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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Not sure what was up - the server looked just fine on it's side. There was someone (callsign Viper, so not sure who) about to takeoff - told him to wait for a quick restart. Saved, so it's restarted to whatever time it was right now. Hope it works better now.
  2. Oh, that's sweet! I just noticed that TR433_01_Ground_Ops has the normal Training flight with the F-16, but the other 2 non-training flights there are A-10's. Never thought to try to ramp start one of those instead of the F-16... I've selected other flights in the Training missions before but it's usually by accident and then I'm in the mission wondering where all the steerpoints I briefed on are at or why nothing is corresponding to the section of the Training manual.
  3. In BMS, does the A-10 have a modeled RAMP start and second question, does it have all it's switches mapped to function similar to the A-10 (like how we operate it in the DCS sim) ? Also, since BMS is a Falcon sim, does the A-10 have it's own A-A and A-G controls based on SOI in the way the A-10 actually does with the TMS and China Hat, or are they the default TGP and TMS functions of the F-16 from the rest of the BMS sim? Last question, if you know, does the BMS's A-10 have a PAC control for using the GAU-8?
  4. I think it's best to stick with the default keyboard layout so that people can help out with common control questions (How do I turn on the FPS counter? etc.) and work from there. The A-10 Throttle (in an A-10) uses it's throttle setup quite differently than the F-16, but you should be able to set it up proper for each individual aircraft if you want, and just save them as different profiles in BMS, and load them before flight to choose which one - but I think they should both be based on the default keyboard layout of BMS. *you can look at the diagrams in the BMS manuals to see what the actual controls setups are for the F-16 and map them to the stick and throttle from there. If you need pics for the default A-10C controls setup, the ones from the DCS A-10C manual would work to get a 1:1 accurate setup.
  5. They already got a guide to the best locations for sniping on the new Battlefield 1 DLC map, Giant's Shadow:  http://i.imgur.com/7RGvCGr.jpg :sarcastic_hand:

  6. From the VG Minecraft Modsauce 2 --  I've been building here and there to further develop my castle, flattened out the courtyard and started building the village.  First building I've finished is the church near the back, tons of carpenters' blocks for a proper angled roof, and some neat brick textures thanks to the chisel tool.  The larger L-shaped building near the church is next, gonna make it a Tavern of sorts.  Decocraft Mod is what makes the interiors so cool - having tons of fun building this model castle and village!
    Every few months, more of that mountain becomes part of my castle.

    That largest tower on the left is my indoor automated farm - it's 21 levels going well below ground, using ComputerCraft Farming Turtles for the automation, they reap every 3 hours.  Turned them off now, I have stored 10,000+ of every crop I keep.  It's mostly a Hemp farm, which I harvest Industrial Hemp String from, crafted into standard String, and then crafted into Wool as needed for other projects.xERwyKo.png

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      *this is all in Survival mode, I'm flying in this pic using my Magic Ring of Flight, which I got as a gift from Rampen after I finished the main castle and that rounded turret near the long bridge - I used to have to use dirt scaffolding to build most of this.

