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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. I'm working on it now. Basically, the task is to enable the creatordlc branch on this server so that people WITHOUT the Prairie Fire DLC can join. This will force them to download and install the mod which allows playing with other owners of the DLC without owning it themselves, and if they have APEX Edition, this will happen automagically when attempting to join the server. After I am done with these systems, I will then be handing it off to PITN who will find and configure a playable mission, and likely handle the day-to-day and config decisions. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2477276806
  2. It's ON! I'm in contact with Ciro, and PITN, and it will be up as soon as we can get the work done. *(Ciro said he may be able to unfuck the disabled '4th' A3 server, so Liberation may remain online afterall!)
  3. *FOR THE RECORD - This has officially become a vote for use of the VG Arma 3 Liberation Server slot... If you enjoy Liberation instead, your vote should be "Nah!" above to help us gauge interest. If Liberation is that well liked, we may have to revisit other options to bring it back at a later date when we have space for more servers.
  4. I think PITN is working on something like this. The only space we have available presently is the Liberation Server, and it's kinda been flatlining since the others have gotten activity. Definitely on board with running this Arma 3 version/DLC
  5. Congrats, man! Attention to detail pays off, well done. And I hope we can fill up a server for the final test as an Event. Let us know when so we can put it on the calendar - a week notice is typically fair, two is better - we can promote and link to the event once it is in place.
  6. It's the image that used to be part of the 'spoiler tag' which is broken. If you click the caret to its left it will still reveal - also the link directly above these is valid, goes to my pastebin where this code is still displayed: Original: https://pastebin.com/drUnCfKN Alternate (3 rotary encoders + 3-way toggle switch): https://pastebin.com/sJQEAA8a
  7. This was me in 2011... I had owned Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead for several years, but never quite knew how to play it, and the few servers I joined online felt like vast empty wastelands even with players online. Had no idea how to "squad up", had no idea I was joining "bad" servers, and no clue what the game "could" do when used in a well designed mission run on a good server with many communicative soldiers playing as a squad or platoon. Then Raven800 (my regular squad leader and/or CAS gunner in VG PR COOP) suggested we try out a an A2 mission called "Insurgency" ... that was the start of it all, and a greatly popular server at VG for years, too. It is a milsim, things slow right the fuck down compared to PR, and compared to standard military FPS like COD we'd already say that PR slows right the fuck down from that. But it's very realistic, the models are beautiful and scale depending on your PC (can go up quite high on expensive gear, picture perfect at times). The modability means that "anything is possible" within reason, and there are systems that very well model real life counterparts better than any game, right down to how slow it is to actually make decisions like getting into or out of vehicles, or access gear from one's inventory, or even use a radio to dial up a specific squad/group. The artificial intelligence is the real joy here, bots can be smart and not just 'OP headshot accurate' ... I've been flanked, smoked out, naded, and stalked. It all depends on the mission design and the care taken by its designer on how they operate, but even 'vanilla' Arma 3 bots are not pushovers. WORTH IT!
  8. Command and Conquer was my first love, the RTS that me and all my friends played on Playstation (the original). We had a link cable connecting two Playstations and a pair of TV's facing away from each other. Can only imagine what CnC on PC would be like, especially with a whack ton of mods. Cheers Badploy!
  9. Also highly recommend APEX to anyone who reads this... A3 without APEX is just an A3 program waiting for you to eventually purchase APEX
  10. It's nearly a non-issue. All things stated for factual reasons about facts. You'll never run into a static issue cleaning - just don't blow the thing apart or suck up something important!
