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VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by TEDF

  1. TEDF

    PR Bans

    Nah, can lock the door and throw the key away. It was valid for the period when we had huge problems with the Banlist. Do still encourage admins to write down notes on the bans they issue though. /Locked
  2. You guys did way better than I expected. These maps were designed to be as challeging as possible so I was surprised that you managed to hold on for 50 minutes against the stuff we threw at you. Good job on Hater's part. There were quite a few things I didn't expect and had to rearrange the bot move orders to counter it. Es specially that counter attack on Hilltop Base that completely screwed up the bot assault as half of the bot team was already in the capzones of the hill flags and were very reluctant to move back, so had to have Double to drive a BTR in there to put some pressure on. As for Dragon Fly, I'm pretty sure that if we had done it for another 10-15 minutes, the BLUEFOR would have been overrun in the main camp, concidering the amount of stuff that was on the way to the bridge from the center of the city. (Es specially that newly designed invisible SHILKA). But you did hold on for the originally set 50 minutes + the extra time I gave Double to have a rushB manouver to see if he can do the sneaky cap, so well done everyone. The early spawns didn't screw you up that much as I blocked the bot spawns in the beginning by going commander, which we discovered blocks all delayed spawns on BOT side until player resigns, during our tests.
  3. Part III Debrief Thank you all who joined. Next part is to be expected in 2 weeks (20th of may)
  4. Was just doing some testing. Server is back to normal for now. Will take it down again about an hour or so before the event starts. Password will be given on TS and posted here on the forums before the event begins.
  5. Download LINK added to the main briefing. Sorry for the delay. Some intel for tomorrow : 1. The maps are extremely difficult to represent the massive russian invasion force against unprepeared NATO forces. Teamwork is required at all times in order to hold on against massive russian forces. 2. Troop tranport trucks now carry one light supply grate, but have 10 minute respawn time. 3. One deployable AT launcher will be available
  6. Sorry guys, Download will be delayed. Did some testing with Martin and found out that 90% of the stuff doesnt work as it should. Did found interesting bug among other things where we managed to get 24+ bots into one squad though. Going to dig in a bit deeper to see what's causing the issues. Will upload the maps as soon as possible.
  7. Nothing too complicated. Like a regular COOP gameplay, just different maps and layouts, "Slightly" more difficult as well . Feel free to join. Maps should be up on Thursday
  8. Perfect map rotation for the server after crashes. solid 5/7
  9. 1) We have had some OPFOR days in the past but people got bored very quickly and started complaining of having lack of scopes and fancy assets. Changing out factions on maps is not possible due to main bases remaining the same and therefore both sides losing their asset and fixed rallypoint spawns. Also goes against PR customisation rule and would require us to lock the server. 2) Working on balancing out the maps atm. Mainly aiming to reduce heavy assets on maps like Kashan and Khami for now as they are the biggest asset whoring maps out there. Also fixing the bot spawn points and flags for maps with most of the flags neutral. Should be ready for the next week or so. 3) There's not much difference between difficulty levels apart from bots turning from bistanders into one-hit sniping terminators. Not much else can be done for them. It is possible to give bot certain waypoints for each map, which they could potentially use to move from cover to cover, but again that would require enourmous amount of work and would end up with a locked server, again due to customised content. The another thing that should be taken into concideration is that the stealth does work to some extent. The bots usually don't engage the player if the player is not in line of sight, doest aim or fire, doesnt use comm-rose. So if you see more bots running than you can take on, just ignore them and keep moving.
  10. Changelog (30.04.2017) : General Changes : 1. All factions, except vietnam, falklands and unconventional forces are required to dig their FOBs and Razorwires. Current settings require 3 people to dig with shovels or 2 if one of them is an engineer and using a wrench, 2. All specialist heavy kits are limited to 2 per team with 7 minute despawn/respawn time 3. Voting disabled due to massive map vote spam and vote bug. Map specific changes : Silent Eagle : 1. Removed Silent Eagle STD from maplist due to constant crashes
  11. TEDF

    FOB update

    If we are going through with this, then I'd leave the maplist changes out (although that Muttrah24/7 does sound appealing). Admins have proper ingame tools to switch out the map if needed. If anything, after the config file swap, could propably have it enable the voting during non admin hours so people could switch out the maps themselves. I'll make a locked separate post with the changelog as this one for FOBs only has already been overflooded. I'm mostly worried of having too many changes happening in a small amount of time, es specially with custom commands. I know that lady PR is very picky of what you feed her. If you throw too much at her then eventually she'll barf it out and it could take a lot of efford to clean it up afterwards. Edit : Not the best idea as most of the maps in the list are nowhere suitable for seeding maps (salt sae FTW)
  12. Should only be possible by changing out the kit layouts, which in return would alter the map files which also in return would have people to download the different map files and forcing the server to be locked due to custom content. From what I know, it got removed due to people strapping on to vehicles and then driving them into enemy, creating new type of gary suicide trucks for all factions instead of insurgents only. A tactic that was widely used on COOP as well ( Forklift gary on Muttrah comes to mind).
  13. TEDF

