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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. That would be a suggestion for developers of the base game we're playing... We don't have that sort of free reign over the core code. We get MOTD's, that's it. The server itself turns off the PR COOP and changes out some files and restarts it; my rotation system is not part of PR, just a bunch of batch scripts I threw together, really. What does this mean? Set the map rotation as normal? Please clarify if I am missing something because this suggestion gave me a mild form of brain cancer... (j/k) The map rotation is a text file called maplist.con and it has the names of the maps we wish to run. At VG, we have 5 variants currently, so the maplist is different most every day of the week, and they automatically change each day at about 0700 GMT. On Fridays, it's an OPFOR Only rotation. Changing the rotation involves a server stop/restart (again, forcefully occurring each morning). There is no "normal" one unless you are referring to one that starts with Muttrah City and that is just arbitrary. What I'm proposing here as a possible solution to the OP is to set the map rotation to LOW POPULATION Setup (a button available to certain PR Admins) and leave it that way all night. The next morning, the forced rotation change will occur and automatically switch the server back to "normal" or whatever that day's rotation is set to.
  2. Okay, because the maps were not released as part of the PR Installer package, it means that people with "normal" PR will attempt to join our server, and will get kicked for not having the map pack installed. This causes a split in the community of PR gamers, and while we have attempted such things in the past, the issues that arose included confusion and "hassle" for those who needed to take extra steps to connect to the VG PR COOP. As the goal is to be as inclusive as possible with our Main PR COOP Server to public players, we do not run any add-on components like this, even though this Map Pack is Official and would be allowed to run without a password by the terms of our license agreement with PR. So, we have 2 other servers. I'm just waiting for Poff to meet me and help me work out the Mumble issue, and we'll be able to run whatever we want separate from the standard PR COOP -- and also it will mean that Events will be easier to host and participate in because Mumble will work by default and no lag will arise while running more than 1 PR server at a time. This Map Pack could and should be part of an Event, but we don't host them on the standard PR COOP for the above reasons.
  3. Windows 10 is a marketing scheme!  DirectX 12 could have been a module for the Windows 7 operating system - easily.  The company is in the business of selling operating systems, and not content to build on past successes they will constantly redesign what does not need to be redesigned.  What is worse is that it is ON PURPOSE!  Microsoft purposefully went backwards with certain functions to make sure they do not function as well as in Windows 7, for which support & updates will soon be discontinued, so that people will buy Windows 11 one day and see it as an improvement over Windows 10.  They are doing this to ensure sales when in the past their customers would not upgrade to the latest product due to familiarity or proven functionality.

    We had mice - so someone built a mouse trap and sold it to us.  It worked and everyone bought them all up.  But then Mr. Mousetrap wanted more money so they made a new one that doesn't work as well, but they get to sell it to us once again.  We don't buy it cuz it's crap, so they stop selling the first mouse trap to force one product.  Now we're stuck with a crap mouse trap and a company that won't sell us the good one anymore.  All those people defending them saying "it's better than nothing!" or "remember when we had mice everywhere?" can suck a spotted dick.
    Give me back my good mouse traps!

    Fuck You Microsoft! :Mauridia_01:

    1. WCCBadploy


      Interesting Analysis. Don't let it phase you though..

    2. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Luv it ... Sem .. so very true



      Yer mannnn it's all a scam Bill and Steve jobs ,{R In hell lolz}  there both destroying all the hard work the IEEE and W3C have put in to stabilizing  the IT world, thesis anti thesis. A or B and ya gotta pay ,and keep paying, and working out complex shit so you feel you not being ripped lolzzzz im still running XP lolzzzzz works fine like a dream there not even making malware for it now hahah  : )  the only solution is to go full, open source  LINUX  and get a bumper sticker that says 


      Fuck You Appel o Soft! i am not a number i am a man with a D%&+K and stay away from my kids creeps. : [@] 


      As a connoisseur of tiny switches, i can say.  i feeel your pain, hug. now dismantle there juke box OS hahahha and rebirth it as your own. xx 



