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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Aftershock to Players: "Thank you" You may be dismayed if you are looking to download Electronic Arts (EA) Battlefield 3 Aftershock App, or perhaps not so much. EA has removed the App from download and a statement was released recently regarding quality commitment. In the Battlefield 3: Aftershock App, players had limited options, but the graphics were decent for an iOS App. Only 4 weapons were available to choose from and there was no Single Player mode - a constant internet connection was required to play this game. A single 3-tier map called the Factory pitted United States Marine Corps against Russian Spetsnaz in a Team Deathmatch Mode for 6 minutes, or a score of 2000. I was rather surprised to see how smoothly basic FPS elements worked on a tablet, but the lag was the real killer. In a Multi-Player only iOS App game, the need to have constant internet made playing on a public hotspot a frustrating thing with dropped matches and jumpy enemies. Even with optimum connections, players complained about a host of connection issues. Like most free Apps, this one featured ads intermittently, particularly promoting the upcoming war movie, Act of Valor. By watching a trailer for the movie, players unlocked a fifth weapon for use in the game. Act of Valor was set to release on February 17th in the US, to coincide with President's Day, but delays have pushed the release to February 24th 2012. As Aftershock was missing many of the elements announced pre-release, and gauging by the general lack of quality and subsequent removal of the download, one can only conclude that Battlefield 3: Aftershock was largely part of a viral marketing campaign for the movie, Act of Valor. Perhaps this explains the "thank you" players received from Electronic Arts: They released a statement saying, "EA Mobile is committed to delivering mobile entertainment experiences that are on par with the content and quality users have come to expect from their favorite EA gaming brands. To this end, we have decided to remove Battlefield 3: Aftershock from the App Store and are currently re-evaluating the app in response to the consumer feedback we've received. We thank all the fans who have downloaded the game to date." Electronic Arts is not alone in the viral marketing campaign for Act of Valor. Our own favorite YouTuber, FPSRussian was partnered with the film production, and released a "wideo" with interlaced scenes from the movie, and the full trailer at the end. With spots in the NFC and AFC Championship Games, and even the Super Bowl, Act of Valor has had some serious promotion to date. On the official Battlefield 3 website, players could watch a trailer which offered free dog tags for download and use in any Battlefield 3 game in North America. Act of Valor was made much in the same way many FPS and military shooter games are today, with actual military personnel as consultants. The movie centers around a squad of Navy SEALs who must rescue a kidnapped CIA agent from anti-American terrorists - a very real and very dangerous mission akin to actual SEALs operations. As a matter of fact, when they realized that only real Navy SEALs could act out the roles convincingly, they became the actors and will be featured in the film (albeit anonymously, unnamed in the credits). With any luck, more effort will show in Act of Valor than in it's marketing gimmicks, but preliminary reviews are not so hopeful. by Aaron Semler, Senior Editor VETERANS-GAMING
  2. Throttle is the first reason I bought one. It is perfect, and X52 is even better.
  3. I have used both for these games since Battlefield 1942 through Project Reality, and now Arma 2. The thing about the conversion from games past using a flight stick to using one in Arma 2 is like night and day. I found it most difficult to learn how to fly large helicopters with the stick. Mostly because I came from a past of using games like BF2 and PR with high in-game flight stick sensitivity. My advice is to get what you can afford. The X52 series won't wear out on you as it doesn't use a potentiometer, hence the price - plus it's ready for a flight sim with all it's buttons. I use the Saitek Cyborg X and it has a number of buttons, all of which I use. It's around $40 depending on your area. Mainly, the thing to remember is - if you first fly a MH-J6 or AH-J6, then move up as you learn, HUEY, Blackhawk, and then eventually, Chinook, you will be able to fly them with a fun and immersive feel that doesn't make you any less capable of a pilot than a WSAD and Mouse controls setup.
