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Everything posted by TEDF

  1. Operation "Red Tide" Part VI 01.07.2017 6 pm GMT PW : potato Information provided by Col. Cherdenko has been delivered to the HQ and it turns out that things are not as we originally thought. Apparently after the russian aircraft was shot down over baltic sea, russian high ranking officer, General Krukov, overthrew persident Putin in a military coup and has ever since taken over control over the entire russian armed forces and media, to make sure that no one would find out that russia is being led by someone else. His people have used fabricated video footages of mr Putin directing military forces from a command bunker to assure the loyalty of soldiers & civilians. All officers who got suspicious were immediately purged and shamed, including col. Cherdenko who shortly after getting removed from office, started gathering people who were loyal to him and started an underground faction to find out what is going on. Shortly they found out about the coup and ever since have been trying to convince russian public that they have been lied to. Since then, they have been conduction insurgent style strikes against high value military targets, including the rocket site that was primed to launch a nuclear strike against NATO forces in the Baltic countries which they denied, propably saving tens of thousands of western soldiers and civilians. In his message, col Cherdenko requests our assistance in terms of military equipment and other vital supplies which they in the end would use to retake Kreml. In exchange they offer us intelligence about Russian Military movements, their secret bases and plans against NATO forces. Also they provided us access to their communication link. The Colonel also notified us that the two officers who got shot by Task Force 12 during the exchange are recovering well and should be back in action in no time. Briefing : Information : 1. Fobs will be available for this event. Deployable ATGM and AA launchers are disabled 2. There is no signup for this event. It is allowed to gather up people into squads beforehand 3. Maps will be released around 24h before the event. 4. Everyone is welcomed to join. 5. NO LOCKED SQUADS.. geeeeez Maps : 1. Pavlovsk Bay - Commandos Marine Assets : 1 x Logistics truck (available once beach is secure) 2 x Troop Transport (Available once beach is secure) 1 x AMX + 4 x VAB (Available once all three outposts have been secured) As a fate of good will, col Cherdenko has provided us intel about a secret submarine base from which russians have been launching their attacks against our ships. The base is said to be heavily guarded and also shielded from rocket and air attacks by the next generation AA defence system. The only way into the base would be a surprise attack from the ocean. Large scale assault would be impossible due to the heavy defences and submarines in the area, but a small INF force should be able to get close to the shore before being detected. French Commando Marines will be deployed on boats SW of the base and must make their way to the beach marked on the map. It is highly adviced to attack the beach from as far west as possible to avoid the gun batteries located at the bay entrance. Once landed, marines must push east and capture the three outposts before the main assault on the base can begin. The red area on the map indicates anti ship mines making approach from that side impossible. Blue marker indicates firendly forces deployed to catch off any russian forces that may try to escape. Expect enemy reinforcements from the north. The amphibious assault vessel "Tonnerre" will dock and start distributing supplies once the beach is secured. All supplies and support vehicles will need to be unloaded in order to use them. (unload = need to drive the vehicles off the ship using the ramp) Objectives : 1. Secure the beach (Once flag is captured, spawn will be available on the beach) 2. Proceed east and capture the three outposts. Once secure, we can send you some additional support 3. Capture the outer defences (Barracks and bay entrance) 4. Capture the submarine base. Once secure, an engineer team will be deployed to plant charges which will be detonated once the area is secure and marines have been extracted. 5. ONCE the base is secure, push east and capture the town and the small outpost. Until then you are not allowed to attack the town to the east. 2. Harvest - German Paratroopers The intel Task Force 12 gathered from Kubra base indicates that Russians have set up a field HQ near a small Lithuanian village. Your job is simple - get in there and neutralize it. Unfortunately Task Force 12 was unable to gather enough information to know exactly what russian regiment is currently based there and what reinforcements they can bring. Rule: BLUEFOR MUST LAND ON THE DROPPOINTS. IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO STEER FURTHER TO LAND NEAR OTHER OBJECTIVES!!!!!!!!!!!! Objectives : 1. All units will be paradropped. Land at the 2 marked landing spots and secure them. 2. Proceed towards the farm and secure it so we can bring in more supplies and establish our own field HQ 3. Proceed NE and secure all the objectives. 4. Capture the russian field HQ. 5. Secondary objective - Capture Russian field officer and bring him to our HQ. 3. XXXXX Rules : 1. Map specific rules 2. Standard Veterans - Gaming server rules
