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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Cool! Thanks for the tip! Though, TCAdmin already does that (and more) including everything on that programmers 'Planned Features' list, and I just need to get it all set up and tested, and work with Ciro a bit... would be the same if I was working with some third party tool like that, learning to use it + testing it, and the time involved. We'll get us all setup before too long.
  2. Logistics wise, the Tech Team here had left off on a project to make a central mod repository on the VG servers, so multiple servers would not need duplicates of mods taking up precious space. We only have a hundred gig's free... So this project was going to be resumed when I got done with my personal project (AVCS CORE) of the past 8 months. I just released my first Beta test last week, and already found a major problem requiring a complete rewrite of the App for VoiceAttack in a different language. Basically, I'm back at the grindstone for another week or at least through this weekend, though I am making swift progress translating and testing it. Once I have time (in this coming week and/or the one after it) I will be trying to reach out to Ciro again to see where we are with the VG mod pack, central mods location on server, and I will continue my work to make the Steam Workshop for A3 mods available through the TCAdmin Web Panel, for use when updating existing mods or adding new approved mods. Ciro also has a VG Framework mission that can serve as a 24/7 Mod server, and also as a base for anyone to create a weekly event out of (making use of all the in-place familiar systems without needing to reinvent the wheel each time), and we'll see about getting that project completed. TLDNR; A3 has been on the back burner for more than one reason this year, so I hate to report that this is just not possible at this very time, but may be possible in the near future once we hammer out the long needed logistics of running A3 and mods properly on a server with limited resources such as SSD space, with a system to update mods without you all having to physically download them yourself and then upload them to the server. I'll post up again next week or whenever I touch base with Ciro. Thanks to everyone for their patience! We definitely want to get some cool A3 missions and mods running, including more regular weekend events in them.
  3. Already got the first bug reports on this Beta -- apparently the AVCS_CORE.exe application for VoiceAttack is not launching for some users. The entire concept behind this was to allow me to update functions such as the 'sort save file' or even the method for initializing and identifying installed AVCS profiles other than CORE outside the actual AVCS CORE profile for VoiceAttack. For example, if I released a game profile for Elite Dangerous and it added new command variable names to the save file, I could distribute it with a slightly updated version of the AVCS_CORE.exe application with those new sorting instructions in place, all without requiring other users of AVCS CORE Profile Framework to update. Since they couldn't use or don't need those little updates for a game they may not play, it wouldn't matter to those existing users to have the most recent version of AVCS_CORE.exe. It now seems like it would be best for me to either create a much more robust application with better compatibility and external debugging outside use through VoiceAttack, OR I concede and include its functions as inline functions as I do already throughout my profile(s) for such things. My early tests for a more complete command line application are working well, but I'm not fond of the much, much larger size for the exe for a simple external list of functions to call from VA with arguments, to get a return or result.... 25MB vs. 124KB .... so far I've been able to keep the download packages around 1MB, it helps bandwidth costs on this site remain low no matter how many users these profiles get, and I'd like to keep it in that realm. I'm currently leaning towards working it into a VoiceAttack Plugin, or including each function as an inline function directly into the AVCS CORE Profile. I'll need to tinker and thinker on this for a few days, but if anyone has not been able to get this beta test to work so far, I can say that the very next beta test will. I can see right away where it was too ambitious to have such a simple application work as a part of my Core framework now, and so that can't be part of what causes the whole thing to not work.. if it was just the sort function not working, the save files might look ugly, but at least the test package overall would have functioned. Thanks for the support and feedback, and your patience! Updates soon.... Cheers!
  4. You must be joking... cuz I was... Has anyone reported this on the realitymod forums? That is where a report of this type belongs, it's not related to our PR COOP Server... this thread is more for specific issues relating to our server (sure, it's cool that it's posted here, but should ALSO be reported to the developers of the game).
