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Everything posted by TEDF

  1. 1. Nope 2. Nope 3. Jup 4. One asset = 20 tickets that will be taken from ticket pool In total, there will be 5AT launchers, 2 AAs and 1 jammer for this event. It is up to commander to distribute them as he sees fit. For example, if commander chooses to deploy all 5 AT launchers on dragon fly, then he wont be able to deploy any more on other maps.
  2. aka less accurate and with longer delayed artillery strikes throughout the round
  3. Operation "Red Tide" Part III 6th of May 7pm GMT PASSWORD:rushb With the conflict winding down in Middle - East, all eyes are now turned to Europe, where the conflict between NATO and Russia has escalated even further. All diplomatic effords so far have failed and Russian troops have been spotted massing in their western border. Briefing : Event Info : 1. No signup is required to join the event. It is allowed to gather up people for squads beforehand. 2. The only spawn points will be in the main deployment zones. It is up to the team to build FOBs and deploy rallypoints to assure that key positions can be reinforced with manpower. 3. Logistics trucks are the only assets carrying supply grates. Troop Transport Truck carry 4 ammo boxes. 4. It is not allowed to leave the defence zones ( except Iron Ridge). It is not allowed to go into Russian deployment zones / camp enemy spawn points. 5. Deployable AT/AA launchers and handheld AAs will be disabled. 6. Russians have brought in their heavy artillery units. Make sure to spread out your units. A jamming tower is available to be deployed by the commander which will make it harder for russians to coordinate arty strikes. 7. Maps will be added during the event week, at least 24h before the event Commander Assets : The commander(s) will have additional resources that they can choose to deploy on the maps. To deploy the assets, commander(s) have to post below where they would like to deploy the asset. The choice must be done by 15th of April. After that the assets will be locked. If there's no commander signed up for any of the maps, the event host will choose 1 asset per map and places it randomly. All the assets cost 20 tickets to deploy and are non respawnable. assets available : 3 x TOW launchers 2 x Milan launchers 2 x Static Stingers 1 x Jamming tower Maps : 1. Fools Road - US 101st Airborne vs Russian Spetsnaz & 3rd TankCompany US Assets : 300 tickets 3 x HMMWV Uparmored 2 x HMMWV Support 2 x Troop Transport Truck 2 x Logistics Truck - non respawn Commander : US forces start from the Bluefor Base in the west and must rush to east to set up defences to hold off incoming russian forces. We estimate that we have around 5-10 minutes before the first enemy units arrive. Our supply lines have been cut off by russian paratroopers, meaning that these 2 logi trucks will be the only ones we are gonna get. Protect them at all cost! Objective - Bunker must not fall until reinforcements arrive. 2. Dragon Fly - GER Panzergrenadier 122 vs Russian Spetsnaz GER assets : 300 tickets 4 x Gwagon 2 x Troop Transport Truck 1 x Logistics Truck 2 x Fuchs APC - Non respawn Commander : Russian forces have the city surrounded from all sides except West. Russian airforce have dropped proximity mines north of the city, making our reinforcement access from that side impossible. Bluefor will be deployed from the camp Bushido and must rush to the positions in the city. We estimate that the russian forces will arrive within minutes. The golden stars indicate bridges that our engineers have managed to detonate, blocking russian access to the areas marked on the map with red lines. Our supply lines have been disrupted by enemy paratroopers, which makes it difficult to bring in additional supplies. Protect the logistics truck at all cost as it may take a while until a new one can be brought up. Objective - Camp Bushido must not fall. Secondary Objective - Hold the city until reinforcements arrive. 3. Iron Ridge - FR Commandos Marine vs Russian Spetsnaz & 22th Mech. Batallion FR assets : 400 tickets 3 x Troop Transport Truck 1 x Logistics Truck - non respawn 4 x VAB APC - non respawn Commander : French forces start from the industrial sector at north and must rush to their positions south. Russian forces have already been spotted in the region, giving us next to no time to prepeare our defences. Our supply lines have been cut off, meaning that we are unable to bring in any additional supplies. Protect the logistics truck at all cost! As the russians caught us with complete surprise, we dont have time to set up in the town further south. It is however possible to delay russian reinforcements by sending units to delay the russians getting hold of the city which will also delay their heavier reinforcements. Use caution though, as the Russians will still attack our main positions further north and spreading forces on two fronts may lead some of the units getting cut off and overrun. Objective - The industrial base must not fall Secondary objective - Hold the town for as long as possible. Event Rules : 1. Standard VG COOP server / TS rules 2. Map specific rules Download : CLICK HERE Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event
  4. Thank you all, who joined. As always, feedback on maps is welcomed. FSA managed to capture the last Taliban stronghold and peace has returned to the region, for now. With the conflict winding down in the Middle - East, we now turn our attention towards Europe as the conflict there continues to escalate even further. Part II debrief :
  5. Download added to the main post. Sorry for delay
  6. Sorry for the delay. Will upload the maps today/tomorrow. Been busy with work and had no motivation to mess around with the crash to desktop simulator.
