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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Dilli, is the service set to Manual? Try setting it to automatic or delayed automatic, Apply, and restart your PC. See if it now starts up on it's own as it should. Heck, maybe you already tried all this...just trying to help. !gamer
  2. I also feel guilty for not being around as much to help get the ACRE server on it's own two feet. Still frustrated by the stupid workaround we have to use in order to run the Insurgency Mission with it's awesome loadout menu. Hit the nail on the head - Steam Sale has us all "vacationing" in different worlds, but none hold a candle to ArmA's awesomeness. Now, I'm nearly bored with Left 4 Dead, but it's still mid-camping season. Will try to be on as much as possible. Plus just got back into F16 sim, so gotta budget time better. Good point about ACRE being "same-start" oriented, but again, the saying is "If it is to be, it's up to me". We all see the benefits when we take the initiative and make a plan. Watch for new players entering and make it your side mission to include them. Use in game text chat to let them know your plan. Advise them to grab a long range radio if necessary, and set a rally point on the map so they can catch up and play as well. *If you set # of Cache's to 5 instead of 2, intel markers are more likely to show up when silver briefcases are acquired. I have tested this a little bit on ACRE. Try it!
  3. Same here. I suspected that I still knew how to fly an F-16C. Took down a Mig-29 and though I missed most of an armored column with my Mk-20D's, I did manage to destroy 2 BMP's. Should have stopped there....next mission I unknowingly bombed a Korean temple and was promptly Courtmarshaled after landing. Gonna stick with Falcon 4:AF and flying F-16's for awhile before trying FF5 and it's many different jets. Good times, though, Bones! We'll do it again soon! !cp
  4. So is it done now? Was it a between Thursday/Friday thing or coming this weekend?
  5. Yea, even I'm jealous! Beautiful! Looked like you two were okay just before tipping over. I suppose the nose went to the right or something when it hit that rapid, eh?
  6. "Warm up the probes, men. It's payback time!" Sorry, I know that's not a slogan. Had to give it a go. Too suggestive? !sarc Congrats, BLuD!
  7. It's Summer time now (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) and case heat is the primary concern now. I've had 2 BSOD's from overheating this past month, and tracked the issue to case heat caused by my overclocked graphics card. I run a high overclock and set fans on the card to 100%. To solve the issue, I simply lowered the overclock and kept the fan at 100%. PITN and SavageCDN have good advice: Dust and heat are PC killers! Though this picture may look like it would work, you gotta laugh at how he's cutting his own leg off to save his foot. The dust that will build up on internal parts will cause more heat in buildup areas than the cooling benefit of this fan will fix. Particularly on the far side of the motherboard where only 1/4 inch separates it from the case.
  8. Wow! What impresses me the most is the inclined keyboard and very smart airflow design. That beast should have no problem gaming at decent settings for hours on end! Wish I had a lappy like that so I could game when away from home. WOOT!
  9. Not me, I don't use crack. But it does look like I'll have to get a DX11 Motherboard. My Vid card is fine, but I'm seeing DX10 in games now cuz of that little detail.
  10. These two were causing all kinds of problems in the Arma Insurgency Server. Thanks to Acer, I caught their battleye client id's, and promply kicked them from the server...not before they shot me up as well. These two need to be banned for their continous teamkilling and griefing. !fuk
  11. SavageCDN wrote: "It will be enough to get you hooked then you will buy the full version" Oh yes...you will. Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! !butcher Ok. You don't need to monitor power consumption to see if you can run RAID. I believe you got yourself a 650W PSU...that's fine for the GFX Card you have and several hard drives (as many as the PSU has connectors). Also, most cases come loaded with fans. Best value buying one that already has all fans (no PSU) and FILTERS in the title or description. The 120mm you describe by the HDD's may be drawing air through the filters. Your video card most likely has the ability to turn it's own fan to 100% prior to running a game. Try to keep the air flow the way the case is designed to flow it, or you may run into general case heat issues (while trying to deal with specific part heat issues that don't exist yet).
