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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. The VG Project Reality COOP Server is back online. PR Mumble is still down - it may be a day or two until we get everything working the way it was, but at least the main server is back for now. It's fair to expect some restarts here and there when the server is being worked on, but we will always try to notify you before that happens. Thanks again for your patience!
  2. Well written review! Meant to post that back when you wrote this - I can appreciate the time it takes to get something looking right. Game sounds pretty cool, too!
  3. sadly, servers are down - details here: http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/announcement/7-vg-servers-are-down-we-do-not-yet-know-when-they-will-come-back-online/
  4. TS3 and Mumble Services restarted -- it should be working now. *I may need to restart PR as well, but I hope not. Please let me know if it worked. oh crap - servers just took a crap... details here: http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/announcement/7-vg-servers-are-down-we-do-not-yet-know-when-they-will-come-back-online/
  5. Hey bro, don't worry about it! Thank you very much for your kind words! We know not everyone can donate, and that some cannot because it's physically/digitally not possible - but we still appreciate the thought! Those who cannot donate money still help by playing on our servers, and promoting the friendly teamplay spirit we all enjoy here at VG. There are other things you can do to help the community, things as simple as sharing a screenshot, teaching a newer player some helpful skills, helping to report a nuisance player, or even just telling a friend about our mature gaming atmosphere and helping to spread the word about our cooperative teamwork servers. Rest assured that VG will continue to function even if we do not receive donations because we have some very dedicated VG Alumni who still devote time and money to help keep VG running year after year. Any little bit helps, but no one should feel bad for not donating. Help out where you can, have fun; spread the love! Thanks again, ranger_12!
  6. It was on Day 3 when I took that flight; only thing new is the Weather model, which is based on real world weather in the region AFAIK. The same campaign is running today, a few weeks into the war now.
  7. Well said, Rotblut. Poffadder replied to my email: "I'm heading to Spain, I'll do it from there."
  8. I emailed Poffadder regarding the update
  9. @=VG= SolarFlame1 Technically, you can find the info on our page, but it is best that you do not mess with it as you said - the server does not multi-task well, and if there are more than 4 players flying around, anyone working on the server will risk crashing the main application (BMS) that it is running. If you can help to troubleshoot this issue, I'd be happy to help you out, but I believe the best time is early to mid-morning for you (that would be middle of the night for most VG BMS players, so the server would be empty). And I might be asleep - but we should talk sometime in person about this. We could make sure no one is flying, and shut it down. I do any and all maintenance when no one is flying. The server auto-save's every 2 hours, so it is unlikely that you could seriously mess up a misson/Campaign in progress, just FYI. You'd just login, end the processes via task manager (Falcon BMS.exe and IVC.exe) and do your stuff. Force closing the programs won't hurt it at all. I'd login the next morning and restart the server. Eazy peazy. (that's just in case you ever wish to check out that server ) The only problem with you logging into the server is that when you leave, the server will lock up to the Windows login screen and I'd have to come in afterwards to fix that. Again, we should talk in person someday, too many details (some sensitive) for me to type up here. This is not the first time a player has had this sort of issue connecting, coming from a country where people already connect without issue, and in this case, he's even in a major city (Hamburg) and not the middle of nowhere it seems. I do assume it has to do with his hardware configuration, a user issue and not a server issue, since we all connect well from US, UK, and Europe already with no extra steps required, no ports needing to be forwarded.
  10. The Red Forces seem to be a bit OP, but then we do have the server set up to require human interaction FTW...
  11. It always seems so peaceful on ingress... Minrah, Falco, Jeffu and I flew a handful of missions on the VG BMS Server today in the 24/7 Korean War going on there - in one of our missions, we shot down 13 MiG's between the four of us, and throughout the day most of us returned to base and landed safely (most of the time). No shortcuts, it's the real deal trying to fly one of these jets, but it's worth the time it takes to learn!
  12. Are you certain that pre-load check is not only for the Tommo Inc/Falcon 4 validation check? I could see how a full file verification could take place, it's just that the check is not so long for me (approximately 4 seconds from Launch to Main Menu loaded). I realize I am loading from a secondary Solid State Drive and may be experiencing faster load times myself versus the HDD that the server loads BMS from (approximately 30-40 seconds from Launch to Main Menu loaded) -- but I was unaware that the entire 5.67 GB game folder was searched for the integrity of all game files during this pre-load check. I thought it was just a check for Falcon 4.0 license/installation in it's pre-load verification. Did you read somewhere that BMS gets an entire game files integrity check during each load? That would really help in troubleshooting to know that fact with certainty...
