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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Also a Fallujah edit of that A&S mission: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17012
  2. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?27210.50#post_30681
  3. This only happens on the domi server not the vanilla insurgency server? edit: might be a BattlEye problem on our end I'm looking into it now edit2: Kneejo can you try now I've re-fuckulated BattlEye we'll see if that was the issue
  4. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13336 Latest version released today with many performance optimizations. I've been in touch with HighHead (one of the MSO devs) and he has sent me a Headless Client version of MSO which I got working on my home server over the holidays. Unfortunately it does not work on a server running multiple instances of arma2oaserver.exe (so we can't run it on our dedi yet) but that will come once the bugs get worked out. Anyway I'd love to try this again and get rid of the DayZ Lingor server.. any objections? Also Solar I might need a bit of mysql help at first if you can !yes
  5. What about doing some Fallujah this weekend? We could do some ACE/ACRE training for the new guys and then some ACE Insurgency and/or Road Rage Deathmatch!!
  6. Thanks to everyone who showed up... we got a lot more (new) players than usual so things were a bit crazy. Thanks to Cold for the mission.. maybe one of these days we'll get halfway through it :) Thanks to Wooz and Random for FTL duties (and whoever else I forgot) Those other missions I had tested earlier in the week kinda sucked.. too bad cause they looked great at first. The most fun was of course the Car Deathmatch on Chernarus... gonna see about spicing up that one and moving it to a map where my FPS is over 10
  7. I think so: Belgriffen [30 Dec : 00:00] Falcon BMS 4.32 server should be updated to Update 4 (build 11647). Happy Hunting lads!
  8. Yes.. Cold is updating his ToraBora mission so we'll play that one as well .. it has CAS just for you Eclipse :)
  9. Roster updated and added instructions to access the VG Custom Repository for Six-updater
  10. Some people have problems with JSRS and ACE.. but if it's OK for you then no problems :)
  11. Roster so far: Savage Gaz Nvram Poff Torts Wooz Castor Blud ciro Murder Cold Semler Speirs Whitzler Random Ingo Eclipse Pigeon Vetala Maybe: Outlanders N3Ro Spears K M4tko Skydiver
  12. When: Saturday December 29th 17:00 GMT - warmup, mods troubleshooting 18:00 GMT - Event Link to current time in GMT: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time/scripts/clock-8/runner.php Convert GMT to your time zone: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/to/ Where: Veterans-Gaming Community Events Server (, port 2312, password is "acre") What: ACE + ACRE Mission Day We have a bunch of ACE missions we can play.. all user-made. Also it looks like the AI suppression mod is pretty stable now we might try it out... ** More Details to Follow ** Mods Required @ace @acex @acex_ru @acex_usnavy @acre @asr_rh_m4_ace @asr_rh_mgs_ace @cba @cba_a2 @cba_oa @jayarma2lib_new @kyo_MH47E @RH_M4 @RH_MGS @south_oh58 @st_hud @st_interact @st_lb_enhance @tpwcas @ToraBora Optional Mods: @st_movement @acex_sm (recommended sound mod over JSRS - don't run both at the same time!!) NEW!!! For Six-Updater users: Custom Repo for Veterans-Gaming sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/server.yml Just click on the link to launch Six-Updater with our preset. If that doesn't work for you, try using a different browser or do the following: Copy this URL, go into Six-Updater and select the Server Browser Tab sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/server.yml Click on the Import Server button above the list of servers Paste the URL above and hit OK You should now have a new preset on the left with all the required mods listed Run Install or Update mods and Join Server Password: acre
  13. Thanks Castor.. .yeah Poff good idea I'll post something up later. This looks interesting 12plr coop dynamic missions: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/tcb-psy/files
  14. Possible ACE missions for server: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17077
  15. I played this mission last night when I couldn't get to sleep.. it was probably the most fun I've ever had in a single-player mission. Advancing Power http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?122476-SP-AdvancingPower-A-4F-Dynamic-Mission Note English is not the author's 1st language !yes 1.Furious: In this mission, your emeny appear in front of you and friends come from behind. Battlefield will move with position of groups, so every meter is valuable. With new AI script, AI teams will also call support and that make battle more crazy! You can set battlefield smaller (see "Flexible") to enjoy CQB! 2.Flexible: Firstly, size of battleground, number of groups, time, weather, so many options let you make your own battle. Most of options can be change DURING the game by Radio 0-0-9! Secondly, system will search exist weapons and vehicle automaticly, so that you can enjoy your downloaded Weapons and Vehicles in this mission! You can replace soldiers and vehicle for AI groups. 