  11. PRO TIP: Don't suck -- blow! https://www.amazon.com/Compucleaner-Durable-Plastic-Electric-Pressure/dp/B07RKYWBD2 Regarding what was said above, all points thoroughly made, the takeaway should be that static can be a concern regardless of suck or blow, canned or vacuum pressure. Yet, until there is a better way to remove dust buildup from impossible to reach areas, there is greater risk by not cleaning. It is the lesser of two evils. I had my own in-home PC Fix-it business called "PC Field Medics" for a number of years, I was my own "Geek Squad" of 1, and cleaning the computer was the first ten minutes of any 1-hour reset job. I used to roll with disk images of current Windows installs, would offload their data, flash their HDD with the image, replace their drivers, programs and data, and get out in less than an hour in most situations. Even carried a case with so many types of RAM, so I could "boost" most any system while I worked on it. I had NEVER had any issue with static damage due to cleaning hundreds of computers out in the real world. That being said, a few simple SOP's can ensure you don't "blow it" by increasing potential for damage: First, turn off your computer. Do not unplug it, but turn off the switch on the PSU (power supply). This will not disconnect the ground your computer and case have established already. Next, ground yourself and try to remain grounded during the procedure as you hold the plastic cleaning device (of any kind). This is achieved simply by touching the metal case anywhere as you move it while blowing/sucking. Next, tape down all case fans using masking tape or any tape which leaves no residue behind and is easily removed yet strong enough for the task of taping down the case fans. This is to ensure that during any sucking/blowing, they do not spin up and explode due to overspeed. You may want to wipe the areas you are about to tape if they are dusty themselves. Curl over the end of the tape on itself to give an easy handle for removal when done. Finally, NEVER touch the tip of the cleaning device to any computer component during the sucking/blowing process. This can ensure the only potential for static buildup is from the movement of air itself - and on that note, don't hold it in one position for a long period of time, motions should be swift and the entire process brief. Dry air = more potential for static -- observe higher caution in those situations. If you must brush a component, ground yourself and then touch the part to ground it to you while you brush it. Touch your brush tool to pull static from it, moisture from your hand or breath can help dissipate and discharge buildup for these very brief maneuvers. If you were so overly concerned with such things before powering back up, providing a break after your task, perhaps grabbing lunch for a couple hours is likely enough time for most any *minor* static buildup anywhere to naturally discharge by at least half. When numbers are already very tiny and quite possibly within tolerance margins for these parts or components in question, this becomes more and more of a non-factor. Again, IT pros clean, PC users everywhere clean, and our parts are not popping off like 7.62mm rounds tossed in a fire... All we can do is minimize the potential for damage and definitely avoid things that very much will cause damage such as sucking/blowing case fans past their rated tolerance levels for overspeed causing them to explode and shoot plastic into the computer potentially damaging other components. *edit: obviously, the mention of compressed air in the post(s) above referring to "Canned" air for cleaning computers, which has a component to minimize moisture when discharged as directed, in bursts - compressed air from a compressor like those used to fill car tires or power tools is a big no no for blowing out computers due to the unchecked moisture and difficult to regulate air velocity.
  12. It took me awhile to get this next version released, I wanted to be sure I had tested it well enough, and was quite busy in April on the VG Wiki project which took weeks longer than anticipated. I can say for sure, having used this since March, that everything is working well. The new recognition for "minus" in single operations calculations takes care of the last major limitation in previous versions, as well as handling negative temperature conversions. I may revisit this down the road if there is any request for specific features, or any bugs that are found, but aside from that I'll consider this version stable and set for the foreseeable future. Thanks for all the thumbs up! Cheers!
  13. It is a limitation of the game which forces us to make such rules. There can only be so many squads, and we have discussed this one to death (perhaps not publicly) with regards to locked dedicated logistics squads and/or those with 2 squad members only. You'll have to forgive the blunt "no" - it is as gentle as one could hope, given that we have been over this before and our hands are tied by both our goals and intentions for our COOP Server as well as the game engine itself (as mentioned, only so many squads can be made, and since player count is dynamic, we won't allow special rules when lower population because if/when it increases to higher population, it would be an imposition to then tell certain squads they must disband to allow for others to be created - and that's just one example of this can of worms getting spilled out everywhere). Thank you for understanding.
