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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. If that were true, we'd never innovate - very dark thinking, that. Luckily, we'll have it patched in a matter of minutes when we get together tomorrow and all will be well. He's the pro, and I like to play nice with others, so I don't want to insert my code into his script without running it by him first. Bugs are bugs, patches kill them. If there is someone to blame, it is microsoft once again - forcing UCS-2 LE BOM encoding on the Out-File cmdlets when the Refractor 2 engine that runs the game reads only non-BOM UTF-8 encoding.
  2. There was a small issue with the launch of this system, specifically the encoding of the final output file is incorrect. Will work with Xenalite first thing tomorrow to get it updated. Until then, I have disabled the Randomizer and have restored the previous maplist. One more day of "Muttrah Restarts" for you lot
  3. *FYI: If a map is not relatively easy for most players and tickets do not bleed on the last flag, the map will not be found in the seeding maps list. Also, force restarting the server through TCAdmin will not force the maplist to randomize. I may create a button for that purpose so it can be manually executed if needed, though the need would be rare. edit: Added button to TCAdmin web panel, in case needed. SOP is to stop server, edit disabled maps list if needed and/or click button and wait for it to complete, then start server again. (*randomizer runs naturally every 30 minutes regardless of server restarts, or whether server is stopped or online)
  4. =VG= SemlerPDX