    FOB update

    Depends on how much effort creating something like this would take. It's not that difficult to change these things manually, takes like 1-2 minutes to copy paste the settings for the config files in question so if it's complicated or takes long time to make, then I wouldn't waste my breath on it. Or could even just upload the same config file on to the server, just with different settings and rename it to something else, so PR wouldn't use it until the names get swapped out. Additionally, any new changes we make to the configs, es specially ones that force PR to swap between files, in theory makes the server more unstable as it is overstreched already. I was thinking about changing the settings during European off time when the FOB changes went live, but decided against it due to a lot of people propably would get very confused about it and start spamming admins with "bug" reports like I have already recieved when I changed the vietnam, Falklands and unconventional faction FOBs back to vanilla ones without digging requirements so it wouldn't be that hard on those maps. Also, changing the config files requires a server restart for those changes to apply. This has been under depate for years and been dismissed. We are talking about 10 year old game engine which has already been streched to the limit and even over it. The more changes we make to the server files / configs the more frequent the crashes are going to be. That's why admins have the !setnext & !runnext commands. If the server crashes frequently, just change the following map after Muttrah. I strongly advice to play throught muttrah without using the !runnext command as the study shows, running next during first map on rotation leads to more frequent server crashes. The same goes for changing the first map of the rotation to something else. So far Muttrah seems to be the most stable map out there, with crashes only happening once the bots manage to capture the Docks flag and start attacking the carrier, which is in DoD and uncappable. With mostly balanced assets, good defensive locations and city layout makes it a perfect starting map that can be easily finished even with less than half the server max population.
  14. PR master server seems to be having some issues atm. Since all pr accounts are tied to that, the logins are disabled as well.
  15. TEDF

    FOB update

    Atm, it takes 3 people to succesfully dig a FOB (2 if one is engineer) due to the fact that vehicles (also deployables) decay a lot faster than assets on deployment. Also, the more shovels, the faster it goes up. Ive been looking through the files but have been unable to locate the line where we can change it / turn it off.
  16. TEDF

    FOB update

    The changes are going to stay as they are for the time being as they have been active for less than 24h. We are going to run it as it is for couple of days and see how people adapt. Like Double mentioned, the wires were disabled for years until they got set back sometime last year. The reason they were removed is not the that people used to spam them around the flags, but the fact that bot inf keeps running into the wire until they bleed out, causing the bots, who manage to sneak past the lines to bleed out and therefore have no chance of retaking the flag that's completely undefended. Or flip their vehicles as they ram the wires at full speed. The biggest complaint I recieve over and over is that the rounds are too easy and end way too fast. That's why we are trying out these changes, so I ask for people to have some patiente, try out how the things work for a while and if the general population still wishes it to be reverted back, then it's not a problem and can be done. I just feel that if a 2-3 man squad can run around on the map, using only knives and a logi truck, throw down bunch of FOBs and capture all the flags for the team, then something needs to be done.
  17. TEDF

    FOB update

    It's meant mostly for the currenct FOB changes, But I decided to throw other stuff in here as well. The main reason FOBs got changed was to prevent people from spamming FOBs on flags that were ahead of cap order by taking a logi truck, drive through the map, throw down bunch of FOBs and then call it GG. It's secondary purpose is yes, to encourage people to find more "suitable" locations for FOBs rather than just dropping a crate from the truck and throwing it down out in the open / middle of the flag. Heavy assets can be deployed up to 150m from the FOB so Idont see the issue with having a FOB a bit further away. No one is saying that it's illegal to build FOBs on the flags, we are just making it a bit harder since the main complaint I've got recently is that it's too easy and boring, so instead of turning the bots into 1 hit kill sniper machines, I decided to go a bit different route.
  18. TEDF

    FOB update

    Additional temp. test changes include having 2 specialized kits per team with 7minute respawn time and 1 minute cooldown between kit requests. Will also do few changes to the bot spawns and flag layouts on maps that have all but the main bases neutral. Feel free to post feedback on these changes and if you feel that something else should be changed or changed back as it was. The deployable weapons, such as AA / AT / HMG / Mortars cant be set to diggable as they tend to crash on COOP when someone jumps in mid digging.
  19. Hi gents, Due to the unexpected server issues, the event will be postponed until further notice. Rough time given is a week, but could be longer, so no postponed event date will be given for now. /edited
  20. Yee, Take your time. No rush. I can add the stuff in late stage as well when needed The radio jammer covers the entire map.
  21. Map - What type of asset, how many, and location. Example - F Road, 1 x TOW E7 kp5, 1 x jamming tower A13 kp1.
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