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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Bones

    Falcon4 BMS

    I know right!!!!! I disagree and argue with everyone just for the sake of it! LOL!!!!
  2. Bones

    Falcon4 BMS

    Oh yeah the new 3D pit is the best that Falcon has ever had hands down!
  3. Blud, I noticed that you did not load your data cartridge. Picture 4 and 12 give that away. Lemme know if you need help on how to do it, it's really simple.
  4. Bones

    Falcon4 BMS

    So far so good! FM and avionics/weapons are very nice. DirectX 9 engine is a welcome change to the visual fidelity as well. The terrain still needs some work but F.L.A.R.E is not too far off and should remedy that complaint. Love the pre-mission data cartridge planning. In general IMO it make every other Falcon variant obsolete. FF is nice visually and they have tons of planes but the MP code suffers greatly, AF is (was) the most stable but lacked some of the "features" the others have, OF was nice but wouldn't play nice with certain hardware/software configurations. BMS basically combines all of the best features of all the Falcon variants into one package. I personally don't think I will go back to any of the others.
  5. I swear VG is nothing but a bunch of Fanboy Haters! Really thought much more of you supposed adults but then again we are all gamers at heart so yeah by default we are an opinionated bunch.. !shout Anyway, thanks for the vid Chaz I too will be picking it up, gotta see how the story pans out.
  6. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... i think this should explain my problem better than any of my 10-line posts: thx to Outlanders for posting this pic a while ago in the chat box. And if you want an other example and this one was even mady by EA: Doesn't really explain anything other than that you obviously have no idea what you are talking about seeing as you are comparing MP to SP with that picture. Funny I'll admit, but certainly does not help your argument. To illustrate my point all I need to do is ask this simple question: Why do you play PR? Is it to play PR or is it to play stock BF2? If your answer is to play PR then of course you are going to dislike BF3 as its gameplay, or better yet the series essence/foundation, core, (aw fuck it! what made the BF series the BF freaking series) is nothing remotely close to what PR succeeds in doing. Stop expecting DICE to create/stray from what the BF foundation is. No one promised some super hyper realistic military simulator, that was created in all the die hard PR/ARMA fanboys minds. That gameplay type is not what the BF series is all about. It's what the mods like PR are about, if anything why not complain to Black Sands Studios to get their act together and create a new and unique game of there own design instead of mods for existing games. PS that COD video is very funny BTW! !yes But again get your facts straight, it was not made by DICE it was done for the game "BulletStorm" by EPIC games but yes EA is the publisher. C'mon Iffin, if you are gonna argue at least know what you are talking about.
  7. Who ever said it was a "serious military simulator?" If anything every BF (1942, BF2, BF2142, BFBC, BFBC2, BF1943) product has been an military "themed" arcade FPS. Anyway I think I might have found the uber realistic mil sim that you guys seem to be craving. Just watch it it's funny!
  8. @ Iffn Answer is "Why should they "innovate" when they can reap the rewards of cloning (which after playing in the Alpha I don't think they have done BTW) the most successful FPS. Remember the name of the game is "make a shit ton of money!" Also since you mentioned cloning, according to your post wouldn't they just be "cloning" ARMA? Besides everything you mentioned is not in line with what the traditional Battlefield experience is about. It has pretty much always been how it is depicted in the newest video. It wasn't until the mod community created some fantastic mods (see I can give credit to where credit is due) did the core gameplay change. You guys have been stuck on FH and PR for so long I sometime think you have forgotten what vanilla BF is like. See not really that easy to innovate is it?
  9. For all you guys bitching about this and that if you don't like it don't play it. Simple as that... Are EA and DICE in it for the money, well of course they are it would be very bad business if they were not. So is it a surprise that they cater to the console guys/gals out there, not really seeing as the console market is so freakin huge! I'm pretty sure none of you guys are willing to work your job for free just to please someone. As for me, I'll get it and enjoy it for what it is. Sure, it may not be the second coming of Christ/BF2 but at least I can appreciate the merits of others in their creations without the need to slander or belittle their work.
