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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Outlanders LAN_WROTE ... Poor planes. Bones. can you make video like that in DCS? Yep! As a matter of fact I "might" be working on a little something for that VG trailer competition.
  2. Started my day with some awesome crash footage from Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2. Enjoy! [yt=640,390]bbMwpqJmRw0&hd=1[/yt]
  3. BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... yay! I was really hoping it would be the F-18E Super hornet but I will take the Charlie model. It's about time the Hornet has gotten some modern age sim love.
  4. Looks like Eagle Dynamics has just registered the "F-18C.com" domain. Have a look HERE. Now although the site has been taken down (for now) there are those who were able to "see" it and although there wasn't anything there (just a blank page) they said that the favicon in the address bar is the same one used in their main website. In addition to this, when you look for the domain registration (which I copied above) you will pretty much have the final confirmation. This make this Rhino pilot very happy! !yahoo
  5. YAY!!! I guess I better get back into Hawg training. MP Datalink sharing is going to be a really nice feature!
  6. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Bones, I saw you uploaded the Falcon 4/BMS movie on youtube but YouTube WMG took out the music. Here's the original from the Falcon 4 Facebook fan page: GENTLY CLICK ME Not sure what to make of it. Is it really BMS? Open Falcon? A mix? No it is OF4.7. OF is built off of the BMS code that was leaked a few years ago so in reality Open Falcon IS BMS. Long story short the original Falcon 4.0 source code got leaked/released, many different groups got their hands on it and started working on several different flavors of Falcon. The most popular are Free Falcon, Red Viper, BMS and then the Super Paks. ***This next bit is speculation from what I gather (from reading the various web forums and reading through all of Falcon 4.0 history)*** While the original BMS was in development their work got leaked/stolen early and another group started working on top of what they did and their project became Open Falcon. BMS dev team was pretty pissed off at the leak/theft and kinda went underground after that. This is kinda why the Falcon dev community can be retarded at times and act like uber fanboys. Over the years rumor have surfaced that a new BMS (BMS4 aka Dark Falcon) was in the works and over the past year videos and screens have come to light that seem to support them. I have the original video as well and have been a member of that FB page for some time. This particular video is actually several years old (circ. 2008/09).
  7. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... VFA143_Bones LAN_WROTE ... We should know something in the next few weeks. How many times have we heard that? !tounge Time will tell..... HAHAHA!!!! Very true but at least a static splash page on a website is "progress"!
  8. Anyone up for BMS4/OF4.8???? !2cool We should know something in the next few weeks. The new website just went up yesterday! http://www.falcon4.org/
  9. Bones


    Chaz LAN_WROTE ... I really like this "Mud Hen" screen you took, its my new wallpaper.
  10. Thanks fellas, second mission will be up later tonight.
  11. Here is the video of the entire mission. [yt=640,390]HebUPkvpXVs&hd=1[/yt]
  12. Due to current events unfolding in Libya, I have postponed my current training regime in the A-10C in order to join back to the Fleet in supporting "Operation Odyssey Dawn". A-10C training will resume after Gadhafi's forces have been rendered useless and stability in the region is restored. Read more about my Jane's F/A-18 Super Hornet deployment here.
  13. I have been recalled back to the Fleet in support of the United States involvement in "Operation Odyssey Dawn" Mission 1 AAR VFA-143 USS Eisenhower Task Force 76 Mediterranean Sea DATE : March 29, 2011 LOCAL TIME : 0230 WEATHER : Partly Cloudy BACKGROUND Libyan Colonel Gadhafi has been using attack aircraft and helicopter gunships to attack protesters in the streets of Tripoli. The U.S. Sixth Fleet's carrier battle group led by the carrier U.S.S. Reagan has moved off the Libyan coast near Tripoli. Now NATO and the U.N. have authorized No-Fly Zone over western Libya. However, before NATO aircraft can fly over Libya, the threat from mobile SAMs must be eliminated. Even now intel reports the SAMs are being repositioned in and around Tripoli. MISSION OBJECTIVE Your flight of F/A-18E Super Hornets will fly over western Libya and destroy any mobile SAM launchers that target your aircraft. Any Libyan fighter aircraft that you encounter are also to be destroyed. DEBRIEF A flight of six VFA-143 Super Hornets flew the first mission over Tripoli lastnight and began eliminating the surface-to-air missile threat to coalition aircraft enforcing the No Fly Zone. Mission pictures and video will follow as soon as they are cleared by the S2.