  2. Thank you all who joined. I hope you enjoyed and had fun. Sucks that kozelsk lagged out and we weren't able to finish the story completely. Basically what was supposed to happen was that col. Cherdenko's representitives were supposed to meet task force 12 inside the bunker and deliver the intel. Durin the exhange, a warning message would have been delivered stating that russian military has snooped out about the meeting and that special forces had been already deployed. Following to this, artillery was supposed to land, blowing up all the vehicles inside the bunker, forcing BLUEFOR to fight their way back to deployment zone, where Cherdenko's men were waiting to extract them away to safety. The other maps you guys did OK, I guess. There was some confusion and like double already stated, stealth wasn't taken very seriously. But you did manage to get 3/5 intel on Leviathan and 4/5 on kubra dam, so that somewhat victory in my book. The intel department should have those computers cracked within a few days. I would greatly appreciate it if people were to read through the event info next time so there wouldn't be so much confusion about things that were already explained. Some snippets of an excellent use of cover. Unforunately turned on the capture software too late into the game so missed some of the best bits like that amazing hidingspot inside that watchtower where everyones feet were sticking through the wall and them people in the construction building just staring at the patrol. Also, not very spec opsy to LOL when a whisheling truck driver drives past Be very quiet! Double slipped and fell... Find Waldo
  3. Maps : DOWNLOAD Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event 7) It is adviced to clear your shaders cache to avoid any complications with textures = launcher - support - utilities - perform task under clear shaders cache
  4. Delta squad is currently full as one of the slots is reserved for Melon, provided that he's not hungover or drunk @Midgee - Assigned you to Alpha to balance out the squads a bit in terms of manpower. Additional info concerning the event : MAKE SURE TO READ THE RULES AND MAP SPECIFIC RULES ON THE MAIN POST !!!! 1. Maps will be released 3-4 hours prior to start to avoid intel snooping. 2. Server will be taken down about 1h 30mins prior to start for some final setups and role rehearshals. Server will be opened around 30 minutes before the event starts for some warmup on the finest INF maps PR has to offer. The best! 3. As mentioned before, this event is signup only. Any people not in the list attempting to join will be removed, continious attempts will get you banned until the server is back to normal. 3.1 If there are slots open after the event has started and someone not on the list wishes to join, poke me (=VG= TEDF) on TS and I shall grant you access. People, who are on the list and drop out midgame may reconnect freely. 4. Password will be given on TS once the server is up on warmup mode.
  5. Added the third map : kozelsk. Task Force 12 assets : 5 x HMMWV .50 cal HQ Recieved a message from Russian Spetsnaz Colonel Anatoly Cherdenko, stating that he has some vital information that he's willing to share, but he's only willing to give it to our most trusted elite commandos. Task Force 12 is tasked to retrieve the information and then make their way back to the HQ. You are given 5 HMMWVs for this task. Mount up at the deployment zone, and then move the convoy up to the bunker area. The colonel sayd he'll meet you inside the biggest bunker. It is adviced to park the vehicles inside to avoid them being spotted by UAVs. When leaving the deployment you have 2 options, either take the long way around to the north, or to take the fast route to the west that goes through a military camp which is a very good ambush location. The choice is yours. Remember - we have no reinforcements in the area! if all HMMWVs are lost then you have no way of getting out and therefore will be assumed KIA. Be on your guard as we have no reason to trust this colonel and it could very likely to be a trap to get rid of our commando unit. DO NOT OPEN FIRE UNTIL YOU ARE FIRED UPON! Vehicles must stay on the road!