  5. Welcome back Nick! Glad you found a new computer within that budget!
  6. v1.3.90b Full Overhaul & AVCS CORE Integration Update (beta) I'm very proud to finally offer the next version of AVCS4 BMS because it includes an entire set of profile control and support from my new AVCS CORE Framework Profile for VoiceAttack. While AVCS4 BMS has not functionally changed much from what users have come to expect, AVCS CORE adds entirely new features that remove any previous need to manually edit any commands in the traditional sense to modify any configuration settings or otherwise. The only significant new command added directly to AVCS4 BMS is "Edit the Callsigns List" (and phrase variations of it). This opens a simple Get Choice menu to offer options to add/change/edit/remove any callsigns recognized by the profile. After that, most everything comes from the required AVCS CORE Profile Framework that will load before AVCS4 BMS, adding commands and features, as well as allowing auto-profile switching by setting AVCS4 BMS as a "Preferred Profile" in the CORE Options Menu (say, "Open Core Options", poke around, have fun!) Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE 0.90b Profile from this download section as well, it is now a requirement for any AVCS4 game profile I release, such as the upcoming Elite Dangerous profile, and more... BETA Release v1.3.90 Changelog Aug2020 New Commands: -AVCS CORE Commands Included into AVCS4 BMS Profile to lessen profile switching to CORE when it was needed -"Create a new Voice Authorization Phrase" and other included commands from Voice Authorization System -VAS can allow QCC commands to be locked behind a required authorization phrase as set by users, in up to 10 weighted levels -Integerated Bug Reporting and debugging options from AVCS CORE for easy troubleshooting -Versioning allows for Mutiple prior versions (reinitialization required) for easy profile version rollback if desired -Included UPDATE command to allow users to import previous saved user settings and saved Quick Commands from previous version of profile -Full profile control through command, "Open CORE Options Menu" -Better user support through command, "Open Help and Support Menu" (will expand in time) -User settings save file control through command, "Open Save File Menu" (includes save file backup and restore system) -...and much more (see posts at avcs homepage) Fixes/Improvements: -Set First Use to present user with Get Choice box for Default Keyboard Layout (QWERTY/AZERTY/etc..) -Setting 'CurrentBackupIndex' and 'SaveFileBackupCount' to 'Not Set' inside F_SFS_LOAD_ALL (was getting corrupted in save file) -Separated 'new_profiles.txt' file from AVCS4 profiles and AVCS CORE profiles to handle two imports before first time run/initialization of either -Added Duplicate Profile check from AVCS CORE, informs user of non-functional AVCS profiles (if ending in 'dash number' such as '-1') -Edited Preferred Profile command to allow for any user profile to be set to be auto-switched to after AVCS CORE finishes initializing ___ BETA Release v1.3.80 Changelog Mar2020 New Commands: -"Add/Edit Callsigns List" commands to add or remove callsigns recognized -"Add a new Voice Command" and others included from Quick Command Creator system - QCC can be used to create additional phrasings, just set action to execute another command (by name) -"Edit Keypress Timings" to open options menu to set custom timings Fixes/Improvements: -AVCS CORE Profile and Updates Management integeration (see AVCS CORE changelog) -Full Profile Update Control added with user choice, only downloads if allowed by user (only checks 8 bytes of a version number before that) -Profile Updates set to allow choice for majority of fixes/changes to occur without new VoiceAttack Profile download/import *called "LIVE UPDATES" -Physical Profile Updates set to allow previous versions to remain installed without conflict, and also import/uninstall previous version files *called "MAJOR UPDATES" -Fixed typo in command "Raygun" -- corrected from "Ragun" (first fix via new live updates system) -Created 'Add New Callsigns' system using Get-Choice boxes -Set most profile variables to config files in VA Apps Folder (edit with "Open Advanced Core Options" command) -Set most commands to Text Variables, read from config files
  7. Version 1.11


    Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX Description: AVCS CORE is the new framework for any VoiceAttack profile I release in future, and provides awesome tools to any VoiceAttack user. It can be used alone and by itself, or as a base to build a VoiceAttack profile around, including its functions in your own creations. The Quick Command Creator cannot possibly replace the very easy and very powerful voice commands we can create through VoiceAttack in the standard fashion, but allow users to quickly create simple keypress commands for a phrase, or even advanced multi-step macros that can use a limited selection of common VoiceAttack actions. The very fun Voice Authorization System lets us create passphrases that we can gate a QCC Command behind, for example, "Execute self destruct mode", 'command code required!', "Picard 4 7 Alpha Tango", 'confirmed'. I've even created a special home page and forum section here at the VG website, and a channel in the VG Discord, to provide Help & Support for the many users of my profiles - with voice controlled bug reporting to make it easy to let me know when I need to fix something. Since AVCS CORE needs to load before any other AVCS4 Profile (including the AVCS4 Template Profile), it will be updated the least, and has been tested the most through a year and a half of development. Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers! Features: see full details in post ↓ Say, "Open the Command Reference", anytime to view available voice commands Sample Pics: https://imgur.com/a/mb7e8Kr (download file contents)
  8. Surely depends on the country, but the thing that really hits home is that it is an underpaid career.... soldiers putting their lives on the line to defend the sovereignty of their nations for often minimum wage pay. Similar to law enforcement, a certain degree of duty and sacrifice is part of service, and with that comes a lower wage than one would make in the private sector performing same/similar tasks. I heard a General suggest once that all Amercians should have a mandatory year or two of service (not necessarily in the military, could even be building homes or cleaning after natural disaster) to their nation directly after High School, but in the same manner that the military does (takes you across the country far from home, even if there was a base near where you lived/joined up). This gives perspective, worldliness, and the concept of duty and service to something greater than oneself, and to one's brothers and sisters sacrificing a small portion of their lives alongside each other. Probably never happen, but it was good to hear it suggested. Whatever you choose, Vanilla, stay safe and stay strong! All your online friends here will be with you in spirit on every hill, up every rope, and on every mile you run.
