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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Oh snap -- they made it to 1.0 and they still don't have choppers? What are we supposed to "get to"?! "GET TO THE HUMVEE!" just doesn't have that "ring" to it, eh?
  2. Not really, no. It's an issue as old as the VG PR COOP Server. We've been down this road countless times. Any suggestions or ideas seem to disregard many of the concerns I brought up in my previous reply. Automating things like acceptable squad names seems very smart. Varying any delays based upon number of players relative to bots seems smart. Delaying use of certain assets because some people have slower load-in times (and by proxy, slower program drive) does not seem so smart. And those who are smart (and fast loading) will still find ways to do exactly what they are currently doing inside any new system that has ever been proposed, including this one. Scripting is definitely the solution, in some way, but I would assume the ONLY way would be for the entire match (including Bots) to be frozen until the last human has loaded in, not including new players just joining I would assume. Why not that? Well, I could imagine some serious hate emerging for those "slow loaders" holding up the match. Some loaders are slow because of a choice to use enhancements like ENB, etc. Every solution seems to have it's game-breaking drawbacks, this is just another example. IMHO, there IS no solution except tolerance.
  3. I'm fairly certain it won't hurt anything for me to post this one little quote by @=VG= Melon Muncher to help clarify what is already very clearly spelled out in the rules: ------------------------ When we find reports of less than stellar performance regarding rule enforcement, we may ask that our Admin base step up and be the best they can be to help re-train the server (and it's player base) back to the way it is intended to run according to our rules. Because there have been many confirmed reports of CAS disregarding the already existing rule. There is nothing arbitrary about this, and there is no 'blanket' enforcement beyond cracking down on: This includes CAS pilots that seem to be ignorant of, or are disregarding the rule. We have not updated or changed the rule, and our efforts to educate and/or eliminate those who might violate it is par for the course as we address the matter with those we put in charge of Administrating the game server, and ask that they ensure this rule is upheld. Pardon my frank tone, but we will address and enforce our rules by whatever means we deem fit for the situation, and we have an honorable track record in this regard going back a decade. Presently, we have asked that our Admins observe and warn/kick/ban (as appropriate) players for any/all violations of our rules, including the Baserape rule. We especially do not convolute one issue (such as Baserape) with another (such as Camping) when we are addressing any particular matter or issue, as it diminishes both and over complicates matters - just as we do not deal with every player violating a rule at one time, but individually and on a case-by-case basis, as the issues pop up. All of our rules are enforced, there are no exceptions and even =VG= Clan Members and Admins are subject to them. If you have a problem with a player or Admin violating a Camping rule, report it. If you have a problem with EVERYONE violating the Camping rule, create a report about that. But please don't come asking about why we are enforcing our Baserape rule as if it is at the expense of not enforcing our Camping rule. We certainly will not be changing the way we Admin our server just because you are getting frustrated while we deal with players and rules on our server - no offense intended at all, just being real with you. If YOU are the person being dealt with, that's a different story and I'd suggest that you merely make yourself familiar with our rules, and ask if you have any questions - but let's be real here, bro: You are complaining that we are enforcing rules on our server because it is frustrating you. You are implying that we do not enforce our Camping rule. And you think there is a better solution than addressing the player(s) who may be violating these rules in-game as the incident happens, as we always have. Here's what you can do: Learn the rules (asking if not understood*), report players (or Admins) who violate the rules, and then get back to playing the game. Please do not mistake my frank tone for anything but just that - I'm not trying to be disrespectful or offensive, again I'm only being real with you. It's a video game that has active management, and many routes for players to help make sure the server is running as it was intended. We appreciate feedback, but we are operating the same as we have for ten years, and I don't see any reason to change that. When Admins need something brought to their attention by our server management teams, we do so. When Admins need to warn players to follow our rules in-game, they do so. I don't see how this could be anything close to frustrating for the standard player (not involved in the situation), nor for the player getting dealt with who should understand the rules as we have written them (or ask). If you have any specific questions, our Admins will be happy to clear it up. We are all always trying to get and remain on the same page, but all Admins may have differing optics in the match at hand, and others yet may be new Admins in training that may not be as confident or experienced as they soon will be. We are not a machine, our Admins are not tools, and we're all only Human. Time and experience flow organically here. We all do our best. If you could please reply and let us know what part of the Baserape Rule, as quoted by LangMaster above, is unclear, we may have a better understanding of what you need clarity on. It seems very clear, and there are plenty of specific examples listed. We will not be creating a picture of every single map with demarcation lines, that would be absurd. Help US help you.
  4. @=VG= TEDF If you want, we could set your event to an RSVP only thing, if you anticipate too many numbers (but numbers of people who had not read your excellent briefing up there)... Whatever you wanna do is just fine, anything you need, just ask.
