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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. ^ not sure actually I assume it's the SOAR stuff but I'd need to check it out
  2. Another option http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17484 Personally I like the MHQ concept and it's a lot of fun on Fallujah with the LAV... I think Calv raises some great points re: asset abuse etc that comes with a static base full of stuff. What about having a few small 'outposts' around the outskirts of the city that would have ammo/medical supplies/etc and perhaps a transport vehicle of sorts? Also remember that coding stuff for Insurgency is not a simple task so the more goodies/changes/etc we add the more work for Poff/Semler/PITN/me/whoever. Things like static bases are easy but if we're looking at major changes to functions it will be a pain-in-the-ass :)
  3. I have the i7 Bloomfield 920 with GTX 570 and I've never overclocked either. Might start with the CPU once I notice it slowing down a bit... but honestly I'm not a big fan of overclocking.
  4. Yes Freebird there are some mods you will need to install using Six-Updater.. you should hop onto teamspeak Friday and get some help setting things up... you don't want to wait until 30 mins before event to do this :)
  5. I voted yes.. and it's true I am bored with PR COOP. That doesn't mean I will never play it again.. I will happily join PR events or other organized stuff. My thoughts are this: BF2/PR is on it's way out.. it's an old engine and the folks at PR are moving on (to Arma or whatever). At some point it won't make sense to run a BF2/PR server anymore. Perhaps if people get into deployment it will be delayed for a while.. but not even the PR devs care about COOP anymore and IIRC the last patch they even broke some COOP stuff and don't seem to intent on fixing it. Anyway with all the work Melon and others have done with maps, etc perhaps we are selling it short? Maybe some organized event days would help bring people back to PR?
  6. dman248 LAN_WROTE ... Really, I never tried.... Kidding me mate, I'm the reason why we even had Ace insurgency before on our servers, had it going a full month then everyone dropped it. I can't help it that people all the sudden decided to start trying it agains, Try getting people even to try calv. That was the hardest part. Dont tell i did fucking nothing towards getting people to play ACE, I will find the old threads promoting it. I ran Ace insurgency on our arma servers, OF that month we had 30 people that constantly came into our teamspeak to play, When it left they came back asking when it was coming back. To tell me I did nothing makes me fucking angry. Angry dude. No fucking right to say that. Ask ingo, iffn or selmer. They will tell you that I tried. Here's my take: ACE is great and dman was great at showing everyone the ropes... then for whatever reason people got distracted (other games..whatever) and interest fell off for a while. I think that happens to any game, group, etc. For me I was still new to Arma and was just happy to play anything... ACE or no For the last 6 months or so we have been trying to revive this interest in ACE/ACRE and I must say we have done a pretty good job.. we've had fairly regular events with as high as 18-20 players for some events. Calv was doing missions.. we were organized with mods and Six-Updater.. etc. It has tailed off a bit over the summer (and the pain with 1.62 update.. betas.. ACRE.. other tech issues) but I'm hoping that it picks up again in September. Anyway I think Calv's point was that now is the time to get going with ACE again as the interest is still high. I don't think anyone is saying you did nothing... you were the reason I was interested in ACE to begin with.. just that most of the players here now weren't even around back then. Come back DMAN!!!!
  7. Poff the Patrol Ops part of MSO has been updated recently might want to check it out. Let me know when you need bodies to test http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15526
  8. ^ what are your thoughts on having occasional OPFOR players AKM? We should really hear from those that actually play on the Insurgency server regularly !yes
  9. We could try it out for a few days on the DEV server with it clearly marked OPFOR ENABLED or something... that way we'd get a good idea of how popular it would be as well as seeing how it works and possibly tweaking certain things
  10. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Yea, but you're honorable. And I trust you. If you mean solely for situations where you're in-game, and everyone there is like, hey - "let's do opfor on this one", then do it. That is not such a big deal at all. That's why you have the admin login pw, or at least several people do. It will automatically revert to default upon loading the next map. Same thing, you can login and set the parameter. Note that if enough of the players wish to stop doing that, then take that into account on the next mission to load, and let it be COOP again. Feel free to give the players online what they want, either way that is. Whatever. Anything goes when you are actually on the server, with the players, and talking with them. This is what I was getting at.. as it stands now the only way to enable OPFOR is for an admin to change the parameter ... which should STAY that way. Only if the players want to try it and an admin agrees does it get changed for the next round. I'm also basing my opinion on what other players have told me.. in that they have a lot of fun when OPFOR is enabled and everyone is in agreement
  11. Thanks for posting this up Jager Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... but I still think that we should think how we can fill our ACE/ACRE insurgency instead of vanilla one I agree we should get some ideas and see if we can get more players into ACE/ACRE but the mods server will never be as full as the vanilla one due to the fact it runs mods. Now, with the popularity of DayZ and Six-Updater that may change as people can easily load up the mods they need and go.... Re: changes to Insurgency 1. Removing AGS-30, GMG, Mk19 YES PLEASE 2. Restricting CAS YES PLEASE 3. OPFOR I really like the idea of enabling limited OPFOR on the server. As Jager mentioned this will have to be somewhat controlled.. and it will be due to the fact that the default parameter is COOP only.. so you need an admin to change that to OPFOR ratio. I think this will get more VG players into the Insurgency server as it changes the gameplay and allows for some fun tactics... I would even go as far as to say that OPFOR players must be a) on teamspeak and b) players we know (regulars, VG members, etc).
