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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Money @ screen So yeah 2pm Prague time is like 9am my time!!!
  2. OK not sure what to do with MSO right now... some players are unable to connect at times since I updated the @rangers units... the daily crashing problem, etc. I think what I'll try is to remove the @rangers units for now (there are some bugs with the new ones anyway)... and a few other tweaks to see if that has any effect. edit: thanks Whiztler I'll take a look
  3. Definitely should do this more often if you are getting that many viewers
  4. @rangers has been updated on Six-Updater and we will have to edit the mission and replace the units as the classnames have changed... this is now done on the MSO Community Server Crazy MSO still needs to be updated. You can get the old @rangers verion here if needed: http://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/@rangers_old.rar
  5. PR server will not respond to TCAdmin requests to reboot, etc. I know Solar was testing out some potential fixes for COOP crashes but not sure if that is related. We'll need him to take a look at it when he's back... I'm pretty inexperienced with Linux and don't want to fuck with anything myself
  6. Well the old man fell asleep on the couch and didn't get to the server work... I'll try and do it at some point this weekend when there's hardly anyone on reminder for myself - change all Arma server.cfg files this line: regularcheck="{}"; needs to be disabled: //regularcheck="{}"; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146925-How-to-allow-server-mods
  7. Alright I thought there were enough regular PR players still... and I think the 'old crew' would probably like a PR event day... what about when they release 1.0 ?
  8. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... Also is there an exact time when the game is available? Quoted from BiStudios forums: Steam tends to unlock new content at 6pm GMT, so I would expect it to be available at 6 pm Tuesday, or there about.
  9. Bump - server downtime this evening! Services affected: Teamspeak All Arma servers Minecraft Terraria BF2 test server(s)
  10. Some links: Arma 2 vs 3 performance: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146945-Arma-3-Performance-vs-Arma-2 Alpha Testing Checklist: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146946-Arma3-Alpha-Testing-Checklist Possible Arma 3 mods: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146910-What-mod-s-missions-do-you-want-to-see-in-ArmA-3-Alpha Alpha Hub: http://alpha.arma3.com/
  11. Must have missed this screen before.. looks like LCD for rear view and (yes!!) working side-view mirrors!!
  12. Server details are pretty sketchy for the Alpha right now: "We are exploring the options for Dedicated Server packages for the game in general right now. At Alpha launch there is no separate package; you will only be able to -server command-line it. No Linux DS at Alpha launch either." Meaning we'll need to buy a copy to run it on the server for the Alpha release (and looks like maybe we can only run one at a time if the game has to actually be installed on the server)
  13. Looks great...thanks for doing this Wooz!
  14. More work needed on server!! Will be taking it down this Thursday Feb 28th for about 20 minutes starting at 10pm EST (3am GMT)
  15. Overall pretty fucking great considering this is only our 2nd event and our first with 40 players on the server (and in TS) So to summarize the event: More lead time = more organization We need to get the signup thread, comms details, squad structure, etc up at least 5 DAYS before the event. This allows us to properly prepare for # of players and work out any kinks. This also will allow us to 'prep' the event - admins can login an hour before start and do things like mount vehicle radios, pre-pack vehicles, etc. Send out PMs to members informing them of upcoming event KISS (keep it simple stupid) We need to keep the plan simple and clear - at least until we are pros at whatever the task is (ie: mechanized patrols) Bored players are Angry players I swear in testing the number of OPFOR in those villages was much higher!!! Anyway... yes there was not enough to shoot at - trust me this will be fixed for next time (you will regret your words!!!) Comms Structure Still a WIP this will need more discussion Start Delays Always an issue it seems however having more preset loadouts (and tweaking the ones we have now) should help this
  16. Did you get Six-Updater installed and working? If so we can get you setup with mods like ACE and ACRE
  17. I've setup daily restarts of the MSO Community Server starting tomorrow. It will restart at 5am German time and will only do so if the server is empty.
  18. Thanks Calv I'll check it out. Post from MSO Dev re: web integration Hi Savage, Maybe out before NG, depends if I can get it finished ready for the 4.6 launch Believe it or not its changed considerably since those images lol, I keep changing my mind Here how its looking now, including an extra teaser image! Spoiler: http://dev.volcbat.com/map_teaser.png (1103 kB) http://dev.volcbat.com/mission_example.png (677 kB) http://dev.volcbat.com/vehicles_example.png (777 kB) You can get your guy to contact me if you wish. Anyway Solar if you want to be involved or have some suggestions for this I can put you in touch with this guy.
  19. Ok so as discussed in TS here's what you need to do: Delete both games from Steam library Goto your Steam install folder under Steamapps\Common and delete any Arma folders there. Reboot PC. Install Arma 2 in Steam Library Install Arma 2 OA in library Launch Arma 2 once thru Steam and let it get to main menu Close Arma2 Launch Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead once thru Steam and let it get to main menu (how does he do this? right-click on game? If he launches as OA will it not try to run as CO 1st time?) Close Arma 2 OA In Steam Library launch Operation Arrowhead it should automatically run as Combined Operations. You can tell this at the main game menu on the right where it lists the mods loaded you should see Arma 2 there
  20. SU 2.9.7 http://cdn.withsix.com/software/su/su-setup.exe Docs http://wiki.rustyinplaces.org/article/SIX_Updater With Steam you used to have to right-click on Arrowhead in library and select Launch as Combined Ops but I don't think that works anymore. Maybe someone else can provide a startup parameter he can use to launch as CO?
  21. You are getting kicked for stock Arma .pbo files not addons. You need to make sure you are running Combined Operations not just Operation Arrowhead (CO is Arma 2 plus OA). I see in the log you were are also running the beta version of Arma you need to NOT run this and start with regular 1.62 version. Current time:  2013/02/19 17:56:51<br />C:\Users\Job\Documents\ArmA 2\expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe SixUpdater is complicated and annoying but it does work and I would trust it over Play With Six.
  22. Yeah without any specific errors it's hard to troubleshoot the problem. If you are going to re-install make sure you do not install the beta version... Steam should handle this automagically.
  23. Well without further info it's going to be hard to help... I'm betting you are running the beta version though. If you post your .rpt file somewhere I can look at it... otherwise a re-install would fix it :) http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2839330 http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2829392
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