puts a downer after awhile. Hopefully the new VRS TacPack changes things for the better. Until then I just fly it when I want to go sightseeing.
  9. OK, I'm gonna put together some training missions in the editor, I just need to know what you guys need help on. I know Iffn want to learn more about the weapon systems, any other requests?
  10. Hey Iffn, I would be more than happy to host some "Training Mission" to help guys get familiarized with the various systems in FC2. If you can fly Falcon then you can certainly fly FC2. I fly most nights around 9pm EST.
  11. Very true Robocop. While although Lock-On:FC2 is not as "deep" a flight sim as Falcon, its "bigger" brother DCS:A-10C is! As for the hi-res mods question, the answer is no. None of them will effect your frame rates. They are just re-textures that look substantially better then the stock ones.
  12. This is a compiled list of the mods and settings that I use to run LO:FC2. For those of you who are interested in getting started with LO:FC2 please download and view the "read me" file. Applying these mods and settings will greatly increase your enjoyment of this fine sim. The ZIP file containing all the necessary stuff can be downloaded from: --->CLICK ME!. As always if you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a msg or hit me up on the TS server.
  13. Hey Chaz, We could be the spark that ignites VGs interest in both Lomac/FC and DCS!!! !cheers
  14. What HOTAS are you using? I can find one for you as long as I know what you are working with. Or I can hop online with you and talk you through all the important key mappings. As you know everyone has their own preferences but I am willing to help out.
  15. You should fly it, it a very solid sim. MP is a lot of fun as well. making missions is a breeze with the editor as it is fairly similar to ARMAs.
  16. BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... Cool! i haven't given A10 much love, I didnt like the flight model. It was to bouncy. I might try 3 and see if its any better but we FF5 all the time :) Blud, Go into your stick settings for Pitch and Roll and adjust the curves. Depending on your HOTAS the default settings can be a little to "agressive". One thing to keep in mind is that unlike many of the older flight sims (Falcon, FF5, Jane's etc) you have to actually (just like IRL) trim your aircraft to maintain level flight and desired speed at Angels, not just when your aircraft takes damage. This is one thing that most digital pilots have never had to do before.
  17. Just goofing around with Sony Vegas and LOMAC:FC2. Be sure to watch in HD!! [yt=640,390]X9ZpnEyKUFQ&hd=1[/yt]
  18. Both the Lock On/Flaming Cliffs and DCS titles are among my most favorite sims to fly. Having flown pretty much every possible flight sim under the sun in the last ten years or so there are few out there that really compare to them. If only Eagle Dynamics could incorporate a "dynamic" campaign into there titles then I think it would top Falcon for me. It has a great mission editor that is very similar in use to ARMAs. You can crank out TEs relatively easy and make them as complex as you want. The new DCS:A10C is an absolute beast of a combat flight sim! It has all of the depth of Falcon (as far as avionics, weapons, systems etc..). If any of you guys out there in VG land are interested in some MP flights just hit me up.
  19. Sorry here is the profile. LOL! falcon_4_g940_profile.zip
  20. Here is the profile as promised. Instructions for use. 1. Open Logitech Profiler 2. Go to "Profile" and then "Import" 3. Select this profile Beware that is you have another profile named Falcon AF it will overwrite it. Make sure to also check that it is pointing to your Falcon.exe. If you have any problems or questions just hit me up.
  21. Thanks! I can make you one as well if you are interested. I will upload the profile when I get home from work tonight.
  22. Yo Blud, I have completed my G940 Profile for AF and would like to make it available to anyone else who might want to use it. Do I just need to send it to you? If I will hit you up tonight on TS. I will also create a "readme.txt" file explaining the layout.
  23. Bones

    Im back

    Had some hardware issues but Ill be in the sims soon.
  24. Just letting you guys know that I will be out of action for a while due to me burning my right hand over the weekend. hope to be back in the pit soon.
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