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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. It's only been recently that they have fixed all (some) of the issues with it. For a while it looked like they were going to abandon the game but with a new DLC released I think it might pull through.
  2. Does anyone have or play Iron Front Liberation? Got this message on the IF forums and thought I'd pass it along.. might try to drop in this Sunday or next. ******Phoenix Soldiers [PXS] are holding another coop mission event, for more mature, Iron Front Gamers to play single co-op missions with on Sunday 20th January at 20:00GMT***** All mature gamers, whom have a microphone and teamspeak 3 set at push to talk can join us this sunday on their dedicated server, [PXS] PHOENIX SOLDIERS IRON FRONT SERVER, on Sunday 20th Jan at 20:00 GMT (UTC). Please note, that some of the missions, that we will be playing will require the D-Day DLC. We usually play single missions, with 1-3 tasks to complete, with a limited set of resources. Normally, we utilise whatever assests are allocated to help achieve these tasks. We select a team leader, whom runs the mission and the rest of the players work as a team, utilising Teamspeak 3 server: Phoenix Soldiers Teamspeak3 - ts3.phoenixsoldiers.org or Click Here To Join TS3 Direct The missions are run with respawn turned off, unless there are exceptional circumstances. However, we usually restart the mission if 50% or more of the original starting players are dead.
  3. Here's our other option with regards to user-selectable loadouts in game .. it does require the player to setup their own loadouts however http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14514
  4. Voted 'all' I think MSO is best for mid-week missions as it doesn't require any real setup or mucking around with new mods, etc. It's just a matter of coming up with ideas/missions/whatever that can work within MSO. Also with some prep time a few hours before start mission 'makers' can do a lot of the initial legwork - setting up a FOB, loading up transport crates and prepping vehicles.. etc, etc.
  5. OK let's get this started!! First class will be this Wednesday starting at 4pm EST (9pm GMT). -review of basics in mission making Next class will be this Friday say 1pm EST (6pm GMT) unless we decide on a better time. -review of basics in mission making Please post if you would like to attend. I'll do 2 or 3 'basics' classes so that everyone can get a chance, then we can move on to more fun stuff.
  6. What about Tora Bora instead of Clafghan (runs much better)? If anyone would like some help with making missions please let me know.
  7. We can use MSO for this kind of thing too... come up with an idea or 'mission'... prep beforehand and setup plan, etc.
  8. No worries man thanks for taking the time to report it and the approximate time. 21:23:38 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (02274787e74bec394209343cc52363a9) of player #6 VI-Crazykiller 10:14:26 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (b2f48999b8738bd183a00312c0a730a0) of player #4 [ES]Sandman[TR] They can run but they can't fucking hide!! Both players have received a 14-day ban and further infractions will result in a permanent ban from all servers.
  9. New MSO version coming soon!! As we discussed today - there even will be another update soon which improves stability and initialisation esp. for persistent databases and furthermore... it will be fully headless client compatible !! And thanks to Glowball and his AIM mod, even food and water will come to MSO in a database-persistent way! Currently we have 3 clans that test the sh... out of it with GREAT SUCCESS and we are in the final stage of testings already Thoughts? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12720 Same guy that made the RG-31s (MRAP)
  10. I've made some minor changes to the 05 version on Quom and will upload tonight. - redid briefing notes - updated ACE Revive script from v1.98 to v2.0 for testing - removed the "you have 999 lifes left" messages from revive script The MH47E Chinook and ACE sling ropes problem is a known issue and will be fixed on the next release of the mod. Edit: didn't get a chance last night to upload new version.. will do so tonight (Thurs)
  11. Added 2 new mods to test - a new island and a map grids addon to make the Paladin work on all islands @ASR_MapGrids @mcn_aliabad Six updater repo link now working: sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/2342.yml
  12. Sorry Castor did not mean to single you out or anything... it was just a good example that my brain could remember :) I think if you've got decent squad leaders then there is no real need to micro-manage anything... simple, clear instructions seem to have the greatest chance of success.