  5. I dunno about this advice. The Monitor is your main portal to gaming, and is the key component that your entire gaming computer is all about. The PC drives frames to the Monitor, and the Monitor is the least frequently replaced part of the entire system. While it's important to stick to a budget, it's also important to ignore a swing of $30-50 either way when it comes to finding the Gaming Monitor that you are looking for. Sure, there are "methods" to get things to work in a non-standard and non-native manner... and those methods may work very well, or there may be issues. Freesync *may* be configured to work for your Nvidia card, or you may have headaches and problems, and massive regret later. As I keep driving this home, I'll do it again: research pays off. The latest Gsync technology is Gsync "Ultimate", and there is NO way that any Freesync Monitor in a modified method to work with an Nvidia card will approach the true native functionality on par with Gsync Ultimate. Even Gsync "Compatible" is yesterday's tech. Buy what you can afford, whatever works for you... but know that these "methods" are just that, and there is a reason for that "premium" charge when a company applies a proprietary technology to a monitor. It's not just a sticker with an Nvidia badge on it -- it's the advanced post processing that all monitors do with additional processes from Nvidia for all these fancy new v-sync options that are above and beyond anything that has come before. You might want to read up on what v-sync is, how it works, and how AMD (and FreeSync) and Nvidia (and Gsync) utilize the monitor's post processing to communicate with the GFX card to achieve sync with far greater performance and fewer negative drawbacks than back in the day when we only had simple "v-sync" options. I would hate to be this guy: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-graphics-cards/5/378836/problem-with-freesync-and-nvidia/?topicPage=1
  6. hahah! yea right! If it worked like that, there would be hell to pay. There is absolutely zero conflict in that, and though there are good and bad pairings of tech, the brand doesn't enter into it. Pretty much given that we are a PC Gaming Community, I figured it wouldn't be too much to assume that people would understand this poll was most likely regarding their main gaming PC. Imagine my surprise. Should have been more specific, but just tossing this out there for fun anyway, so no big deal.
  7. I would say that SQUAD has the style and feel of PR, while remaining it's own game that is more along the lines of a game "heavily inspired by" rather than a direct evolution, but maybe that's just the weight of the previous engine limitations being lifted due to the UE base that SQUAD is built on. There are things in SQUAD that are better than PR, and there are things in PR that are better than SQUAD (no COOP mode, had to mention that). I like that the Score Board is mostly useless during the match, especially for evaluating yourself and how you've been doing that match or how many kills you got. I kept trying to look at it to try to confirm kills after-the-fact, but it doesn't register your kills to the board until the end of the match, so I kept thinking I was a shit-shot, but actually did ghost more than a couple of the guys I pegged during the engagements in the match. The learning curve doesn't directly translate, either, and there are similarities but also plenty of new flow and meta to get the hang of. We've been all over the board this year, maybe if/when our SQUAD server becomes a "thing", we will be able to direct gameplay the way we have with our PR COOP Server and encourage greater cross-squad communication and coordination. FTR, the way we play/host PR COOP is far more involved than most any other PR COOP server *ever*, and that is something unique. Most people just wanna run and gun 'blueberry style' in PR COOP, and we turn it into a cooperative push more similar to deployment than most people would normally expect out of COOP. We could do that for our SQUAD server, too, it just takes a bit of dedication and time... and folks who enjoy spending time on the server whether there are 3 other players or 30. Just know that it is priced closer to a premium AAA game, yet is still a WIP though greater than 90% functional and bugs are few and far between - and that's a hard pill to swallow when you could anticipate playing it infrequently or just to "try out". Totally playable, tons of fun, killer graphics by comparison to PR, and you will forget very fast that it's still technically in BETA. But it is NOT Project Reality.
  8. Nice to see you finally found some decent validated 3600MHz DDR4! Only note I have is that you are about to pair an AMD tailored gaming monitor with an Nvidia Graphics card. Freesync = AMD (and open source) G-sync = Nvidia (only) You can find a monitor that is nearly exactly the same in size/resolution/performance, but G-sync compatible (or G-sync native) support, and at the same price, too. Find the G-spot, young man... you'll be glad you did:
  9. Yes, I also have multiple computers in the house, three of them could be considered gaming machines with dedicated graphics cards capable of 30FPS+ 3D gaming. No need to be a party pooper -- maybe just poll yourself as to which system you spend a majority of time on, or enjoy spending a majority of your time on, and if it's hard to tell, maybe just pick your favorite. It's just a poll for fun, bro. There won't be a test in the morning. If I added multiple choices, it would just get diluted or worse. Pick one, pick your fav, pick none... no matter.
