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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. So, FastJack - is it possible to get Bots spawning on OPFOR Flags again? Or was that removed on purpose for some logical reason? I would think that might make many maps including Kashan fun once again for all players...
  2. False positive, bro. Most likely was a system error, PR isn't perfect. Because you're on the schedule to be removed from the Banlist tomorrow (which is Sunday) as that is one week, as stated in your ban: Be patient.
  3. There are over 50 Air Squadrons including fighters, recon, AWACS, refueling wings, and bombers. Only a few handfuls are disabled. A number of them (on the list of Human Squadrons here) are disabled so Humans can fly or use those squadrons. In addition to that, a much smaller set of Squadrons have HQ fragging turned off simply to further balance the campaign to require more effort from Human players to progress the campaign. In a normal default campaign, BLUFOR always steamrolls the opposition within a week, taking many of the choice missions for itself and leaving less tasty leftovers for us - we changed that long ago to make it more fun. There COULD be an issue if certain squadrons that WE did not design to be grounded were not being fragged by AI. It would be best for you to note which squadrons those are and/or compare them to the list of Squadrons with HQ Fragging turned off on purpose. If there is an issue, we would like to know. We're just assuming that what you saw was normal, but CobaltUK seeing ALL squadrons fragged by HQ is certainly NOT normal, and could become a problem down the road for our current campaign instance if they've not all be set back properly to our default VG settings. Do keep an eye on it - and report back here if you notice this again, and those Squadrons are not on the VG Humans Only Squadrons grounded on purpose.
  4. That's not too bad considering it's a server over five thousand miles away - 171ms is a bit high, but that's not a game breaker AFAIK. If I were you, I would try to find a closer BMS server (maybe something in Italy) to test connection with. If you can connect to something in your region, or your own country, we can begin to tell if it is the ping to Kansas USA or if it is a local problem with your internet or computer settings. Arty's List of Virtual Fighter Wings and Squadrons
  5. I was just able to get in okay, so I assume it is something on your end blocking the connection. Just an assumption, for troubleshooting. One thing you can try (but switch it back afterwards) is to put your router and your PC's IP into a DMZ for testing. Try to connect, and if it succeeds, it's a clear indicator that it's the modem/router blocking the connection. Making sure Windows is allowing the service through is also important, of course. I'd double check that, too. Lastly, you can try a trace route to some server in Kansas - if NCKAS is available, use that. See what it says. I wish I could help more, I'd suggest to keep trying, keep googling the problem, maybe even talk to your ISP.
  6. =VG= SemlerPDX


    those cheesy biscuits are the best! I could eat a couple baskets of them easy!
  7. If we instructed you to turn off or down AI Radio Chatter, that may be the case. Only you can hear your local AI comms. FTR, aside from Chaff and Flare, those are things you should be vocalizing yourself over the VHF radio - teammates will expect it. When flying solo, get into the habit of making these calls even though there is no one to hear it. Launch an AIM-120C at maximum launch range - call "Fox 3 LONG" - Launch a AIM-9 Sidewinder, call "Fox 2" ... drop some Mk-20D's, call "Rockeyes". If I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to change that back if your goal is to continue to get into multiplayer BMS action
  8. =VG= SemlerPDX


    Now all you need is about 200 liters of melted butter!!
  9. Yea, or you can compromise and use something like a more affordable HOTAS, even the X52 like I use - even CH Products has some affordable stuff (and sure, it's not made out of stamped metal like the $500 ones, but still functional). It is a journey that requires a desire to keep trying, to remember stuff like custom button arrangements on joysticks and controllers, and all the stuff we click around the cockpit with the mouse. That said, it's very worth it because it's very realistic, and equally unforgiving. Give the sim a try with a few ground procedures on a mouse and keyboard a bit before investing in anything too expensive, but spend your money wisely. It's only a few bucks to buy the base game, the mod is free, and you can check it out as is just to see if clicking around the cockpit and finding a way to look around that you like is your kind of game. We totally want more players!! Just don't spend too much before you know if it's your flavor (or your wife's, rather!) If it is, it can become a very involved hobby well worth spending a fair bit of money on like all good hobbies.
  10. HA! Love the "Dog" pic! I used to spend quite a bit of time in Arma 2 Life servers, either as a cop, merc or drug runner - too much fun! Good luck to you, I might find you one of these evenings if I get in the Arma Life mood. Cheers!
  11. We're still growing our player base, and there are so far only a handful of =VG= members that have followed us on this Falcon journey. I'm so impressed with the number of new players, but this simulator isn't for everyone. If anyone is interested in BMS and would like some help getting into this, post up and we'd be glad to help you get started! Thank you for hanging with us, Trader! Most BMS pilots seem to join some rather strict realism squadrons, but VG is focusing on a casual public server with a cooperative "come as you are" atmosphere. I really appreciate all the help spreading the word, and I will be back to flying with you all myself before too long. Thanks to everyone who's been helping promote the VG BMS Server!
  12. Server updated to 1.5.2 -- report any problems relating to this version here. Thanks!
  13. Good point - I will examine the wording on our posts and notices, and edit them as appropriate to help clarify the options. Seosan is merely our "Humans Only" airbase so as to accommodate plenty of players without traffic patterns, etc. being clogged up by excess AI flights.
