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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Don't worry about it, Poffadder's got it covered, like I said. But on the issue of RDP, you have access to the info page, you can fix that issue with the root login. Just a reminder.
  2. He wrote up in the chatbox, best place to check for current events info when there are no posts on a subject. Also, I only contacted our PR Server Manager (Poffadder) yesterday afternoon, and still waiting for a reply. Was going to make a post regarding this, but seems like you beat me to the announcement so I'll write it here: We are waiting for our PR Server tech Poffadder to update the server. Be patient please - no one expected this update that came out of nowhere, couldn't even find details about it on the PR website (post is virtually hidden in a changelog post deep in their forums). Because of the new client side automatic updates, all clients are already updated but the server requires a manual update of the files. We will get this done asap, and we appreciate your patience during this downtime. We are a small community, and many of us have gotten busy with life or careers and this of course takes priority over our game time. We do share the delegation of duties, but at times, there are certain things that only the person most familiar with a task is the go-to fixit guy for the job. We operate this way because doing something the "right way" is more important than getting something done very fast, and while it's frustrating to have to wait to play a game here, this method ensures we don't run into problems with incorrect methods, overwritten config files, or lost banlists, and other such issues. Again, thank you for your patience - I will post up when I get a reply from Poffadder. Cheers!
  3. Badploy is indeed a great leader, and great team player! As you could see on his profile, he actually IS a VG Member, and is one of the oldest here (predates my own membership by several months). The WCC Clan merged with VG when they lost their friend and leader. They retain their old clan tags in homage. Other noted WCC/VG members include Sparky, StarchyDuke, and BozZz . They are all good friends and good people, and already considered VG Members for nearly as long as VG has been a clan.
  4. Quick fix for that (first alt+tab back to BMS, windows task bar will likely still be on top of it) then press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to bring up that blue windows splash screen, don't select anything, just press Esc Will pop back to BMS properly.
  5. or any public online FPS game.... Not sure who is working on this server, but it is labeled as DEV -- if they could post up here in the discussion, it would help... PITN? You got some good things coming or something?
  6. But we cannot make a rule for every little thing. It would be very difficult to have and enforce map specific rules, on top of that. Besides the fact that I think you are confusing this humvee with something that would be used as a front line asset, and though it may be employed that way on Mutrah often, it's a paper thin defensive asset at best when used as it was designed, and might be well used as a member of a humvee group that moves soldiers around the map. Putting it into it's own group would segregate it from the other humvee mobile infantry groups, wouldn't it?
  7. There was another area with permissions for chat specifically that I forget about often. It's fixed now.
  8. I am not certain I'd know what to look for, but I'm happy to make those files public for anyone to look at if they would like: BMS Server Autosave Files Feb2017
  9. I've restarted the campaign to Day 1. I didn't change anything. If one of you wants to reactivate an AI Squadron we've disabled, that is okay (I'm thinking A-10's would be smart). I don't want to alter the base save file at this time, until we are certain of what to fix here to make it better, since you all can still "fix it on the fly" and see how your fixes play out while you fly.
  10. Again, just let me know if you don't want to continue this overly challenging campaign and want me to restart it from Day 1 with some sort of modifications. Those notes that on Day 7 is when it gets rough makes me think on how there is a trigger to bring Carrier Vinson into the campaign on Day 7 (but in our file, we've modified it so it's present on Day 1). I wonder if this could be the issue, but it hasn't been one for the many months we've been doing it this way. Just more speculation and theory.
  11. Yea, that's whats weird -- I didn't change anything and all of a sudden, OPFOR is OP. Maybe someone messed with the frag-o near day 1 after I launched it. I'm not sure what to change, as I had a look over the Day 1 save, and things actually look normal. Squadrons we grounded to add to the challenge are still grounded, and unless the campaign itself changed with the last update, I am at a loss for what to change to fix this. Maybe I should activate the A-10's and a few of the F-18 squadrons we grounded on the next Campaign restart... Just let me know if it becomes uplayable before that time, and I'll start it over on Day 1 with a few extra BLUFOR Squadrons active. If you want me to do this now, just tell me.