  6. There are currently 2 rifleman spots in alpha squad and 1 in Bravo squad. There aren't any specialist roles besides squad lead and medic
  7. Maybe we could remove the "See who voted" option alltogether to avoid this kind of flaming and pointing fingers? Or at least have it so only people who manage the site can see it? These kind of votes shold be anonymous
  8. Not going to and never will work on COOP. Firstly no one ever calls in CAS support anyways, and second, do you really expect people to be patient enough to just sit in the main and do nothing until some random squad lead accidentally misclicks and hits the "Request CAS support" option? To be honest, heavy assets are the only thing, for me at least, that makes the game interesting. I find it 10 times more challenging and interesting to dodge those heat seeking LATs that can even hit a full speed Zigzagging bike from couple of hundreds of meters away than to run around the map with my knife/bayonet and get more kills than a full man squad combined. If I get hit by a rocket in an APC/IFV/CAS, on most cases I'm forced to RTB and get repairs, as INF all I have to do is to pick up an enemy kit, spam patches and continue. If anything, then yes, I agree with CAS being a bit too OP on some maps since they have virtually nothing to counter them on the enemy side (Beirut could use the return of an avenger), but on other assets - Almost every single map has an INF layer, just use that when pop is high and admins feel that the assets are making the game boring for inf squads.
  9. Would be a bit wierd if the spec ops guys were to drag a massive UAV trailer and Command vehicle behind enemy lines
  10. Operation "Red Tide" Part V 17.06.2017 7pm GMT With the conflict between Russia and NATO escalating even further, NATO has decided to deploy it's elite Task Force 12 to carry out recon missions behind enemy lines. Their main objective is to gather intel about enemy locations and to be ready to carry out secondary objectives on the field. Event Info : 1. This event will be sign up only, first come first server basis. To apply for position, reply to this post with preferred position / squad 2. Stealth is cruicial in these missions. All BLUEFOR units have supressed rifles and additional field dressings. Grenades, ATs and other loud weapons have been removed. Some units carry an ammobag instead of their usual armament. 3. FOBs will be disabled and there are no supply grates. Only way to respawn is by using rallypoints or by spawning on the main deployment zone and swimming to the shore. 4. Maps will be released 12-24h prior to the event to avoid people snooping out intel locations. 5. These missions are only about gathering intel. All flags will be uncappable (100000 second capture time) . If intel is found, report it's location and what it is to TEDF over TS or ingame chat 6. Items concidered as intel (not the kit on the left ): 7. After intel has been gathered, all surviving forces must return to the original deployment zone. 8. Only 25 deaths per mission is allowed. Any more will result in a mission failure. Info about stealth system : There will be human players patrolling on OPFOR team. No bots will be on the map until BLUEFOR units are either seen or a non silenced weapon is fired. There are 3 types of alert states for OPFOR : a. Green Alert - OPFOR will deploy couple of patrols in relaxed state to the area. Enemy presence in the area is unknown. b. Yellow Alert - OPFOR has reasons to believe that there has been security breach in the area. Additional patrols will be sent out to investigate. If nothing is found then sent out patrols will return to barracks and Green Alert is given again. c. Red Alert - Enemy presence is confirmed and rapid response units will be deployed. As the stealth system is nonexistent in PR, there will be some RP rules : Stealth is broken when : non silenced weapon is fired Patrolling units hear people over mumble local / commo rose patrolling units spot enemies whlie patrolling Stealth is not broken when : Patrolling units get shot by silenced weapons and die before they can fire back. Patrolling units spot something, but are unable to track it down for a while. Rules : 1. As the RCON will be enabled during this event, stricter punishment methods will be used to prevent people from abusing the commands. All chat will be monitored during the event via PRISM. The following goes to every single player, would that be a normal grunt, lite admin, admin or VG member /Head admin : RCON IS ONLY TO BE USED BY THE EVENT TEAM PLAYING ON THE OPFOR SIDE!!! You jokingly type in chat an rcon command that doesnt work or do anything - warning. Second offence will get you removed from the event and from other "Red Tide" titled events. You use RCON command that has an effect - Removed from the event and banned from VG servers for at least a week. Also removed from future "Red Tide" titled events