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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. On 4/8/2023 at 4:10 PM, HombreDeSombrero said:

    OK, last time a played 2 games and then crashed. So its better and I didnt do anything. Maybe is something with my WIN and not with game. I will do some checkings if my WIN is in good shape. Thank you for ideas anyway

    When Windows is not working correctly, you will want to scan the file system - like verifying the integrity of a Steam game install, but for the entire operating system. It usually takes around 30 minutes to run, or longer depending on the speed of the disk.


    "If some Windows functions aren't working or Windows crashes, use the System File Checker to scan Windows and restore your files. Though the steps below might look complicated at first glance, just follow them in order, step-by-step..."

    SFC with DISM steps:



    To verify the safety and security of your Windows installation, use the Microsoft Safety Scanner:


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  2. Open the PR Launcher and click on Support - select the Utilities tab along the top and click the button to perform the Clear Shader Cache task at the top:



    Open Windows Disk Cleanup - Check the box next to DirectX Shader Cache and then press OK:



    ...try that and let us know if anything is better.

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  3. 3 hours ago, KOVAC said:

    move on!!!


    This is exactly what I did... 3000+ hours (not minutes) in VG PR COOP over 3+ years, I had enough and moved on.  I got into Arma (2) and learned how easy it was to make anything we want in it with a little scripting, and into Falcon BMS where a pilot can spend years flying and only scratch the surface of the real operation of these fully simulated F-16's, and finally into proper programming for voice control systems in games, improvements for this website, our TCAdmin game servers web panel, and our dedicated game server(s) - even making my own hardware utilities and game controllers!!

    This hobby gets deep, don't ever get scope-locked on a single element such as PR COOP, or even PR in general.  Even around here at VG, there are so many more things to get into and have fun online, from other games to team projects where we can turn our ideas into a reality that many people use.

    Even when PR COOP gets boring and 'the same old same old', I still find the PR Events fun to participate in when I'm able, and I hope that others who left PR would feel the same.  It's still a great game, very well designed, and that's why it's still alive after 20 years - but the same can be said about Falcon BMS.  The "good ones" last, and sometimes it's just a matter of finding these new "good ones" that can be (or already are) a welcome part to the VG online gaming community.

    After a certain time spent here making friends and hanging out, it is no longer about the games VG hosts or plays, but about the people we play games with at VG.


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  4. 19 hours ago, f4k1ng0d said:

    The CMD window disappeared after the 14th hop, and the ping was around 289 ms

    This would indicate that our server is unreasonably far from your location, and that your connection to it would be extremely latent even if you were able to connect.  This latency can be tolerable for some connections, we do have friends in Australia who connect to this server without it being unplayable, but yet other Australians do not have such a playable experience on our dedicated server in Germany.  Let's not gloss over the fact that China has physical firewalls on all lines in and out of the country, and all internet traffic is subject to rules controlled by China.

    If you can't connect, it's a pretty safe to assume you would not have a playable experience on our server.  There's nothing we can do about that on our end.  Luckily for you, there are other servers, but ours is just not within your connection range.


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  5. Still hoping you will find some less cringy uses for AI cuz you're making me feel very smart, and I'm just a tinkering fool.

    Believe it or not, tools like this have been in use by MANY websites for ages to crap out articles, and even purposeful misinformation, and this example is nothing special IMHO (no offense intended, well ... not much, anyway).

  6. I am wondering if this connection is possible.  Have you ever connected to our PR COOP Server?  It is located in Germany, and your location is showing China - these two points are nearly on the opposite ends of planet Earth.  Could be that you are just too far away from our game server.  You might attempt a speed test to Germany to see if your speed and/or ping are acceptable to this region of the world from your location.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, flyercrasher0 said:


    I,am flyercrasher0,I,am unable to join a project reality coop server whenever i try,it kick me out with reason (account verfication failed) i need help in resolving this issue 

    Welcome to the forums bomber_678!

    You were banned on December 4th by our admin TH0M for improper vehicle use or waste.  We like to give everyone the opportunity for a second chance if they've been banned, all we expect is honesty and that they agree to follow the rules in future (in most cases), and of course understand why they were banned in the first place so it doesn't happen again.

    You seemed to be new to the game, and our admins attempted to direct you as able for several days leading up to your ban.  As you seemed to have not read or understood the rules of the game, that should have given you a forced opportunity to come here and read our PR COOP Server Rules.  There's only 12, and it's pretty obvious stuff once you grasp some universal concepts of the game.  Project Reality (even COOP) is a highly structured game, and you need to understand the basics at the very least before you assume all kits, vehicles, etc. are free for the taking by anyone at any time.

