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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Ok so we'll get the database up and running this weekend and I'd like to finalize any changes / mods maybe by Friday. What does everyone think? Should we stick with Reshmaan, go with Lingor, another island?
  2. Hi and welcome to =VG= As Robot mentioned there are a core group that play BMS, etc.. make a post in the forum or hop on our teamspeak server.
  3. Calv LAN_WROTE ... A possible interesting option would be one of the maps with water and having the aircraft carrier setup as the starting area. The size would limit the max number of vehicles available, and would require us to actually secure and create our own FOB. Or starting out in a C130 and dropping in, then having to get equipment to setup the FOB dropped in. Would likely require some scripting so a bit more complicated to do. ^ poff was mentioning this yesterday as well (carrier start point for MSO) and if we can do it I love the idea. Another error from yesterday: Warning: preNLOD format in object x\acex\addons\m_wep_pistol\rh_uspsd.p3d From today: Warning: preNLOD format in object x\acex\addons\sys_arty_ammunition\105mm\ace_arty_m1_shell.p3d
  4. Calv LAN_WROTE ... Startup time: Don't think assigned kits is necessary, far as I could see everyone was equipped and ready and just waiting to be given orders within 5-10mins. Issue seemed to be some tech/organisation stuff (which considering it was the first time and fairly last minute arrangement not that surprising), and waiting for everyone to get into the game. Obvious solution in future is just to send the teams out when they're ready. For example Fox1/2 were ready pretty quickly so could have gone ahead and done recon/clearance and called for support or pulled back when heavy resistance was met. 1st Person view: Lambs guys usually play mission on Veteran anyway which removes 3rd person altogether so wouldn't make much difference to us. Sights: Probably more effort than it's worth editing each of the weapon crates to remove all the TWS etc. Much easier for the commander to just give the order to not use TWS weapons, and have the FTLs enforce it. Wounded messages: While not exactly realistic, I would probably leave them on for the moment, if only to highlight friendly fire incidents. Maybe we'll try another OP and see how it goes before worrying about loadouts (it's a lot of work) We were playing on veteran yesterday we've just customized it to allow 3rd person (but no map markers, crosshairs, etc). Personally I'm a fan of 1st person on foot but I don't think it's a good idea on vehicles IMO only because Arma does a poor job of in-vehicle views (ie: hummer) Weapons - not a lot of work actually we already have an ACE fill script that can be tailored and we can remove the magic boxes. We'll see what others think. Death messages - I'll check I think there is a way to have only FF messages displayed (no more "Poffadder is heavily wounded again!!")
  5. Thanks to all the players that showed up I only was able to join at the end but even the one task we did was huge fun!! Big thanks to those that were involved in the last-minute planning and setup... considering we had less than 48 hours notice I think it went quite well. More advance notice means more time to work out technical or mod issues before the event. Some possible suggestions for next time: Faster startup time - assigned kits? Something like @LEA or @RSLO to allow players to select pre-done loadouts? Force 1st person view outside vehicles? More iron sights less TWS? Restrict the available weapons? Make sure all players have st_hud loaded to facilitate squad play Remove SMK key from server so players cannot join with it loaded (causes issues) Also please post any suggestions re: mission like faster respawn times on choppers? more tanks? get rid of CAS? What do you think of the wounded/death messages? They can be turned off. I know there are some good mission makers in LAMBS we should discuss working on this and future event missions together (for joint OP ones that is) OH I'm also working on a pre-event start deathmatch mission so we can kill each other before wanting to kill each other. Think minivans, missile launchers, and concrete jumps. !senile
  6. I looked at that one before the RG-31s but they were 'less' ACE-compatible than the ones we are using now, and there was another problem with them but I can't remember now what it was !senile So it crashed this morning - this is the 2nd time I've seen this kind of error (you have to login to RDP to see the on-screen error) Warning: preNLOD format in object ca\misc\kontejner.p3d Basically it's a CTD and you have to hit OK in the little error box in order for the server to reset (or just stop/start with TCAdmin) Any ideas what this could be? Fucked up map object? The other error was similar except it was some other .p3d file and it was on either Aliabad or Quom. Updated version (the one we played on Sat) - removed rain and fog (very low fog only) - repair truck works fine with Bradley - it's the vehicle service point that won't repair (but will rearm and refuel) I'd love to remove the BAF and Russian crates, as well as thoughts about removing magic box and other 'OP' weapons?