  7. Kicking members from squad should be limited to few simple key points : 1. Squad member is not following orders 2. is being disruptive / annoying to other squad / team members. (Trolling, mic spam, disruptive comments, shooting randomly etc.) 3. Is a total scrub when it comes to manning and running the big assets. 4. Has a sniper kit for longer than 10 seconds 5. Something that I cant remember atm :-S It is not allowed to kick someone just because they do not have a mic. If the person is able to hear others and is responding on chat then he has every right to remain in the squad. Also it is not allowed to kick a person just because you don't like them. The same goes with the skill / experience level. I know that there are a lot of *word that shall not be named* around lately, but how are they ever going to learn when they get kicked the moment they join the squad? I know that those guys can be pain in the arse, but they do have to learn from somewhere. Just take your time and explain the basic stuff on the run when possible, point them towards the PR's holy Bible aka "The Manual". It is allowed to lock the squad at the beginning of the round to reserve slots for certain people. If someone else joins before hand it is preferred that the squad lead would explain the situation and ask for the person to leave instead of faster than light kick.
  8. Nope. Scientists are still working on that upgrade
  9. MEC doesn't exist in this scenario. FSA is part of a bigger rebellion faction that's fighting against Taliban Only 2 slots per player for now. Since the tank on Sharqi is manned, I can put you on HIghway and Quarry
  10. @Spartanish Added you to Shanqi and Highway. Forgot to mention this on main post, but let's keep it 2 signed positions per player like on Melon's event
  11. Operation "Red Tide" part II 8th of April 7pm GMT Briefing : With the crisis between Nato and Russia escalating in Europe, Delta Force has been pulled out from the Middle East and US forces are ordered to return to their bases. This leaves the job of clearing out the last Taliban strongholds to the Rebel's 3rd mechanised company. The enemy has fled to their three remaining sectors and will do anything to keep the hold on the area. US UAV picked up a large number of enemy tanks and IFVs in the region. Event info : 1. Heavy assets are signup based - first come, first serve. To apply for position, reply to this post. (2 positions per player) 2. Inf does not have to sign up. It is allowed to gather up people for your squads. 3. Maps will be added on the event week. 4. FOBs will be available, but will require digging. 5. Due to lack of funding, it is prohibited to build ATGM launchers from the FOBs. (SPGs allowed) Maps : 1. Sharqi Peninsula - FSA vs Taliban FSA assets : 1 x T-62 2 x BMP1 4 x 50.cal technical 2 x zastava music truck 1 x FSA logistics truck FSA will start their push from the south of the city. The outpost south of the city must be secured before advance on the city can commence. All units are to remain on the lowground. Mountains are off limits. Also, a lot of sharks have been reported in the region, meaning that swimmining over the sea is not an option. Enemy heavy reinforcements expected from north and east after the alarm is given. Response time currently unknown. NO CAMPING ENEMY REINFORCEMENT ROUTES!!!! Tank 1 : Driver : Double_13 Gunner : Spartanish IFV 1 : Driver : Kaioshin Gunner : SerEvergreen IFV 2 : Driver : Gunner : 2. Taraba Quarry - FSA vs Taliban FSA assets : 2 x T-62 2 x BMP1 1 x AA truck 4 x 50.cal technical 2 x music vans 1 x logistical truck Intel : FSA will start in an abandoned industrial sector NW of the area and will progress east towards the dam. The red area east of deployment zone indicates mines, making advance towards that area impossible. The blue area south of deployment zone indicates area under the control of friendly forces - No enemies will come from that side. Intel suggests that enemy has deployed air assets and heavy armor to the region. Tank 1 : Driver : Carkidd Gunner : Jersans Tank 2 : Driver : Gunner : IFV 1 : Driver : TEDF Gunner : Sydney IFV 2 : Driver : Gunner : 3. Highway Tampa - FSA vs Taliban FSA assets : 4 x T-62 3 x BMP1 4 x 50.cal technial 1 x SPG technical 2 x logistics truck Intel : This is the last remaining Taliban stronghold. No doupt they will throw everything they have at you. Expect heavy armor, backed by mechinised inf presence in the area. Taliban, in desperation, have blown up oil derrics in the area, turning the ground into wasteland. View distance is reduced greatly due to heavy smoke and dust. Use caution when engaging enemy forces since their assets are superior to our own. Tank 1 : Driver : Double_13 Gunner : Spartanish Tank 2 : Driver : Carkidd Gunner : Jersans Tank 3: Driver : Kaioshin Gunner : SerEvergreen Tank 4 : Driver : Gunner : IFV 1 : Driver : TEDF Gunner : Sydney IFV 2 : Driver : Gunner : IFV 3 : Driver : Gunner : Event Rules : 1. Standard VG COOP server / TS rules 2. Map specific rules Download LINK Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event