You use RCON command that results in a server crash - Removed from the event and banned from VG server for at least a month. Also banned from any future COOP events made by the Event Factory / Melon HQ. 2. Standard VG server rules Maps : 1. Kubra Dam Task Force 12 is deployed from north and south. Initial recon shows that there are only couple of patrols active in the area. If the alarm is raised however, russians have rapid response units on standby and we also spotted several armored vehicles in the security base marked with ! on the map. Also several choppers have been seen delivering cargo in the area. 2. Leviathan Task Force 12 is deployed from the boats SE of the area. In order to remain in stealth, they must swim to the shore and then proceed on foot. Couple of enemy patrols have been spotted in the area alongside several transport trucks delivering cargo in and out of the base. If alarm is given, rapid response units will be deployed from the barracks in the west alongside with air units from the airbase NW. 3. Kozelsk Task Force 12 assets : 5 x HMMWV .50 cal HQ Recieved a message from Russian Spetsnaz Colonel Anatoly Cherdenko, stating that he has some vital information that he's willing to share, but he's only willing to give it to our most trusted and elite commandos. Task Force 12 is tasked to retrieve the information and then make their way back to the HQ. You are given 5 HMMWVs for this task. Mount up at the deployment zone, and then move the convoy up to the bunker area. The colonel sayd he'll meet you inside the biggest bunker. It is adviced to park the vehicles inside to avoid them being spotted by UAVs. When leaving the deployment you have 2 options, either take the long way around to the north, or to take the fast route to the west that goes through a military camp which is a very good ambush location. The choice is yours. Remember - we have no reinforcements in the area! if all HMMWVs are lost then you have no way of getting out and therefore will be assumed KIA. Be on your guard as we have no reason to trust this colonel and it could very likely to be a trap to get rid of our commando unit. DO NOT OPEN FIRE UNTIL YOU ARE FIRED UPON! UNITS : (21) Commander : Alpha : 1. Officer - Jersans 2. Medic - Rotblut 3. Rifleman - l3RY4N 4. Rifleman - Midgee 5. Rifleman - Bravo : 1. Officer - HaterOneActual 2. Medic - Martin 3. Rifleman - Wafcory 4. Rifleman - Denis34312 5. Rifleman - Mic-FinSam Charlie : 1. Officer - Blazerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2. Medic - Carkidd 3. Rifleman - BManz 4. Rifleman - Sausag3 5. Rifleman - Ranger_12 Delta : 1. Officer - Kavelenko 2. Medic - Melon (He's a GC, gets his name in red and evereyting) 3. Rifleman - Necrodude 4. Rifleman - Stark 5. Rifleman - Semler
  11. Server password : melons Alright, did a little diggin and the issue is only related to those 3 maps in question (Yeee what are the odds). As the event got cancelled last week due to pr updates and now because of faulty maps, I decided to run the event anyways as promised, but with a different mission that I threw together today. Thank you Semler for fixing the server settings. The theme is the same as the campaign goes. Be noted that I threw it together today and havent had much time to test it, so there could be some minor bugs with the AI or it could be super easy and end really fast. The mission is meant to be played on small scale (21 players + CO on Bluefor & 2 on OPFOR max) Download : LINK Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event Info & Rules : 1. BLUEFOR is not allowed to go / camp on the hills 2. The objective is not to capture the flags, but to locate intel. Flag capture time has been increased to 20min neutral + 20minute capture 3. All units will have supressed rifles, binos and extra field dressings. ATs, grenades, c4 and grenade launchers are unavailable, some units carry ammobags instead of their usual armamaent. 4. FOBs are disabled and there are no supply grates. Only way to respawn is to use rallypoints or wait for the boats to respawn at the deployment. 5. Alarm will be triggered once a non silenced weapon fires or grenade explodes. Once the alarm is given, expect enemy reinforcements from the barracks down south. Expect enemy armored support and air patrols to be deployed! 6. Once piece of intel is found, the info about it must be relayed to me, either via TS or on allchat ingame. the info should include : What was found & where. (map grid) 7. Additional objectives may be given throughout the mission. Look for notices on the top of your screen. (relayed to commander instead if one is present) Dovre Recon US Special Forces are sent to town, captured by the Russians during their assault, to recover as much intel as they can. Teams will be deployed from the north via boats. Once landed, they must move through the area and search for any pieces of intel they can find (maps, radios, laptops).