  13. Road crossing with security and how long to stand up are the only 2 I'd be iffy about (other than the obvious "not long" answer). I'm with Calv on leadership.. I can recognize a good leader but I'm not very good myself. That's not to say I don't know how to lead or plan an assault (in fact the planning stage is where I'm good at), just I don't actually do well once the firing starts. Maybe that comes with practice I dunno. Jager LAN_WROTE ... In my experience micromanagement in any part of the CoC just leads to clouded coms, the basic plan laid out is your guide and if you some how chose to adapt while the mission is a go CMD needs to know. But other than that the CMD trusts the FTL's on the ground to do his bidding, if the objective is to move a pair of swimming trunks it does not matter how it's done ( moving them by hand or by explosives :p ) ^ This - great point. Over-managing just makes for confusion for the squad. A great example is the other day in MSO we had a confusing ROE while driving to an AO.... stop in certain situations, push through in others, stop for IEDs, go for armor... etc. Really all that needs to be said is push through on contact (or stop... or whatever)... everything else is common sense (ie: don't drive over IEDs). If it's not simple people get confused once the firing starts and things go wrong. We all learn from experience so there is nothing negative here... it's great we can discuss this stuff!!
  14. Possible changes for next version: Remove RQ-11 Raven (done) Keep Paladin but lock it as it does not work properly on Quom Add rally point system if possible (will this break the st_interact and changing groups? RP system works on slotted SL I think... can't change mid-mission) Might look at adding @twpcas mod (AI suppression and LOS) at some later time as the server runs very well with MSO. Lowest average FPS I saw this weekend was 28 on Sunday when we had a good 10 or 11 players in the server. ACE Revive script has been updated on Armaholic... will investigate http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12937 We are using v1.98 of ACE revive right now - needs some good testing
  15. Hey HeadShot I do miss seeing that avatar on a regular basis :) Hope you find some time soon to hop on and join in the fun.
  16. ** Updated to version 03 ** Added MHQ vehicle next to Recruitment HQ (LAV25_HQ for now) Added COIN construction interface to MHQ (too cheezy??) Added lift capability for MH47E and HH60A Added cargo container liftable Added RG-31 liftable Added towing tractors !senile Need to test the lift stuff with the helis, cargo containers, and RG-31s
  17. New version of that AAS mission we tried last week: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16115
  18. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... (plus his highly detailed liver-spotted hands): Arg you kids GET OFF MY LAWN!!! !stinker Yesterday's initial tests on Quom Province seemed great... server was running a 45fps average with clients around 25-35fps for the most part. Map is awesome - good FPS and lots of rolling hills. All ambient stuff was turned off Patrol OPs on Enemy setup: 33%, Med density, 40 locations Town intel stuff on If this works out then I'd like to see these mods in the mission: Rangers http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14295 Kyo's MH47E Chinook http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18052 Yup's UH60 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16253 Exa's RG31 vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18130 RQ-ll Raven http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16723 Any thoughts on running a vanilla version of this as well for public consumption (ie: no mods at all on Takistan)?
  19. Can we put a link in the TS3 channel as well?
  20. OK we are testing MSO 4.55 ACE/ACRE on Quom Province (@TUP) Join the MSO TS3 channel for mods info and server password
  21. It seems another player is having the same issues so it's most likely a problem with the server. Hang tight Blud will be on later and can fix.
  22. Moved Off Topic posts from the MSO thread: Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... guys we gotta quit using Arty and mk19s while there is +5 people ingame. it sucks when someone is raining fire on the AO (especially when there is civvies in there) and you are just sitting there unable to do shit. PLEASE quit using the OP weapons, everyone else gets bored due to that. Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Castor that mk19 was being used properly, we were against a superior number and we set that thing up as fire support, all the targets were being checked for distance and the mk19 was then zero?ed in. i?ll agree that we were all bored at that point, but the op weapons weren?t the reason for that. the reason we were all hanging5 back was because we had cleared villages already and things were getting repetetiv, so we decided to bring a MK19, javelin and a stryker. And i don?t think this is the right forum post to be posting it on:) Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... @Wooz, I did ask you guys was there civvies in there, the answer i got was ''I don't know, lol'' but true enough you guys seemed a bit bored, the truth is that you still must think about the other players, there were more than us playing there who didn't seem to be too thrilled about that. :/ anyways, its good to test the weapons so my argument is kind of pointless :) Gaz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Dont mean to be "That guy" but take this to that "arma Leadership and other arma related tactics" Thread please.. Oh and I haven't forgotten about doing some mission making sessions just need to find the time to get it organized :)
  23. You'll have to wait for the person that banned you to chime in before we can do anything... do you know when this ban took place?
  24. I put up MSO 4.55 on the DayZ Lingor server we can try it out - fallujah and takistan Server is called MSO ACE/ACRE Testing Password is "vg" All ambient stuff turned off including Patrol Ops No persistant database yet but Nomad save is set for every minute (means mission will be reset if we have to restart the server) **EDIT** Moved the OT posts to here: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?29526.last
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