    This post may also help you understand the concepts of PR: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=134819

    This is why you were eventually banned:

    [2022-11-28 14:22] !KICK           performed by '=VG= batmeme' on ' bomber_678': Teamkilling of ANY kind is strictly forbidden!
    [2022-12-01 11:01] !WARN           performed by '=VG= The_Polish_Guy' on ' bomber_678': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle!
    [2022-12-01 11:02] !KICK           performed by '=VG= The_Polish_Guy' on ' bomber_678': steal and waste of trans
    [2022-12-01 11:40] !KILL           performed by '=VG= The_Polish_Guy' on ' bomber_678': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle!
    [2022-12-01 11:50] !TEMPBAN        performed by '=VG= The_Polish_Guy' on ' bomber_678': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle!
    [2022-12-02 16:41] !KICK           performed by ' TH0M' on ' bomber_678': Your vehicle needs 2 people to operate! Return to base now!
    [2022-12-02 17:23] !WARN           performed by '=VG= batmeme' on ' bomber_678': You are skipping flags! Fall back and attack flags in the right order
    [2022-12-02 17:29] !KICK           performed by ' TH0M' on ' bomber_678': watch where you going
    [2022-12-04 12:47] !BAN            performed by ' TH0M' on ' bomber_678': Vehicles must be used properly. Stop losing/wasting them!

    You will need to fill out an Unban Request if you wish to appeal your ban.  As stated in our appeals:

    As a courtesy we look into all unban requests. The nature of the offense and
    the information you provide in your personal statement will determine the final
    outcome of your Appeal.
    We value honesty above all else! (the admin who banned
    you must also agree to the terms)

    We try to resolve all bans within 72 hours of the Appeal.

    All unbanned individuals will be placed on a watch list for 30 days. If any further
    issues occur during this time, your Ban will be reinstated and any future appeals
    will be denied...permanently.
    Thank you


    Project Reality - Unban Request Form

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Pilgrim59 said:

    Greetings. Returning player here. Some of y'all might remember my old username - Sushi.

    Looking forward to sticking around for a longer time now that I have a new laptop, and have fun with both the new and old players!

    Hello and welcome back!  Welcome to the VG Army! :drinks: 

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  9. 2 hours ago, machtoo said:

    Was trying to setup Voice Attack but it states the AVCS core server is not available for download.  Guess we'll try tomorrow assuming it is really down and the message is correct.

    The AVCS CORE Server is this website, so if you can post here, it's online.  Make sure you are running VoiceAttack as Administrator, and restart it - switch to AVCS CORE, and it should initialize straight away.  Use the option under the System / Advanced tab of VoiceAttack options to enable this:

  10. A member wanted to crawl PR chatlogs for stats, and play around with tables/databases using our chatlogs, but they have sensitive player info like IP's.  

    Rather than take the time to write my own utility script to redact all player IP addresses from hundreds of chatlogs, I directed an artificial intelligence last night to write a script for me in Powershell.  @=VG= SolarFlame1 had told me about OpenAI ChatGPT recently, and I was just floored by how accessible it was, and how easy it is to use even at this stage of its ongoing development.


    This is a sort of important milestone for me and for VG - I've written plenty of these little utility scripts for our servers, TCAdmin, and this website over the past 10+ years, but never could I have dreamed that I could simply have a chat with an AI and direct it to create code for us!  Just for fun, I also asked it what that same script would look like in a couple other languages I'm familiar with, and they all were just perfect ... not really a complex script to be fair, just mirroring files to another folder and replacing some contents according to a RegEx key, but still it is a significant step into the future.

    I said recently that I'm not too concerned that AI writing programs will replace programmers, no more than a computer could replace an artist.  I see AI like this being used like an artist uses a paint brush, as a tool to accomplish great things rather than something which makes the artist redundant.  It's quite impressive that regular folk such as us can play with and actually get productive use out of such emerging technology, and I couldn't pass up the chance to put this pin in the board of our forums to mark the occasion as we approach the end of 2022.

    Here's to a bold new 2023 - Long Live VG!  :drinks: 


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  11. 11 hours ago, PutinVla said:

    Hello everyone, I've been playing PR for a while, I love flying planes, I hope to learn from everyone's experience.

