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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. No I don't think the revive time is dynamic at all - one size fits all. Found a small bug: If you die and click on the FORWARD BASE respawn button and the MHQ is not deployed you will spawn at 0,0,0 on the map (bottom left corner). I'd love to make Force 1st person a pararmeter.. not sure if that's possible though unless it has an existing function that I can use in the init like ace_sys_wounds_ai_movement_bloodloss = false; Planes as a parameter? Not sure how to do this.. have the plane's presence conditional on a value set in params? Changes made to 05 version to disable spectator screen (black screen instead) and revive timer reduced to 240 seconds. I'll hold off on updating server for now.
  2. @Poff - yes I believe so will check it out.. the only other option is probably a black screen @Calv - no you can still go unconscious the revive script (which mostly just extends the existing ACE revive features) will kick in only if you are 'killed'. I think I'll try lowering the revive time to 4 minutes and we'll see how that goes.
  3. Vote yes he's been around a long time and obviously wants to help out... MAKE IT SO #1
  4. @PITN - yeah we haven't tweaked the logistics stuff yet those are good points.. everything about the logistics system is customizable.. how much each item (container, vehicle, etc) can hold, the 'weight' of each item, and so on. This will be a large time-consuming task but it will be done once we get the persistent DB stuff working. @AKM - yes the revive is very easy to customize.. we included it because in our initial tests the AI seemed to target and headshot group leaders on a consistent basis. We also noticed a lot of time 'wasted' ferrying respawns back from the FOB to the AO. When you have dedicated pilots this is OK but otherwise it sucks ass. Revive timer, wounded markers and death messages can all be changed.. and certainly the markers and messages will be removed. What do you think is a fair revive time? (currently 10 minutes). I would also vote to remove all planes.. too often they are abused and I don't feel they add enough to gameplay to keep. IMO of course :)
  5. Good points guys.. I think for now we'll put MGO back on.. keep the preset loadout selector, hold off on the vehicle fill thingy and see how it goes
  6. That should be OK no? I usually roll in around 35kg So MGO makes another script that loads your vehicle with a preset class loadout. It's like the vehicle service point.. you drive up to it, select from 5 or 6 loadout options like MG, AR, Medic, etc.. and it loads the vehicle cargo with a bunch of stuff. Seems like it might be handy for those quick RTBs to re-arm.. gonna test it a bit more.
  7. Agreed.. Ingo sorry I totally forgot you had done an AmmoCrate script for Reshmaan.. .I'll add it in, remove the weapondesk, and re-enable MGO. With regards to the preset loadouts please post any suggestions (ie: more medical gear all classes) and if you can look up the classname for that item and include it in your post (saves me a ton of time). ACE Classnames: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Classlists Non-ACE: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php
  8. I didn't spend any time customizing the actual loadouts.. this was more of a test to see how it worked. Why is the MGO thing better? What are the problems with pap?
  9. @yup_uh60 blackhawks have been updated on SixUpdater you'll need to install it. New Reshmaan version 04 up on server (no persistence yet) MGO attach script off by default Air Patrol Ops on by default Team roster script (check map notes) added Fill script crate and magic box are 'hidden' for now to test this: pap_gearup script (on backpack heap) added pap_weapondesk script (attachments) added **thanks to LAMBS** @LEA key is still on server for now (cause i forgot to remove it)...
  10. What do you use to 'scale up' the enemy numbers? DAC?
  11. Much better server performance from what I've heard. AI are also much 'smarter' apparently. Far too much to go over... check here and read through the .log files (official patch is version 95248 or 95251 can't remember) http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  12. So.. a few more changes to make (probably get to them tomorrow): Remove MGO attach script Add LAMBS loadout thingy Should we keep @LEA if we have a preset loadout selector?? Add Air Ops to Patrol OPS default params Get persistent DB working properly Anything else?