  10. I like No. 4! But hey it's mine so duh! I went for a less traditional approach than the normal "rectangle banner" with text on it. Good luck to everyone!
  11. =VG= BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... BF2 default banner size, good luck! 400x100 for the load page, but for the server info page that seems too small. It will get stretched out and look bad. Not sure man. What are the "server info page" sizes? I wouldn't mind doing one to accompany the banner.
  12. First time using PS in a long time, quick 5 minute job. **Updated with TS Info**
  13. SavageCDN LAN_WROTE ... In FPS games I've always played vs humans (since DOOM LAN parties!!) - it's really only since joining VG that I've played COOP (players vs AI) - that and FPS AI in the past has been pretty bad/predictable/non-existant. I love the teamplay of COOP but really you can get that in PvP as well just need the right players/environment. Certainly PvP is more... tense and challenging than vs AI. I think that a game like Arma would be a good thing to try PvP as the game itself kinda weeds out the idiots and pwn kiddies. There is a regular group that plays PR deployment (gotta get back into that!!) ... perhaps they can add their $0.02 I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. If VG did set some PvP up, even if it was on a once a week, or once a month for that matter, I would sit down and hop on the VG servers. I believe a game like ARMA where "tactics, communications, and strategy" is of the utmost importance, would absolutely rock if you could muster enough like-minded players.
  14. You are probably correct as the Alpha is strictly handled via Origin. that is unless once the game ships, you still have to install Origin and create an account like a lot of Steam titles.
  15. PITN LAN_WROTE ... Battlelog requires a plug-in? Is this plug-in required to play the game? As far as I know it is required to launch the client. I could be wrong though. i just know that when I launch the game through Origin, it opens up a web browser window where I have to log into my EA master account. From there you have to click find match. The first time I did that it had to install the browser plug-in.
  16. LittleTortiaBoy LAN_WROTE ... my biggest con IS the battlelog website, seems to only favor those who use chrome cause it hasn't even let me play it at all, and I'm not gonna download chrome to play a game... Weird, works fine for me in both IE and Firefox. Are you sure you have got the Battlelog plugin installed?
  17. =VG= SemlerPDX LAN_WROTE ... As one who doesn't have it, I want to know about any large vehicular base maps like ol' Kashan, if you get to play any in that version. !eatmyuzi How do the tanks feel? Anyone flown one of them new Jets? Can they lock on? !cp The one map that is included in the Pre-Alpha is "Operation Metro", the map itself is quite large. There is only one vehicle in this round of testing and that is the Lav-25, IMO it feels identical to the one found in BF2.
  18. Ok so I have spent about 2 hours in the Pre-Alpha so far. Overall I like it, to me it feels more like vanilla BF2 then a simple COD clone. PROS: - Even in Pre-Alpha the Frostbite 2.0 Engine looks amazing - Sound design is really great - The Battlelog website is a nice touch for that all important stat tracking - Gameplay is smooth, responsive, and most important FUN!!!! CONS: - Some weapons/kits feel unbalanced - The destructibility of the environments is not up to par with what DICE has made us believe - October now seems so far away!!! Please, if you have access and played in the Pre-Alpha sound off with your likes/dislikes. I am curious as to what others think of it so far.
  19. Bones

    ***PING*** Bones!

    HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude that is frickin loaded with AWESOME SAUCE!
  20. Bones

    Falcon Love!

    Ladr6 LAN_WROTE ... Great vids! I noticed during alot of thier AG, they were slow. 250 knots or so. After watching those vids again, I realized that the footage that you are referring to has got to be an A-10, as it is the exact HUD symbology found in DCS-A10C. Either someone screwed up or they did not have enough F-16 footage!
  21. Bones

    Falcon Love!

    Here are the rest of the vids.
  22. Bones

    Falcon Love!

    Just for all you "F-16 Falcon Lovers" out there. Enjoy! !cheers
  23. After having tons of fun wreaking havoc in DCS:A-10C for the past few months I am now back to my regularly flying regime of Falcon (for now at least !winks ). Had some great missions tonight with many old and new pilots. Got a great screen cap and it is also now my new desktop. See you all on the flightline!
  24. =VG= BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... Consoling? Yes on the Xbox 360. I know I have been slumming it, say what you will there are some good games on it. !yes
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