  4. Awesome review, bro! I've been seeing that you're playing that a lot, figured it must be a good one. Great write up! !fans
  5. We will be including this mod, it has already been discussed. We also want to ensure that we have a "RECON" class of helicopter for a special set of side missions just for it. In Vanilla, it will be the AH-J6, to have a Laser Designator and IR/NVG as showin in PINS. I guess if we have to settle, it will wait for the Addon Version, but then again, I've never been one to settle - I've been told already the things I've proposed should be addons, but I want to do as much initially in the Vanilla version for the public and the masses of Arma players who do not use mods (yet).
  6. Awesome article! Big thanks to Chris Brady for writing it! !fans
  7. Squad organization has been returned to default/previous setup. A few slots are still out of place, but will be ordered correctly soon, with the next Hotfix for the RC of 0.95. We still have much testing to do, but with PITN's help this morning, we have knocked out or identified nearly all of the bugs and tweaks we want to do. I just need to put "pen to paper". First, a little more time playing the mission for me.... !cp
  8. Welcome to the website, bro! SA-10 Hunting, eh? I had my most entertaining time in Falcon on a SEAD Strike with Tyox a ways back. I liken it to "whack-a-mole"...as the RADAR spikes up, me just inside it's detection to keep it interested, and Tyox slams a HARM down it's throat. Good times.... !cp
  9. Well, I will come in and check it out. Also, was not intentional removing the AO from crewmen until they had their own tasking. Sorry about that. It's on the fix list for post-RC version. See you soon
  10. Isn't it always a slight downer when you level out in a game, max out for all intents and purposes...Payday: The Heist became that way for me. Though it only had a handful of "missions" to play, and we played the first one over and over, once the "skill and weapons" upgrades leveled out, it just didn't have the draw it once had. The kind of draw that keeps your mind on your next cool unlock/level up medal while you play. A driving goal... By the way, again, THANK YOU so much for this custom Sig about Teamwork! It is so my style! I rock it with pride, and tell everyone where it came from! !fans
  11. @Savage, I will take care of the rest today. Thank you so much, Savage!! The server will have to go down for a time, but if it truly is a matter of just adding a pbo or two to the current @CLAfghan folder on the server, it will be a quick process.
  12. sgt-barclay LAN_WROTE ... hey mate as u know ive been playing ma for a while i pop on the day and some reason i cant seem get into the aircraft or vehicals Sounds like a pebkac to me, and I think Savage may agree. Only pilots can fly, only crewmen can operate heavy vehicles. Use your mouse scroll menu to select the action when near a vehicle. If it kicks you out, you cannot operate that vehicle in your current role. You must requisition vehicle from the round area surrounded by sandbags, again, using your mouse scroll menu. Load vehicle camo netting into it at the large crate. This is also required for the tanks engines to upgrade, unless you enjoy driving uphill at 9kp/h.
  13. Dave22644 =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Some people don't really like the new squad layout and want it to be put back the way it was or changed up to ones that make sense, like two US army units, the US special forces unit, the marine sniper and US army sniper, two armor units and three pilots. have had people wanting me to restart the server back to the previous patch, other then that things seem to be good. Noted. I want to cater to the players with this, what they expect and what will work. Currently, the ground troops are in 2 squads, with 2 fireteams each. One squad is an Anti-Armor Squad, and the other is a Machinegun Squad. Each squad has one medic, and one engineer. I used this image as a basic guide, though Arma would be perfect for it, but if players want small squads with 0 fireteams, I can make that happen. I also found this helpful, and modeled the structure after it: I'll spend some time on the server today and tomorrow. I'd like to see how it plays out. This is the reason for the Release Candidate, so that we can find bugs and configuration issues before we set back and relax. Thank you for the input, Dave! It is well noted, (though not going to be fun...squad structure is one of the hardest, most tedious and repetitive things to re-work in the entire mission!!) !cheers
  14. I agree with PITN. Moderator status is different than Admin, Syntax (and Murderface) - It is not clan membership and it is not all server access; just the one. Anyone I know personally, or have played with for over six months, and would like to help moderate one or other Arma servers, contact me and I will review the request. Like PITN said, the in-game ban system is not how we ban people, nor do we want you policing the server by kicking people left and right. Don't ask others to "respect your autoritay" because you have none. But I will give out the ability to restart the server to selected persons if a neccessity has been established, and with it comes these responsibilities. Syntax, check your PM please. Also, I'll update the insurgency TS3 marker asap. I'm trying to hurry up and get this Vehicle Camo Script Pack and Demo Mission up to our download section.
