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Everything posted by TEDF

  1. Propably not going to be added until they are implemented into the main game instead of a separate download. Too much of an hassle to get everyone to download the maps and install them in correct folder. Don't worry, the work on old maps hasn't died out. Wrapping out some loose ends right now. If everything goes by the plan, the campaign should launch in late February / early March.
  2. I'll post the battleplan for Ramiel tomorrow or day after. Basic idea is to have inf squads push up towards the flag, scout out any ATGMs and spawnpoints, set up 360 and then move in the vehicles to cap. Depending on how many people show up, we might try few cooler and more complicated manouvers like moving in a convoy with having inf covering the front and rear.
  3. Suggest spreading people around in different squads rather than creating an elite one. Otherwise we'll be stuck on constant loop where the elite squad has to bounce back and forth between the flags since other's aren't able to hold / attack them. @Xenalite Everyone is welcomed to join. Just make sure you have the maps correctly installed by next friday .
  4. US Army Ramiel Department (USRD) is now hiring new personnel to replace the officers lost due to extensive munching of melons. Current openings are : 1. Regular INF squad leader 2. Regular INF squad leader 3. 4 man logistical squad leader (2 inf personnel + 2 HMMWV crew members) 4. 3-4 man Special Forces squad leader Requierments for applicant : 1. Basic PR knowledge 2. Is teamplay oriented 3. Is able to follow orders without questioning them 4. Is able to keep other members of the squad in check, organized and ready at all times. 5* . For Special Forces Officer - Has superior knowledge of the word "Stealth" Bonus traits : 1. Has a working microphone 2. Uses the Working Microphone 3. Doesn't have game effect volume over 200% 4. Can be touched in account with our server rules. If You think that you have all the neccesary traits to be the officer in USRD, then sign up now by either applying on this forum post or sending me a message on either the forums or on TS. In other news - Also looking for an officer to stand up from the Pilot and APC crew. Full battle plan will be sent out to squad leaders and vehicle crews sometime next week.
  5. Commandah on Ramiel and tigre pilot on Barra then
  6. Commandah on 3 first ones and tigre pilot on barra plz
  7. Using bot assets = Cheating, which is against the rules, as those vehicles have: unlimited ammo, are a lot easier to operate, don't require special kits. Melon and Double tried to remove the bot assets from the maps, but most of that work got undone with the latest update that reset all the map files again. All we can do atm is to wait for the Devs to fix the issue and send out the message for players not to use those assets for the time being. If anyone uses the bot asset don't hesitate to use the !kill command, if done again, feel free to swing the boot.
  8. The new flag capture system requiers you to have twice as many people on the capzone as the enemy does in order to cap it. From what I have heard, there's already a patch planned for the currently broken things and should be released shortly
  9. TEDF

    Please Unban Me

    Click Here Request Denied
  10. TEDF

    Ban Appeal

    The only ban I could find for the hash that goes with your username was from 2015, so it seems the list went wild again. The ban has been lifted and it should take effect on next server restart/crash.
  11. I'd recommend to not add the maps and wait for the word to get out to the general population for the time being. From what I remember from previous mappacks, it will take at least 2 weeks for people to get their hands on the maps and get them correctly installed. After that I guess we could give it a try and put them on for a weekend with a few weeks ahead notice and then, depending on how it goes, we can add them to the main map rotation. Although it's quite enjoyable to fight off waves of bots with 16 people and trying to survive inside the bunkers while running around and looting enemy kits for ammo, it does get boring after a while. They have COOP layers. COOP mappack after all.
  12. Your hash sneaked back to the banlist. You should be able to join now.
  13. I kind of disagree with this one. I personally think that it should be up to the Tank Commander (squad lead) to decide if he wants to have an extra gunner or not. Same as for the CAS huey. 5/7 times the extra gunner turns out to be a dude who just finished downloading the mod and has no clue of what's he's supposed to do, resulting in the annoyance of rest of the crew, slowing them down or worse case causing the crew to lose the vehicle due to the dude aggroing every single bot in the area by shooting randomly.
  14. I was driving that tank, Sydney did the shooting. It really depends on pilot's flying stile and skill level. Slow and low flying jets are an easy target for armored vehicles who can take them down pretty quickly with their cannons. Inf equipment doesnt pack enough punch to take down a jet tho, unless you hit it with AT rockets.
  15. Don't need any official patches. All that needs to be done is to upload the maps to dropbox or somewhere, people would have to download them and then drop them over to the levels folder. The same with TC admin. Just gonna upload the maps over there and done. Piece of cake. My idea was to have the mappack running on the server on every few weekends after the campaign, with a week ahead notice.
  16. Actually thought of going the EA path with DLCs and season passes
  17. Only 3 factions have the paratrooper options atm - US, Russia and Germany. I'm personally not in favour of having those factions on a normal map as it would be too easy to abuse by skipping enemy's defences by just flying over them. About testing : Testing will be done in a controlled enviornment (campaign) that shall be launched once the maps are ready. After that, a feedback section will be opened where people can post the bugs / issues they found with the maps and to add suggestions. Once those errors have been fixed, the pack shall be released.
  18. First of all, Event Factory apologizes for lack of PR events lately as we have been busy with other projects. But finally Factory is at full production, so to feed people's curiosity, here's an update on progress done so far. New/Old maps Event Factory has been working on converting old PR 0.95 mappack maps with addition of some vanilla BF2 maps over to the current version of PR and even though some of the maps still require polishing, they are playable. The maps currently done are : Street 2 Op. Clean Sweep Hills of Hamgyong Helmands Field / -Return sunset City Op. Road Rage Great Wall Op. Phoenix Al Kufrah Oilfield Road to Jalalabad Wake Island In addition to the mappack maps, Event Factory has been working on two sets of COOP campaigns featuring mappack maps and modified PR maps. Also the PvP events are being produced. Special Thanks to : PR Dev team for allowing us to use / change the maps Sydney, Double, m823us for helping to test the maps. Meiz & Double for providing the map files =VG= TED(F)
  19. Muttrah seems to cause people to CTD when deploying after loading in. Shilka 2 OP. Needs nerf,
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