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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Cache in Sadif Ab, NE of Rasman Airport, kept blowing up after we set it off. Was BAF, server had been up 140 minutes, 2 caches were blown prior to that. Server FPS 16. The secondary explosions kept going over and over. Didn't end, so I restarted server. Not sure if it was hack or script problem. Witnesses were .:frosty:. and FarFarLars.
  2. "You Have Zero Friends" South Park - "Dad, it's just a stupid button that takes like 3 seconds to press. It doesn't mean anything!" "So...what? You don't have the 3 seconds? Or..."
  3. I'm back, and beat. Lotta running around, setting up. Then, I thought I'd hike around to some familiar spots. I didn't expect to do that, just staying over night, and wanting to waterproof my boots, I did not bring them. Not easy on the body hiking off-path in Vans. The most exciting part of the trip was the wind storm mid-day that felled a tree about 50 yards from the camp. Crap was falling everywhere, and all of a sudden, I hear a huge snap and see this giant, 6ft-round tree fall along the back path leading upstream. It hit the ground with a thump I could feel in my feet, bounced into 3 pieces and hit the ground again. It settled right over "Tom Thumb's Cabin"; a small, moss-covered hole that looks like a hobbit house or something with a baby tree growing out of it's roof. It was spared from being crushed by the 80ft long, rotten tree falling. I had no battery left in my camera at that time, but I will photo it next trip. Downstream: Upstream: Fire-bellied Salamandar:
  4. Actually, it's a little pre-season, but Cousin John is heading up camping for the summer. He's a tough old mountain lion, and used to be a camp host for Thousand Trails many a summer. Now, retired, he likes to spend the entire season up in the same valleys with his dog, Roxie. I run him up blocks of ice and any supplies he asks for every 5 days. That starts today, and the weather is just beautiful for setting up! Here's hoping we find enough dry wood to build a fire. Always easier to burn wet wood on a hot fire. Here's a few pictures of what it looks like this time of year: And here's the river, high and fast:
  5. The USA Ins Server name reads TS3 Port 9887
  6. You're all doing something right; This room is seldom empty, and often there is a wait to join for many players. Server is now the 5th most popular ArmA II server! s/f
  7. Arma II, mostly Falcon 4 when I get rolling again. PR not so much anymore, but would possibly be into events.
  8. =VG= SemlerPDX

    New PC

    Awesome, Solar! I hardly know ye! Maybe we can cap some townships and blow up some weapons cache's now. (or soon, as it were) !eatmyuzi
  9. I love ArcadeFunhouse! So does my laptop! !gamer This one's more of a strategy game. Bloons Tower Defense 4 http://arcadefunhouse.com/other/bloons-tower-defense-4/ Gotta set up defenses to pop bloons before they reach the end of the maze. Big bloons pop into several smaller ones, which pop into several smaller ones, and so on. Popped bloons = cash to buy more emplacements after each round. Continued play unlocks better emplacements, and every emplacement can be enhanced (with cash) to become the best it can be throughout the game. It took more than 6 mortars to get me past level 87 on EASY, but I pulled it off in the second screenshot. Here, there are hundreds of bloons marching straight for the exit, and my lone SuperMonkey hasn't a monkey-turd's chance in hell of stopping them: Once you unlock all the upgrades and special emplacements, you just gotta try to fill the map with them. The mortars can be directed, one at a time, though: I've made it pretty far, and MEDIUM difficulty is even more challenging as items and upgrades cost more and bloon waves are much more intense. BTW, once you make it to level 100, it's time to put down the laptop and load the game up on a real gaming PC. That's a serious amount of sprites!
  10. =VG= SemlerPDX

