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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Can the F-35 fly at night yet? It's been awhile since I heard that so I imagine maybe it can by now... if it's being sold, etc.
  2. Hey, we'd appreciate the free advertisement If you find an image you like, or if you make one, post it up here so we can see it. Cheers!
  3. That first pic looks like it has a bag of ice in a basket like it's some kind of ghetto air conditioner for the truck cab
  4. Got Middle Earth: Shadow of War last night for $17 -- it's on sale right now until Oct. 1st, I think... From what I hear, the game is now balanced to require no micro-transactions just for enjoying the main game, though the post-game or "end game" content is grindy as hell and is played to unlock a second shitty ending to the storyline, so that's where they "get you".  Personally, I'm not much interested in this weak fan-fic storyline anyway, it's the combat and Nemesis system that makes this thing so cool.

    If you've been thinking of getting the game, now's about as low cost as it's gonna get.  DLC is still full price, but I'm sure that will also see sales before the end of the year.  Regardless, IMHO it's pretty weak DLC, short like all DLC and completely different "flavor" than the main game, so it probably doesn't feel like content that was gated off just to have DLC to charge for.

    1. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      I tried the game... well i didn t feel anything different from the first game. The shadow strike at long range is op af... I finished everything and deleted the game, there s not too many things to do after the story.... except some other super op orcs or "forts".  Don t listen to me, have fun. I personally love the story!!! 

  5. (I can't remember if I already posted this, was sitting in the reply box when I was going to make a post - looks promising:)

    So, I was reading some forum on a totally different topic, one guy suggested this CompactGUI as a tool for the Windows 10 "Compact" function.  It seems this is no new feature, but the version in Win10 is much more powerful and more optimized.

    TLDNR; You can take a program, for example my ARK installation folder (>100GB) and compress the contents with little to no performance loss when running the application.  Doesn't turn it into a ZIP or RAR achive, either - we'd not notice the change as users.  It is a disk space saver, and it's very good at it.  According to the reports, my ARK could potentially turn into a ~50GB folder instead of twice that!!
    Check it out, I'm gonna:

