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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. We need to get this event out there on the server and invite new players to join in, its more fun if we get a full server for these events. What are the suggested numbers for each squad? Also do we have a detailed battle plan other than what's here and what weapons kits are we able to use? Are there squad limitations on kits for example?
  2. That's probably true, most Harrier losses were through difficult landings.
  3. It was good fun though wasn't it until we started to get a pasting...lol. No harm done we weren't stuck there forever.
  4. SemlerPDX has given us pretty clear instructions regarding the use of references to Hitler, SS, etc, Squad and player names included and its strictly out. I don't hesitate to resign squads who do that, and kick them if they persist or argue about it. I wasn't around to hear the banter with Ranger but lets all be honest here, Ranger you don't exactly have a perfect record either mate. I've heard you abusing players in the game for not doing what you want them to do. Most of us use have used filthy language either in TS or within our squads especially when we are with players we know. BUT blatant racism is another thing, and should not be excused.
  5. Ranger's got a point, there are a lot of new players turning up and running amuck. We need to warn and kick a lot more players who insist on spamming the chat with constant garbage.
  6. Hi D3FUZED, Welcome to the world of BMS 4.33. speaking from a noob's perspective I can confirm that it is not easy to learn, unless you fly F-16s for a living. SemlerPDX has been a great trainer and I appreciate the time and information he has put in to get me on my feet. There are a few pilots Static, Jeffu, CobaltUK, etc here on the forums too who have been really helpful with any questions I have had regarding specific issues. SemlerPDX gave me the rampstart vid too which was great and I used the manuals specifically the BMS-Training.pdf found in the directory: C:\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Docs\Falcon BMS Manuals There are a heap of tutorials online many of them are recent so there are more people becoming interested in BMS. I'd like to see a "Virtual" flight school start too where we can go through specific exercises online and tick them off as achievements and progress in a systematic fashion. BTW I bought Falcon 4.0 for $6.99 that's all you need to install BMS 4.33
  7. Its just that I setup my own package and I'm getting familiar with how to navigate to the target, bomb it using CCIP and CCRP, and returning safely. If I can do that several times I'll be fine to tackle the more complicated laser guided stuff. Got the ramp start sorted with the Harrier, the error I had was definitely caused by me not taking the air source back to dump whatever that is. How the hell that works is beyond me.
  8. I did a bombing run with the Harrier and managed to hit the bridge with the first GBU but missed it with the second one. Thanks for the advice on bombing Jeffu, if you have the time a video would be nice, mean while I'll continue with the manuals.
  9. Ok I'll do that training mission first then try it again on my own Harrier package which flys out of Kangnung Air base and targets the unprotected Kumgang bridge across the demarcation line. So I'm assuming the GBU-16 a general purpose bomb and it will operate using CCIP mode?
  10. You're not joking...hehe. Ok I worked out how I screwed things up and it won't happen again. I need to run my joystick script as soon as my Laptop boots (or reboot) otherwise all my buttons and switch assignments get mixed up, I could be firing missiles when I try to land etc...lol. So my next task is working out how to drop bombs, the Harrier has GBU-16s what tute do I look at for them beauties? It seems a shame to take them all the way across to North Korea and then bring em back because I don't know how to release them.
  11. Hi Guys, I just thought I'd post this pic to help out Vincent who tends to have problems losing his mic or speaker connection while in game. There is a bug in PR that happens sometimes on logging into the game where either your squad members cannot hear you or vice versa. The solution is to create two shortcut keys so that you can unmute your mic or your in game speaker. When you launch the game, under Options when launcher loads, select the PR Mumble tab as below. Click on Mute Microphone and select a key (in my case I used minus(-) and the equals(=) for Mute Speakers because they are unused. Click apply, and you're done. This will enable you to login to PR next time and if you cannot hear your team mates or they cannot hear you, you will be able to unmute yourself by hitting one or both of these shortcut keys.
  12. I followed the above tutorial to the letter and my error disappeared. Who knows why? Anyway I'm back on track. Semler you must give this Harrier a shot mate, its so nice to fly even if you don't do the VTOL. Landing is so smooth, the AOA is not a problem its real easy compared to the F-16, the nozzle set to 20 percent just gives it a nice nose up attitude, and it touches down so nicely. I reckon I'm ready for a carrier landing now.
  13. This screenshot is from the AV8B Harrier manual Static posted. Page 294. Previous page states the decelerating transition to hover begins approx 1/2 NM (900m) from the LZ, at approx 310 ft, attaining controlled hover above the intended point of landing (LZ) at approx 150 ft. Whether that is possible or practical in BMS will be interesting to try out. Love all this technical shit, it friggen blows my mind!!
  14. Thanks Jeffu, These steps will be helpful to start with. Your instructions for VTO takeoffs was great and I've managed to get around the tendency to drop rapidly by adjusting the nozzles progressively until I get enough air speed to become wing borne. I can do SVTOL quite well now. So it looks like the strategy is to approach the LZ in the conventional manner and work those nozzles to 90 degs by "feel". When you are landing vertically do you ever use the external view to do it?
  15. I've got a little bug creeping in when I rampstart the Harrier. any ideas would be helpful. When I power up the right MSD, and load the DTE, after a while the MSD for the HSD switches off for some reason. Now admittedly I'm only getting this problem with a package I set up myself so it might be something to do with that.
  16. Thanks Jeffu, Will try that out. You got one for landing the Harrier in VTOL?
  17. Nah its part of enjoying the game Jersans. First time you get in the jet you spend about three hours trying to work out how to close the fkin canopy because the engine is so loud!!!
  18. I completed that ramp start, created a package, flew a route, and landed the Harrier safely! Awesome Harrier. In the tute the guy couldn't remember how to switch from backup, there's a switch (CNI/BCKUP) to the left of the two Comm (21,22) switches that needs to be switched to UFC (30) and it works!
  19. Oops forgot the diagram. Legend White numbers 1-16 - Pre engine start Red numbers 1-29 - Pre taxiing
  20. I modified the 3D Cockpit diagram for the AV8 Harrier and mapped the checklist points from this tutorial. It doesn't look that hard to fly but I'll find out today when I try it out.
  21. I just realised that my video is incorrectly labelled, it should be: LG (Laser Guided - Press 3) are the missiles we use to guide them "manually" to the target - left click again to adjust the track to target LT (Laser Targeted - Press 4) are the missiles we use to lock onto a lased target. In the video you can see the HUD shows LT when I am locking to lased targets and LG when I'm doing it "manually". With the targets across the bridge the first one I used LG to take it down, there's a left click to adjust the missile's path due to movement. The last target you'll see keed lase the AAV, I switch back to LT and fire immediately. That missile just shoots off high and right, then we get missile lock and that final shot tracks to the target dead on in the middle of the circular recticle. Some people are not aware that you need to wait until you see or hear the "Missile Locked" alert before firing. I'll need to fix the annotation for this video. Done.
  22. Yeah that's true about more than one guy lazing screws everything and causes confusion for CAS. We might get an initial rush of players lazing the crap out of everything but hopefully it doesn't become a problem. I really wanted some more footage from the gunner's perspective so that players can see what it is they are looking for when the targetting system locks on to the laze. I've had so many noobs saying they cannot see the laze, and boom we get shot down. The Apache has a different symbology on the HUD to something like the Russian Havoc, or the Cobra for that matter.
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