  10. We all use different gear, but a few things remain the same: Team Blue vs. Team Red --- and Team Green vs. Team Red. So, what gear do you got? --Poll Closed Jan. 4th 2021--
  11. No, they most certainly are not. Not everything that works well for Deployment will work well for COOP. Add some hard set timer for assets is just asking for fast loaders to form a line at the assets they want. Slow loaders would be at the back of that line regardless of any delay time. NO forming lines by rules? No matter, fast loaders will have the most accuracy setting of a personal timer on their phone, and then be in the unofficial not-a-line to get their favorite asset anyway. All the while, the entire match getting thrown off depending on the map/vehicles on it, where those who know they wish to play as armor or w/e will wait around doing nothing, or will be distracted on the frontlines and at the holy-time-of-claiming, where SO many Inf. squads would be losing leaders/members to the "great rush back to Main" to choose the squad/vehicles they ACTUALLY would prefer to use on that map. AFAIK It's a can of worms we are not prepared to open at this time for our PR COOP Server. @X0R I must say, though, very great and thoughtful work with your Python script there... Don't want you to think this sort of initiative is not appreciated, because it is, but it's just not a solution that has a consensus among the Head Admins or the Server Managers for VG PR COOP (edit: particularly, replies/notes from @=VG= Melon Muncher had opposed this, iirc, which is why I posted this, only to get confused by Melon's reply below FYSA). Thanks, again!
  12. Most people here seem to instinctively consider the Reputation System something that is more used in the positive rather than the negative, in that negative reputation is reserved for abusive, disruptive, or particularly disrespectful replies or use of the forums. Unwritten, but certainly seems to be the 'flow' over the years. For that reason, respected members (myself included) may view such causal use of the 'downvote' feature in the manner you (and rarely others before you) have done as a bit petulant, especially when it's just dropped like a hot mic with no accompanying reply that explains the disdain and/or reason for such seemingly vehement disagreement with said persons post. That being said, mistakes happen - shit happens. But, the thing is, if you had meant to push the quote button on Golden's reply but instead pressed the downvote on ranger_12's reply, I'm at a loss for words, and can't really help beyond saying that any of these reputation buttons can be removed in the same manner they were applied -- click on a 'heart' and it sticks, click it again and it goes away, likewise for up/downvotes. Whatever, it's really no big deal, but it may give the wrong impression to people, like saying something about personality or character, when tossing around downvotes for seemingly 'weird' reasons that only confuse the person on the receiving end.... like a "kick" from PR COOP without a reason or prior warning.
  13. If you note the time of day, and the map you were on, you can later review the Tracker/Demo file of the round -- this list is updated at the top of every day, so the day's matches will be listed on the following day: PR COOP Tracker/Demo Files
  14. Italian Supercars FTW! (too bad we couldn't keep it!) ↑ SemlerPDX with a big shit eating grin c.2011 *we used to transport cars to auction for a family business - this one was drove up from California. It blew a tire at 80MPH on I-5 North, barely noticeable thanks to the active stability management, and the rubber was shredded off the rim before the car could be pulled over to the side. 2 days in the middle of nowhere Cali -- townsfolk coming from out of the woodwork to take pictures. Tire finally arrived to the tune of $3000, and finished the journey. If I could say anything, it's that these cars were NOT designed for long cross country trips! Also, just idling, it's as loud as 2 Harley Davidson choppers sitting there rumbling.
  15. 80+ Bronze should be sufficient for your budget build - but if you can get better, do it. I tend to think about the future more, but there are always options. The big thing is to not cheap out on the PSU with an unknown entry or something very low on the LTT PSU list. I had to RMA my RAM (lol) -- was lucky it was originally purchased through Amazon, and fulfilled by Amazon, so the return was painless.. that's not always the case, and best to not even have to deal with it - go with something from the list, it's a very long list... mine was by comparison shorter, with fewer options and I found a $100 set of CL16 3600MHz DDR4* tested for my chosen MoBo the second time around. Just trying to save you from that. You can do it, again, patience pays off. *actually it's a 4x set of 8GB sticks from the QVL, for $200, but you get the idea... unvalidated 4000MHz patriot ram was nearly a waste of good money if not for the lucky RMA
  16. Maybe spring for this $100 set? G.SKILL F4-3600C16D-16GVK 2133MHz 3600MHz 3600 MHz Samsung 1.35v SINGLE 8 √ | √ | √ https://www.newegg.com/g-skill-16gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/N82E16820232195 I know it's a bit higher in price... still browsing around a bit -- it is worth it to take your time... There are so many, and I know it seems daunting, but it pays off in the end... Fast Memory is as important as or even more than CPU cores and clock speed these days. It is the difference between a good CPU and PC hardware combo working to the best of it's ability, and can often be the bottleneck if care is not taken to choose an affordable, fast performing set... And like Cruizer mentioned, enabling the mode that pushes the RAM out of it's default DDR4 speed of 2133MHz in the BIOS. **EDIT: crap... my bad, didn't realize I selected a "SINGLE" -- that means that these have NOT been validated as a 2-stick set, which is how they are sold from the link at Newegg... We are looking for something like that, validated as a "DOUBLE"... you get the idea. Sorry for the mistake.