    Nice skybox! Impressive!
  5. VETERANS-GAMING is Proud to Announce a New System for our Project Reality COOP Server: Huge thanks goes to Xenalite for creating this system - next time the server crashes, and you DON'T have to play Muttrah once again, be sure to give him your thanks!! In the past, we have used systems that forced the server to restart at a certain time once a day to change to one of 4 pre-set maplists that we created. Though this was a great start to relieving the annoyance of playing Muttrah after every crash or restart, it introduced another annoyance in the forced restart itself and never really removed the problem of playing the same map over and over in one day surrounding crashes or restarts. This randomizer will ensure that the VG Project Reality Server map rotation will remain fresh and new after every restart or server crash. Each time the server restarts or crashes, a new maplist will take effect, with the first several maps being chosen from a select few we know to be good seeding maps. VG PR Maplist Randomizer features: Randomizes the map list, with a unique map at the beginning (following a crash or restart). Excludes maps (which we place on a list) that were broken by an update or otherwise undesired on our maplist. Starter maps are random and unique, i.e. No 2 of the same map in first 10 rounds. Round 11 and on are non-starter maps taken from discarded starter maps and all other enabled maps. Remaining maps are random and non-adjacent, i.e. No 2 of the same map back-to-back. If a map is on disabled maps list, it will never appear in the final map list. The odds of playing the same starter map after crash is max 2% when running as designed
  6. Roger that. Universal Plug and Play is quite different than disabling an entire comm protocol for speed or security purposes. Glad you cleared that up. If one is going to manually configure port forwarding for the various internet gaming software(s) they may use, uPnP can be disabled without causing any issues. uPnP is an automatic system to decide what traffic goes to which computer on the router, and so it's going to come down to the router (or modem) manufacturer and the software/firmware handling the uPnP tasks as to whether it's any good at it. Great for some ideas, but for gaming/hobbyist applications where you do the work yourself to tell it what traffic on what ports goes to which IP on the router, it can get in the way. Concerning the "pro persons" at avast, I would say that unless you get one to talk to you directly with knowledge of your home computer/internet setup and speed, you are getting "blanket knowledge" that does not always apply to a specific person or situation. In that way, I recommend to avoid listening to that kind of advice where no further information is provided as to why/how and what is happening when you do the thing they "recommend". Do the hard work and research things yourself as needed - it usually doesn't take long to brief yourself on a new or foreign concept, especially if you already have some basic knowledge to build upon. Knowledge is power. Always remember, "First jou get the power, then jou get the money, then jou get the weeemen". (...or is it money first? lol) glad you enjoy my old ass movie references haha
  7. Then we moved there after the new server switch awhile ago. Either way, it's not Kassel. Just wanted to point that out.
  8. Well, it's not. Not sure where that information came from, but I don't always know how networks and the infrastructures connect. I just know where our server is physically located, in a massive datacenter... more than 200 km from Kassel in Vogtlandkreis. They have another datacenter in Nürnberg, but still that's quite a distance from Kassel. Just FYI Thank you so much for your help @0100011000101! I know ranger must be feeling pretty helpless and alone with this issue, but you have provided some much needed expertise and experience in troubleshooting his problems, and all of us need a guy like you to help out once in awhile when we hit a wall. Cheers, bro! Hope you guys can get to the bottom of this! I can assure you we have nothing running on the server that would cause these fairly regular interruptions in his otherwise stable connection to our server. Furthermore, he is the ONLY person out of many, many people who regularly play on this server every day that has this very specific issue. Common sense tells me that this issue needs to be examined first from his end as we have been doing. Getting more information directly around the time when these disconnects actually occur would be invaluable - that should be a major focus of this troubleshooting effort, if possible. ..... WRONG!! (just messing with you, WarGhost - don't take it personal) SERIOUSLY THOUGH - NO ONE READING THIS SHOULD DISABLE ANY UDP MODE ON THEIR ROUTER UNLESS WELL EDUCATED ON WHAT YOU ARE DOING WHEN YOU DO THIS! Please do not re-post "shot in the dark" suggestions you may have found on some random webpage like this without any further information describing why, how, or in what way this would benefit anyone. There is a reason to "try" turning a thing off for a test, but a blanket rule of "turn off UDP mode" without respect for other games or activities on that computer is just bad practice. This would most likely introduce MORE lag in his multiplayer online games (even if not PR itself). That one is up there with "put the computer's IP in the router's DMZ and leave it there". Don't do this! There may be a reason for ranger's intermittent disconnects when he has an otherwise stable connection, but unless it's shown that it is due to an unacceptable drop rate on his end of the connection, UDP and TCP should both be made available to his router. *connecting to the internet is a possible breach - everything is; primary communications protocols are about as broad a term to use for a "potential breach".... just sayin.
  9. This part is the same for everyone. Servers displayed on that list are no indication of your ability to connect to them. It must be something else. I wish we could help, but this is not something we have access to any deeper than ensuring you are not on the ban list and that you can at least connect to that server in team speak which is also the PR server, so you know your account is good with us. Again, wish I had answers but we need to keep working through this with advice from smarter people Hang in there bro! Keep the faith! See you all when I get home from vacation
  10. No, you are just fine as far as the server thinks ... Do you get this same issue on other PR servers? That would be a large indicator of the issue being on your end...
  11. Event is on, technical issues delayed the start.
  12. ^ What he said ... spend a little more now on the CPU so it can be capable of a gaming PC without being the bottleneck. i3 too underpowered for that rig - and like he said above, i7 too much money for marginal improvements - i5 FTW (research a good one!) *Don't even think about using the included heatsink/fan combo - gotta get aftermarket CPU cooling either dual fan with heat pipes or a single block liquid cooling would do well, too. Either one should cost no more than an additional $40-60
  13. I'd love to be a rifleman if it's still available, H8ter (otherwise, if we're lacking squad leaders, I'll open another one up and lead it)
  14. We'll make the 4th of July Memorial Event happen - not sure about the OPFOR idea, though, so if unable to make that work, let's just go with H8ter's original suggestion (24 hours at Muttrah). OPFOR would require a completely different setup and configuration. **For that to happen, we need someone to do the code/config work - volunteers welcome to apply. I will be out of town on the 4th, but I'll work with the Admin team to get it all set up before I leave.
  15. I am in shock. VincentJames was a very fun person to play with, was friendly with people he didn't even know yet, and was a good person. We're honored to have known him. My sincere condolences go out to his closest friends and family. He will be greatly missed.
  16. Awesome tower concept, Double - thanks! Haven't got to the walls and towers yet, kept running out of stone, etc. cuz my inventory was only 900 slots -- increased my stockpile storage to 4,800 slots (space for nearly half a million items). Also went and tamed another 2 Argentavis (Giant Eagle) for a total of four. Now I can go out for mining and return with over 10,000 items so I can spend more time building and less back-and-forth gathering of the resources. Largest stone walls cost upwards of 500 stone per wall, so it's still a big endeavor even with structures plus, just less fiddling in inventory menus and chests.
  17. Got a couple invisi-troopers with you, eh?
  18. ^ good one, Rotblut! took the words out of my mouth
  19. From the album: ARK: Survival Evolved

    Just finished the roof of what will become my castle in ARK. Got the idea to make a double arched roof for the ramp entrance in the front, and though it was a pain to get ARK to let me place things where I wanted, it worked out in the end and doesn't look too janky. Time to start on some towers, turrets, and walls now!
  20. We'll always remember you fondly, brother.  RIP

  21. This will be a good way to filter for publishers we choose (if we can browse by "favorite publishers" instead of one pub at a time) because we could essentially exclude all those no-name shovelware peddlers that overwhelm any game searches on the store, hiding the good gems in pages and pages of asset flips and "baby's first video games".
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