  12. "it?s still as we well know a massive incontinence for our clients at peak times and we apologise for any inconvenience caused and have been working hard on a solution." Massive incontinence is a standard side-effect of most the prescription medications we take over here in the States, so....I guess you could say, we're used to it. And looking forward to more consistant "regularity" !tease
  13. One C4 charge is enough to set off an Ammo Cache, as well. They take up much less space, and can also be used for small building demo, or to breach a compound wall (those sections that can be knocked over with a HMMWV).
  14. http://www.staples.com/Antec-Three-Hundred-Computer-Case/product_729953?cm_mmc=GoogleBase-_-Shopping-_-Technology%3EPc_Components-_-729953-153003&cid=CSE:GoogleBase:Technology:Pc_Components:729953:153003 Here's a good example of a standard ATX case with good airflow, and filtered intake with a decent price tag. Might wanna shop around, though.
  15. 10-4 Will be watching...but am bound for the mountains again Monday. Conflicting hobbies, I know.
  16. Tanker, you may want to investigate if your N50 is setting itself (or not) to Device ID 0. If you have more than one programmable device (I have Couger MFD's for Falcon 4) I find I need to unplug them or they cause device id conflicts and "mute" or "interfere" with programmed button presses. Can't find a link or more info atm, but investigate Device ID via google. May be your problem.
  17. Yeah. I run 2 of those. Looks like you're saving over $10 by going with OEM. And, again, someday down the road, you can buy a second and for $44, you'll see a wonderful price vs. perfomance upgrade boost.
  18. I also don't use TrackIR lean....Gotta switch shift-states on my Nostromo speedpad and peak with Q & E. On lag issues, first thing to ask is if others are experiencing lag at the same time as you. If it's just you, that's actually GOOD> Then we can troubleshoot your Modem/Router and individual PC settings that may streamline your connection to the game. The server is in the UK and I connect from West Coast US without issue (but I monkeyed with my router, firewalls, and ports long ago to make gaming online work right)
  19. Just read this again up camping, paying special mind to how it is now more relevant than ever with ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead. We can now be exhausted and suppressed, flanked better, shelled better, wind affects ballistics, injured in all kinds of ways... At least, check out chapter six...That one is sweet! Here's a true Audio Book of it for those who don't like to read, but don't want to watch a TV documentary:
  20. Try this, bro. http://forums.speedguide.net/showthread.php?206590-How-can-I-improve-my-ping Surely you can see that if it was set to 300, or 350, you will eventually spike to over 400 and get kicked anyway. If we had tons of high-ping players running around, the whole game would be laggy, and as a result, become unpopulated. At that point, you'd be less inclined to play on an empty server. Right?
  21. For some reason, I thought OA was a requirement to join our servers. Not just ArmA 2. Is this a detail we are overlooking or am I just blowing smoke? !drag
  22. DTRON, I love everything in that pic but the HDD. As you may know, I'm a big advocate of RAID and faster hard drives for true gaming performance. Remeber, bottlenecks. If you have a great GFX card, RAM, MB and CPU, you want your HDD to load the data to them as fast as they can perform. I worry that the 8MB buffer on that one drive will be your bottleneck, preventing you from seeing the full potential performance of the above named parts. I highly recommend Seagate Barracuda's. The 500GB w/16MB buffer is only $56. I use 2 in RAID-0. That way, it reads twice as fast, and has 2 16MB buffers to assist in that data transfer. I have a 6790, an older AMD Phenom X4, and 8GB DDR3. I tried this config with one 1TB Barracuda w/32MB buffer and then with 2 500GB w/16MB buffers (in RAID-0). The RAID configuration was at least 3 times faster. So, I returned the 1TB drive to Best Buy and I'm happily getting a solid 75FPS in ArmA 2(not in the desert, but in action with smoke and explosions). To conclude: If you can only afford one now, just know you can add a second later and reinstall everything. You can also do this with your GFX card, someday when affordable, if you have the power and cooling. I believe PITN uses 2 GFX cards on an "older" system, and that make it possible to keep up with modern game demands.
  23. I use TrackIR and never had that problem - I've had the "Double-Time Run" issue, but that's usually during a mass lagout. Would be helpful to note the Server Load when these things happen to rule out more possibilities. I screenshot all script errors now for that reason.