  12. Sorry guys, this event will be cancelled and we will move on to the next part. too many issues with the maps in question and I cant be bothered to spend another day trying to fix them. I don't know what's the issue with the maps, yamalia only works for me, crashes for other people who tested, saaremaa and iron works fine on local, but gives file verification error when launched on the server. Going to post info on Part V once I figure out whats causing the errors and if it affects other maps aswell.
  13. New event date set to this saturday (27.05.2017) at 7pm GMT. @HaterOneActual I'll let you know by wednesday if I managed to get the nuijamaa working or not. Doesn't look promising, but I'll give it another try. If it doesnt work out, then Iron ridge will be done instead.
  14. I'll fix the server settings once Semler gets back. Dont want to mess around with main files until then in case I mess something up and need reset or something.
  15. Well, since there's an update, event will be postponed once again. Will give out the new date asap
  16. Early spawns wont be an issue during this event as the bot attack wave will be manually triggered
  17. A bit intel on Saturday's event : Nuijamaa will be skipped due to issues with the map. Instead we shall redo iron ridge with FDF as the defending faction and with 5 - 10 minute setup time for defending forces before russians arrive. The Defending forces are not allowed to further than the most southern blue circle (flag). Russian attack will be triggered with the city cap by the russians Maps will be uploaded tomorrow FDF Assets : 4 x HMMWV 50.cal (5 minute respawn) 3 x HMMWV Support (5 minute respawn) 1 x Logistics truck (20min respawn) 4 x VAB (10 minute respawn)
  18. Looks cool and all, until a somewhat competent BLUEFOR Grenadier shows up
  19. FDF Weapons : -snip- Default militia weapons for now. PR is a pain in the arse
  20. Awesome. Let me know where you want the deployable assets. To make it more interesting, only 3 are available per map Yeee. Got a bit bored of the generic BLUEFOR factions and as Finland isn't as much of a NATO guy and they dont have their own faction ingame yet, I figured to give them (kind of) their own stuff for this event. They will have some custom weapons instead of AKs, but I'll post more intel on it later.
  21. OPERATION "RED TIDE" PART IV 27.05.2017 7pm GMT Server password : melons Alright, did a little diggin and the issue is only related to those 3 maps in question (Yeee what are the odds). As the event got cancelled last week due to pr updates and now because of faulty maps, I decided to run the event anyways as promised, but with a different mission that I threw together today. Thank you Semler for fixing the server settings. The theme is the same as the campaign goes. Be noted that I threw it together today and havent had much time to test it, so there could be some minor bugs with the AI or it could be super easy and end really fast. The mission is meant to be played on small scale (21 players + CO on Bluefor & 2 on OPFOR max) Download : LINK Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event Info & Rules : 1. BLUEFOR is not allowed to go / camp on the hills 2. The objective is not to capture the flags, but to locate intel. Flag capture time has been increased to 20min neutral + 20minute capture 3. All units will have supressed rifles, binos and extra field dressings. ATs, grenades, c4 and grenade launchers are unavailable, some units carry ammobags instead of their usual armamaent. 4. FOBs are disabled and there are no supply grates. Only way to respawn is to use rallypoints or wait for the boats to respawn at the deployment. 5. Alarm will be triggered once a non silenced weapon fires or grenade explodes. Once the alarm is given, expect enemy reinforcements from the barracks down south. Expect enemy armored support and air patrols to be deployed! 6. Once piece of intel is found, the info about it must be relayed to me, either via TS or on allchat ingame. the info should include : What was found & where. (map grid) 7. Additional objectives may be given throughout the mission. Look for notices on the top of your screen. (relayed to commander instead if one is present) Dovre Recon US Special Forces are sent to town, captured by the Russians during their assault, to recover as much intel as they can. Teams will be deployed from the north via boats. Once landed, they must move through the area and search for any pieces of intel they can find (maps, radios, laptops).
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