    2. =VG= Eclipse002
  7. If swec.se cannot find the servers through their default query ports (which are set correctly and are working correctly) then it's a problem with swec.se, and not us. Maybe contact them, I dunno what to say.
  8. [22:13:49 SQUAD 2] SerEvergreen: !w tishbine Keep all-chat to a minimum. [EDIT: added line 67] [22:15:25 TEAM 2] problematic_tishbine: that was my first all chat comment but ok [22:34:16 SQUAD 2] SerEvergreen: !w problematic Last warning: Keep all-chat to a minimum! [22:40:22 SQUAD 2] SerEvergreen: !w tishbane Last warning: Keep all-chat to a minimum and behave or you will be removed permanently. You responded to these final warnings in text chat, so don't go bringing more of your lies here - I don't care which warnings you legitimately did not see, but you saw these ones, and you responded. We have logs. Drop it.
  9. Thank you for your report. We take all reports of admin abuse seriously, and we will take actions to help curb the behavior you have reported. People can get frustrated at times, even admins, and while it is no excuse, it is human nature to get frustrated to a point where one's behavior is affected and these games are no exception. I know from personal experience that Double_13 is a good person, and it sounds like you had the unfortunate opportunity to be the "straw that broke the camel's back". Again, this is not an excuse of his behavior and if this becomes a trend, further action may be required. For the record, I'll state it here for everyone: Admins need to try to help those they can, and to not assume everyone is as smart as they are - remember what is obvious to us is not necessarily obvious to others, and repeatedly redundant questions (or the same question asked over and over) is not a personal attack directed at the admin(s) but merely a query from someone who may have missed the many replies to the very same question. Our community attitude is not "sink or swim", but Yonical, you must understand that we expect all players to pay attention and to keep up with the learning curve. Admins should continue to do their best to keep to an absolute minimum their emotional responses and avoid the use of name calling in the future as it is not always helpful to shame someone into keeping up with the herd. The remainder of my actions will not be posted in this thread, I prefer to address issues 1 on 1, so you can just assume things are being handled from here on out. Again, thanks for the report.
  10. I'm hoping we'll find out soon. I went ahead and restarted the campaign from the Day 14 save file, and it seemed to be running fine all day. Just now I noticed it had crashed, but it had progressed and created several more autosave files since, so I restarted it from the latest one. If you guys notice any more issues like Kaos described above, please let me know. If the game seems fouled up, I'd be happy to scrap the save files and continue from the beginning of the war with different saves - but I need input for that.
  11. It did not crash last night. I saw that Brain had some IVC issues, but other flights after that had no IVC issues that I could see, so I assume the problem resolved itself. I'd be happy to change it back to the Day 14 save files we left off on, to see if there is a problem with the save file causing crashes, or if they are just a string of coincidental crashes that gave us that impression. I'll be saving the save files from yesterday/today in the event that a Day 14 test just keeps crashing again, so that I can just restart from where the campaign is right now and not Day 1 beginning. I'm home all day today and I'll be keeping an eye on it as it goes to watch for crashes - but if it does crash mid-day for no apparent reason, I feel we must abandon the save and start fresh *(by which I mean going back to the save files we've been playing since last night, currently on Day 2).
  12. Campaign must be over or something. I restarted it to Day 1. I saved the autosaves in another folder in case you all disagree and want me to try to restart from them - I hate making unilateral decisions about a campaign you all play in, but I think after 3 crashes so close, it's necessary.
  13. Is this the 3rd morning in a row it's crashed? Restarted to last autosave - Day 14. Looks like BLUFOR pushed the FLOT above the 88th - keep an eye out for the end of the war. I'm wondering where these crashes are coming from...
  14. Restarted to last autosave. Kaos - you joined when I was restarting, had a 20 minute real clock when I launched; tried to message you about it, had to shut it all down to kick you out so I could restart it with a fast clock - hope you understand. It's running now.
  15. Thank you for the donation!

  16. Server restarted to last autosave. Did not look like the campaign was over, but couldn't tell really. Thanks for the report
  17. It had crashed - it's Day 10 but based on the FLOT, it didn't look like the Campaign was over. Restarted to last autosave.
  18. Hmmm.... That's a new one. The only recent change was the config addition of the command to make the AI idle after 2 hours without Human players on the server. I'd like to hear from some others before I assume anything, but I am prepared to revert that change to see if it fixes these problems.
  19. Please contact TEDF or myself if you have an Admin complaint that you do not feel comfortable posting in public forums. We take all reports seriously, and we will take actions to correct the behavior(s) as appropriate. Conjecture can be difficult to judge by, we would appreciate any screenshots or time/date references so that we may look up activity in the log files - but we will accept any report regardless of any evidence, or lack thereof. Do you feel you have accomplished your goal to improve what you see as negative actions on the part of admins with this poll thread that has 10 votes against your opinion? I do not. If you wish Admins behavior as you see it to change, I advise you to provide more details in this thread, or contact senior staff such as TEDF or myself with a proper report. Otherwise, I expect this thread to affect little in the way of change.
  20. =VG= SemlerPDX


    Sweet screenshot - very artsy with the black & white! Shared it on the BMS Facebook page - thanks for sharing!
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