  14. SemlerPDX LAN_WROTE ... I've been shopping for a HOTAS. This one is high on the list, but about the rudder pedals... Would you say they are correct width, or are they..ahem..(*thigh) busters? How confined is a real cockpit with regards to leg spacing in comparison? Honestly I think that Pedals are the best part of the G940! They feel great and their construction is top notch. They are pretty spot on regards to size and the retractable carpet spikes are a nice touch. I have yet to kick them and have them move on me while flying. Most real cockpits that I have sat in are pretty confined. I would say that the F-16 is the most spacious but then again I have only sat in the F-16, F-14, A7-Corsair, F-18C.
  15. Yeah that's all me! 1st one is from my Army days. 2nd is me trying to do a rampstart on a Corsair. 3rd is me just being me!
  16. Bones


    Yeah man those were some good (short) flights last-night. Sorry about dipping out, I went to go have that smoke and then I found myself having to take care of business with the Missus. !good
  17. The Falcon flash trainer is what I used to get comfortable in the Viper pit. A great tool indeed. If I knew Flash I would gladly create a similar tool for DCS: A-10C.
  18. sneaker-78- LAN_WROTE ... Hi , im interested in you`re profile :D i had yesterday sent you already a pm :D Sorry it has taken a while to reply, been busy and as you can see from the lenght of this post it is a process to get this setup. Anyway here it goes. Here is the link to download the profile. After downloading the file just follow the steps below. Lemme know if you have any trouble. DCS G940 Profile 1. Start the Logitech Profiler 2. Go to "Profile" and select "Import" 3. Choose the profile that you just downloaded 4. Next go to "Options" and choose "Global Profile Settings" 5. Check the "Apply Persistent Profile" and select DCS A10 profile int he drop down box 6. Now go to the "Global Device Settings" under "Options" and set your desired FF settings, mine are set to 100%, 85%, 85% and leave the "enable Centering Spring" box un-checked. 7. Now start DCS: A-10C settings and make sure to remove all of the G940 entries listed in the commands. 8. Once you have them removed go under "Axis Commands" and set them up like this. To do this just select the block under the appropriate device for the axis you want it to be. For instance if you want to set the Pitch axis just click the box under the Logitech Joystick that lines up with the Pitch Axis on the left side. Next you have to hit Add button and then select the corresponding Axis button identifier from either the picture below or from my settings breakdown. Here are all of my settings for each axis (click on the axis you want to tweak and then press the "Axis Tune" button) Pitch = Joy Y (Under Logitech Joystick) 12,100,100,27 Roll = Joy X (Under Logitech Joystick) 12,100,100,27 Rudder = RZ (Under Logitech Rudder) 13,100,30,21 Left Throttle = Joy Y (Under Logitech Throttle) 0,100,100,0 Right Throttle = Joy X (Under Logitech Throttle) 0,100,100,0 Left Wheel Brake = Joy X (Under Logitech Rudder) 0,100,100,0 Right Wheel Brake = Joy Y (Under Logitech Rudder) 0,100,100,0 HOTAS Slew Horizontal = Joy Slider 2 (Under Logitech Joystick) 12, 100, 30, 30 HOTAS Slew Vertical = Joy Slider 1 (Under Logitech Joystick) 12, 100, 30, 30 If you have any problems just find me on the TS server and I will try to help you out.