  17. No, that model is NOT on the MoBo QVL Also, like Cruizer mentioned, spend an extra $10 for CL16
  18. Correction: It was part of a long video (during a bike ride) on Gamers Nexus, but the video I was referring to was actually on JayzTwoCents, and here it is: https://youtu.be/x6bUUEEe-X8
  19. RAM Speed at 3600 SPD Speed at 2133 *base speed for DDR4 First challenge is knowing which is different/better than another in those dry and dull lists.... again, research pays off - wealth of knowledge on YT, and elsewhere. I went with G.Skill brand because they were rather popular with the X570 chipset on the MoBo I was getting, getting some good configurations and stable overclocking - and I found a set that was affordable for the speed with decent heat spreaders. Physical size was not a concern for me due to my cooler choice, but that should be noted - some can be too tall for some CPU cooler choices. You should be going back and forth from that list to google with the product code -- just literally paste a product code into google and press enter... check details from the company site, prices from Newegg, Amazon, etc., and any info if desired from YouTube, etc. Can even refine search once you get the exact name of the RAM, just be sure whatever info you land on is specifically referring to that product code version of that name of that RAM. from this random example I grabbed without any thought -- paste the part of this: CORSAIR CMD32GX4M2B3000C15 ver5.39 2133MHz 3000MHz 3000 MHz SK hynix 1.35v DUAL 16GB √ | √ | CORSAIR CMD32GX4M2C3200C16 ver5.39 2133MHz 3200MHz 3200 MHz SK hynix 1.35v DUAL 16GB √ | √ | grabbing just this: CMD32GX4M2C3200C16 ver5.39 and google it.... you'll get lots of info and links. Again, always make sure that where you land is actually about this model number and keep double checking as you go, the internets be tricky like that In the examples above, the top choice is a CL15 kit... the lower choice is a CL16 kit.... you can spot this in the model number, right at the end... use that as your designator for finding what you want. The 2133MHz dictates that these are DDR4 RAM, and the 3200MHz is it's rated speed (through XMP/overclocking) which is what we want. (3600MHz for you, of course) The "SK hynix" is the brand of chips that comprise the memory. Some overclockers have their preferences for the "SK hynix" chips on certain RAM brands/sticks, or the Samsung "B die" chips, as opposed to the Micron, or other offerings, so that is a thing but likely NOT something you should focus on. All will be "DUAL" and the GB listed is the maximum of all sticks together (TMI but in case it's not obvious to anyone, if it's a x4, a 16GB is gonna be 4GB sticks, four of them)
  20. You are buying an RX-3X00 series CPU (R5-3600 or R7-3700X) ... Select Memory from that list. *FYSA: QVL means Qualified Vendors List, compiled and tested by the Motherboard manufacturer there, sometimes it's a webpage like that one, sometimes it's a raw list, sometimes it's a .pdf download.
  21. No offense, but that is not a very budget conscious way to build a computer. In the long run, it will only hurt the wallet... time is either worthless or priceless depending on the person. Time spent is money saved. 3000 series cards will be more available a ways out from the recent launch, it will be a non-issue soon. Not so much important for the 3070 line, but the 3080 and 3090 will definitely be worth waiting for the "2nd" run rather than trying to be one of the first users with these cards, unless you're planning on buying directly from Nvidia. 3rd party (AIB) cards are currently embroiled in a power delivery issue regarding choice of capacitor and capacitor arrays chosen by the AIB's which power the GPU - Gamers Nexus* has an informative video on this subject. The most affordable and wise option is to build the PC from the ground up with well chosen parts within the budget. Absolutely no reason to spend any money on parts you don't want or need, only to be replaced later. Cheap prebuilt PC's, especially min spec systems, might be decent from a good SI, but if we're talking something you buy off the shelf of a store, like Best Buy, this is just bad advice when we have such easy access through Newegg and other sites for good affordable PC parts. Even with a good SI, wasting money on a full PC and then swapping out parts is a total waste of money, and those old parts will not resale well at all (given the easy access to Newegg, etc. mentioned before). *edit:
  22. I didn't realize that this was a build based on a BitWit vid - like I said, I'm not too familiar with AMD motherboard offerings, but I have learned tons more about their CPU's. Conner and I had been chatting in a PM, and I figured I'd migrate some of our discussion here -- but after reviewing it, only one post seems relevant enough to carry over anyway, where we discussed HDD, MoBo and RAM, and PSU, so I'll quote what I wrote here -- should be good enough to share what we already discussed:
  23. That's the funniest gif I've seen in a long time! Laughing at that for a few minutes, still have a stupid grin as I type... lmfao!
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