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Everything posted by Bones

  1. =VG= Outlanders LAN_WROTE ... I think my pc can handle it, though i need Windows 7. Good to see you again, Bones. You too! I have been consoling it up lately with my Xbox playing F1 2010, Op Flash Red River, and even some COD:BO and MW2.
  2. Minimum: Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version Operating System: Windows Vista or Windows 7 Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz RAM: 2GB Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card Recommended: Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU RAM: 4GB Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850
  3. Bones

    F1 2010

    HAHA, I picked this up a few weeks ago (thus my disappearance is now explained) and I am absolutely loving it. I have it for the 360, GT - xIGuNDoCIx
  4. Pretty good read but as none of us have had any "hand's on time" with the game it's anyone's guess if it is going to be closer to BF2 or BFBC at this point.
  5. Finally finished the first campaign last night. This video is a highlight of that very intense mission.
  6. Reading the manual does wonders as well. (Pages 488-490) !grin Aerial Refueling (Quick Flow) For combat missions in particular, you may have an aerial refueling requirement. Although the A-10 can carry up to three TK600 external fuel tanks, these tanks are not combat-survivable and are never used on combat missions. The A-10C is equipped with a nose-mounted refueling receptacle that is fed from a boom-equipped tanker. Preparation When nearing the tanker location, you will want to place the flight in Echelon formation. 1. Radio contact tanker and inform of intent for refueling. 2. At least one engine must be operating at 85% RPM. 3. Safe the aircraft from AHCP: - Master Arm switch to SAFE - GUN/PAC switch to SAFE - LASER switch to SAFE 4. Safe aircraft from DSMS: - Set Maverick EO power to OFF 5. Set up your Fuel System panel: - If you have a leak in any of the four internal fuel tanks, you should pull out the Fill Disable button for that tank. This will prevent the damaged fuel tank from being filled. - Tank Gate switch to the closed position. 6. Open the refueling receptacle slipway. Upon doing so, the READY light will illuminate. 7. Fly the formation to the pre-contact position: - Wingman 2 takes observational position off flight lead wing (On Deck position). - Second element takes observational position right of the On Deck position. - Refueling order is FL < 2 < 3 < 4 Pre-Contact Upon reaching the pre-contact position 1 nm behind the tanker in trail, you need to stabilize your position and establish a zero rate of closure on the tanker: 1. Check you have sufficient fuel to complete process. 2. Set IFF to Standby (STBY) 3. Set CMSP to Standby (STBY) 4. If at night or foul weather, enable the exterior lights from the Exterior Lighting Dial. 5. If you cannot establish pre-contact, you must break away or risk an overrun. 6. Request contact from tanker. 7. If given permission, move forward and follow directions of the boom operator. Close to the tanker at 2-3 knots until reaching the contact position. Align the boom with the center longitudinal axis of the aircraft. Make constant reference between the boom and the tanker fuselage and avoid chasing the boom. Contact 1. Once established in the contact position, the boom operator will fly the boom into the receptacle. 2. Once boom contact is made, confirm the LATCHED light on the canopy bow is illuminated. The READY light should extinguish. 3. Once both you and the tanker acknowledge contact, the refueling will start. 4. For successive contacts, you must cycle the aerial refuel system by pressing the refuel/reset button (Nosewheel Steering button) or closing and opening the slipway door. Disconnect 1. When the tanks are full, line pressure will automatically disconnect refueling. When this happens, the DISCONNECT light will illuminate. To manually disconnect, you can also press the nosewheel steering button on the control stick. 2. Close the receptacle slipway door. 3. Decrease power and drop back and down behind the tanker. 4. Once you have pulled out of the contact position, you will establish yourself off the left wing of the tanker. Following your departure from the contact position, number 2 will move into the contact position and number 3 will move into the On Deck position. This pattern will continue until all aircraft are refueled. As each aircraft is refueled, they will reform with you off the tanker?s left wing. --------------------------- Will try and knock out "training video" sometime in the next week. Maybe......
  7. So the question of which UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone designator to use when inputting JTAC target coordinates into the CDU has been popping up in MP. Here is the answer: 1:500,000 Scale Map For DCS & LockOn Titles If you look at 42 Longitude and follow it up and down you will see the break in the UTM designation. Anything West of the 42nd Long is designated as UTM 37T and anything East of the 42nd Long is UTM 38T. So make sure you know which part of the map your targets fall on so that you can input the correct UTM designator in the CDU. Also here is a quick hint that you can use to guide you: Any grid coordinate that you get from JTAC starting with A* - G* (example GG345832) is in the UTM 37T grid. If you get K* (example KM874288) it's in the UTM 38T grid. OK, just to recap the JTAC procdure (Thanks to WarriorX at SimHQ): JTAC will give you a UTM or Lat/Long coordinate during the 9 line, and if you have your SADL net settings correct, you will also get a data linked target identifier in your TAD (a red triangle). The following is based on JTAC giving you a UTM coordinate. Use a mission data card to get all the info on the UTM coordinate and the specific weapon, direction of attack, direction of egress and weapon requested. To make the UTM coordinate provided by JTAC into a waypoint do the following: Find a safe area to do a wide orbit. Set your autopilot to ALT and then make a left or right banking level turn and hold it. Then engage the autopilot and ensure it is holding the turn and you have no elevation conflicts around you. The UTM coordinates will be in the form of 2 letters and 6 numbers. Make sure your STEER PT switch on your AAP Panel is set to FLT PLAN. Set your right MFCD to the CDU repeater function. *NOTE: If your CDU is not on the WAYPOINT PAGE, then hit the WP key on the CDU, or FUNC 3 on the UFC. This will bring up the page where you can choose to select WAYPOINT by hitting OSB 7. You should now be on the WAYPOINT PAGE and ready to continue. Hit OSB 10 to switch from the default L/L (Lat/Long) to UTM. Hit OSB 9 to select the number presented next to the question mark as your new target waypoint. Using the CDU or the UFC, enter the 2 letters, and 6 numbers without spaces in the scratchpad. Hit OSB 16 to enter the UTM coordinate in to the computer. Verify the number entered is correct. Using the CDU or UFC keypad give your new waypoint a unique name eg: TGT A and hit OSB 7 to change the name. Now turn your STEER PT dial on the AAP from FLT PLAN to MISSION. Use the UFC STEER rocker or with the HUD as SOI, DMS UP to cycle thru the waypoints until you see the unique name you created for this target. Find your target waypoint symbol on the TAD and then use the steering cue's on the HUD to prosecute your attack. You can also download the PDF of the JTAC procedures HERE
