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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. instant LAN_WROTE ... Might be worth a shot to break the BIS_fnc_MP_packet function in 'functions_f.pbo' to see if that solves things. Not sure how mods will react though. I see "Chopper_Practive 1 Stratis' uses it at least. If players get the ""hacked"" message on a server they need to know that they have to RESTART the game before they connect anywhere else, or it will spread. Yeah I was just reading that putting this in init.sqf might solve it temporarily: "BIS_fnc_MP_packet" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; Unless the mission depends on this function...
  2. For now passworded until I find out more info about this 'hack'. The password is 'vg' for the public servers.
  3. Yeah I understand he's a busy guy but he was pretty rude in Skype channel.. was just trying to find out what is going on and he blows up. Any tricks from Tonic to combat this issue?
  4. There is a new hack for A3 that works like a virus.. player's game installs get 'infected' and when they join another server it spreads the 'infection'. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153686-Hacked-by-a-player-with-no-ID For now I've shut down the 2 public servers and will bring them back up later today with passwords. The 3rd ACRE passworded server will remain as is. Sorry but until a hotfix is released for this I do not want to risk spreading this problem around. Will update this post later today with more info. From A3 Admins skype channel: [7:41:17 AM] David Foltyn: the sooner you realize it's not related tot hat fnc at all the better [7:41:36 AM] Savage CDN: how would i know without asking them? [7:41:48 AM] David Foltyn: stop believing all what random so so called internet experts and senzation attention or panic makers say [7:41:53 AM] Savage CDN: just trying to catchup with all the reading [7:42:04 AM] Savage CDN: not sayingi believe anyting i just dont know [7:42:17 AM] David Foltyn: the outcome is simple, the cheat is nothing new and you could do it since a3a exist [7:42:25 AM] Savage CDN: yes i realize that [7:42:31 AM] Savage CDN: it was introduced in TOH [7:42:31 AM | Edited 7:42:39 AM] David Foltyn: and in fact w/o BE it would be nearly as bad in OA just w/o some persistency (David Foltyn = Dwarden) edit: all severs back up with vg password and no signature checking
  5. Yeah gonna try and fix the AI aimbot ability as well as: - add ammo for HK417s - change OPFOR from Rebels to Drug Gangs (less powerful weapons, not as skilled) - remove TWPCAS and run server-side only - test without server running @ASR_AI mod
  6. New Insurgency ACE ACRE is up for testing: port 2312 Password is "acre" Battleye is disabled so those with high pings should be OK. Modset is available through Six Udpater repo link: sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/2312.yml @CBA_A2; @CBA_OA; @CBA; @ACE; @ACEX; @ACEX_RU; @ACEX_USNavy; @tpwcas; @brg_africa; @ibr_plants; @MBG_Buildings2; @csj_snake; @chn_crocodile; @ibr_lcivilians; @Lingor; @dingor; @Lingor_units; @asr_lingor_units_ace; @JayArma2Lib; @ACRE; @st_interact; @sthud; Playable units are Cops and FEA Commandos Vehicle defaults are police vehicles Jake: "Hey this car's got a lot of pickup" Elwood: "It's got a cop motor, a 440-cubic-inch plant. It's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. What do you say? Is it the new Bluesmobile or what?" http://youtu.be/yil9wlfa0yo Other Lingor vehicles available in params LIMITED weapons selection at base - DMRs with optics available in cache crates as 'prize' (trying to keep to the cops theme and not give them Tac50s and Javelins) Enemies are Lingor Rebels (will add drug gangs later) Still using regular Arma rebel vehicles (SPG trucks, zeus trucks, etc) will change later Intel dropped by enemies is 1kg bags of cocaine instead of suitcase (item is much smaller you'll need to check bodies more thoroughly). Cache is still a guerrilla box. Feedback is appreciated !boss
  7. Was fun playing ACE Insurgency again over the weekend. I could not sleep last night so I stayed up modifying Insurgency 1.50 Dingor. Needs a bit of testing but so far so good.
  8. The VG Steam account (runs on the server) has 3 free copies as well....kinda forgot about them. Anyone else still need one?
  9. ^ Yes Sir!!! Might not be until later today depends on work.... it's there now
  10. ^ wish I could.... I think we'll have to wait for the Ins developers to fix this one
  11. Check this guy's YT page there are some videos for RP2: http://www.youtube.com/user/kylejwilcox/videos?view=0
  12. freebird33 LAN_WROTE ... hi i downloaded the files and installed them in a3 when i ran the game it gave me an error include fileuserconfig/acre/acre-clientside-config.hpp not found can some one tell me how to fix this thanks In that download there should be a userconfig folder with another acre folder inside.. this has the file you are looking for. You need to copy this 'userconfig' folder to your Arma 3 install directory ie: \Arma 3\userconfig\acre\acre-clientside-config.hpp Note that you can only run ACRE mod for the private ACRE server - it will not work on either of the public servers. All three servers now running latest Alpha version 0.54
  13. I could be wrong but I don't think anyone here has any map editing experience.. at least not to my knowledge. I'd check the BIS forums for more info there is probably a guide there as well.