  12. Thank you everyone who joined. I guess the difficulty was a bit too high for inf only combat, will tune it down for the next events. Next event is planned for 8th of April, same time 7pm GMT. Going to post event details and maps in the next coming days. Operation "Red Dawn" part I Debrief :
  13. Password for the event is "meluns" .
  14. Jup, as intented. No sneak peeking
  15. Added the download link with an additional map - Black Hawk Down. Also, event will be moved earlier - to 7pm PRT
  16. All good suggestions and fun ideas, but you gents seem to forget that this is COOP we are talking about. I dont see any of those things working out since the majority of the players we have are newcomers who have just finished downloading the mod and jumped in. How do you expect them to follow all the 100+ tiny rule bits that we have for every smaller thing? How to you expect them to follow up on that super micromanaged 8 man TOW hmmwv squad thingy? I agree with what Double pointed out - We used to have a line that sayd that the rules are also to be used as a quidline and it would be up to the admins judgement to enforce them or to look the other way as needed. I dont see a problem with having a locked 2 man TOW hmmwv squad for example if they are being useful and get things done. Why force them to have an additional 2 blueberries with them that are just going to sit in the back and be absolutely useless? The same goes for the shitty APCs such as (for) Fuchs (sake) & VAB - I have taken a view of them as more like a jeep class vehicles since the only difference atm is : 1. Size 2. ability to request kits 3. driver needs a crewman kit. They dont have any anti tank capalities, rocket launchers or autocannons. Just same machineguns as the jeeps do. If the inf squads wants to use them and there are loads of them just sitting in main, then so be it. We dont have to micromanage everything with the rules. There are exceptions where it is possible to close your eyes and let it slip. I saw someone mention PRTA rules earlier - Yes PRTA did try to micromanage every squad and asset with rules and see where it got them. All they got was uproar from the community and hundreds of complaints on the forum until they turned their rules back to more civilized version. And this brings us to the issue about the APC squad vs Mech inf squad - I'm strongly against the mech inf having priority over APC squad for heavy assets such as IFVs and mightier APCs than the ones mentioned before. Yes, mech inf can be effective at times, but how it turns out most of the occasions is that inf jumps in the vehicle, drives up to the flag, dismounts and abandons the vehicle, caps the flag and then heads back in and rushes the next flag, wasting the potentional firepower and support it can provide. Or second version - INF rushes in, dismounts, gets the vehicle blown up and then complains that APC squad is stealing their asset afterwards. To come back to the PRTA example- The current rule there state that Mech INF squads get priority over all the "APCs" and not IFVs. Do you really expect the normal COOP players to be able to make difference between an APC and an IFV? You guys seem to forget that this is not a deployment or tournament server. Of course we could follow the idea that tanks and IFVs go for the same squad but again - it's COOP. There are way more assets on maps than you can fit into one squad. We have never had these kind of problems between APC squads and INF for years. Why is it so much of an hassle now? I rarely see a situation where INF squad gets denied/ignored the transport from APCs when calling in with the radio, so what's the issue? Edit : If someone from the higher ups could move this discussion to a separate thread so it woudn't clog up the rules section, it would be appreciated.