  6. ^Agreed -- we will need to write up a rule about not throwing smoke into the line of fire of vehicles or infantry with the intention to disrupt engagements in an unwanted/undesired way. Would be a repeated warnings sort of enforcement, only after repeated warnings would a kick be eligible. Also, if used as a griefing tool, it would be grounds for insta-ban if needed to restore order to the server. We will grant unbans so long as the individual was only guilty of ignoring warnings about misuse of smoke, and if they agree to follow the new smoke rules, will be unbanned. Something like that.
  7. I think you have a very great idea there. Make sure you pass it along and get some support for it, it seems like the best compromise between functionality and ability to be exploited.
  8. So, for those callin TLDNR on the Blog, let's start spreading the SOP's now so we're ready when it comes out: If you throw smoke, wait a full 15 seconds for it to disperse before moving -- if you shoot smoke (UGL 40mm and variants) wait at least 1 second before moving FTR, yes, this system will block blind fire through the smoke, it's the price to pay (and I bet it's worth it). For once, concealment is also cover. It's not only that they don't/can't "see" you, but they will be unable to score a shot on you due to an object in the way. Minding that, don't stand just anywhere in a cloud of smoke expecting to be invisible to the bots. edit: @=VG= Double_13 Are trees and bushes next? j/k - thanks again! this rocks!
  9. Amazing work! Hope it performs well and brings a new level of realism and a new layer to tactics into COOP. Thank you all very much for your hard work!!
  10. Don't take it personally, ranger - Double lives in a windmill filled with tulips. But who am I to say, I'm just your average American who sleeps in a house made out of the American flag on a bed of loose ammo.
  11. Sure, you can do that! You just need extra hard drive space... partition off a portion of it for a dual boot installation of a different operating system. Am I missing something? Does the latest Win10 with updates not play well with dual boot systems (Win7/Win10) ?? I don't let my Win10 update when it wants to, so I don't have that troublesome Creators Update, etc. etc... I don't see why it wouldn't work, though, people have been using dual boot to try new or different operating systems without scrapping their currents system for years... Edit: Even if Dual Boot was not possible, you can always buy another cheap hard drive and physically remove the current OS drive, put the new drive in it's place and install a different OS, and all that... And could just pull the new drive and pop in the old one to swap between Win7 or Win10. Dual boot is best option, though, if you have the space to hold 2 OS's on it plus overhead.
  12. Damn, Skitalez! I didn't know were an old (very old) school scripter! Arma scripting was my intro to coding and eventually programming, was big into Arma 2 at the time. @Vanillapop You gotta be into something to put in all the time and work, but it's very rewarding because something tangible comes out of your time, instead of just playing the game, you get to help direct its design. Take that as a first step, and eventually you see how easy programming can be (with good links to online resources) and you can move onto any project ... Skyrim modding, crazy minecraft stuff, little apps for your phone, etc. Deep rabbit hole
  13. ^What he said. I believe you are right. Solves nothing, complicates the position even more, and taking 1-5 keys further away from ready access. I often have to make slightly custom controls when they conflict with other hotkeys like TS3 PTT or others, and using a custom keypad I often forget the default keyboard buttons, so there is that compromise helping out new player with a question because it's often not possible unless I happen to know it by heart. Hardest part about custom controls BY FAR when talking Project Reality is that the various kits across the various factions have so many items from 1-9 or whatever that I can't always remember which numbered key is for which item and where is that button on my Razer Tartarus keypad.
  14. In configs or game files? If it's in the game, is it separate for COOP? Because if we could alter that, it would be awesome! That asset cleanup came in one of the recent updates and I was concerned when I saw it if it would become a problem. I assumed it was connected to all assets across all game modes, so couldn't be messed with...
  15. All fingers rest on the same line for typing, pinky on the A key - while typing - and the Z key is hit by the pinky and the X key is hit by the ring finger. Notice the offset, too - Z is often below the middle of A or S, and only the 10-key keypad is a proper straight grid, because the hand position for one handed 10-key calculating requires a straight grid. All keyboards have an offset on the alphabet keys, but it's really different for every keyboard, and takes getting used to for typing at speed. But for gameplay, I think it can get in the way for some games that make frequent use of Z and X. Look again at the picture of that Razer keypad above, because it's designed for use by one hand, and not for typing, all the keys are in a straight grid like a 10-key, and make for easy access to the "shift - z - x - c - v" row (also, the "shift" being a single mechanical key rather than a wide bar. The space is that paddle under the thumb. Basically, when I got into PC gaming, I assumed most everyone who got into it for more than a few months or a year, owned one of these things. I'm impressed that people are able to hover their hand over a keyboard and manage to play competitively, but I'm not knocking it.
  16. Yeah, that four way is usually Jump, prone, 1, and 2 (up, down, left, and right) for most games I play. Makes it easy to switch fire modes or to sidearm quickly. It helps to have a few buttons on the mouse, too. I rarely ever touch the actual keyboard in any game unless it's for typing in a chat.
  17. I could never really get used to the keyboard, I got one of these years ago (and this Razer one to replace it) and it's pretty much all I need for nearly every game. Covers the WSAD keys plus the caps, shift, and z-v, and a 4 way directional, too. Full customization with the software, supports macros, etc. The palm rest is the best, tho, cuz I can't hover my hand over a keyboard without mashing the damn keys.
  18. Thank you for the report(s). Have verified that this person is now on the banlist. After reviewing his history in the logs, it is extensive and therefore this person will not be eligible for an unban. Ban is permanent (reason trolling / repeated intentional teamkilling) /locked
  19. When I first got here to my Pop's house in Wisconsin back in July, they had DSL internet through AT&T (coming in though a tiny old school phone line) and were paying $46.99 a month for internet speeds equivalent to circa 2004 internets.  I have just upgraded them to Spectrum (Time Warner) high speed broadband internet via cable, with a top-in-class consumer modem (Arris) with dual band WiFi, 16 channels, and speeds of up to 250Mb/s Down and 20Mb/s Up (for a monthly cost of $47.99)

    .... yea.  ... yea.

    I feel bad for the parentals that they've been wasting money on terribly frustrating slow speeds for years, but glad I was able to get them up to 2018 USA standards for nearly no change in price.

    What a world!  Gonna pop onto the ARK Server (finally) and feed my dinos before the rest of them starve to death like the little ones did a week or few ago.  Don't want to start over with my breeding program, put a fair bit of time into that.

    Might even get onto the Falcon server for a multiplayer flight to show my Pops what it's like.  NASCAR next weekend at Road America, the "clowns" of the road course - will be fun to see those 2 ton monsters try to navigate that classic road course.  We'll take plenty of pictures.


  20. The VG PR COOP Server has been updated to We will be starting this new thread for bug reports and feedback regarding this most recent patch. If you have previously reported an issue, please attempt to recreate it and see if this updated fixed it, and if NOT, please re-post details here so we can get the info to the proper individual(s). Thank you all for your patience (I had no internet for the past 3 hours, fun story for a different day - Cheers!)
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