  14. Thanks for getting this posted Jager it was good to meet nkenny yesterday and love how organized he is with the mission structure, etc. This will be good. Just to expand on Jager's post: Event will be hosted by Veterans-Gaming who will provide: - Arma 2 event server - Teamspeak 3 server - Six-Updater repo URL - bacon This is a limited space event - first come first served. CONFIRMED members will come first - if you are not sure about the date/time (when announced) you will be put in the 'maybe' group.
  15. Updated the co40 Domination mission today (from 2.92 to 2.92a) to include ACRE by default, new VAS version, some minor fixes and default param changes. Will be the default mission on Private server next restart (and I'll change the server name from Insurgency to just ACRE Private or something) Also the Insurgency mission PITN is working on is available in the list for testing insurgency090_VG_03.stratis
  16. The private server (port 2346) is now running ACRE. You will need these to join: @ACRE @JayArmA3Lib @UOCBA_A3 http://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/ACRE_addons.zip Delete or rename your @CBA_A3 folder if you have one in your A3 directory as currently ACRE requires the UO version of CBA All the @folders go into your A3 dir as well as the userconfig folder The Plugins folder is for TS3 - copy to your ts3\plugins install directory (TS must be closed while doing this) ** Sig checks are NOT enabled for this server so make sure you are joining with the correct mods ** edit: also I broke the auto-restarter program so at some point today I need to reset all Arma 3 servers
  17. Do you want me to up that newer version to the server?
  18. PITN LAN_WROTE ... Without BE enabled it's a futile effort to make a banlist based on a script check. All that will happen is they'll use the server to test the detection. But I was given a nice little tool the other day for this sorta thing. Yeah I was more concerned about just getting them kicked from the server automagically ie: something that detects known scripts running and kicks the player. Ban list is a PITA to admin. From what I understand it's fairly easy to get around by renaming files, etc but at least most of the idiots would get booted. What is this tool you speak of? Is it large and hammer-like?
  19. . With our setup it was difficult to run mods on only one of the servers... long story short the program that monitors and restarts the 3 server instances did not support individual mod lines.. basically meaning that we either have 3 'vanilla' A3 servers or 3 'modded' A3 servers (running the exact same mods for all 3). This is also partially due to the fact that all 3 instances run from the same install directory in Windows. That has now changed (in theory.. I have not tested it yet).. meaning I can setup a single mods server running ACRE, whatever. So if there are no objections, I'd like to setup one of the servers to run mods. Suggestions? @CAF (Canada... FUCK YEAH) @ACRE @grover_hat http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20162 Signature checks on servers: the problem with sig checks disconnecting players (Outlanders) will go away next update. Currently the dev version does not suffer from this issue, and from what I've read the next Alpha update should be sometime next week. The problem is as I suspected, poorly optimized sig check function in the Alpha - much more noticeable if you do NOT have an SSD drive. Hacking: I spent a few hours the other day reading through various forums and here's what I found out. 1 - there is an addon called Darky's PBO hider that prevents the server from detecting if you have any addons running. This means a player can join with hacked pbo files or better yet Devcon (@MCC_sandbox) giving them full control over the server.... ability to spawn, kill, kick players, nuke the world, etc, etc. Fortunately this addon does not seem to be widely used (probably too technically challenging for the kiddies). 2 - despite the above problem, having sig checks running on the server is the best way to prevent most of the hacks. Without the ability to join the game with hacked pbos, a player has to use a script injector (only a few known to work in A3) to exec his attack.. which effectively eliminates 95% of the 'hackers' out there. 3 - I need to learn more about anti-hack scripts and how to run them properly.. I know there was one on the A2 Insurgency server (dooacs), and there are ones out there for A3 Alpha as well.. just need to find them and test. Anyone have any knowledge there please PM me.
  20. I think Arma reads that xml info (ie: for squad xml) at player connect and I don't know if it can be updated dynamically. This would be a good question for the BIS forums.. or maybe one of the MSO devs? I can ask if you like. How's Insurgency? Haven't had a chance to look at it again since last week.
  21. Castor we should hook up at some point this week I can go over some basics with you.
  22. I would have loved to use the 'real' Insurgency mission (0.90) but it's just not ready yet for consumption.
  23. As Jager said try to join again and post the results... if it was the automated TK script it will only 'ban' you until the server is reset.
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