  12. Jager thanks for reporting these guys.. much appreciated.
  13. Just one more.. voices mod: @CBA_A2 @CBA_OA @CBA @I44 @RUG_DSAI
  14. It took so long to setup our FOB we deserved a rainbow :)
  15. We need to reboot the dedicated server. Server will be down for a minumum of 15 minutes. This will take place Friday at 7:00am EST which I believe is 12:00pm UTC Services affected: Teamspeak All Arma servers Minecraft BF2:PR server *DOWNTIME SCHEDULED FOR Friday November 13th at 7:00am EST.
  16. Fuck sorry guys.. I passed out after lunch yesterday and slept through most of the day.. old men cannot drink as much as they used to :) So MySQL is working now???
  17. BurnitDown LAN_WROTE ... Im unable to find the server in Six updater. Sounds like fun, but need to figure out how to find it first =) What's happening is Gamespy has decided to limit server queries to 500 servers max so when you refresh your SU list of servers it only shows 500 of them (there are over 2000 active Arma servers now due to DayZ). You can keep refreshing and hope you get lucky (1 in 4 odds or so) or what Outlanders said.. make a preset in SU with the required mods (list also available in TS3 channel), start the game with SU, then using the in-game MP browser you should be able to see all three VG servers... you might have to refresh once or twice.
  18. Outlanders there is a good chance I won't be back in time for the event today sorry.. please let someone else fill my spot. Server should be ready to go: Community Events pass: vg
  19. For players wanting to join - recommend reading the MSO manual to start msoplayersguide.rar Some key points: -HQ and Medical Aid Post are initially located at the FOB, although they can be moved either by truck or packed into a suitable container and lifted by Support Helicopter. -Note that you can only respawn a limited number of times in each 24 hour period, after which you will no longer be able to join the mission (1 ? 999 depending on mission parameters). -The Team Status dialog allows you to create, join and leave groups. This action is typically available from an HQ or Barracks (set by the mission editor). -Using the AI recruitment dialog, AI can be recruited to man static defences or created into a new group to make them autonomous. Team Leaders can recruit up to 6 AI units to join their group. This is handy when defending bases while players are disconnected. This action is typically available from an HQ or Barracks. -The View Distance and Terrain Detail dialogue can be accessed via the Interaction Menu (Default: Right Windows Key) -Vehicles: be sure to bring them back in one piece as resupply of lost vehicles can take up to 12 hours. -CSups such as back packs, ammo, weapons crates and defence stored will be resupplied by command HQ at periodic intervals. ACRE and EOD devices will be automatically added to ammo crates if those add-ons are being used. EOD THOR III devices are limited to a total of 3 per player, so use wisely. The default resupply windows are: ? Back packs ? 60 secs ? Ammo & Weapons ? 4 hrs ? Defence Stores ? 8 hrs ? Logistics Vehicles ? 12 hrs ? Combat Vehicles ? 24 hrs Logistics The logistics system enables you to carry, tow, air lift, store and view contents of vehicles and aircraft. You can transport and position building materials to build Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and transport damaged vehicles back to base. Approach any suitable vehicle, ammo crate or defence store and appropriate actions will show on the action menu. You can lift, carry, tow, store and view contents of vehicles and containers. For example, fill a large ISO container with all the equipment and static weapons needed for a road block, then lift it by helicopter to the desired location. After Action Reports JIP markers and tasks Logbook
  20. You can also try by IP if the hostname doesn't work for you.
  21. Remember if there are enough players we can throw a copy of this mission on the 3rd server and run it at the same time.
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