  24. As it may be some time before we can get this mission to run with the MOST RECENT versions of both ACRE and TeamSpeak3, here is the basic procedure to get up and running now on the server as it is now. You will need TeamSpeak or earlier. The 32-bit XP and 64-bit Win7 installers are located in the TS3 channel "Insurgency ACE+ACRE" File Browser. (Right-click on the channel name, select File Browser from the list) You will also need ACRE version 1.2.1, also located in the above mentioned TS3 File Browser. This bit is causing a few people some troubles, so I will walk through it now, with pictures, citing differences for 32-bit and 64-bit, XP, Vista, Win7, Steam versions and stand alone DVD-ROM verions. -need steam paths and instructions -need XP paths and tips -need Vista paths and tips Anyone who has found successes and fixes, other OS paths to files, and more, post them below and I will include them in this instructional thread. Post any problems below and we will help troubleshoot individuals. STEP ONE: You will need the ACE suite of mods. I use Six Updater. Here's a pictoral walk-through: Installing ACE mod pack via Six Updater: Download, install, and run Six Updater. It will take a very long time to load, and when it does, it will again be loading content. See the bottom left of the window for a progress bar. Eventually, you will be at a screen as shown in the below image. RIGHT CLICK on the "A2 OA A.C.E. (6)" Header on the left, select "Updater actions" at the bottom of the list, and then click "Install or Update" Again, this process will take some time, be patient. When it finishes, the bottom line, as in the picture, will give you a mod line you can copy and past into an ArmA II application shortcut. Instructions for creating an ACE launching shortcut with the modline can be found here: Wikii Link STEP TWO: Uninstall TS3 if you have version Your version can be found at the top under "Help" and "About Team Speak 3". Re-install the older verision, with respect to your Operating System, and 32-bit or 64-bit installers respectively. Select default install options when asked, and re-set your personal settings if needed. Under "Settings", select "Playback"; you must check "Always set clients 3D positions when available" to hear others properly in ACRE. For most users, Run as Administrator: When done, close TS3, and right click on it's startup shortcut. Click "Properties" At the top, click the "Compatibility" tab. Check "Run as Administrator" and click Apply. Unfortunately, you will get an Update Available message now each time you start TeamSpeak 3. Alway select NO if asked to update! STEP THREE: Install ACRE Version 1.2.1. When you aquire the .RAR file ACRE 1.2.1, extract and note the folders you now have: Open the ArmA 2 folder. Select all the files inside and copy. Paste the files into your Main Arma 2 Program Folder: Now, go back to your ACRE download and open the "TeamSpeak 3" folder, inside is a folder called "plugins" - open that folder Select and copy only ONE of the plugin files, the 32 or 64 respectively based on YOUR system. You will copy this ONE plugin to your TeamSpeak 3 plugins folder in the main program group under a folder path such as Program Files/Teamspeak 3 Client/plugins, depending on your OS. Paste your TS3 ACRE plugin into your TS3 program files plugin folder: Now, start up TeamSpeak 3. At the top, click "Settings" and "Plugins" Ensure the ACRE plugin is checked. Now, Uncheck and Re-Check it. THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR SOME USERS!! Now, restart TS3, again ignoring update offers. SPECIAL: How to fully and completely uninstall TS3 when standard Uninstall/Reinstall Fails If you wish, you can backup your TeamSpeak bookmarks to servers by locating the bookmarks.cfg file prior to removing this program. In Win7, this is a common path when TS3 is installed with default user settings: C:\Users\"your user name here"\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client Copy the bookmarks file and paste it in a safe place elsewhere for later. Be sure you have told Windows Explorer that you want to view hidden files and folders. To do this, navigate explorer to your main C: drive. At the top, under TOOLS, select "Folder Options". (Press ALT if "FILE EDIT VIEW TOOLS HELP" is not shown at the top of explorer to bring it up) Click the VIEW tab at the top. Check "Show hidden files, folders, and drives". Now, click APPLY and OK. It may take a second. STEP ONE: Run the TS3 uninstaller program. It will NOT be complete! When done, navigate windows explorer to the program folder TS3 was in and delete the TeamSpeak 