    i7 CPUs

    It's really all about performance bottlenecks. Like you said, there are few softwares out that could possibly utilize 50% of that particular i7. The true beauty of all the i7's is they have the best performance per overclock of any CPU ever made, and the right i7 boards support tri-channel RAM. That's 50% increase over all other RAM buses because of the "cap" that seems to have been reached in the FSB/Memory Clock speeds. Only way to improve is to expand laterally, to more channels of RAM. So there's another entire reason to go with an i series setup, but you don't need than near "server grade" edition. Check this one out, it's a $300 model and I don't think any game(out this year or next) could utilize 100% of it's potential overclocked or not: Intel i7 950 Pair it with the Asus SaberTooth X58 and 12GB of ViperXtreme (s/n 6461732). All three have the same 1333MHz FSB clock, and await only a nice SSD RAID array and maybe an Asus ENG TX480, if you can keep it cold enough that is! The Patriot Inferno SSD 120GB's are around $270, but are THE fastest SSD's available, or were less than 6 months ago. They can fully take advantage of the 6Gb/sec transfer rate allowed by the SaberTooth. If you do go this (expensive) route, talking to everyone now, make sure you got a good UPS like the BX1300G. Hope that helps! Good luck, bro! !rockon
  11. Thanks, guys! Yeah, super sense of accomplishment! The 6770 has a stock clocked GPU @ 900MHz & Memory @ 1010MHz; I've got her purring at 940MHz GPU and 1310MHz Memory Clock. Course, Prime95 and Everest are no benchmarkers compared to ArmA:OA and GTA4(PC). It plays ArmA at a very solid 57 FPS avg. on high settings, 1600x900 resolution. GTA4, I can set everything to max except daytime shadows and I get a solid 45 FPS. It's not technically bare-bones, but damn near close. That is the stock Pegatron mainboard from the e9120y, as well as the DDR3, and Phenom II X4.
  12. (I guess I should have got an Evo like Tortia, these cell phone pictures suck!) The stock case is tiny, cramped with wires, and runs too hot to game even in winter. That's a small eyeglasses screwdriver sitting in it for comparison: I picked the Thermaltake Black Widow mid-tower for it's size and filtered cooling: Filtered Front Panel: Filtered Front Main Intake Fan: And Filtered Power Supply Intake: Old heatsink and crappy fan replaced with Thermaltake Black Widow heatsink - I use Artic Silver Ceramique for it's fast, 25-hour cure time: The included fan speed control had a 2-inch wire, so I used a longer one so I could drill a hole & mount it nicely on the rear panel: If the Phenom II X4 processor is the brains of a game PC, the graphics card is the heart: It's gotta have a bigger power supply, too. The Corsair Gaming Series 600W PSU has blue LED's, so you know it can power this card: (lol) Just enough air-flow room for a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme: (still can't set PR to Ultra High audio, though) They put in all that effort to filter the front intakes, but this gigantic side-panel fan blows directly onto the mainboard and everything !shok I've since added a cellulose filter to it: The Black Widow is built! Win7 in RAID-0 on 2 500GB 7200RPM 16MB buffered Drives, the old 7200 drive slaved as a 12GB Paging File drive and archive backup drive. With 4 cores and 8GB of DDR3, this thing eats games like ArmA and GTA4(PC) for breakfast at high settings:
  13. Funny #$$ $###! Love the sock stash cash! !lol That's some real $###, too. I lived in the ghetto before, for many years. Not quite as ghetto as South Central, but I fought for my life twice in that time. I stood out like white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm. My few friends are life long, the kind that cover your back for reals; and have. !pals Can't sugar coat it; it's a hard, fast paced place & a lot of people there only have one or two things on their mind at any given time, three tops - as long as you ain't one of `em! It sure as hell ain't gonna be about nothin more than 4 miles away!!
  14. I see a mossberg too, and it's a lot more pimp than mine. I'd expect nothing less from the Sarge. That a 22" barrel? Gotta imagine that's no Bushmaster M4 - Can't see the receiver close enough but I'd bet it's a Colt, Outlanders. Price difference between Colt and the imitators is about a thousand bucks. Boss case, man!!! There are few I'd rather have on my side in the coming post-apocolyptic Zombieland. Semper Fi
  15. Thank you! As you can imagine, I'm out of my mind and not thinking so well.
  16. Happy as hell with my new case, and the few parts that make this new game PC purr like a Ferrari, I've screwed up and lost access to my 1TB backup drive that has, oh, everything I've saved or made in 5+ years!!!!!!!! (apparently, pride doth indeed cometh before the fall...eth) !rr Will be a while and a lotta $$$ before I get my data back. Is there any way to retrieve my "online profile" =VG= SemlerPDX for Project Reality/Battlefield 2? I remember my password and all...but lost all the config files that go with it, of course. !help
  17. Watch these videos, they will get you airborne in no time flat! They follow the Falcon 4 manual's Training Missions and the in game flyable Training Missions: http://www.youtube.com/user/UngamerEye#p/c/23F83E7ABD8FE7CE/1/q9YF9ENxdDE !cp
  18. This is the "ramp start trainer" in flash player format. See what it's like to flip the switches and bring this falcon to life. Falcon 4 is true to life in every non-classified system and can be as rewarding to learn as it is daunting. Flash programs aren't allowed via attachment, so I have made a 1 file RAR that includes only the sp3-ramp-start-trainer flash program. sp3_ramp_start_trainer-flash.rar
  19. Why are all you gamers going for these $2000 "gaming" laptops?!?! Heat is an issue - we are "not there yet" and I don't care how Alienware wants to pimp it. $2K could buy or build a sick PC, bro!!! Yes, you will play games great on it. So why then do we still build towers with lots of cooling and large dedicated graphics cards? Trust me, it is not because portability isn't an issue...LAN parties are big now. But for that price, you can have a standard PC that TWICE overpowers any MX laptop. Here's one of the many portable PC cases out there just for example:
  20. =VG= SemlerPDX

    My Obutto

    Truly a thing of beauty!
  21. Okay, I've decided to sell my old PC (the one with the clear panel) for $ to fix up this quad-core beast. The 40GB SSD is gonna take 3 days to get to the store, so I'm gonna install win7 on an old 7200rpm sata I have here. Time to give this beast a graphics card!!! The Radeon 6750 needs a power supply that costs half as much itself, so I certainly hope it was worth it. I have to do a full Win 7 reinstall, so I'll be offline till I get this sucker running. See you all by tomorrow, I hope! XFX Radeon HD 6750 and Corsair Gaming Series 600W Power Supply:
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