  19. Eclipse002 LAN_WROTE ... Bones im thinking about buying the G940...can you reccomend it...i mean like put next to the saiteck X52 PRO? And the G940 comes with rudder pedals no? At first I kinda had mixed feelings when I got it and now that I have been using it for the last three months it has grown on me. If you do get it just make sure to update it to the latest firmware (you can get it from Logitechs site) and also get the newest version of the Logitech Profiler software. I really wanted a split throttle HOTAS and rudder setup and the G940 checked all my wish list boxes with one complete package and the added bonus of being not breaking the bank. When I first started shopping for a new setup I was torn between getting the Thrustmaster Cougar and the G940. While the Cougar would have no doubt been an excellent choice for my Falcon flying (it's an exact replica of the real F-16 HOTAS) it wasn't something I felt could be flexible for my needs as it does not have a split throttle and I would have to make an additional rudder pedal purchase skyrocketing the budget. The G940 is fully programmable, although the Logitech Profiler does take some getting used to. There are buttons all over this thing and it does have the ability to use shifted key commands and an on the fly 3 position made switch (you can basically have 3 different key commands mapped to the same button). So in total you can have up to 162 different key commands mapped to the HOTAS and that is not including the Hat buttons. Here is the math breakdown: 18 total buttons x 3 different modes = 54 different buttons 54 different buttons x 3 using the Shifted Key = 162 different key commands/buttons The split throttle is great if you plan on flying anything with more than one engine as along as the sim supports it. It works great with IL-1946 and now that I have begun my journey in DCS-A10C having a split throttle is a great asset. If the plane you are flying only has a single engine there is a button that locks both throttle to act is one. The flight stick no the G940 is pretty nice with all your standard buttons along with Trim wheels on the base. It fits nicely in my hands and the base is pretty heavy so no matter how much I am "yanking and banking" it stays in position on my desk. One of the big complaints about the G940 is the fact that there is a little "slop" in the stick. While this is true you can pretty much get rid of it messing around with your in game adjustments as well as the Force Feedback settings in the Logitech Profilier. Now the FF (Force Feedback) is freaking awesome! It simple is awesome being able to "feel" the aircraft. Blasting away with the GAU-8 Avenger 30mm cannon in DCS: A-10C or feeling the distinct "chunk" of that MK-84 bomb fall away in Falcon is something that every digital pilot needs to experience. The rudder pedals are fantastic, they just feel good. You can adjust the tension to your desired liking and the addition of retractable carpet spikes on the bottom ensure that they do not move around under your feet. Overall I am a pleased G940 user. There are a lot of disappointed users out there (just do a search in Google) but most of their complaints can be alleviated using both the given sims HOTAS adjustments and the Logitech Profilier. Now that's not saying that it is easy, because it does take some work on your part to get everything feeling how you want it. Also the Profiler is not the most user friendly piece of software but once you "get it" it's not that bad and you will be creating your own profile in no time. Would I recommend the G940? Absolutely!! Is it the best HOTAS out on the market, probably not but for the given price point, features, and the fact that its a complete flight system right out the box its hard to pass up.
  20. Sorry guys, next Training article won't be up today as promised. I actually have to do some stuff for work. Will get it posted as soon as I have some time.
  21. DTRON LAN_WROTE ... Mortal Kombat...anyone here like fighting games? Oh yes the new MK kicks some butt. So in no particular order here is what I am looking forward to: Mortal Kombat (old school fighting nostalgia) Cliffs of Dover (yes ANOTHER flight sim to master) BF3 (duh! no brainer) Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Been into 40K for the last 25 years now) Deus Ex Human Revolution (first DE game was monumental) I just picked up: Shogun 2 Total War (IMO best strategy games hands down, Rome is still the best TW though) Crysis 2 (shooting aliens and bad guys while NYC crumbles around me in a super-suit YAY!)
  22. Bones

    What Do You Fly?

    Here is my setup. Custom Built PC AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz (OCd to 3.8GHZ) 8 GB Corsair Dominator DDR3 RAM 1 OCZ 140GB SSD (Windows 7 64-Bit) 2 WD 450 GB Raptor HHDs ATI 1GB DDR5 4870 TrackIr 4 Logitech G940 Flight System Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs
  23. I know! Now you need to get motivated and start diving head first into the Hawg!
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