  12. Done. Callsigns cleared and campaign restarted from last autosave.
  13. I was wondering as much. I think the base mission save needs to be modified a bit, I'll have a look at things later today and will let you all know when I have something to swap out.
  14. But that does not explain why you were on our server during the 30 Day Period in which you were banned -- only because of a server error were you able to rejoin VG PR COOP due to technical difficulties we were having with our banlist, but you did not rejoin the server using the name we had banned you with, you used subversive means to sneak back onto our server via the use of an alternate name in an obvious attempt to go unnoticed and bypass the ruling of the Administration here. How are you going to explain that? You cannot. ^ I fully agree and support this decision, as I'm sure all Admins here will once they read the facts presented by TEDF. We do not need players who do not respect the rules, and we certainly do not need players who intentionally bypass the judgement of the Admins by attempting to rejoin the server during a ban period with a different name -- be sure you understand: taking advantage of a technical error with our banlist is no excuse and you knew full well that you were not welcome here for 30 days from December 18th, which is why you used an alternate name to hide.
  15. If we're gonna compare Apples to Oranges here, the only point I want to make is that we'd like to offer Apples AND Oranges. Some people really like Liberation -- and Insurgency is a great game mode as well. Public servers are always going to have the element of Blueberries running amok and doing things at times that have to be undone. My solution to that was always scripting. If a mission has elements that need adjustment, it should be scripted into the mission the way PITN added SOAR elements on a menu for select individuals in A2 Insurgency because Blueberries would not do good things with access to the special heavy aircraft he added to his SOAR menu. AI Squads could have a script that allows them to be dissolved if their "master" has disconnected for longer than 10 minutes, for example. Perhaps there can be another script to deactivate AO's that have been activated but are not actively being attacked by a human player for a set period of time. This is the power of Arma scripting - it's not hard to do most anything, and for the harder tasks, there are resources and communities devoted to making things like this. I'd prefer this route to shutting down a popular server and using it to clone one of our other servers. If Insurgency Tanoa is getting old, we could swap it out for the Insurgency Altis, but I'm not prepared to shut down the Liberation server because it has a few dedicated regulars as well as a small public crowd that enjoys it. Just look at the GT list of players, I recognize several names on that list. I don't want to shut down their game to duplicate one of our others. In all reality, if Savage and Poff weren't so busy lately, they'd set aside a week to upgrade this VG Master Server running everything - it's still on an Intel Haswell setup, and the latest chipset servers are the same cost per month - meaning that we could nearly double the number of servers we are currently running negating the need to remove a server such as Liberation in order to add an Insurgency Altis server - eventually, we'll be able to add another Arma 3 server if we want. But for now, I think we should continue to offer the variety that we do.
  16. Server is back up, I modified the current save file so no progress was lost. I was able to use Mission Commander to find the problem - you were correct about the callsigns, many had been used Max number of times (255). They're reset now, should be good to go. Please report if any other issues are still present.
  17. The BMS Server will be down this morning as I fix this. Will post up here when it's done. Thanks for the report -- including a solution for me is above and beyond. It will take me much less time now. Thank you very much.
  18. But A3 Liberation server is twice as popular as the BMR Insurgency server is... and it sounds like the only issue is with people being able to build too much or request too many units, but it's the first time the issue has come up here in the forums. The A3 Liberation server has had a higher population count than any other Arma server here for a long time. Just sayin.
  19. I went ahead and made a save, shut down the server, and restarted the campaign from the save. Hopefully it was just some bugs - not sure if players can mess with the global clock, particularly when there are other human players on the server. Could be that someone did try to change the game speed but because you were in flight, all that happened was a small blip on your screen before it forced itself back to 1X -- pure speculation on my part, but not much else I can do. Thanks for the report!
  20. Throwing this up here so this thread will be about the fixing of the server after this new patch, and so Admins can refer to it here. I've emailed Poff, and Melon, TEDF have been messaged as well regarding these issues. We appreciate patience while this is worked out. Thanks!
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