  15. Newest update should resolve many of these issues! Glad you've had a chance to play it, Calv! So happy you've stuck around since our venture into ACE Insurgency was canned. We have ACE/ACRE on the horizon, as you may know, but we wish to get a Vanilla version of this mission up for the masses first. !cheers
  16. HA HA HA! A family friend told me about .com buying. Glad it's paying off for you! I'll admit, I was in the same frame of mind as your wife, until I read this post! BUY BUY BUY!
  17. Okay, it looks like opx buildings are needed as BLuDKLoT was getting kicked when trying to join after installing the map via our download link. I would really appreciate the help if one of you could package up the updated CLAfghan Map and replace the one in our download section. Also, if you could make a download entry for the mp and opx buildings that are referred to in the original map description. I'm very busy with these final to-do's with the next Mission version - could use the assistance here. Thx! My line works, lets get the downloads that support this stuff:  -mod=@CBA;@mb_objects;@opx_objects;@CLAfghan
  18. That is a problem with Avast virus definitions - Armarize is not malware, it's functions are simply percieved as such. Windows Defender knows this, and has no problem - same with McAfee and Norton.
  19. I want a name. He's done. This shit won't stand - plenty of people available who want to play the game right, don't need to have some asshole "testing" their limits.
  20. I am already loving your prizes! Gaming hardware, PC games, Steam Games, and cool survivalist tools? Those are so inline with this site and what we do. When you get VG Swag going, you could offer "VG Prize Package including (Some PC Game)" - then winners rockin our lable as they walk around (wearing VG shirts) or driving (VG bumper stickers). I'd so put a bumper sticker on my car! How about a $10-20 coupon off the VG Store at Amazon? Would bring commerce to it, as well as being a prize that brings players to the Arcade...
  21. Well, for starters, you will need the game Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, and the Arma 2 1.60 patch. If you have any specific errors when trying to join our server, please post up in the troubleshooting section of this forum. Next, you need the AddOn Map called CLAfghan. You have two options, and I recommend the first: Get and install the small program, Armarize. Like SixUpdater, it is a modification installation program that will make exploring the world of Arma addons and custom content a breeze! You can so simply choose the "addon" map called CLAfghan from a list, click a button, and zoom through the installation process! SavageCDN's Awesome Armarize Instructions: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?20926.0 If you prefer to not use Armarize, you can just as simply download, then copy and paste the Map addon folder into your Arma program folder. You can download CLAfghan here: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.149 It is a large map, and a large file. Installation is not difficult, but will depend on the type of Arma you own. If you own the Steam Version of the game, you will put the downloaded map in a different folder path than the DVD-ROM "Box" Version of the game. davestrike's Super Simple Steam Instructions: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?20859 And about DVD-ROM Box Version of the game, you simply place the folder @CLAfghan (which contains the folder "addons") into the main Programs Folder of your Bohemia Interactive Game. Follow all the tips in the Steam Instructions for making a StartUp Icon to launch Arma with the addon map CLAfghan enabled. Have Fun and Enjoy the Mission!
  22. We appreciate your respect and understanding of the rules. Enjoy the servers though, and have fun!
  23. if you did install the Download content BAF and/or PMC over a fully patched Arma 2/OA/Combined Ops install, you will find you cannot join certain servers. The process is to uninstall fully, and reinstall in the above posted order. Here's a guide to uninstalling Arma 2 completely for this procedure, but Steam may be different: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?20735
  24. @sgt-barclay, make sure CLAfghan is not loading when you try - Insurgency will not allow that addon (or JSRS/BlastCore Visuals). If it is a PMC or BAF content error, you have patched Arma before installing BAF/PMC content. Proper procedure is to install all games and DLC content, then patch the game to 1.60
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