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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Thanks to Cold for making a fun and deadly mission!! ColdN NVRam Wooz Torts** Iffn* ciro m4tko Savage* Gaz *hit by nasty enemy tail rotor **twice We also did some basic comms procedure for calling in airstrikes and some AT weapon basics.
  2. All went smoothly. For future reference.. updating TCA or restarting TCA services does not affect any running games
  3. Sounds great man.. updating server right now. You'll need to PM me the mission again you forgot to attach it in your last msg :) Also please do NOT run ASR_AI on your machine.. the server runs it already and it's redundant (and may cause problems) to have it running locally.
  4. I think there are a lot of 'closed' dayz communities now so if people want that private, less PvP environment it's already out there. The amount of work that would be required to keep this running and up to date is too much IMO especially when we are struggling to keep our other servers maintained. FastJack if you are still around and want to look at Redux and perhaps us hosting a server for that let me know ASAP otherwise I think this should be shut down.
  5. Disappointed but I understand why they decided to delay the release.. Greece situation, more time to polish A3, and most likely - more time to devote to pushing out DayZ stand-alone
  6. How's Saturday around 11AM or 12PM EST (4-5pm GMT) ?
  7. Great... if dman is around we can do some squad training perhaps? If not maybe AT or mortars (I am bad with both)
  8. Yeah I've been meaning to do this for weeks now. As an aside, I finally have that HP Proliant server running at home now.. and wow does it kick ass. Looking at upgrading my home internet to 25/10 mbit as it is now available in my area. SolarFlame =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Just be reminded savage, if you are doing the update from within tcadmin - it generally updates all slaves too. So the linux datashack server might go down or servers might restart etc. Just a heads up and thanks for taking care of this! Yeah thanks for the reminder.. I don't think it affects the servers themselves though... did we not try this before and it was OK? Can't remember now...
  9. Work has been crazy for me the last month or so... and the Hetzner dedi needs some lovin' I will be taking down this server starting at 10pm EST (3am GMT) on Thursday to do the following: - install updates - configure and test firewall - install TCAdmin update - install any Arma mod updates for each instance - defrag hard drive if needed - REBOOT Services affected: Teamspeak server All Arma servers Minecraft / Terraria SWAT4 / Team Fortress (not sure if these are still running) If you have any questions or would prefer I do this at another time please let me know.
  10. I'll be on this Saturday (finally) if there are any takers.
  11. Making changes to the mod itself is difficult and beyond most of us to do.. and would be very time consuming as those changes would have to be re-done for each update. So unless someone is willing to put in that kind of work I don't think it will happen. Personally I'd like to see this changed to an MSO server.
  12. I'm in now just screwing around on ACE insurgency... maybe we can just do some squad stuff seeing as I am not organzied :)
  13. Any takers for some training this weekend?
  14. @rockape - you will need: @ace @acex @acex_ru @acex_usnavy @acre @cba @cba_a2 @cba_oa @jayarma2lib_new @st_interact Optional: @ACEX_SM (don't use with JSRS) @JSRS with @JSRS_ACE @Blastcore @st_hud @st_movement @Nvram ACE ACRE Domi is up and running on port 2312
  15. It might be a bit short notice... I'll have it more organized for next week.
  16. dman is up for some simple infantry stuff this weekend would anyone be interested? Say Saturday 1pm EST which should be 6pm GMT? If we get 4-5 people we'll do it otherwise we'll start next week.
  17. I think I've already forgotten what that was.... so you might need to remind me :) Yeah if we do anything tomorrow or Saturday it will have to be just editor stuff like triggers, etc. I'd like to prepare a mission for training that will include a bunch of features.
  18. We'll start with a list of 'must reads' for Arma mission-making. Yes there are many pages, but also pretty pictures!! Mr. Murray's Editing Guide - yes it's for original Arma but most stuff is the same http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 Murdock's Arma Guide - there will be a lot of duplicate stuff between these 2 but still a good read http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13109 YouTube video series: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16680 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=arma+2+editing&aq=f http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-mission-development/144524-arma-2-editor-tutorial-series-pclipse.html More stuff here but don't worry about this just yet... http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15961
  19. So a few guys... Wooz, Cold, Castor.. (might be more I can't remember) expressed some interest in having mission 'classes' to learn the basics of Arma mission making. I am happy to do this and we can start as soon as you want. Please post here to sign up and perhaps what you would like to learn about specifically. I will come up with some videos, documents, etc that you can all review to start, so that everyone has the same basic editor knowledge and what constitutes a mission file. Be advised you will not be cranking out Domi-clone missions right away.. Arma mission making takes time to learn properly... more so if you want to make multi-player missions. You do NOT need any coding knowledge (I am a shining example of this!!!) but after a few basic sessions we will get into scripting and how to integrate existing scripts into your missions. !download
  20. PM sent dman We'll get started either this weekend or next
  21. Riddle try this: Open Steam as administrator and run Arma 2 once. Close Arma 2. Run Arma2OA once, close Arma2OA. Now when you launch through Six-updater it should work without errors... I noticed as well no more Launch as Combined Operations but as Beast said I think they have merged them now so only need to run OA???
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