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Everything posted by Bones

  1. I dunno, I'm just not that excited for "New" ARMA title so soon. I still think that ARMA II is a stellar title and has a ton of untapped potential yet to be tapped by the huge community that it has. The screens for ARMA III don't even look that much better then ARMA IIs. Now with all that being said it will still be a "day one" purchase for me! !yes
  2. I will be online late night this Friday (20th May) looking to due some training and some missions. Friday 20th May @ 11:30pm EST
  3. Bones

    Combat Mission

    I like the CC games and have them all but once I got my hands on the first CM games I couldn't ever go back. CM:SF just always felt broken to me, even after the ridiculous amount of patching needed to get it to work. I never did buy any of the addons for it, although like you have stated I have heard good things about them. I dunno maybe I just like my Combat Mission WWII flavored. !coffee CMBB was (still is) a great game. "CM: Afrika Korps" was nice too. The new demo for "CM: Battle for Normandy" is really really good. It's gonna be hard to top as far as I am concerned. You should really give it a try.
  4. I am curious if anyone else here at =VG= is a Combat Mission player. I am an avid fan of the series, even though the last release "Combat Mission: Shock Force" was a bit of a let down. Battlefront has released a new demo for the upcoming "Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy" and I am glad to see the devs going back to their roots and what made the older CM titles so great. One of most most favorite aspects of the CM series is that you can play against an opponent by email which is nice, as timezone differences no longer matter. I will be writing up a review of the new Demo in the next few days to include screenies and videos so stay tuned. For those of you that do not know what Combat Mission is please read the wiki HERE as well as check out the Battlefront Website. These titles are pure tactical enjoyment! It may not be a graphical wonderfest but every game feels like a Chess match where one wrong decision can cost you the battle. Combat Mission 2000-2011 Video
  5. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Chaz fail at 10:20. My left wing got sawed off. Nevertheless, fun op! Yeah I was just stoked to have multiple guys flying at the same time! We should make it a weekly thing.
  6. I found these articles on the SIMHQ website, they were written by a retired US Air Force Colonel (Andy Bush) who just happened to spend several years of his flying career in the A-10. As these were written quite some time ago for the A-10A featured in LockOn some of the terminology/symbology does differ from the updated A-10C featured in the new DCS title. Even with these small discrepancies there is still a vast amount of helpful information on how to fly and more importantly fight in the mighty Thunderbolt II. Hog Basics: RAF Bentwaters Tactics Guide, 1982 A-10 CCIP Bombing Air To Mud Shooting In The Hog
  7. This is a collection of shots taken on Saturday, 14th May 2011 of =VG= members practicing CCIP usage with CBUs and the 30mm Cannon. Pilots were: Bones, Chaz, Iffn, and Griff.
  8. Bones


    This is Chaz doing old school BMX tricks with his A-10C upon landing during last nights mission. !grin More random A-10C shots. I really love the damage textures.
  9. Bones


    I am down for some more flights tonight. Had a fun time last night and was glad to see members in the pit of the A-10. Got some great video but need time to put all of it together. In the meantime here is a bunch of screenshots. Oh and maybe we should practice our landing patterns and techniques. !grin I still think its funny that me, Chaz, and Iffn managed to blow all 9 tires!
  10. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... as I said before, ramp start with all the basic systems is pretty easy but I haven't used the CDU yet... No problem we can run the JTAC training mission and get you up to speed with some of the aspects of the CDU.
  11. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... 6:30am for me... I might try it if I know someone's flying. On what should I focus my training on? Laser guided bombs, quick Maverick attacks, data link... Right now Iffn I am more concerned that everyone is comfortable in the pit and can start it up, configure the three radios (UHF FM, VHF FM, and VHF AM) for (JTAC, ATC, AWACS, GUARD, TANKER) to include transmitting and receiving JTAC 9-Line coords for proper persecution of targets, Navigate WPs, programing the CDU, setting your weapons parameters/profiles in the DSMS and HUD (to include CCIP, CCRP, different Gun reticules), and general use of the TGP and SOI, last but not least Landing. !shok If you are a Rockstar and can do all the things listed above then we should have a pretty good time! If not then we will start with the very basics. !grin
  12. Is anyone going to be flying tonight? If so what time? I will be online starting around 11:30pm EST.
  13. Bones


    I will be on tonight, just don't know how late. I will be online late on Friday and Sat though.
  14. You guys are killing me! !grin Chaz if you do get the G940 lemme know as I can help you get squared away. I really like mine and it works great with Falcon, and DCS/Lockon titles. I posted my Logitech profile in the forums but you will still need to adjust some in-sim settings.
  15. I will be online looking to fly again tonight if any of you budding Hawg pilots wanna hop on. 11pm EST.
  16. Bones

    DCS Frustrations

    Asp LAN_WROTE ... Inspirational read. Getting back up on the DCS-A10C #@$!^*&* horse, again... Asp Where were you this weekend? !swoon
  17. Bones

    DCS Frustrations

    =VG= BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... Ya I tried FC2, but that glued on the wing-wingman chased me off. I didn't like that at all. That's why you fly MP! !cp
  18. Bones

    DCS Frustrations

    =VG= BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... haha! I know right, it's kicking my ass but I will pwn this thing if it kills me! The Scenery is like nothing I've scene before and it's sucked me in! I will master this as I master my life...I will FYI LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 looks just as good. Same graphics engine. Plus you can fly F-15s, Mig-29s, and Su-27s!!! !good Hint Hint!
  19. Bones

    DCS Frustrations

    So we actually got some members online for some DCS this weekend and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that it was less then spectacular. Not that the sim is bad but I just got the feeling that you guys were getting a little frustrated as to how complex DCS:A-10C is compared to what you guys are used to flying (Falcon). I know firsthand how overwhelming it is when first starting out with DCS but I can also tell you that if you spend the time going through the tutorials it will make a world of difference and you won't feel so "overwhelmed". This is a not a sim where you can expect to just hop in and start racking up the kills. Time must be spent "learning" the aircraft and the systems. With that said I have found a great article over at SIMHQ discussing the trials of "green" A-10 pilots. You are not alone! At the beginning, everyone feels/felt like a lump of crap flubbering their way around the A-10 cockpit! !grin Please give the ARTICLE a read and I really hope you guys stick it out and continue to learn to fly and fight in DCS:A-10C, it is a great sim but what you put into it is going to be what you get out of it. As always I am available if you have any questions, I am still learning myself so I may/may not have the answers but I will do my best to find them.
  20. My primary games that I play the most are: Falcon 4: Allied Force Free Falcon DCS: A-10C LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 I also have but only on occasion play: ARMA II (with OA) BF 2 (with and without PR)
  21. Bones

    my new pet

    You may want to get a bigger power supply as the minimum for the ATI 6970 is 550W. I would go for at least a 650W or a 700W.
  22. Just going to remind you guys that training will be tonight at 11:30pm EST.
  23. Asp LAN_WROTE ... 11:30 PM EST on Friday. Count me in. Glad to hear that Asp, please make sure you are up on your Cold Star procedures and have your HOTAS setup. We will (hopefully) be dropping bombs on target this week using the JTAC and CDU.
  24. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Not til later this week, Thurs and/or Friday. I can do either of those but prefer Friday as I will be able to burn the midnight oil a little longer. Let's say 11:30pm EST?
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