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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. True TBF he never takes soldiers away from the front, he never leads an asset squad just to drive a tank and "to hell with the other squad members", and he plays for the team. We enforce communication, and we can deal with any problems if they arise on a case by case basis like we always do.
  2. @=VG= .Blizzard. This is nothing new! You are where I was about 8 years ago - it happens to members who spend so many thousands of hours playing. When chasing the dragon of that perfect match where everyone is working together, new players or those who don't cooperate so intuitively become a frustrating hinderance, like a mental block that makes one question how they ever tolerated unskilled or new players in the past. It doesn't mean you are a bad person for not being welcoming to new players, or too impatient to lift up and train the endless waves of newcomers month after month, year after year. It's rather some kind of feeling we all get at times where we just want the endless training of others to end at some point so we can rest assured that everyone will know how to play as expected, that the game will be so finished that no new systems or bugs need to be worked out and that changes are no longer needed, when in reality it is a journey not a destination. Just remember: PR COOP is a 'doorway' at VG, but COOP gaming at its finest is the actual 'building' of VG and it has many rooms - from Arma mil-sim to BMS flight-sim and all the survival and FPS and strategy games we also play with the friends we make over time here at VG. Small crews of good friends form, play the ever-living-hell out of a particular game, and (hopefully) remain here as friends and playing other games together when bored of what is commonly most everyone's "first game" here at VG. No worries, no need to be overly critical of those things we move on from ... managers are well aware of areas they are working on ... but it's true that after a time, players gain the optics to see things for what they are, the magic dispelled and looking up the sleeves to see all the hidden cards there. Ignorance is bliss, but it fades. Even within a single year, the types of players change with different influxes from one country or another, and in a sea of FTP modern PC games it is amazing that PR holds the player base it does and still hooking new players as old ones move on. Don't spoil the magic too much for the new guys, let them have their fun as much as possible. The battle to wrangle the players into the COOP style of communication and teamwork is an ongoing one, a battle some of your peers are still fighting here on the VG PR COOP server and requiring all the support we can give them (even if only moral). We all keep trying to fix or improve the negatives that may appear in time through updates or patches, something that new players have patience for, but understandably our seasoned vets may become increasingly despondent and just eventually move onto other games. Fortunately, this is exactly why we don't ONLY run Project Reality COOP at VG, having the larger goal of creating a military PC gaming themed home online for cool people around the world and not tied to the lifespan of just one PC game. We can bring the COOP style of gaming we enjoy so much into any game we play and it makes it 1000% better every time.
  3. Welcome to the VG Army! :drinks: 

  4. Just a reminder to new VG Army members - we typically assume most members play PR COOP, but if we all don't know you from the games as a long time regular, please post up to say Hello and let us know what you play here! We just started this new membership path, and it seems the best route so that we don't accidentally award Enlisted group/ribbon to a semi-automatic bot preparing to fire off spam rounds in the club forums. We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!
  5. Nah - it's just confusing cuz the photo is reversed. That's a genuine YVAN fighter jet model and a GROBYC graphic print in a frame. (lol - j/k)
  6. Whatever you can do is awesome! Keep up the great work man!
  7. Okay - slow your roll cowboy. You just jumped to 1000% during a mere discussion about the rules, drawing some line in the sand as if we asked you to spend your time joining each and every squad to be sure they have a mic, and if not, resign them. NO ONE SAID THAT! You are good people, we all know that. Be good Admins and make sure that our server is not disrupted by squads with no real leader. There are OBVIOUSLY exceptions, as BLuDKLoT mentioned, "...when the server is slow then we tend to be more lenient about certain rules but as a standard for a full server this shouldn't be the case." As an Admin here, you must be aware of these nuanced exceptions, and when NOT to go gung-ho on every single perceived rule violation like a man on a mission. Take time to evaluate what is required, how the entire server is running, how many players and how many squads, who is doing what and whether it is detracting from or adhering to the spirit as well as the letter of our rules. There are a finite number of squads that can be created in any given match. The rule is very clear that if no-Mic (non communicative) Squad Leaders are taking soldiers away from the front, are absorbing too many players with mics that can and should benefit from a properly lead squad, THEN you should evaluate the situation, and if it is detracting from the goals and intent of our cooperation, teamwork, and coordination based gameplay, then they should be resigned. If some single rando no-mic SL is running around the front lines with a couple squad members, and then the rest of the server is filled with proper Squads being lead by SL's with mics or communicating properly, then who cares about that single rando SL and his no-mic squad .... but if we have a deficit of players due to those players being part of multiple no-mic SL Squads, it would be wise to enforce this rule to get the server back to how it was designed to run: A handful of regular players (with mics) leading Squads of various types for players with (or without) mics to join.