  17. Operation "Red Tide" Part I 18th of March 2017 7pm PRT/GMT Hi chaps! Event Factory is happy to announce the launch of PR Coop campaign Operation "Red Tide" on 18th of March 2017! Before the information on maps and other administrative stuff, there are a few things I'd like to address : 1. The scenario takes place late 2016, in an alternative timeline where most of the major 21st century events didn't happen. (Terrorist attacks, conflicts between countries, ISIS etc.) 2. Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Yemen etc. have collapsed and the territories have been divided between Hamas and Taliban (more in the backstory) 3. I got the idea for this campaign from reading the comments of baltic people on news stories where russian aircraft has violated soverign airspaces, stating that NATO should take more aggressive stance and shoot down one of those jets to send out a warning. The purpose of this campaign is not to make one of the sides look as the "bad guys" and the others as "good guys", but to represent one of the possible scenarios that we might face due to increasing tensions between the Russia and the West. Event Details : 1. Standard Veterans - Gaming Coop rules apply. Only approved supporting members will be having admin rights during the event. 2. Event will be open for all to join. No signup is requiered. Password for the server will be announced 24h before the event. 3. Maps will be uploaded week before the event ( look for them at the bottom of this post) 4. No FOBs will be available and squad leader spawn points will be disabled meaning that rallypoints will be the only spawn points ouside the main deployment area. 5. As there will be many new (old) maps, feedback and bug reports are appreciated. Backstory : Middle East (1999) : Radical islamic groups of Hamas and Taliban announce an alliance and take up arms against disjoint goverments of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen & Jordan. Within couple of years, all government forces are overrun and by 2003 the territories are divided between Taliban & Hamas. 2004 - Newly discovered oilfields in Taliban held territories spur new tensions between the former allies. Taliban refuses to share the oil with Hamas which leads to another all out war in the Middle East. First couple of months leave many of the major cities on both sides in ruins and tens of thousands of civilians are killed. Using this conflict to their advantage, several new militia factions emerge, including the former government loyal forces, that have been in hiding until now. Fueled with new hope to restore the former countries and supplied by the West, they begin their struggle. 2009 - Hamas bombs the market in one of the Rebel held cities. over 400 civilians are killed, including 17 American, 4 German and 2 UK citizens. Attack causes outrage in the western world. Under heavy pressure from the congresss and the public, newly elected US president Obama approves retaliatory air strikes against Hamas forces. 2011 - Terrorist attacks in Washington leave over a hundred dead. President Obama approves the deployment of US forces in the Middle Least. First US units land in Yemen and join with rebel forces in the fight against Hamas & Taliban forces. New coalition is formed. Early 2016 - Last of the Hamas strongholds have surrendered to the Coalition forces and many of the Taliban positions have also been overrun. US intelligent agencies discover that Iran has been supplying Taliban cells still remaining in Yemen with advanced weapons. In retaliation, US deploys additional ships to the area to block any more deliveries and sends out a protest note to Iranian government to cease the supplying immediately. Late 2016 - Taliban is on the brink of defeat. As the Coalition prepears for the final assault, Delta Force is sent in to clear the way for the main Coalition armor force. Briefing : Maps : 1. Phoenix - US Delta Force vs Taliban Commander : 2. Road To Jalalabad - US Delta Force vs Taliban US assets - HMMWV 50. cal X 2 - no respawn HMMWV 50. cal x 4 - 10 minute respawn Commander : 3. Street 2 - US Delta Force vs Taliban Commander : 4. Black Hawk Down - US Delta Force vs Taliban Commander : US Assets - HMMWV 50.cal x 4 - 10 minute respawn DOWNLOAD : LINK Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event
  18. While looking through the logs I did find something interesting. You filed an unban request on 18th of december and was given 30 day timeout starting from 19th of december. While our banlist was down on 22nd of december, you joined the server with account named KomradeKalinin and got banned yet again for intentional teamkilling. Also I noticed that you have around 5 additional PR accounts which 2-3 have got in trouble for being disruptive during your 30 day ban period. Why should we unban you if you constantly keep breaking the rules and come to our server with different account names, cause havoc and hope we wouldn't notice? Even though this ban was placed by accident, it will stay for the time being.