  13. 1. When did this start happening to you? 2. Have you just recently changed anything such as game updates, OS updates, etc. ? 3. Are you running the most recent version of BMS (currently 4.33.3)? 4. Does this problem only happen online on our server, or also when you fly offline on your PC? Post up answers to these questions when you can. You may need to re-download & reinstall BMS to verify that files are not corrupt - but you will want to delete any installers you have on your system first, and start from scratch. *as Brain said, do not reinstall yet - it's a last resort and we aren't there yet. Just know that it "may" be needed later.
  14. Okay - I've gotten to the bottom of this all. Seems that asshole SemlerPDX made the original account, and paid the original $55 annual license fee (if I am reading this correctly). Sorry, I don't remember such things after a year, and I have no one to blame but myself for not getting the correct login info onto the login sheet we use. Simple solution: pay the fee and reinstate the TS3 server. Eazy peazy. Only problem is I cannot afford this today, or tomorrow, or next week. My daughter turned 18 last weekend, and her Mom and I got her a new laptop and split the cost - on top of that, she graduates High School in a few months, and I've just booked a flight/hotel/car so I can get out there for the weekend and attend the ceremony. Basically, I'm over a thousand dollars in debt in less than a week here, and I can't pull the $55 out even though I very much want to pay my share for VG. UPDATE: Thanks to Double_13 for taking care of this! I've paid the bill and will apply the license now. VG TS3 will be up shortly. Anyone who appreciates the VG TS3 and can afford to chip in a little bit, please use this paypal link to my account and I will use the funds to pay the license fee as soon as it is enough. The total cost for one year is $55. There is no discussion here, we cannot use a non-profit license, and we need at least 64 slots. This is what we need, it's what we've had for years. Paypal funds on the front page have already been spent on the website costs. As we all know the list has not been cleared since the new website went live, possibly an oversight, or possibly to track the generous folks who have helped to pay for this awesome new website, so I must take up a special donation for this fee. Do not donate to the PayPal link on the front page for this TS3 License collections attempt - use the link below, or I will not receive the funds I need to pay it. IF you donate to this link, please also post up below with your name and the amount paid so I we can track the progress in THIS thread. DONATE - (Special - goes directly to TS3 license fee through SemlerPDX) GOAL: $55 (US) Received: $55
  15. Okay. Just checked it and saw you flying... assumed it was okay. BMS Server restarted to last autosave.
  16. I just found out that it's our TS3 annual license that needs to be renewed. Us "Administrators" in VG have access to a page with the login info for all our services, but TS3 VG login info is missing. I've contacted the other VG Heads and we'll get it sorted asap - BUT the TS3 could be down for a day (at least). Feel free to use the VG Refugee Lounge Channel in the TS3 Server run by our Brother Clan, L.A.M.B.s (nopryl). TS3 login info and password can be requested at their site for anyone who is a not currently know to LAMBS. TEMP TS3 VG Refugee Lounge: http://www.nopryl.no/smfprod/index.php (Follow all VG Rules in LAMBS TS3, violations or disruptions to our friends will be dealt with harshly)
  17. Mumble should be fixed now. Report up if it is not (merged the thread, best to just use this if it happens again in the future)
  18. Can't wait till programming wiz's like you and your students can make any old classic game work in that dual-screen VR tech!! One reason I won't drop $600+ now is that only 2 games I own would work halfway decent in VR (DCS and Elite:Dangerous) but both trade their awesome resolution for a blurry "difficult to look at" set of in-game UI's and menus. Unfortunately, I've already heard that they haven't made enough on this first generation of VR to consider designing or improving the system for a second generation of VR devices... but here's hoping!! Hope you and your students have fun with that, Badploy!!
  19. That pic where one jet's nose is literally over the tail of the other one, I had a question: I supposed DCS does not model jet wash, correct? Been years since I flew DCS. That is some pretty fancy flying there!!!
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