  8. Nice!!!!!! Battlefield 3 New Video - The best home videos are here
  9. The new patch is out. Get it from the link below. PATCH Here is the full list of fixes/additions: FEATURES Audio Added new surround sound system. Working in any Windows supported configurations, from 2 up to 8 channels: 2.1, quadraphonic, 5.0, 5.1, 7.1, etc. User Interface Added the Briefing panel in the flight - [LALT-B] Added the Debriefing panel in the flight - [RSHIFT - ?] Aerial refueling now tracked in log book. AIM-9 loadout listed twice corrected. Option to turn random systems failures on or off. Pre-set HDR options of Off, Normal, Hard, and Soft added. Units New E-2D "Hawkeye" AWACS. Corrected L-39 landing/taxi lights. Fixed CH-53E textures. UAZ LOD model fixed. Su-33 floating on carrier deck fixed. Low-level of detail (LOD) distance adjusted. World Environment Detailed terrain texture distance extended. Building shadows corrected. Effects New dynamically self-shadowing cockpit with option to turn off and on in Options screen. Improved cloud density. HDR overcast blur adjusted to be less noticeable. HUD preventing shadows in field of view fixed. Lightning color fixed. Fixed glowing dust clouds behind ground units. Fixed blue flare. Fixed disappearing cloud shadows. KC-135 navigation light bloom adjusted. Improved distant terrain noise texture. Internal canopy glare added. Improved distant terrain noise texture. Artificial Intelligence Reduced delay in JTAC messages. JTAC Abort messaging adjusted. JTAC releasing player before all targets destroyed fixed. Predator taxi problems corrected. Wingmen Engagement logic improved when threats are in target area. Better self-preservation. Corrected remaining gun ammo report to JTAC. JTAC "use cannon" message fixed. After refueling other aircraft, tankers will no longer fly into oblivion. Wingmen now better engage targets around player SPI when give "Engage With..." command. Wingmen no longer detect and reports RWR spikes well before the player's RWR detects any emitters. Weapons Corrected inaccurate AGM-154 JSOW. Track Replay Improved track replay accuracy. Multiplayer Multiplayer performance degradation due to an anomaly large SADL message traffic was fixed. Muliplayer users spawning at same location fixed. Multiplayer timeout / server timeout fixed. AI planes will stop taxiing when more than 1 player is on server. Client aerial refueling corrected. Air-to-Air TACAN working correctly. Laser Spot Search and buddy lasing working. Avionics / Cockpit Fixed ? M274 rockets on LAU68 launcher appear as M257 in DSMS. Sidewinder jettison capability was removed. HUD will not revert to NAV when Master Arm is cycled in Air-to-Air mode. DTSAS status message on HUD and CDU was reworked. OFF MAP capability was restored ? digital map is available in radius of 450 kilometers around operating area. Numerous HUD symbology fixes in HARS mode. Fixes to GCAS caution light ? it will be lit now if EGI is not providing attitude information. Fixed GCAS training auto-scroll function. Fixed ILS audio control. Fixed AC Generator caution lights logic. More accurate signal light test indications. Momentary AC electrical power loss (causing CICU restart) was removed when engines generators turned on. Altimeter PNEU fixed. Additionally now ELEC/PNEU switch has 3 positions with spring loaded center position. It should be held in desired position (ELEC or PNEU) for 1 second to switch altimeter mode of operation. Cold start IFFCC elevation correctly set to DTS and not HOT on ramp start. Maverick power management by location fixed. ILS working with no power fixed. RWR symbol placement adjusted. ILS and Marker beacons fixed. Laser guided bombs guiding with no designation fixed. Fire detect bleed air leak test button light fixed. System Status page 1760 station indications corrected. EGI is no longer selected automatically on NMSP on ramp start. In all cases the EGI should be selected manually now. Fourth depress of UFC ALT ALERT button will exit altitude alert edit mode. Most of the UFC SEL rocker functions were made UFC mode independent. DTSAS PGCAS function was implemented ? now GCAS will better predict collision in mountainous area with DTSAS turned ON and operating. GCAS and weapon events counters were implemented on CDU LASTE page. Fixed missing audio during RWR test. CDU DIVERT page was fixed ? some airfields were missing. "Slave all to SPI" function for Maverick now works only if missile is RDY on DSMS page, and Maverick video is up on any of MFCDs. Airfield name on CDU FLDINFO page has correct maximum length now. TAD hook is cleared now if it was a SADL symbol and SADL was switched off. AI radar detection range by RWR was adjusted. Maverick stations selection logic in DSMS was fixed. TAD symbols hooking and display priorities were updated. HUD SPI symbology display conditions adjusted. Maverick impact point accuracy in Forced Correlate mode was improved. An option to turn on/off closest friendlies symbols was added on TGP CTRL page. T-handle lights now working correctly. Corrected cockpit tool tips. Reduced probabilities for cockpit random failures. Random failure for gun and CICU was added. Jerky Flight Path Angle indication on HUD during taxi was fixed. Minor logic adjustments were made to TVV symbol. JTAC SADL NetID now working correctly. HARS navigation is defaulting to active at ramp start. With the HARS mode active, you will not get any FPM/VVI in the HUD, and you will not be able to arm the EAC. If you switch from HARS mode to EGI mode after complete INS Alignment, then the FPM/VVI returns, and you can arm the EAC. SAI excessive precession was fixed. SAI cage function was fixed - it should cage much faster now. ILS frequency selector function was completely reworked according to video recorded in the real cockpit. Inverter OFF/TEST logic was reimplemented. In TEST it will revert Essential AC bus power to inverter. In OFF Essential AC bus will be not powered by any source (even if AC power from generators is available). INST INV caution lamp logic was implemented. APU GEN caution lamp logic was implemented. LEFT/RIGHT GEN caution lights logic was fixed. Inverter noise was added. It will be heard when inverter goes online. With ITT gauges inop, L/R ENG NOT caution lights will be always on. L/R MAIN PUMP, and L/R WING PUMP caution lights are connected to Essential DC Bus now (and thus will be lit in cold cockpit once DC power is provided by any source). Excessive SAI precession fixed. Campaigns Reported errors in campaigns have been fixed.
  10. Back from Vacation ready to drop bombs. Whats everyone's schedule like this week?
  11. Loads of information, plus some new video footage. Oh and as a bonus a hot chick giving the interview. Happy Friday, enjoy!
  12. Griff LAN_WROTE ... Sorry....didn't see this post until 11:20 PM PST......I'm off Wednesday and Thursday if anyone will be around to fly. No worries Griff, I will not be able to fly tonight but I should be good to go this Thursday. Last night it was only Chaz, PITN, and myself. We bombed the snot out of an SA-11 site and then proceeded to level an enemy base.
  13. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Bones, Griff, anyone, I'll be on tonight around 10:30-10:45pm Eastern and up for most the night. I will be there!
  14. Bones

