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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Also check the runway is in good condition before you take off, you tend to blow up when you hit one of those craters.
  2. Won't that new update screw up your event files TEDF?
  3. TS for communication and password is useful too.
  4. I fixed a major problem with my Throttle, the Custom SCurve that Morphine created puts a dead zone at 75% which causes me to lose power at the wrong time. I've altered it so its linear and that makes the throttle more accurate, now I can decrease or raise power by 1% increments which is a helluva a lot better!
  5. Well its all that fine detail that helps other pilots to get better quicker. Learning from scratch makes flying more difficult but the challenge also means you get a real sense of achievement when you crack it on your own. Totally agree the nozzles need to be mapped to keys on your HOTAS or joystick buttons, you're adjusting throttle and trying to stay level, its next to impossible to take either hand off the stick/throttle. I've posted a message on the BMS forums asking whether someone knows how I can map the nozzles to my second throttle control on my Warthog setup, that would be useful if it can be done.
  6. I've reviewed your videos Sandstorm, and they look very good, show great control and are within reasonable parameters now that I can see the HUD clearly. Well done on being the first to complete ALL Challenges!!!! You have earned yourself the title of "Top Gun"!! Congratulations that is some nice flying man. You have certainly set the standard for VTOL in the Harrier! WOW!! I'm sure this will encourage more new pilots to try the challenge and see how much fun (or stress) BMS can be. Once again well done!
  7. What would be nice is if someone could make a badge for each rank.
  8. Challenge 1 acknowledged and confirmed. Consider yourself a Harrier Pilot Sandstorm.
  9. lol, man you sure have an aversion to reading Sandstorm, I mentioned in my reply that there is four warning lights in a diamond pattern, the top three represent the landing gear and the bottom one is for the hook. Green means they're down, red means they're not. (this is the last time I'm going repeat it)
  10. I only counted three of the above required takeoffs in your video, your last one is using the Carrier catapult which is not part of Challenge 1. You did the STO correctly according to the manual but named it RVTO in your video, I think that's what happened. So you need to do the RTVO. Regarding your question about the hook. Did you read my last comments above? If you're using the FULL BMS key file the shortcut keys should be Ctrl + K - Hook Sw Tog
  11. Excellent Take Offs Sandstorm, very smooth and controlled. To complete the first Challenge 1 you need to complete the STO version as well. I'd consider your RTVO a short take off that's virtually the same as my STO but check out my RVTO at 3:53. The only difference really is that I set my nozzles to 70% which means you're off the ground after 15 Feet, should be no problem for you from what I can see. I see you managed to use the catapult ok, and therefore you worked out that you need to call the Tower and "request taxi" to hook up the Cat. The hook can be lowered and raised in the Harrier, the control is on the left front panel, and it has its own warning light which sits below the landing gear warning lights. Red is up, and green is down. The hook itself is not visible like it is on the F-18 but its definitely there. If you're having trouble hooking up to the arresting gear, try making a call to the Tower for permission to land, and also check to see that your hook is down by checking the four landing lights, the 4th one of the diamond being the hook, that should be green along with the other three lights for the landing gear. Some guys in BMS call the tower with extra information like, "Jump 1-1, Request Autonomous Approach, hook down, three green". Here's an old video I did to help people do the ramp-start in the Harrier, also catapult (11:24) and arresting gear landing (16:55), it definitely works.
  12. I'm spreading the news about this up coming event, lots of players on the server do not know about this guys, I suggest we start mentioning it whenever you get the chance.
  13. I should clarify this statement because it might be interpreted wrongly. Looking at the map the sequence of flag capture should be North Village must be captured first. Pretty sure the North and South Bunker's become cappable once North Village is taken BUT once that happens, then North and South Bunkers become cappable at the same time. So according to the rules about how many flags we are allowed to skip, there is nothing to stop a squad being flown in to either South Bunker or North Bunker and waiting for North Village to be capped. A competent squad could easily hide inside a bunker until North Village was capped and even setup defences assets such as AA & TOW and THEN take down the armor which you are forced to do in order to cap South Bunker. But with the 1 flag skip rule a squad is still entitled to be there even if north Village is not yet capped. They only need to fall back if North Village is not able to be capped.
  14. Well I could but I won't because you haven't answered my questions regarding Kashan Desert, that is one of the maps you accused regulars/admins of camping and base raping was it not? Sure if people break the rules then fair enough warn or punish them but sitting on a hill over-looking North and South Bunker is not base rape. It might not suit the purists but unless the rules are changed we can't stop that, in my opinion.
  15. You mean North Outpost? Technically we can attack North Outpost once North Village is captured, ok if you're splitting hairs then its when North Bunker is captured, but it doesn't fly that we cannot shoot at and kill any armour coming from Outpost while we are attempting to capture North Bunker. Or do we just stand there like protestors and wave peace flags?
