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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Nice work Outlanders.. sign me up for AR or medic
  2. Yeah only reason why I didn't add it for yesterday is that I couldn't find it on six-updater.. and didn't want to have people manually downloading stuff.. potential for disaster!! Anyway hopefully it gets on SU soon...
  3. Saw this today..maybe you guys already use it but thought I'd post it up: http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  4. Yes I noticed that as well. So trying to update the server(s) but I can only find an .exe installer for 1.62, not just a .rar with the changed files. The only way I can see to update is to install Steam on the dedi and download all the arma files thru steam, apply the patch, then copy the steam game folder to the server folder locations. Will try it out with the mods server before doing Insurgency. Edit: seems to be working OK now
  5. Just post here.. make sure you are using Six-updater and download and install the mods listed in the first post. Also make sure you have TeamSpeak3 and join our server!! Hey bu!! Nice to see you sign up on the website!! Mods server patched to 1.62 and VTE/UNSUNG mods running
  6. ^ lol.. you're probably one of many ;) Yes they are releasing ACR full as free DLC "very soon"
  7. Some new commands and scripting options with the 1.62 update. [94918] New: command unit addMagazine[name, ammoCount] [94049] New: terrainIntersectASL command [94001] New: moonIntensity command [94001] New: sunOrMoon command [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext [93945] New: In gear added bars with ammo count [93945] New: setGearSlotAmmoCount, setIDCAmmoCount, gearIDCAmmoCount, gearSlotAmmoCount gear commands [93652] New: Scripting functions visiblePositionASL and nearestBuilding position [93648] New: Scripting functions ASLToATL and ATLToASL to convert between coordinate systems. [93622] New: Scripting function eyeDirection. [93598] New: Scripting functions eyePos object and aimPos object [93398] New: System chat like player connected/disconnected switched to CCSystem=6 channel. New configuration opportunity disableChannels [90901] New: setUnitRecoilCoefficient command [87840] New: Added scripting command productVersion [87745] New: Cheat Shift+Minus+FPS to allow artificially limit FPS for testing to 40,20,10,5 Full changelog from 1.60 can be found in the 1st post here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137694-ARMA-2-Operation-Arrowhead-Combined-Operations-Reinforcements-update-1-62
  8. Not sure but I'll probably just remove the \expansion\beta folder and allow SU to install the patch when ready.
  9. I had updated the mods server with the latest patch not realizing it was an RC that was incompatible with previous versions (Six-Updater should not do this IMO.. it should stick with non-RC patches... but I digress...) re: BE - on the server is the 'active' BE install folder under \armaroot\Battleye or \armaroot\expansion\Battleye? I assume it's the expansion one. Also I didn't 'install' BE into the Arma folder using the installer I just manually copied the .dll files from the install folder under Program Files to the game install folder, as there are 3 arma servers running on the dedi. It was definitely BE that was causing the server to crash according to the .rpt file... but after reading about the RCs I figured best to revert back otherwise there would be (more) problems.
  10. Yes much needed with ACRE. I don't see it on SU yet but I'm sure it will get there.
  11. lol ET.. worst game ever!!! http://www.atariage.com/2600/emulation/
  12. Yeah I have the Mods server running with no beta ATM... installed the latest then couldn't join the server. Hope they release 1.61 patch soon!!
  13. Sorry to hear that Outlanders hope you are doing OK.
  14. Ok no problem we'll try again for next week then.
  15. Charry I'm sorry I won't be able to make it today. Please PM me the mission ASAP or send to Semler he can upload it as well. Good luck guys!!
  16. "old" PR server has been stopped so there should be only one PR VG coop server in the list now. FH2 is still crashing in v2.45 coop but we are working on it.
  17. @FJ - that is interesting they have never been too focused on coop except for one FH community member (djinn or something) - where did you hear this news? As for server location I think eastern US is best for everyone so let's do it!!!
  18. Yeah Speirs if you've setup a server before can you send me some details or next time on TS we can discuss
  19. If it is the usual start time (3pm EDT) I cannot make it... will be at a BBQ drunk and eating meat!!
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