  9. Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX Description: AVCS CORE is the new framework for any VoiceAttack profile I release in future, and provides awesome tools to any VoiceAttack user. It can be used alone and by itself, or as a base to build a VoiceAttack profile around, including its functions in your own creations. The Quick Command Creator cannot possibly replace the very easy and very powerful voice commands we can create through VoiceAttack in the standard fashion, but allow users to quickly create simple keypress commands for a phrase, or even advanced multi-step macros that can use a limited selection of common VoiceAttack actions. The very fun Voice Authorization System lets us create passphrases that we can gate a QCC Command behind, for example, "Execute self destruct mode", 'command code required!', "Picard 4 7 Alpha Tango", 'confirmed'. I've even created a special home page and forum section here at the VG website, and a channel in the VG Discord, to provide Help & Support for the many users of my profiles - with voice controlled bug reporting to make it easy to let me know when I need to fix something. As I plan to release more and more VoiceAttack profiles for various games, I needed a framework to standardize my methods, and to help keep profiles used by other people up to date and in proper working order. I never quite expected such a large user base, and with that I've decided to offer much more direct support through in-profile options menus and help & support options that tailor themselves to whatever AVCS4 profile is active. By checking for just 8 bytes of an update number on the VG website when loading, AVCS CORE can provide a pop-up choice for users to view the latest changelog, apply the latest patch (or open the website to download a new major update version), or just postpone until later. I've even included an option to turn off minor patch update prompts, and to roll back to the last version if desired! The purpose of this profile is to function as the backbone of any AVCS4 game profiles I release, such as the current AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios profile, and provide users with a host of profile and update control. When AVCS CORE is first loaded by VoiceAttack, it will initialize itself and any other AVCS4 Profile that is switched to, bringing its full host of commands into the end game profile. This includes the Quick Command Creator and Voice Authorization System, with new commands or codes saved to the Active Profile's save file. Any other AVCS4 Profile that gets switched to will clear and re-load its own QCC Commands or VAS Passphrases (if any), working out of it's own save file as well. Since AVCS CORE needs to load before any other AVCS4 Profile (including the AVCS4 Template Profile), it will be updated the least, and has been tested the most over the past 7 months of development. Included is the AVCS CORE profile package that includes the AVCS CORE Profile and App designed for VoiceAttack, as well as the optional AVCS CORE Framework blank Template Profile for VoiceAttack profile builders. To keep AVCS CORE startup fast for any AVCS4 Profiles, commands cannot be added directly to the CORE Profile, so the Template is available, and can include all of the functionality of AVCS CORE by including the CORE profile commands through its profile options. This profile will have its own save file and config files folder in the VoiceAttack Apps folder along side other AVCS Profiles data. Since AVCS CORE needs to load before any other AVCS4 Profile (including the AVCS4 Template Profile), it will be updated the least, and has been tested the most over the past 7 months of development. I will continue to support all AVCS4 Profiles through AVCS CORE and its powerful profile control options. Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers! I will be running a Public Beta Test for AVCS CORE and AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios (1.3.90b), and users are encouraged to try out both, or just AVCS CORE and its included Template Profile, if desired. Please use the voice command "Open Help and Support Menu" to communicate any bug reports. These help menus can be expanded without new profile versions, so suggestions are welcome. Thank you for checking out AVCS CORE for VoiceAttack! -Sem (Aug2020) Features: see full details in post ↓
  10. Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX I will be running a Public Beta Test for AVCS CORE and AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios (1.3.90b), and users are encouraged to try out both, or just AVCS CORE and its included Template Profile, if desired. Please use the voice command "Open Help and Support Menu" to communicate any bug reports. These help menus can be expanded without new profile versions, so suggestions are welcome. Thank you for checking out AVCS CORE for VoiceAttack! -Sem (Aug2020) v1.3.90b Full Overhaul & AVCS CORE Integration Update (beta) I'm very proud to finally offer the next version of AVCS4 BMS because it includes an entire set of profile control and support from my new AVCS CORE Framework Profile for VoiceAttack. While AVCS4 BMS has not functionally changed much from what users have come to expect, AVCS CORE adds