3 program folder that the uninstaller should have removed. Move up one level to Program Files/Common Files. Ensure there is no TeamSpeak folder in here, delete if necessary. If you have 64-bit Windows, ensure no TeamSpeak folder exists in Program Files (x86) or Program Files. Check Common Files in both folders. STEP TWO: Navigate explorer to C:/Users. Do not approach your User folder via Documents or Libraries. You must go through the main C: drive User folder! The path may differ between OS and 32-bit vs. 64-bit. With a little probing, you can find and remove your TS3 User folders and files if "show hidden files" is checked. As before, a common default path in Win7 64-bit is: C:\Users\"Your User Name Here"\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client STEP THREE: Time to remove any and all TS3 registry keys. Do not be afraid of the regedit. As long as you move nothing, and ONLY delete TS3 folders AFTER all steps above, I assure you nothing will be messed up! Bring up regedit by typing "regedit" in a Run command Window, or Win7 start menu. It looks like this: If many folder trees are open, just click the - next to them to get it looking neat and easy to navigate as shown in the above picture. The only two main folders we will navigate are HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Click the + next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and then click the + next to SOFTWARE. You will see a TeamSpeak folder. Right click on it and delete it. If you have Vista or Win7, you will see a folder called something like Wow3264Node or some variation. Ensure there is no TeamSpeak folder in there as well, as above. Now, you may collapse the HKEY_CURRENT_USER tree by clicking the - next to it on the left navigation panel. Now, click the + next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and again, SOFTWARE. Delete the Teamspeak folder. Vista and Win7 users, again, make sure there are none in the "Wow Node" folder. You may now close regedit. Perfom Disk Cleanup and select all boxes to delete all temp and recycle bin files. Restart your Computer VIA SHUTDOWN (not restart), and manually restart it. Good luck, and be sure to read the ACRE Radio Settings and Usage post to learn how to operate the various ACRE Radios. If I missed anything, let me know and I will edit & include it. Particularly, I'd like to include paths for each operating system and version. Post them below please.
  25. Here's a good tutorial video all about ACRE Radio Settings for those who don't wish to read about it. SETTING RADIOS TO MAX RANGE FOR THE AN/PRC's 148, 119, & 117: ACRE Controls: Left Shift + Left Control + X = Access Current Radio Left Shift + Left Control + A or S = Switch between ACRE Radios Left Shift + Left Alt. + Q = ACRE Interaction Menu: Access Radio Rack in Vehicle (ALL air/land vehicles have an AN/PRC-117 radio in them, also used (in ACE for sure) to access Command Radio on squadmate) Left Shift + Left Alt. + E = ACRE Self Interaction Menu: Access Radio Functions Left Shift + Left Control + (Up Arrow, Left Arrow, or Right Arrow) = Set which ear current radio recieves transmissions through. Left Shift + Left Control + 1 = PTT Preset: Talk on 343 Left Shift + Left Control + 2 = PTT Preset: Talk on (Command Radio) NOTE: Your standard PUSH TO TALK button will be your radio "cue" button. Your TS3 PTT button will become your "local communication", like speaking out loud and it is 3D positional. You will not hear someone "talking" if you are more than 15 feet from them. This is where the Radios and their Ranges come in to pick up the load.You WILL be talking LOCALLY when using Radio, and any around you, friend or foe, will hear you as well - but, those on the same radio channel will hear you over that radio, range permitting. You must disable your Arma PTT button under Options if it is CapsLock, this is your ACRE Radio Transmit button now. SQUAD RADIO: Used for local communications between squad members in the same area when simply talking (TS3 PTT button) cannot be heard. Set a designated Squad channel for different fire teams in the same AO when necessary. The AN/PRC-343: It's range is not adjustable. All personel should carry this radio, and it will be on your person when you first enter an ACRE game. It fills a Map/Compass gear slot. You can have this radio, and one of the Command Radios (148/119/117). The two knobs on top are Channel on the left and Volume on the right. Left and Right mouse clicks adjust either up or down. There are 16 channels and the range on this radio is the smallest of all 4. Remeber, you can carry 2 radios at a