  7. When you guys get kicked does it say in the kick msg what the max ping is?
  8. Ok I'll check although I'm pretty sure the max ping is 500
  9. Updated mission on server (VG ACE MSO Reshmaan 03) and in TS3 channel Re-spawn at MHQ should work now after re-deploying a 2nd time although I have not tested it with a JIP player (it's a hack for now). Updated revive script with newer version that fixes some spectator issues. Minor edits of base layout - supplies area now more cargo-pack friendly, fixed FOB markers, few other tidbits. Updated briefing notes and added vehicle re-spawn times.. would like to add the call-signs at some point SU repo is updated as well with the required mods (2 maps - aliabad and reshmaan - took quom and SMK out of the list) - optional are JSRS_ACE, blastcore, stmovement
  10. I have to attend a birthday party for a 3 year old at 3pm my time (8pm GMT) but I'll help with the setup beforehand and drop in once I've finished eating too much cake and sugar.
  11. So we'll do some basics today: Mission file structure and essential files Where to start when creating your own mission Editor stuff - triggers, waypoints, synching objects, modules, setFriend I'm uploading a zipped mission to the Editing/Scripting channel please download it and extract it to your My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\*yourprofilename*\missions You will also need this editor and it's update: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1455 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8354
  12. Thanks NV I'll have to check and see if the repair truck is the ACE one. Also I'll probably disable weather altogether as it causes lag on some computers For my own later reference: http://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/16nl5x/a_quick_n_dirty_guide_to_headless_clients_for/
  13. Dman can take credit for the mod set idea he mentioned it a while back. Besides it will save a ton of time with regards to getting people's mods sorted out.. and we can even make it available as a single download on the website for those that don't use SU.
  14. Yeah there is an ACE limited NV range module but none that I am aware of for IR/Thermal (unless the limited NV module also affects thermals??) Cold we loved that mission.. just cause we died a lot does not mean it sucks :) OK so if we are having a few people making missions (which is awesome BTW) then I think we need to get some standards down which mission makers can follow. The biggest one being required mods... what I personally don't want to see is 40 different mods each week to download and install. We need to come up with a core VG set of mods and stick to them when making missions. A good place to start would be the mods we use with MSO. Obviously there will exceptions to this rule (like an I44 weekend or something). Any thoughts?? Do you think this is a good idea? Also I'm working on a VG mission template (totally re-doing the one I did last year as it now sucks) which others can use to create missions without having to re-invent the wheel each time. It will not be fancy... it will include a core set of features like: Template for briefing notes, tasks, etc Join In Progress compatible stuff ACE revive and respawn script UPSMON script Garrison and house patrol scripts At it's core will be the F2 Mission Framework.. which I use constantly now.. check the link for a features list: http://ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/index.php?title=Main_Page
  15. I grabbed one of my favorite DOS games a while back you should be able to find it there as well: Ascendancy (requires DOSbox) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascendancy_%28video_game%29
  16. The problem with switching the maps is that all the 'work' done on the current mission will be lost... even if we had the persistant DB stuff up and running I don't think anything would be saved by a map switch. Now we are still in 'testing' mode so this is to be expected but once things are running 100% we will need to decide on a map and stick with it for a few weeks. There is lots of stuff you can do if you are all alone - check the briefing MSO notes or the players manual (link in TS3 MSO channel) - recon, sniper, ferry supplies to a FOB... anything you can think of really.
  17. Test it out if you want.. d/l it, go into editor place a hmmw or something and drive around.. .should give you a good idea of performance. I tried it a while back but I think it's been updated since.
  18. Faysh is awesome.. don't see why we can't I think we should first work out any bugs with the quom/aliabad version before porting to new maps so we don't double or triple the workload when we need to update something Here's a list of the maps which already have MSO versions: Lingor/Dingor Tora Bora Hazarkot http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15840 Esbekistan http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17573 Taviana http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15085 Everon http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1360 Celle http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16585 Podagorsk http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8791
  19. Ok so I'd like to 'wrap up' any development / tweaks / changes to the VG MSO mission this weekend (so we can stop updating it constantly and actually implement the persistent database stuff). After the kinks are worked out we will update the mission every 3-4 weeks and only if necessary. If you have any suggestions or have encountered some issues, please post them here so we are aware of them and can add them to the 'todo' list. Big #1: Fix respawn when MHQ is deployed and player signs in at MHQ Currently this is broken and the player respawns at the main FOB. This is because the revive script requires a named marker to work properly and display a respawn button, and when the MHQ is deployed it assigns a name like "mkr + (random time +1)" - so the marker name is different each time it is deployed. Need to either pull the MHQ marker name from an array and use that or more likely have another marker that updates to the deployed MHQ position every few seconds. Also need to take into account JIP.
  20. Where do you want to start? Basics like what files are usually in a mission and what the different files are for? Some editor basics like syncing triggers or creating waypoints?
  21. I voted no.. not because I don't like you Iffn but I am quite possibly the worst pilot in the history of digital flying :) Oh and I don't have a copy of DCS !crazy
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