3.Fruitful: Firstly, you can enjoy all kinds of weapons and vehicle. Call several support including Artillery, AH and Satellite...which make the battlefield more colorful. Secondly, there are 3 SubMissions in this version, in which you can fly AH or Jet or be a sniper. Bullet camera is availiable for SubMissions. Thirdly, You can act as soldier and give leadership to AI. You can also switch position in Helicopter to enjoy the gunner. 4.Fantastic: Some supply such as Detection, Teleport and SmokeWall and so on, are not that realistic. And you will also get welfare if you lack of money or scores. All of these are designed for an enjoyful experience! The battle raged on for about 2 hours.. I tried to push the frontline but lost most of my squad and supply truck so had to fall back. Defended a hill for about 20 minutes then my squad got shelled by enemy artillery, and we had to fall back again and setup a defensive FOB. Mission works fine with ACE and also any custom weapons, units or vehicle packs.. did not try ACRE. If you are going to play this I highly-recommend these mods: @ASR - adds ACE options to non-ace missions @ASR_AI - AI behavior mod @DAPMAN_auto (automated medics) @TPWC AI Suppression @TPW AI LOS
  16. Another shameless plug... Operation Twisted Fork http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143076-co-18-Twisted-Fork-v0-2 Mission summary: The mission code named Twisted Fork is an combined operation (U.S. & BAF) that takes place around central Takistan. Squads Alpha (U.S.) & Bravo (BAF) will be working closely together to secure major checkpoints and objectives throughout central Takistan. Objectives are meant to be done in order, although players can secure other objectives, they wont receive credit until the targeted objectives have been completed. No mods required
  17. Another mission made for RHS Russian units MSV Revenge http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138628-SP-COOP-MSV-Revenge As a Russian officer, lead the reprisal operation against a terrorist rebel force. This Scenario is based on the original OFP one, it's just a little bit more intense. And most important: It features the sexiest Russian Army models ever! Included is a Single Player version, as well as two Coop versions for up to 21 players (Team Respawn / No Respawn). Please see the included readme for details. no ACE/ACRE Requires Armed Forces of the Russian Federation http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138553
  18. The Forgotten Few http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?116308-The-Forgotten-Few-SP-MP-Dynamic-Campaign-for-CO SP/MP dynamic campaign About The Campaign ? Single scenario campaign of 7 immersive and realistic dynamic missions with variating objectives and scale! ? Plan out your missions yourself before actual dispatch with available resources and field intelligence at hand! ? Whenever approved by higher command, assign men to an assisting ?Spark? squad and lead them on the field! ? Call in air and artillery support at hot situations whenever available! ? Lead your 24-man platoon through the hell - will you and your comrades survive? ? Every play time a totally different experience! ? Play in Single-player or Multiplayer Not ACE/ACRE compatible out of the box There is a no mods version as well as versions that require some mods.. check the link Since this supports MP I'd love to try it out one weekend Ohhh...there is a RHS version of this mission: http://redhammer.su/?page_id=10 So the same missions but with the awesome RH Russian units
  19. Flashpoint Series http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134399-SP-Flashpoint-Instant-Action-Dynamic-Missions-Release-Thread Single-player dynamic mission battles These missions are completely randomly generated as you play, dropping you right into a different battle, between different sides, as a different unit, at a different time of day, in different weather conditions, in a different location every time. They are literally infinitely re-playable, and most importantly, great fun! No mods required (except if you use custom maps) Does work with ACE and ACRE
  20. I'll start: Lions of Kandahar http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138872-CAMP-Lions-of-Kandahar Single-player Campaign Lions of Kandahar was written by former Special Forces Captain (now a Major), Rusty Bradley, who survived three brutal US SOF rotations in Afghanistan, the third being the subject of the book - Operation Medusa in 2006. As various members of ODA 331 (part of TF 31), the Afghan National Army's 3rd Kandak, and the Canadian Armed Forces' Charles Company, you will take part in a massive offensive to push the now-brazen Taliban from the Panjwayi Valley south of Kandahar. Mods required (links available on BiStudios forum post) - Tier One Operators - Afghan National Army and Police - Reshmaan Province - Operation Northstar - Community Base Addons - Mad Build NOT ACE/ACRE compatible This is actually a shameless plug as I did some voice acting in this campaign !download
  21. I wanted a place to post any good Arma missions you have played or come across in your travels. What I would like eventually is a library of missions we have tested to be available on our servers so players can try them out at any time. You can also post single-player missions or campaigns you have tried yourself and liked. When posting please include the actual mission .pbo name if you can (ie: co20_ACE_Finding_Waldo.utes), a brief description, what mods are required if any and whether or not it is ACE/ACRE compatible.
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