  8. I'm not sure that follow would work for edits, that is typically for things like comments or reviews, and VG Wiki database doesn't have those things. And YES - if people were getting notifications for every edit, it would be MADDENING. That's not exactly what the VG Wiki is for - would be better to make any kind of announcement post to redirect attention to a new rule, as we've done in the past with the changes to the 'No Smoke' rule (now that bots cannot see through certain smoke) Thanks @=VG= Acro1 for taking care of that update.
  9. Players are jacking the MHQ and moving the spawn point when they should not? My very first proper script for Arma (2) was for this exact thing. I added some stiff restrictions for being able to move it. Might need to do something like that for the MHQ in this mission...
  10. Are we all talking about the same thing here? How is this new GUI hurting your ability to fly between buildings, an action that is performed with the GUI closed and hidden? I was under the impression that we were discussing the elements on the GUI not being stretched to the wide-sides anymore, and also the mini-map not being transparent when brought up to view, and the fake DoF effect of blurred perimeter when ADS or using a rifle scope. I just don't see where that is related to flying and sense of scale in 3D... apologies if I've missed something.
  11. For the future - because I ask these same questions to myself, I know they will come up: Q: Can this VG Wiki system with callout boxes and stuff be applied in forum posts? A: No, unfortunately these are complex html elements which require the VG Wiki database to function Q: Can these systems or elements be made possible in Blogs (or Gallery, or Downloads)? A: No, with a "but" -- the IPS Blogs, like the Gallery and Downloads systems on this website are a components of IPS and have no direct means to modify to this depth. A plugin may be possible in the future, but this is speculation and an area that would require nearly an equal amount of time to research, learn, and develop if even possible. But if it is, it would be undertaken (someday) Q: Can this same type of system be use for VG Articles? A: Yes, actually this would mostly be labor intensive but not difficult. Articles is the same database type system, and while existing articles would need special editing and incorporation, they could remain with their current comments and view counts, and future articles could begin to use the new multiple sections of VG Wiki Editor (renamed to a VG Articles Editor). Obviously this is something I've already put thought into, but as it will be labor intensive and require a good week (or two) of tedious work, it will need to be put off for a time. Q: I could really use a 26th section for a page, why "only" 25 sections? A: It is not possible to add more than the current number of sections to the Editor. This is a hard limit in the IPS Databases module for the allowed number of 'fields' in an editor, with each section containing 5 fields (title, content, 2 checkboxes, and text line for options) in addition to the fields for Summary Panel, etc. By sheer luck, this editor has a complete 25 sections plus all the items needed for the other fields to the point that not one more field can be added to this editor!
  12. VG Wiki Informational Database I'm very happy to announce that the VG Wiki informational database is now complete! The main purpose of the VG Wiki is to act as our information hub where it is quite easy to find anything about the community, our servers, manuals and guides for our members and groups, or even guides created by players for the games we play. This project went into double overtime, so there are still many pages with 'under construction' notes with my name, and I will complete these very soon but didn't want to hold off or push myself to finish everything all at once. It wasn't making or writing content pages that took so long, but coding the systems and logic that draw any particular VG Wiki page. Learned tons about HTML, CSS, JS and PHP, plus plenty more specifically about how IPS works which will allow plenty of similar projects or new systems for us in the future, too, building on what was gained from this way too long project. I need a break, and VG Wiki Pages are literally designed to be edited and built over time by definition. There are plenty of pages designed as 'stubs' meant to be completed or created by willing editors or Servers Team members, or specific people as noted by page notes. New pages are welcome, though it would be nice to fill in needed info about our servers, how to connect, how to play, and all that first. We could add new categories, new parent- or sub-categories, new pages, anything needed. All pages and section titles create links, you could link someone specifically to the PR COOP Server rule about Camping, for example. Summary Panels show those who put in work, plus easy contact links, important and historical information. This was a very fun, very rewarding project and I hope it proves useful over the years to come! "The VG Wiki is not meant to replace known good Wiki's for games or topics, but to be our own information database for the games we play and the servers we run here at VG. While this would not necessarily be the best place for a general Wiki about the game Project Reality, for example, it would be an excellent place for a collection of pages about Project Reality COOP on the VG Server, perhaps the kits and kit numbers that are available, the assets and how they work in COOP, and with specific regards to how we use them or expect them to be used on our PR COOP Server." Right away, the key pages which I have completed include server rules pages for each of our games, VG Clan Information for our groups and structure including membership and advancement details, and information about the VG Wiki itself including the VG Wiki Pro Editors Guide and 'Editors Only' categories for learning the editor, testing elements in the editors Sandbox Demos, or creating pages which can be moved into their final category later. I plan to complete the information about Clubs asap, and then import the existing 'How to Connect to BMS Server' page/post into the Server Manual for BMS VG Wiki Page. Beyond that, the sky is the limit - all details about what VG Wiki is and is for are detailed in the "About VG Wiki" page, naturally. I hope this system is a welcome place to take over our 'Pinned' and 'Featured' posts that would be better suited by a single location for our members to find. Check it out and let me know what you think: A note about Rules Translations Pages The existing PR COOP Server Rules translated in Turkish is also something I can easily import from the current HTML source and I will do this later, and I will copy the current PR COOP Rules to the 'Polish' translation for the member who offered to create that. BUT --- We do not need translations for all languages, these are specifically for occasions of an influx of players from those countries where our rules are not easily translated from English using current online tools like google translate. Turkish is known to be difficult, and if Polish is the same, we don't mind hosting a translated rules page for that language.