  16. Ok just to be clear Double. This map is the COOP Alt map for Kashan Desert its similar to the large, and standard versions of Kashan. but I'll still be able to get my point across. When the game starts North Village, North Bunker and South Bunker are neutral so they are all cappable, therefore we are allowed to capture them, and we are also allowed to shoot at any vehicle that is advancing on those positions. Especially if we have assets at those locations. Regardless of whether we do, those flags are not owned by the bots (yet) so anything coming towards those positions and firing on our team is fair game. That includes South Bunker where we could have a tank or logi truck camped. We're allowed to protect those flags, this is not base rape. Base rape is going past that green line and shooting at tanks, jets, helis BEFORE South Bunker is captured. As far as I'm concerned any tank or vehicle that has arrived at South Bunker is fair game and we are not blocking or destroying enemy re-inforcement routes, (no razor wire, no mines, etc). Once North Village is taken how does a tank sitting on the hills over-looking North and South Bunkers and shooting at armour coming from North Outpost or the Main base constitute base rape? According to the rules we could even have a squad or CAS taking out the armour spawning at Outpost, its within the rules if its strategic. Yes we know that if the tank kills all the armour coming towards South Bunker it may ruin the fun of the infantry squad sitting there but its not against the rules. And why should camping be illegal, that's not against the rules either. Snipers do it, that's their job. I'm all for infantry squads having fun too but shouldn't you run the infantry version of Kashan Desert if that's the case, why turn a heavy asset based map into an infantry one? That's why Kashan Desert and Khamisiyah are designed the way they are, they're heavy assets maps. Boom, bang, CAS overhead, and the smell of cordite and all that jazz....Jeees leave our heavy assets maps as they are, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE.
  17. I don't understand what the fuss is about. VG is the most populated COOP server there is, and with herd mentality that's the number one reason why players are attracted to the server. If you bring in anymore rules you're likely to reduce the server population even further, whats the point of that? We have specialist events for the die-hards and those who want a challenge, but some players just want to fly something and blow something else up or rack up kills for cheap thrills. So what? Leave em alone I say, if they're having fun why not? Sure you can encourage team-work where possible but blatantly telling people to "Hey get off that hill" is ridiculous and too much like a police state. I'm bloody sure I wouldn't want to play PR with those rules in place.
  18. The Vertical Landing should be based on the guidelines outlined on page 104-105. None of this nose down hovering shit we see in PR, I wanna see proper controlled Vertical landing within the allowed parameters. Also there's not a huge amount of detail in the BMS manual but there should be enough for this exercise. For the Carrier based VTOL I'm happy to see you land on the carrier in the same fashion as the Marine pilot did, that seems to be the way a lot them do it in real life. They pull up to the side of the carrier and maneuver sideways over the deck. Seems like a reasonable way to do it. One of the reasons I like the Harrier so much is that it is so difficult to control in VSTOL, you get the impression you're only seconds away from disaster if you lose concentration, or don't keep an eye on your AOA, nozzle positions, and throttle control. You're not going to get the same challenge from landing an F-16. Landing your first Harrier VTOL is just awesome; performing the maneuver consistently is just showing off!! Anyways good luck and have fun doing it! The link to NATOPS FLIGHT MANUAL NAVY MODEL AV--8B/TAV--8B 161573 AND UP AIRCRAFT manual is still available on Static's post here:
  19. Ok this is what I've done for Challenge 1 so far, I'm not happy with the VTO take-off with nozzles at 80 deg, it looks real ugly. 90 deg is much nicer.
  20. This is a guy in DCS doing a carrier landing. Compare that to the real guys who do this for a living: This is how I'd like us to do it in BMS but its going to take a lot of practice to get it sorted to this level. Don't give up guys that's the standard.
  21. I don't think you can change that value anyway Sandstorm, they're either down or they're not. You've got two modes for flaps one named Cruise and the other STOL. I use the latter for take-offs, there's also another flaps control on that panel's lower left to lock the flap position or not.
  22. Yes, pretty much that is what the challenge is about, and its not an easy one as pilots will find out. Most will manage challenge 1 without too much difficulty. Challenge 3 will be a cinch for those who can already land and take off from carriers but unfortunately you cannot progress to that one unless you mastered the Vertical landing in Challenge 3. Personally I prefer to hover with 90% nozzle angle to give me a horizontal AOA but I'm going to need to change that to the achieve the nose up angle with nozzles at 80%. This is all about really controlling your Harrier in VSTOL. It may seem impossible to begin with but practice makes perfect. There is a Harrier manual that Static posted here that gives a lot of detail about the real Harrier, that is very helpful in understanding what is happening with the jet during transitions. Vertically landing a Harrier is difficult enough but to do it within the parameters outlined in the manual requires more skill and control, doing it on a Carrier is next to impossible especially with side winds. If it were easy "ANYONE" could do it.
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