  19. The problem seems to be that we are currently running the default vanilla PR COOP settings that don't have any of the Melon's modifications on it and I dont have the backups for it so propably going to need for Melon to upload his version again. Until then, we just gotta roll with a slightly easier version of COOP. I tried to run it with the settings from previous modified version we had but it was too outdated and didnt work. I don't understand the issue with "bots spawning places". Bots cannot spawn on random locations. They have preset spawn points that are placed on a map by the developers and those can't change.
  20. Commandah Bushido, your host on Iron & Beirut here, Just a quick info concerning tomorrows battle. Nothing fancy just basic stuff : 1. Iron Ridge Basically gonna have inf spawn in the city and defend the flags that are assigned to the squads. Piece of cake. Nothing complicated. If we do lose those flags then just hunker up around HQ and hide in the buildings. 2. Beirut A. Inf squads will spawn at docks area, mount in the merkavas / hmmwvs / trucks and rush to the bridge (merkavas can carry 6 passengers - 50cal gunner does NOT need a crewman kit!!! ) B. one of the INF squads is to spawn on the ship alongside with a recon squad. B.1 Looking for volunteers for small (4-5 man max) Recon squad whose main task would be to search and destroy enemy mortars and to disrupt enemy armored reinforcements from reaching the bridge area. C. Looking for volunteers for bridge repair duty (2 ppl) 3. Additional info will be distributed to the squad leaders on demand. (Poke on TS or send a PM on site - also add an estimated number of squad members if possible) All who plan to lead a squad on those maps + Pilots, please drop by the Command Channel on TS before the battle to recieve further info and details on what your squad is supposed to do. I'm also going to run the Mighty Techy Force squad on Karbala so if you want to add more salt to your storage area and get LAT-ed a lot, let me know
  21. Hi chaps, Event Factory is happy to announce that after long time of waiting, the COOP campaign has finally been finished and is expected to be launched in March ! The launch date will be announced in upcoming weeks with full backstory and info for the first battle. Campaign will consist of modded PR maps with addition of old map-pack maps such as Street2 and Op Phoenix & Vanilla BF2 maps such as Clean Sweep, Kubra Dam, Road to Jalalabad and many more. Until then, please enjoy this little trailer put together and stay tuned for more info. Special Thanks to : @=VG= Double_13 & @=VG= PBAsydney for the campaign name ideas / Feedback & Support =VG= TED(F)
  22. Battleplans : 1. Lashkar Phase one : a. Hater's & Cheeky-Breeky squad : Squad leader + 2 selected members will spawn in and board the chinook with me as quickly as possible. Rest of the squad members will hold spawn until rallies have been placed. b. Kavelenko's squad is to set up defensive perimeter towards NW - N - NE - E of british FOB and defend it until further notice. b.1 Defensive stance must be achieved as quickly as possible! Once you spawn in rush to your positions and fend off the first wave. c. The general idea is to get commander and small amount of troops out of the main base as quickly as possible to provide emergency team rally points in case of a loss of the chinook. d. Red area on the map is a NO FLY ZONE! Use the western part of the map for manouvers. Phase two : After Cheeky-Breeky and Hater's people have been successfully dropped off and rallies are down : a. Chinook is to drop 2 supply crates on west village flag, then RTB back to base using the same route as in phase one. Landing in FOB area must be done quickly to avoid any potential sneaky RPGs! Pilot is allowed to squash any people that are sitting on the helipad during landing. b. Cheeky-Breeky squad is to head South towards Compound flag and secure it. Set up defencive perimeter towards SW - S - SE - E. b.1 No supplies will be available once you have been dropped off. Make sure to have couple of