  14. Somehow missed this reply until just now... That's very awesome, man!! Well done! From the outside, some of this stuff seems very hard to get into, but literally just diving in and playing around with the bits and some tutorials / videos is the best way! (Stuff is cheap as hell, too - if something fried, it's like losing a lunch, not a monthly rent payment like our computer parts )
  15. Event Viewer will have logs of what happened most likely, again, that's where to look. Also, not sure how you are monitoring, but you should be actively logging - HWMonitor from CPUID tools has this option - so you can view what occurred even if you have to restart or were not watching it actively. Actively watching it would only tell you "that" it went black, which could be useless except for noting the time so you can cross-reference this with your HWMon logs and Windows Event Viewer events.
  16. lol - no worries! It's all brand new and we're still working out all the promo info to make sure everything is clear. That's on me, and I have much work to do. Basic rundown: VG Army (and VG Air Force) are open public clubs that anyone can freely join. Known members or those who post up a short into to let us know who they are are given the "Member - Enlisted" group, functionally not much different that standard "Member" group, but first step to further membership roles. This one section of the VG Wiki on the topic spells it out nicely: https://veterans-gaming.com/wiki/information/vgclan/advancement/#Member Groups (just don't worry about the applications at this time)
  17. Not to take this off topic, but there are errors and events logged, you just need to know where to look. These would then be used to determine if it was an operating system issue or a hardware issue such as power delivery. That's where I'd start, for sure. If left scratching my head, I'd do stress testing and monitor thermals to be sure it's not related to that - I could get that behavior from a multicore CPU by improperly attaching a cooling device, where everything would be fine unless the CPU ramped up usage for extended periods which would lead to throttling and eventually a hard crash/shutdown to protect the chip. Keywords to google on this would be 'Find crash in Windows Event Viewer' and/or 'CPU-Z stress test' and/or 'memtest memory testing'. If the Event Viewer research shows an OS or driver related cause for these shutdowns, you should consider running some windows tools to check out your OS:
  18. Well, let me know. No one is actively using the VG Event Server daily and you could have a better learning environment (even if just joining the server yourself to see if something works, then shutting it down again and tinkering with code and navmesh). Sometimes the final things like running a mission/game in a dedicated environment vs a local environment can present their own set of challenges, and we're happy to provide the tools for you to finalize your work and learn the end parts of map/mission building. Of course, if any of our team had a PR Event to host, we'd have to put your work in a side folder for a Saturday (and possibly a few days in the week prior for that event mission testing) but as I said, activity on that server is not 24/7 so you could make use of it the rest of the time to tinker and learn. Also, @LangMaster join the VG Army already, geez! You look naked without Enlisted tags, you've been a friendly regular here for a very long time and we'd love it if you started down the path towards membership groups, even if you didn't want to be part of the VG Clan we still like that we can recognize our long time trusted regulars with the Officers Group membership role, and joining the VG Army (and the Enlisted Group) is the first step towards that.
  19. If or whenever you are ready, I'd be happy to give you access to the VG PR COOP Event Server for you to run your tests. You'd upload missions through TCAdmin web browser based control panel which provides access to the levels folder, and then you'd adjust the maplist.con as needed yourself cuz I'm a lazy fuck and not gonna do your work for you lol. Server would be behind a password, of course, and we'd ask that you run tests which have time/duration announced here on the website (can't leave it online 24/7). *Tests don't need to be announced with a full week or two advance notice as we recommend for standard gaming events, you can literally just use this thread or the chatbox on the front page to announce a new test period anytime, even multiple times in one day for more than one test. Let me know! We're all behind you!
  20. What?! No trolling the players! Seriously though, if you don't mind my constructive criticism, random IED's in video games are often invisible or damn near and can be detrimental to playability if not used with caution by the game designer - unless you want players to drive at 5MPH everywhere. A2 INS SOAR never had them. There is a reason MRAP's exist and realistically one might assume that whatever army BLUFOR is part of would send stealth helicopters to an MHQ would also provide IED survivable MRAP-style vehicles when IED's are a known threat in an AO.
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