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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. eeewww...gross man!! The device, \Device\Harddisk0\D, has a bad block. Ok so your syslog says your hard drive has a bad block which is probably what is causing the file copying issues. Your onboard NIC is probably dead as well as there are lots of networking-related errors in there. If you have stuff on that PC you want to keep I would remove the drive and put it in another PC to back it up or stick it in a USB enclosure that you can then connect to another PC and copy files, etc (if you have one that is). Edit; actually that system is fucked.. I see IDE port errors, other motherboard-related errors so it could be that the mobo is toast which would cause your NIC problems and potentially the drive errors as well. Backup your stuff ASAP!!
  2. OK can you try rebooting into Safe Mode (Windows XP right?), go into device manager and right-click - remove or uninstall the network card, then reboot and disable it in the PC BIOS (if possible.. sometimes Dell boards don't give you that option). Restart again and let it boot up. If that doesn't work you might need to do a Windows repair - you will need the original CD or Dell restore disk to do this. To be sure you don't lose any data you will need to back up your drive first to a USB thingy or by removing it and installing into another PC. Also check the logs under Computer Management, System Tools, Event Viewer, System log and see if there are any red X error messages relating to networking and post them here
  3. Can you disable the onboard NIC in the system BIOS? If that doesn't work can you post exactly what you did to screw it up? !download
  4. If you remove the card and reboot can you move files around, etc? If the card is toast it may be giving Windows a headache
  5. You can also check the stickied posts here for more info on stuff not covered by the manual and mortars: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?79
  6. So it seems to only do it on posts where the category comes up twice (ie: battlefield battlefield).. for example the 'Stuff that makes us laugh" post has no issues (category is Off Topic), but on the Rocksmith post where the category is 'other Other Games' it seems to screw up the first 'other' Not sure why but this might help track down the problem
  7. I get that too on my work PC - Win7 and IE8. Not sure that is weird... I think IE9 is out wonder if it has the same problem?
  8. lol Blud that's the first thing I looked for in that screenshot - Jarema hiding :)
  9. yeah but it's damn funny!!! Top Gun 2, Airwolf and Battle Tank... ah memories lol
  10. I haven't played the latest version of PR much but BF2 will crash to desktop every so often when running PR.. it helps to have textures set to MEDIUM in your graphics settings (no matter what your vid card is). If that doesn't help write down the actual .dll error message and see what google comes up with
  11. I'd go with either of the 560s or even a 570 if the price is right.. I bought a 570 earlier this year and it runs EVERYTHING at max detail without problems (ie: Arma2)
  12. Good luck...drop by and check in every now and again...
  13. I am fine with that just doing what others have suggested. I will unlock the 2 jets.
  14. ACRE is turned back on by default. Delete wrecks is now set to never. The reason for having a time limit for wrecks is so that the server does not have to track them and pass on the wreck object to Join In Progress players - ie: better server performace. If leaving wrecks forever causes lag it will be set to 60 min. The repair pad will be fixed. All vehicles are now unlocked except for the A10, Harrier, and MLRS. Edit: We can unlock the 2 jets next version if that's what people want
  15. My one wish for Arma 3 is that they spend their time improving gameplay and multiplayer instead of making prettier graphics (it's already purdy enough!!)
  16. Any feedback on the recent edits? I'm going to remove some of the info signs (too many of them at main). There were complaints about locked air assets.. should this be turned off for now?
  17. I've played PR since last December and Arma since about May. Both are fantastic games.. just different. PR is 'easy' to join up and play with good players and some great teamwork... with a game that is quite realistic in scope. It's usually a lot of fun and you get a good bang for your time spent gaming. Arma is more of a military simulation than a game.. requires more patience and less trigger-happiness. It's as close as you can get to realism in a mass-market video game (especially with ACE/ACRE mods). It's a sandbox-style environment meaning you can do whatever you like and modify any part of the game. If I want to create Python-style attack bunnies I can. It's not a 100% guarantee of a fun time though.. a lot of waiting and quirks in the game itself that can discourage certain players. I can't speak for PR-Arma as I've only tried it once. Make sure you get Combined Ops as this gives you Arma2 and Arma2:OA in one package. I have the Steam version and never have problems.
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