  14. This can happen when a certain airbase gets bombed out by OPFOR. I have investigated and verified that airbase has been repaired back to over 50%, and I tried to frag a flight from 120th at Seosan.... the flight fragged just fine, found myself on the tarmac for a RAMP start, and exited the sim. I'm going to assume we're in the clear now. It's rare, but this shit does happen - usually takes a short while for the AI to repair the base, but in the event it doesn't get fixed, it's good to let us know so we can mark the time/date in case we have to revert the save file several hours or more. Seems the trouble is over for now, please try again and report any successes or failures.
  15. Per admin, SenorRhinoX will be unbanned in one week /locked
  16. VG PR COOP Server (and the Event server at port 16587) are Updated to 1.5.1 -- please report any problems here in the forums. The maplist is very generic to start with, similar to the default setup we ran starting at Mutra-- we'll get alternating maplists recreated as soon as possible, but for now our goal was to get the server back online and running asap. To any admins working on the servers, there is a .rar file in the root of the updated server containing all pre-updated files, and some servers have old files with the extension .OLDEVENT or .OLD with todays date. Use these for references when moving forward with projects. Do not reused old files, but compare values in new ones and append as needed. With the addition of the Polish faction, a lot has changed, forcing us to update new files instead of reusing old ones. Also note that a few Map names have changed, so new maplists must go off of the maplist.con.NEW and the names listed in that file (anything in that list is the new currently available default for COOP).
  17. I can answer that - Yes, it does. Event cancelled, reschedule TBD. EDIT: Updating server(s) and ETA is back to less than 2 hours. Thanks for your patience, everyone!
  18. Our 2 public Arma 3 servers do not run any mods, they are Vanilla servers. Find details on VG Servers in the Game Servers tab along the top: http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/game-servers/
  19. Our Arma servers could definitely use some love. The Insurgency Server is a fairly straightforward game mode - map squares occupied by OPFOR are red; we clear them out sometimes building to building to clear the zone and turn them green. Liberation is slightly more in-depth, but similarly can be played with a bunch of players, or a small group, or even solo or with a friend. Maybe we should discuss a date to swarm our server(s) with a bunch of Arma players, see how things go. We also have a 3rd server for running events, where we give a week or two for people to sign up - and anyone can suggest a mission for an event, even non-VG members. If, for example, you find a well tested mission that requires a handful of players, we can schedule signups and even create an easy to sync modlist if needed. I'd be happy to play a support role or lead a squad in an event, and I'd be happy to help organize a group Arma event for anyone who asks.
  20. We used to have a medals and ribbons system on older VG website, this one doesn't have it. I'll see about making up something official people can put in their forum signature - that's about all I could do, if people DO want to earn wings at VG again... Former requirements were not skill trials, though, but 90 hours logged on the VG Falcon Campaign.
  21. Meh - Static must have gotten busy... he's a Harrier NUT!
  22. First you blindly memorize buttons and the order to push them just to get in the air with your buddies, then it starts to make sense and you study the systems individually and how they operate, then you just keep flying and build on successes while learning from failures, watching youtube vids at work and then playing at home. lol BMS and most combat flight sims are difficult cuz it's the real deal, but remember: the real deal was designed by humans to fly in an efficient and intuitive manner regarding controls, so it's really not that hard once you jump into it. Best tip - view all of those buttons you see in the cockpit as belonging to separate sections, realizing that some sections get switched in the beginning and ignored throughout the rest of the flight, which really helps a person to not get overwhelmed by the 1.3 million buttons and switches in one of these fully modeled cockpits.
  23. @ranger_12 signups was only for the high commander position. The rest is "just show up to the event until it's full"
  24. ?!?!! The next step? Consider me confused... VG Events do not risk fracturing player base, they don't run every day! VG Events WOULD be running on the locked second (event) server, there isn't a chance that it would run on an unlocked Main server as it's an Event and it allows freedom to edit server files. No events should have their first aim to run on the main server. Is there some reason to run an event on the main server as opposed to the event server that I am unaware of? Is TEDF's new campaign going to run on the main server? And if so, why not the Event Server? Cuz that's why I created those other servers - including ease of setup (and ease of flipping it back to "regular PR COOP"), etc. etc. etc. Only in the most general sense is this the same as an OPFOR event that blocks people from playing BLUFOR, which is a managed adjustment of the entire team(s). Forcing vehicle players out of those roles (as opposed to merely asking for volunteers) is much more inline with "micro" management of teams. If you cannot see how these are vastly different, I gotta suggest that your focus on these concepts is far too narrow. Again, I feel it is an admirable idea to ask for volunteers from the "vehicle regulars" pool of players to give up those roles for an event, allowing newer and other players to try those roles, but I hold to my opinion that players should just be allowed to play the game in the role(s) they enjoy, as enjoyment is what it's all about. If you all want to give an event such as this a go, have at it. If people enjoy it, that would be wonderful. What should really be asked, though, is how and why does skilled/experienced regular players in vehicles during our Events detract from the fun and enjoyment of the other players in infantry roles? And is that something that can simply be fixed by way of the Event design / objectives?
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