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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Duala or Lingor (Dingor) would be awesome as "part of a larger battle" theme as they have their own unit factions and vehicles. This is something I've spend some time screwing around with as I personally enjoy that type of mission the most. If that's the way you're leaning also have some ideas for you with regards to AI vs AI battles and respawning AI units back into the fight. Other good urban island - Emita City: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15482 vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lJFBg9NgZo Most beautiful island in the game and also excellent for armored combat - Carraigdubh: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16435 vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW9HsicDXf8 Excellent armor or air combat island (400km2) - Fayshkhabur: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14999 vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na1fmM29RoA u like armored combat? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLijQi-F_p4 Good winter islands: Thirsk http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9861 Winter Pomegratskaya http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8633 Battle of Bulge http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14871 Vostok Winter http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13807 Etah Plateau (Antarctica) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14972 Mount Cook Island http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13238 There are quite a few winter units and vehicles as well and even winter weapons packs.
  2. On vacation this weekend and next - Calv if you can get me the mission by Friday AM I can upload for this weekend. You'll have to get Semler to upload for next weekend.
  3. We can do it whenever you want really... just make a post about it and see if enough people can make it on a Friday.
  4. Excellent... so that is what jayarma2lib_new is for apparently - if you are running the beta you need the jayarma2lib_new version and no dsound.dll file in your directory whereas 'official' 1.60 version you need the older jayarma2lib and dsound.dll. The lack of concise documentation on ACE and ACRE is astounding...anyone have any good links to share? Edit: OK server has been updated and is running the latest beta patch. Please try and join using SU (delete your current preset and create new one). Also once the beta patch is installed you will need to restart SU (beta shows up as "expansion/beta" in your mods list). You can force the beta installation by clicking the Beta checkbox on the Home tab in SU. With ACRE and beta it uses the jayarma2lib_new addon not the jayarma2lib one. If in doubt delete your @jayarma2lib once you have beta installed. You should also delete the dsound.dll file in your arma root directory
  5. So it appears we need to be running the latest OA beta patch in order to fix the ACRE issues. I am testing my work PC with installing the beta using SU and will have to do the same on the server once I'm sure I won't break it :)
  6. yeah Speirs was all over this... it looks great
  7. Roger I wish I could figure out what causes that ACRE problem... gonna do some searching today for any documentation on running ACRE server-side
  8. What were the tech issues? Problems with ACRE or ACE specifically? I saw this AM there was an update to CBA and ACE yesterday so perhaps some people had newer versions?
  9. ^ We should talk I'm doing the same (guess which island??)
  10. I'm at a BDay party this Saturday evening so I won't be able to participate in the actual event... I should be around beforehand to help setup.
  11. How did you meet this Jerry guy? Did he just get in touch out of the blue and ask?
  12. Hmm... I really should do these on the day of the event. Played so much Arma this weekend I've forgotten what the hell happened!! I thought the contact drills we did at first were great practice.. it's a lot harder than it looks. The mission we played at the end was kind of a cluster-frack at the start but turned out to be quite fun. Thanks again to Calv for the training mission and organization.
  13. Mostly ACE training and if we're not playing Charry's mission then we have the modded ACE Insurgency with the added stuff mentioned by Calv a few posts above. Please check the "Community Events" TS3 channel for additional info on required mods.
  14. yeah just click Donate it is a one-time thing (it's how I do it)
  15. edit: OMG I just realized those were flies!! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2012/05/30/ottawa-body-parts-investigation-dead-or-alive.html The foot part happened at a building across the street from my work. I've never seen so many cops/swat/hazmat guys in my life!!
  16. Are there any mods required for this mission? Also it should be tested on the server as well so if you like send me the mission when you are ready and I'll upload it to the server.
  17. nice..it does look like BF3 lol
  18. ^ perhaps a separate version for the mods? we should have a vanilla ACE/ACRE version
  19. There is?? hahaha we got a bit silly with that yesterday
  20. ^ What the 'sneak up and butt end your squad mates' skills?? !lolol Awesome with all these mods!! Can't wait until we play on new maps (Lingor is sexy shit) Oh I am a maybe so far for Saturday .. 80% chance I'm there !mental
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