rifleman with you as they may be your only ways of resupplying for a long period of time. c. Hater's squad will head North towards West Village and set up a FOB and defensive assets as they see fit. Set up perimeter towards SW - S - SE. Assign someone to patrol Eastern and North Eastern flanks in case of some sneaky bots. d. Kavelenko's squad is to remain defensive until further notice. Phase three : a. After the first wave of enemies has been held back and more squads have been formed, more people will be dropped off towards other flags. b. One "Volunteer" squad will be sent out to construct additional FOBs around the combat zone at marked locations. Once done, they are to be remain on standby for further orders. Additional info : 1. Once these phases have been completed and defensive perimeters have been established around Compound and West Village, more troops may be shipped out from the FOB to support defensive operations on other locations. Until then, all remaining people are to be dedicated on defending the FOB at all costs. 2. All supply / Transport requests most come through the Commander. Any other requests are to be ignored. 3. FOB is surrounded by Dome of Death (DoD) meaning that the only way out is by using the helicopter. 4. Chinook is not to be used as a CAS asset !!!!! 5. It is adviced to keep the chinook away from the FOB are when idling. Ramiel : Not going into much detail for this one. The plan is pretty simple : a. Inf squads are to regroup at the main base, they have around 5 minutes to get their people ready to move out. b. Once the green light is given, inf is to move up towards the first flag and scout out any ATGM launchers and spawn points. Once the flag area has been reached, inf is to set up defensive perimeter all around the flag (360). Once secure, supplies will be flown in by our BlackHawks. c. Once supplies have been dropped, one of the inf squads is to be tasked to construct defensive assets at commander marked locations. When done report to commander and resume overwatch. d. When the flag is secure, convoy is given a green light to move out from the main. The convoy will be composed as : Kawaii 1 ( Stryker 1) HMMWV Kawaii 2 ( Stryker 2) e. Depending on how many people remain, inf squad(s) will be tasked to provide additional security for the convoy as they proceed towards the flag. f. The route which the convoy has to take will be marked on the map by the Commander. g. Once flag is secure, repeat the proccess with other flags. Additional info : 1. Pilots are to remain in the airport until called in by the Commander. All other tranport / supply requests are to be ignored! 2. DO NOT REQUEST ANY HAT / ENGINEER KITS WITHOUT COMMANDER'S APPROVAL !!!!!!!!! THESE ARE TO BE USED ONLY ON EMERGENCY SITUATIONS BY THE VEHICLE CREWS. AT-4 WILL BE ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF THE ENEMY ASSETS. 3. Depending on how fast / slow the progress is, a YOLO command may be given, meaning that all safety measures will be thrown away and we will now turn into rush mode, trying to capture rest of the flags as quickly as possible so we could move on to the next map. Lashkar & Ramiel administrative notes : 1. If a person / group of people is responsible of getting one of our assets destroyed, that person / group will be immediately booted from the event and from VG COOP server for prolonged period of time. 2. Griefing will result in you getting immediately removed for the duration of these operations 3. Disobeying Commander's orders may result in you getting resigned or removed from the operation. 4. IF any of the squad leads wishes to get more info or full overview of the plans, then message me on TS / Forums and I'll send you more detailed plan. Those plans are to remain only between the Commander and Squad leaders to avoid certain someone doing any last minute changes to the maps that might compromise the strategy. 5. Any additional info will be added in yellow text.
  23. I can take the Command over the Lashkar Op if no one else wants it.
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