  4. When no admins are online, when it's late and the population is low, if the voting system is not enabled, there is no way to change the current map. What amazing feature do we have disabled because low population? Also "once again"? What OTHER amazing feature do we have disabled? You guys aren't referring to systems that are unused due to exploits or performance issues, are you?
  5. Sorry SemlerPDX but Double is right in this last comment. Too many times you see a noob CAS pilot fly directly to the AA of the fortress, with the obvious result (CAS down) other than aproach from a side angle to destroy the AA emplacement. But this further drives the post off topic! Can you see where I am coming from? Basic TRANS routes on Muttrah City ... I think ZZANG1847 already put it best for this topic when he wrote "4. Be ready to say "No" when necessary. If someone tells you to drop a crate at the mosque when BTRs/BMPs are right next to them, tell them to "GO F&^K YOURSELF."" But we could make CAS videos and tutorials as well. Could help those noob pilots learn how to approach the fortress and kill the AA properly in a CAS chopper.
  6. These sorts of comments are unnecessary and not constructive. And they are starting to bother Kav, who posted this video and thread to help newer pilots envision the concept of routes, not to dictate some kind of SOP, or pull back that "fourth wall" and reveal every little tick of the AI and the system. Please stop treating this tutorial for beginners as some sort of "spoiler" as if learning the finer points of PR is part of the game. These are exactly the sorts of things that dedicated pilots note - locations of threats, avenues of approach, common taskings, etc. I don't see every single map or "safe angle" to kill every threat noted here in this thread, what I see is something that will greatly help new Trans pilots learn what is required and to hopefully apply it to other maps on their own.
  7. This is no longer the case. FOB digging has been disabled and we will likely be leaving it that way. This will certainly change the dynamics of a low population mission. Keep that in mind while choosing which maps would be best for a low population time period. Because of this, and because we will likely not be able to accommodate such a mechanism, it might be best to proceed with testing a Low Pop setup system at least for a few days or a week.
  8. I believe he is referring to times when there are no admins and the maps are not suited for the low number of players on at the time. Meaning: this needs to be set up before the last admin leaves for the evening. Map Vote is not the most reliable and AFAIK can cause a crash if certain map(s) are selected. It may be more wise to get a proper list of what would be good Low Pop maps and actually implement this system at least on an as-needed basis, to get some testing in. We don't know how it will play out until we give it a go. ...hmmm - I forgot who as well...
  9. Get me a list of maps. I already created such a system, it's just not used. It would require a PR Admin to restart the server when they change it to and from that setup. So, last admin at night and maybe first admin in the morning, or whatever. Not sure how it would work, but we've never exactly tested it. It's not automatic or anything, but it's a simple button press called LowPop Setup. Like I said, talk to the people and list the maps that would work, and indicate a seed map (something that will draw people in) for the default starting map in the list.
  10. Yes, just use imgur and paste the link in your post. I use it for everything, even my articles. The upload size for pictures on the VG website is 900 KB, for the record. If you resize your images to have a max size of <900 KB, they will upload every time. Why? Website Size and Costs. Photos and screenshots are getting larger in size these days, and rather than have a website that has empty holes where archived photos used to be when we mass-clean thousands of these not-small image files, we encourage people to use image websites that provide the free storage and image links, or limit their photo size to less than 900 MB per image. When you find yourself wanting to move your website, and spend days deleting terabytes of images and other "now useless" files, you get a little wary about unlimited size uploading for a small community website. I'm sure you all can understand that. We also encourage the use of DropBox for file sharing, and use it in our own download section at times to spread the load off this website and onto a free host that is designed for file sharing, and provides free storage and download links, though files under the limit can be shared here just like photos.
  11. Funny you should bring this up just now. I've recently installed 2 additional PR Servers on the VG Dedi. Both of them are development servers and will (from time to time) host public events to try out different game mode styles and different maps that are not part of PR. You can see some early activity now with the events yesterday and today, and also that we are not finished with these servers yet - mumble is still not working, and this may be why there is random lag and performance issues when running more than one of these servers at a time. I'll be fixing that this coming week. One of those servers is a general PR Dev server suited for "whatever", and the other is dedicated to the PR COOP Insurgency gamemode that =VG= Fastjack developed. Both will remain passworded when operating non-standard maps or gamemodes, though they will be open to the public during most events. Aside from the PR COOP Insurgency Server, we don't plan on hosting a 2nd PR COOP Server at the same time as our VG PR COOP (running the same thing) but we are interested in running a variety of games/gamemodes which may be happening once testing of PRCOOP Insurgency is complete.
  12. Okay - the links are in the post above, if you can't figure it out, you will not be joining the event. In the post above, it is mentioned to join TeamSpeak. In TeamSpeak is the password for the server, you must join a channel of the squad you are in in-game.
  13. I've updated the VG PR COOP Server -- I hopped in and tested mumble with someone, it's all good! Good luck in your tournament guys, and see you later! **For future reference, if I am not available, you need MelonMuncher. Only he and I have access (and know the procedure) to update the PR server.
  14. Thank you. I like the campaign going for several weeks. I'd like to continue in this fashion, and we'll take it as it comes. If there are issues or it's completely dry and dull, there is no reason we can't just restart to Day 1, though. Feel free to use your best judgement.
  15. I love that flag! Very cool that you got it into the game!
  16. Server is running, there is someone flying on it right now. We require pilots to use the same aircraft data on our server, and you will need to disable any additional addon resources you may be using such as skins or terrain, etc. The error joining was because of different ACDATA only. Server is 32 bit.
  17. you don't! We didn't doubt that, bro! Pardon me for the bad meme, my sense of humor chip is malfunctioning
  18. (okay, maybe there were also some technical difficulties like Mumble not working correctly, etc... Rescheduling TBA)
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