  13. Yeah I guess that's why another SU update today.. to fix yesterday's cockup lol
  14. If ever you want to use one of our dedicated servers to test missions just fire me a PM or something the day before and I'll get it setup with your mods/missions.
  15. omg could they make it more confusing? When I checked it in SU it removed all the CBA ones and added CBA_CO by itself... but yeah I'll double check that thanks for the heads up. Edit: yep you are right Calv.. as soon as I add the beta to my preset it removes the old CBAs and adds CBA_CO. So.... since we do not run the betas on any servers yet (although I'm thinking soon.. soo much good stuff in the betas) there is no need to update CBA server-side. If you have already updated to CBA_CO just remove expansion/beta from your preset and it should auto-revert back to the 'old' way. Another SU update today... probably best to install that if you haven't already.
  16. In order to update the CBA stuff on the servers I'm going to have to take down the non-vanilla Arma servers for a while (download install CBA and change all command line params). I will do this tonight if I have time and if not tomorrow morning. So if you are trying to connect and you see only the regular Insurgency and/or Domination servers up and running that is why.
  17. Not yet when I tried to start it up yesterday it spit out a bunch of errors in the .rpt and stuck at Client DB setup screen. Don't have time to troubleshoot ATM. @arma2NET is running on server too... maybe I was just impatient?? Anyway I'll try it again when I'm at home and have time to go through the hoops.
  18. 2013/02/05, 16:00:15 Error in expression 2013/02/05, 16:00:15 Error Stuck at loading client data screen Reset server someone will need to login and setup or I can do it in about an hour
  19. ^ sure if he's willing to share :) I've restarted server with persistent DB setup - we'll need to adjust the default params if it works as they are still set to NOMAD
  20. LEA key added to server just needs a reset to take effect. Jager I like that loadout selector... I don't think it's LEA though?? MySQL database is setup and ready (thanks Solar) - shall we set it up with Reshmaan to start? @Random - yeah good idea next time I make changes I'll default the parameter to include Air Ops - for now whoever starts the server can change it
  21. He was on TS maybe 2 months ago I was talking with him for a bit. He mentioned being pretty busy and not having a lot of time to game.
  22. Ingo =VG= LAN_WROTE ... faysh is a good map but i think it is too big for mso and a good idea would be to have 2 maps one would be reshmaan with the ranger and the other one maybe podagorsk, celle 2 or some kind of woodland map with the marines to keep it interesting also is it possible to use the upsmon AI script on mso? +1 for Faysh I love that map. Imaging a mechanized/armor version of MSO where you are fighting tank platoons!! Reschmaan is good too and although I love Lingor and its units I think it's not gonna make the cut. UPSMON - integrating that into MSO as the AI 'brain' would be difficult and beyond my abilities. It can be used to generate patrols or something in large areas but if I was going to do that I'd use DAC (think the roaming vehicle patrols in Insurgency) Calv LAN_WROTE ... Would it be possible to get the @LEA key added to the server. While it's not essential for everyone, would be a nice option to have. I don't see why not we've been discussing adding that or @RSLO for quick loadouts. So adding just the key means what? Clients can still pick from their favorite loadouts with LEA? I thought it had to be running on the server as well? Ingo =VG= LAN_WROTE ... oh lol i didnt know faysh was smaller than reshmaan but it has less mountains and citys lol also is it possible to edit the MGO attachment script to not allow players to pick TWS scopes? because when playing yesterday i realised how many people use them and it kinda makes it too easy I'm sure we can lock that down somehow. I'm getting closer and closer to M16s, SAW, Marksman as the only options :)
  23. Yeah both are good maps... the water aspect of Lingor is interesting as well as fighting non-standard units (Druglords...lol) I'm not sold on the RH packs to be honest.. sure they are cool but there are some issues with ACE and certain weapons... besides the fact I think we are trying to lower the amount of available weapons in the base. Maybe we could start with one like M4 pack? Anyone else have an opinion on this?
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