    Welcome!  Thanks for posting up an intro!  If PR is what you play, and not flight simulators like Falcon BMS, the VG Army is the club for you!  See you around 🍻 

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  12. 16 hours ago, JudgeDredd said:

    Ok, 55 views and no comments....

    lol - I was one of those views but had not much to offer in a reply - I kept hoping one of the (few) who also own an original TM Cougar would post up and reply, but glad you found MOKUM and was able to get some direct help!! The technical setup in BMS can be nearly as daunting as the learning curve of actualling flying a simulated combat jet.

    Congratulations and welcome!  Hope to see you all in BMS once I get my ass back into the pit again myself.  :drinks: 

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  13. 4 hours ago, RonJeremmy said:

    No i'm not saying that we should completly change the way that PR is right now. I'm just saying that is it possible to apply these weapons, animations to the PR to make a modern milsim for low-end pcs.

    No, that is not possible.  Mod makers do share assets on request from time to time with each other, but I doubt that MVMOD would be okay with PR taking all their models & animations and just dropping them into PR.  Making games and mods is not a matter of mashing together existing games and mods, it's a matter of recreating them "as inspired by" them unless the teams merge or have agreements which is very rare... and since this is a matter of merely art (aside from the animations coding), that would be a bit of a faux pax to assume that all's needed to do is mash this one mod assets into the existing PR mod.  Not gonna happen.

    You can take an apple pie to a cake baker and ask if they can make a cake like that ... but when they do, it won't have been a matter of taking the existing pie and baking a cake around it, it will have been through utilizing the same type of essential elements that make it up and recreating them in their own creation of a cake style dessert instead.

    It's like saying, "Well done, PR team - but, I don't like your art.  Can you please change it completely?  It's easy - just use someone else's art - here's a mod link to MVMOD"

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  14. Every asset has its own respawn location, after playing with an asset in one of these locations and getting it destroyed, you wait at that location for that asset to respawn.  Only confusion that should happen would be crowded spawn locations with same-same assets, and then as stated above, communication is key.  You are responsible for your asset, if someone else gets their asset destroyed, they can't jump line to yours while you are running to man it - they must wait for their asset to respawn just as you did for yours.  That was the spirit of the rule as it was intended to be interpreted for in-squad asset responsibility, even though the letter of our rules does not dictate one way or the other.  It's just common courtesy - and so if they don't know, they may mistakenly take your asset and not their own, so talk more with each other.

  15. If you are asking about how to extract MFD displays to an external monitor, to appear behind your TM MFD controllers, there are a number of methods.  First one you should check out is listed in the "BMS-Technical-Manual.pdf" located in your BMS programs folder, under the Docs folder.  Check out chapter 7, labeled "External Display Support", around page 81.

    There are third party tools, as well, I've used both YAME64 and Helios in the past.  Most info on these can be found on the BMS forums.

    Best wishes and good luck to you!!

  16. On 11/30/2022 at 1:00 AM, MOKUM said:

    Import issue VA-profile: AVCS Falcon BMS Radios (v1.41)



    Happy to help!  Seems that you do not have AVCS CORE - that error message is actually trying to say this, but for some reason there is a file path making it longer, and harder to read:



    As noted in the AVCS4 BMS Download Page, AVCS CORE is required for all my AVCS4 game profiles - presently only publicly available releases are AVCS4 BMS and AVCS4 RON (Ready or Not):


    About This File

    *Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE Profile from this download section as well, it is now a requirement for any AVCS4 game profile I release, such as the upcoming Elite Dangerous profile, and more... 


    AVCS CORE is a hub profile that loads and updates AVCS4 profiles, and provides common operations relative to the environment, such as BMS for example - these systems include a user settings "Save File System", a fast-keypress/macro maker called "Quick Command Creator" or QCC for short, an optional voice passphrase confirmation system called "Voice Authorization System" or VAS, and more.

    VoiceAttack will need to be run as Administrator in order for these files such as user save file to write/overwrite as needed, since these files/folders reside in the VA Apps folder, under the programs folder for VA itself.  Be sure to follow instructions once you have AVCS CORE and AVCS4 BMS initialized for the first time - the event log of VoiceAttack will direct you to include AVCS CORE profile commands into the AVCS4 BMS profile through its profile options menu.


    Any questions or issues, let me know!  :hi: 

  17. Check out how I survived a year on Mars in the Stationeers survival game! It's my first proper gaming video in almost ten years, and had a blast making it - hope you enjoy watching!  Special thanks to @=VG= Sausag3 for buying this game for me way back, I could never wrap my head around it and just kept glazing over or dying in-game when I tried, but a few weeks ago it all just seemed to click when I picked it up again. 

    Cheers 🍻  ...hopefully this is me getting back into making gaming videos and playing instead of working on projects all the time...



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