  13. Yeah, like the others have said, this is correct and accurate. As intended. That is the view from the MFD (multi-function display) in a forward looking camera mode, and in this new square form is true and accurate to similar devices in real world vehicles. They do have wider versions, you'll see them in Blackhawks, in fact this is not the proper 20 OSB MFD which is most common (TM Cougar MFDs) but rather has 24 OSB's likely to make it wide enough for gameplay or modeled similar to a real life component. Either way, it's here to stay - this is the new view from inside many of these heavy assets which makes coordination, communication, and cooperation that much more important for heavy vehicle operators. Maintain situational awareness, don't get tunnel visioned and try to coordinate watching separate sectors as Driver, Gunner, and/or Commander to further enhance the SA of the tank crew overall.
  14. Are you suggesting that there is a screenshot, but it's black? Because the background of this post is not black -- it's more along the lines of grey like #121212
  15. Did you mean to attach a screenshot but forgot? "my screen has become this" -- figured you meant to share a screenshot of what you mean...
  16. From what I understand, the R-DEV's had wanted to do this for some time but didn't have a valid method. This is just them implementing things they'd wanted to do long ago, I guess. I always played on a widescreen monitor, and never minded the stretching but it was noticeable.
  17. @=VG= Fastjack @=VG= TEDF The other VG PR Servers have been updated to
  18. Done. It's not that it was taken out, it's that the VG Maplist Randomizer didn't know it existed (hadn't been aware of new maps, and it just wasn't added yet). Have fun!
  19. Got online late today (it's 20 to noon now) - but this issue has been resolved. This happens every 3 months when we must renew our security certificate. Rest assured, this is actually just a flag to let users know that the site they are visiting is secure, and when it expires (and gives warning messages like the picture link in the quote above) it does not mean that the VG City Walls are down and the bots have taken over! Our site remains secure and safe during these short periods between renewals, and you definitely should let us know, but also should not worry. The VG Website Security Certificate has been renewed, and this won't happen again until July. When it does, don't fret - all is well. We just need to apply a new certificate every 3 months so that visitors web browser is informed that the site certificate is valid. You can view this information at any time to see if this is the case, in the event that the website gives you that error, just check the icon to the left of the URL address in your web browser, it will show you information about the certificate (such as "Expired 4-1-2021" meaning it is a natural and expected thing, and to merely contact VG Administration to renew it). TLDNR; SolarFlame has taken care of it, the certificate has been renewed.
  20. Both the VG PR DEV and PR Event servers have been updated to v1.6.5 -- review settings, maplist, etc. to be sure everything is as it should be before you run them next @=VG= Fastjack @=VG= TEDF
  21. Welcome! If you're new to the VG Air Force, post up here to say hello and let us know a little bit about yourself like what jets you like to fly, and types of missions you enjoy here at the VG BMS Server. We don't immediately toss the Enlisted ribbon on someone we don't know (yet) just joining the VG Air Force, so first please reply and say hi! You don't need to write an essay - it's just good to get to know who flys what, and which missions we enjoy most in BMS. Just a reminder to new VG Air Force members - we typically assume most members fly on our BMS Server already, but if we all don't know you from BMS as a long time regular, please post up to say Hello and let us know what you like to fly! We just started this new membership path, and it seems the best route so that we don't accidentally award Enlisted group/ribbon to a semi-automatic bot preparing to fire off spam rounds in the club forums. We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!
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