    Video Editing

    Here is another really well done flight video using LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2. Great camera angles and editing all around.
  15. Is there any reason why you are installing both XP and Win7? In my experience so far Win7 runs everything that we play here at =VG= just fine.
  16. No problem Griff, we will most likely still be on well into the AM.
  17. OPERATION DESERT STORM F-16, callsign Stroke 3, dodging 6 SAM launches during Desert Storm. To see the full account of this and other aircraft including two that were shot down go to http://www.lucky-devils.net/afm.html and scroll down to Day Three. -------------------------------------------------- OPERATION OPERA - Israel bombs Iraqi Nuclear Plant An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the orders of Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The 70-megawatt uranium-powered reactor was near completion but had not been stocked with nuclear fuel so there was no danger of a leak. There have been no reported casualties. Iraq denies the reactor was destined to produce nuclear weapons.
  18. Bones

    Video Editing

    Great post Chaz! I too use Vegas although I have recently switched over to Adobe After Effects for my videos. If you have any experience with Photoshop then you should be able to pick up After Effects and start cranking out videos. The same principles apply regardless of which ever video editing program you choose to use. My biggest inspiration for switching over to AE is this mans work. This is all done in AE and is not really that difficult to learn how to do (just takes time). Another reason I switched to AE is because is manages the "projects" media files much more efficiently than Vegas. But just remember what Chaz said if you plan on producing some really top quality work then be prepared to dumps loads of time into it. Anyway enjoy these videos (I know they are console vids, but the editing work is the best that I have seen regardless):
  19. I am also working on a video! FRAPS is the best program to capture your in-game footage and then use video editing software to create and render out your compositions. I have been using Sony Vegas for a while now but I just got Adobe After Effect CS 5.5 and I need to re-learn some stuff. I may be able to make the deadline if I knuckle-down and just get it done but can't promise anything. PS Chaz, Those "Free" versions are great aren't they!
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