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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. I am going to work on updating the VG mission template so that others will have an easier time creating missions. I'm even thinking of doing a few 'classes' with anyone who might be interested in learning Arma editing.
  2. I will be out of town all weekend so Charry make sure you speak to Semler or Poffadder about getting the mods setup on the server as well as sending the mission file
  3. What's your status Charry? Are we able to do this event on Saturday?
  4. Also if you cannot get the player's GUID but you remember the name post it up as well... I can go through the server logs and weed out the little fuckers!!
  5. Due to ongoing issues with Charry's Arma CD key we will delay his mission until he's back up and running (he said it could be another week). Taking suggestions for this week: DayZ Lingor - not really a 'group' event but a possibility ACE - ACRE mission(s) and some training for the new guys Invasion1944 day - new updates and missions since last one One of my missions - I have a few that I could finish up quickly Something else...
  6. Just a reminder due to Charry's game issues we are delaying this event until next weekend. There is talk of doing some ACE/ACRE stuff to help out the new Arma players instead.. or we can do something else.. up to you guys.
  7. Reaper LAN_WROTE ... Sounds like a very reasonable request to move it back a week.....I might even be able to play now ;) I still cannot figure out why my ACRE will not function. I am running TS3 as Admin I think I set it up and ace clippi all correct etc I hear Radio Clicks and my characters mouth moves when I hit Caps Lock Problem is, my team cannot hear a word I say, just empty space between radio clicks....grrrrr Make sure your TS3 push-to-talk key is different than your ACRE push to talk key (capslock), and also disable the in-game push-to-talk key under your keyboard controls. If that doesn't fix it we'll get you sorted out. What does everyone think of doing an Invasion1944 day since the event is being pushed back a week? There is a recent update with some new stuff.. could be fun.
  8. Charry if you like we can just delay the event for a week - especially if you have no guarantee you can even play on Saturday.
  9. ridDle LAN_WROTE ... I got shot, he was the squad medic, walked up to me and popped 20 rounds from SAW into me. Proceeded to firing at other friendlies. LOL..ok so that is NOT proper squad medic behaviour? !beatdown
  10. Here are the names of players that connected up to 10 minutes before hack took place and were in the server during that time: Harlequin T AkToNz ?????? TheBigHoncho magicESP Clash PFC E.Larson RED_RIVER_SIX SKIDROW I think a few of these names are regulars, corrrect? Both TheBigHoncho and magicESP connected at the same time at 17:44 then disconnected 2 mins later Both connect again about one minute before the hacking starts at about 17:54 Can't really tell otherwise who it was.. I have a copy of the log with all player GUIDs
  11. BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (7d50bf331e83e04eea777b81c495216d) of player #7 SkyNet !pooped Another turd flushed....
  12. Neat little app.. have to check it out on the wife's iPhone
  13. BANHAMMER!! Thanks for the report GUID added to list.
  14. =VG= SavageCDN


    Stryker please if you are going post anyway give us some details.. otherwise it's useless and a waste of everyone's time. If it was Robot you were referring to then I'd need to see some pretty hard evidence to believe you.
  15. Yes thanks to Charry for his hard work on this mission. Also thanks to everyone's patience while we get new players sorted out with ACE and ACRE.
  16. Any changes we make to the map list (PR or FH2) using BF2CC do not stick on a server reset and we have to log back in and change all the maps again.
  17. BLuDKLoT =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Something is wrong with the maplist. It won't allow me to edit, rather it won't keep my changes. After I reboot the server it reverts to it's default maplist...wtf? I think this is happening with the FH2 server as well.. we can't seem to change the maplist permanently
  18. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... well then we should have 1 mod map and 2-3 not modded maps like Chernarus, Takistan and Zargabad. right? Sure..maybe even Lingor !yes
  19. @Speirs - fallujah up and running on community server Also extra mods really aren't a problem for this server - people are already downloading ACE and ACRE so another mod or two doesn't matter much.
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