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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Hey TEDF, Double_13, and PBAsydney, That was a great series of maps; real intense. We did start out appreciating the fact that the main objective was to get in and out with the intel in a stealthy manner but after several minutes of crawling around and not finding much Delta decided that eliminating you guys was not only more fun but it gave us a few minutes to try and find the intel. The hardest part about that was making sure of the kills so as to not raise the alerts. We don't really know whether you hid anything at the Kubra dam but I was convinced that there was. A breacher or spotter kit would have been very useful for scaling buildings etc but other than that the stealth concept was a winner. Thanks for all the hard work that must have gone into providing such a fun event guys, we might bitch and moan about certain things sometimes but these maps were brilliantly done. I took footage of Delta Squad for the first two maps, Leviathan and Kubra dam but forgot turn it on again for the last one which was real hilarious with vehicles floating through the bunker and hills. I'll post the movies when I get through rendering them. Thanks to Delta Squad members and all the players in Alpha, Bravo and Charlie squads for making this event so much fun to play! cheers, Kav Leviathan Mission Kubra Dam Mission I was the only one who didn't die....woohoo!!
  2. @Midgee you're more than welcome to join Delta squad if someone doesn't turn up. Just install the maps and get into TS an hour before the event if possible.
  3. Now you're talking! This is great if its doable, create a map rotation that responds to server population. WIN/WIN.
  4. Thanks Semler, that's exactly what I did, apologies for dishing your poll design. I still voted to get rid of Bot assets to stop confusion but other than that my intention was to keep the spawn times and asset removal as is. A good example of why I changed my vote was yesterday when the server was populated by 7 players and we could not capture the Beirut dock because there was a battle tank in the docks and we could not deal with it in time before the ticket bleed ran out. We had only Spandrels to combat it and could not get AT kits because some players were in APCs. Our CAS chopper got shot down because it was piloted by a newb. Two maps previously ran out due to rapid ticket bleed on the first flag (Pavlosk Bay, Karbala). Next was Banyam and we finally had enough players (17) to compete, and stop the ticket bleed. For me low server population is quite challenging and fun but new players tend to give up and play somewhere else which is exactly what some were threatening to do.
  5. Sorry guys, sometimes I cant resist it when people try to tell me what to vote for or what to think. Truce.
  6. Its not magic, its just a poorly designed poll that doesn't allow you to change your vote selections!!! The poll is supposed to run for a week right? Well I made a mistake on my first poll choices.
  7. True Martin, its not the end of the world and I'm only one vote. I'm fine with playing by whatever rules or changes are made.
  8. My choice is no changes at all. I'm entitled to change my mind, as I said the poll was biased IMO.
  9. After talking to other players on the server I changed my mind and basically decided against any changes. Do I like operating TANKS? Not particularly but why should my choice mean that other players don't get to drive TANKS? The Dev's have already made too many changes in my opinion based on so called public opinion, all this does is modify it even more. I'm not in favour. cheers, Kav
  10. Fat Albert messaged me to say that he will not be able to attend the event because he's moving house, so I'm still looking for a medic replacement. No panic its still over a week away.
  11. All the best with the therapy H8CrazyVet67.
  12. This looks like it could be a bit of fun! Please sign me up for Officer in Delta Squad. cheers, Kav
  13. Thanks TEDF and Double et al for putting together that event, it was a lot of fun, perhaps we could run those maps again sometime. That was a very cool night map, pity we didn't get the chance to fire a few flares! Second Mission: Tad Sae Offensive.
  14. Ok you're our Automatic Rifleman (AR) - LMG 240b. See you on the battlefield trooper.
  15. Join us in Alpha Group if you want Connor. We're strictly an infantry squad. If you're interested please let me know your preferred kit (don't say sniper). Keep an eye on this forum for updates on the Event time, looks like its going to be postponed which is fair enough given the latest PR update came out.
  16. Alpha Group (Infantry squad) have confirmed 6 members for the event, so I'm accepting randoms who wish to play infantry. Please post here or message me privately. Cheers, Kav
  17. Alpha Group will be there but all positions need to be confirmed. Officer Kit - Kavelenko - confirmed Medic 1 - FatAlbert - confirmed Scout/Medic 2 - Terremer - confirmed Lead Scout/Breacher - Stark58 - confirmed Automatic Rifleman - Connorsponner01 - confirmed [ M240b] Lite Anti Tank Kit (LAT) - unassigned - unconfirmed [ specialist AT4 / 3 x LAW] Grenadier Kit/Rifleman - unassigned - unconfirmed [flare rounds included] Heavy Machine Gunner (HMG) / (HAT) - chickenjason123 - confirmed [ PKM as STD, MG3 as Alt, SMAW ] Alpha Group will accept randoms on the day of the event if any of our players are unable to attend.
  18. Sierra Tango Foxtrot Uniform (STFU) = to clear the comms
  19. Congratulations to TEDF and Double et al who did a great job of creating this event for us to play. Kudos must also be given to Hater as our commander who did a fantastic job of creating an initial battle plan and then modifying it slightly on the day to throw the "Evil twins of death" off the trail. This event highlighted the importance of running an operation with a flexible commander who was able to change and react to what was happening during the battle. While it may have looked like we managed the first two maps with ease as a team, the communications and reaction to the actual battle field was most impressive. Even when we had to fall back from a position this was done in an orderly fashion. I'm just a bit peeved I didn't get any footage (my video program was gitching my client). I loved the way Blazer's squad did their thing mining the crap out of the armour and the logistic support of the logi teams was effective and much appreciated by our squad, that alone enabled us to get our FOBs in place on time and enabled us to defend more efficiently. Our razor wire at Hilltop really was more effective than I thought it would be but we lost a lot of lives trying to get them up. Next time I think we'd be better off having two AR's defending the digger's and leave the Medics free to do their job. Overall I was really pleased with the way Alpha Group performed on the day, there was a lot of experience in the team and it showed. A few communications difficulties as FatAlbert mentioned but not that bad, I've had a lot worse!!! Everyone did their jobs well and the Medics SemlerPDX and FatAlbert did a great job of getting us back on deck, even when we were down to one squad member alive our non-medic member was able to revive us which enabled us to hold our positions. Excellent grunt work by Stark58, I3YAN, necrodude, SoftRaider (who was kicked for joining OPFOR) and a few other randoms who joined at various points in the campaign. Top squad in the first two maps (who cares right? BS!!), just kidding we couldn't have done it without the brilliant support. This is what PR team work is all about in my opinion. Great jobs guys and I'm looking forward to the next round!
  20. Excellent post on comms netiquette Hater. Most common problem for SL is getting ear bashed by other squad leader communication that is not necessarily relevant to your current squad, while hearing all the banter between squad members. So sometimes when we get an order from the commander it is pretty easy to miss or not even hear their orders. Perhaps some advice on properly clearing comms when an important instruction is being received? I'm all for having fun but sometimes its bloody hard to hear above the chatter/banter. What is the standard procedure when it comes to a squad lead communicating to another squad about a threat, should that go directly to the affected squad leader or should it be relayed to the commander? If we don't have a commander its pretty obvious that its direct communication.
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