time and each can be assigned to playback out of one, the other, or both ears. Press ctrl+shift Left, Right, or Up to set this for your current radio. It's recommended to set your AN/PRC-343 Squad Radio to your LEFT ear and your other (Command) Radio to your RIGHT ear. This way you can more easily differentiate who is transmitting and on what radio. If you are, say, squad 4, have your soldiers set 343 to channel 4, and you will not hear any other squad's chatter on the 343 - just your own. If you are KIA, some radio settings revert. Verify proper setup again before returning to action. You can only carry ONE Command Radio at a time (the 148, the 119, OR the 117). If you attempt to carry a 119/117 and a 148 as well, you may lose Radio function and range. COMMAND RADIOS: These radios all have adjustable range and are suitable for cross-squad communications and long distance transmission. Generally, only one person in a squad needs to have one of these, such as a squad leader or designated "radio man". You can use the radio on the "radio man's" back using the ACRE Interaction Menu, simulating real life radio usage in the field. Begin transmission stating who you are, who you are trying to contact, and ask for copy. Example: "Squad 4 to Squad 1, come in" then they should reply something like "Squad 4 this is Squad 1, copy (or go ahead)" - Now transmit your message ending with "Over" or "How Copy?". For training, you should become familiar with each of these. The AN/PRC-148: The 148 has a range of 5000 and fills a weapons slot in the Map/Compass area of your gear. You cannot carry a 148 and a 119 or 117 at the same time or they won't work properly. Bring up your 148 by selecting it as your current radio (default: ctrl+shft C) then press view radio (default: ctrl+shft X). EDIT: Switch Radios button differ for different ACRE versions(example: crtl+shft A or S for ACRE 1.3.2) At the very top are the Channel knob on the left and Volume knob on the right. As with the 343, left click to increase, right click to decrease. Alternatively, the Up and Down arrow keys below MENU and SCAN also adjust channel. To set range, click MODE button 2 times. You will see Current (Range) 500 and New (Range) blinking. Click up or down arrow keys to change new range - 5000 MAX. Click ENT (Enter) to set and lock it. Follow the same procedure to check and adjust as needed. The AN/PRC-119: The 119 is a Soviet/Vietnam-Era radio. It is a backpack radio, and as such, can be packed with plenty of gear and equipment (but only if you are playing on an ACRE with ACE mod as well). It has 3 range settings and when inside a vehicle, a 4th. Change between 6 channels by clicking the CH knob at the top left. Below that knob is the RF PWR selector. Click this to set range to LO, Medium, or HI. When in a vehicle, set it to PA for maximum range of 40,000. The SQ or Squelch knob is not modeled in the game, but is clickable. On the right side is the Volume knob, and above that is another selector that is not needed for your use (or not modeled). The AN/PRC-117: Here is the modern bad-boy of the portable VHF radio world. Like the 119, it is a backpack radio and can carry loads of items (again, only if you are playing on an ACRE and ACE enabled server). It has a maximum range of 20,000. The Volume + or - on the left is just that. The PRE + or - on the right is your Channel selector. There are 100 preset channels. To set maximum range, click the #8 (PGM) button and then click ENT (Enter). You will see the five settings modes, the first one blinking: FREQ CS DATA SQL POWER NAME Click the Left or Right arrow buttons untill POWER is blinking, then click the ENT (Enter) button. Now you will see a familiar display: CUR: 5000 NEW: 5000 Click the left or right arrow buttons to adjust NEW to max range (20,000), then press ENT (Enter). Like the 117, there is a special channel knob on the right - it's either not needed for standard use or not modeled in the game. Just leave it set to PT. (Try setting it to CLR and check the display!) FINAL NOTE: Backpacks are invaluable in the field, but the 119, and particularly the 117, have very large antennas and can give you away (to human players, at least). Remember, Shape/Shadow/Shine/Silhouette. Lastly, when playing on a server using ACE mod also, make sure you are mindful of your stamina. 40kg of gear is a managable weight, and I find I don't pass out too much. Listen for your heart beat and to your breathing, don't run all the time (especially up a grade or hill!) and sit down behind some cover to rest up fast. GOOD LUCK!
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