entirely new features that remove any previous need to manually edit any commands in the traditional sense to modify any configuration settings or otherwise. The only significant new command added directly to AVCS4 BMS is "Edit the Callsigns List" (and phrase variations of it). This opens a simple Get Choice menu to offer options to add/change/edit/remove any callsigns recognized by the profile. After that, most everything comes from the required AVCS CORE Profile Framework that will load before AVCS4 BMS, adding commands and features, as well as allowing auto-profile switching by setting AVCS4 BMS as a "Preferred Profile" in the CORE Options Menu (say, "Open Core Options", poke around, have fun!) Features: see full details in post ↓ Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE 0.90b Profile from this download section as well, it is now a requirement for any AVCS4 game profile I release, such as the upcoming Elite Dangerous profile, and more... BETA Release AVCS4 BMS v1.3.92 Changelog Dec-6-2020 This is a Major Profile Update, and requires downloading and importing the latest AVCS4 BMS Radios (v1.3.92b) and AVCS CORE (v0.92b) profiles: Fixes/Improvements: -Improved AVCS_CORE and AVCS4 BMS profile initialization optimized again for decreased load time - most noticeable on first use -(AVCS4 BMS profile initialization should be even much faster now!) -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle -Fixed International Decimals - All Decimal Variables now compatible for international users via cultural invariant token "DECINV" -Fixed All Wildcard Commands fixed to allow both Wildcard and non-Wildcard recognition ("anything that ends with" or "just the raw command") -Fixed Audio Feedback Mode not playing sound when commands recognized -Fixed Audio Feedback Mode on/off text entry in VA Event Log 'not set' BETA Release v1.3.90 Changelog Aug2020 New Commands: -AVCS CORE Commands Included into AVCS4 BMS Profile to lessen profile switching to CORE when it was needed -"Create a new Voice Authorization Phrase" and other included commands from Voice Authorization System -VAS can allow QCC commands to be locked behind a required authorization phrase as set by users, in up to 10 weighted levels -Integerated Bug Reporting and debugging options from AVCS CORE for easy troubleshooting -Versioning allows for Mutiple prior versions (reinitialization required) for easy profile version rollback if desired -Included UPDATE command to allow users to import previous saved user settings and saved Quick Commands from previous version of profile -Full profile control through command, "Open CORE Options Menu" -Better user support through command, "Open Help and Support Menu" (will expand in time) -User settings save file control through command, "Open Save File Menu" (includes save file backup and restore system) -...and much more (see posts at avcs homepage) Fixes/Improvements: -Set First Use to present user with Get Choice box for Default Keyboard Layout (QWERTY/AZERTY/etc..) -Setting 'CurrentBackupIndex' and 'SaveFileBackupCount' to 'Not Set' inside F_SFS_LOAD_ALL (was getting corrupted in save file) -Separated 'new_profiles.txt' file from AVCS4 profiles and AVCS CORE profiles to handle two imports before first time run/initialization of either -Added Duplicate Profile check from AVCS CORE, informs user of non-functional AVCS profiles (if ending in 'dash number' such as '-1') -Edited Preferred Profile command to allow for any user profile to be set to be auto-switched to after AVCS CORE finishes initializing ___ BETA Release v1.3.80 Changelog Mar2020 New Commands: -"Add/Edit Callsigns List" commands to add or remove callsigns recognized -"Add a new Voice Command" and others included from Quick Command Creator system - QCC can be used to create additional phrasings, just set action to execute another command (by name) -"Edit Keypress Timings" to open options menu to set custom timings Fixes/Improvements: -AVCS CORE Profile and Updates Management integeration (see AVCS CORE changelog) -Full Profile Update Control added with user choice, only downloads if allowed by user (only checks 8 bytes of a version number before that) -Profile Updates set to allow choice for majority of fixes/changes to occur without new VoiceAttack Profile download/import *called "LIVE UPDATES" -Physical Profile Updates set to allow previous versions to remain installed without conflict, and also import/uninstall previous version files *called "MAJOR UPDATES" -Fixed typo in command "Raygun" -- corrected from "Ragun" (first fix via new live updates system) -Created 'Add New Callsigns' system using Get-Choice boxes -Set most profile variables to config files in VA Apps Folder (edit with "Open Advanced Core Options" command) -Set most commands to Text Variables, read from config files
  11. That would be something you should report on the Project Reality website, the R-Devs should know about that sort of thing. It has nothing to do with us or our server... really wish I could help, though. I feel for ya, brother. I hope they can offer a solution of some kind. Best wishes and good luck to you!!
  12. Profile: AVCS4 BMS - Immersive Voice Control Radios Issue: (UNKNOWN / OTHER - See user comments in report) Profile Version: 1.3.8 VoiceAttack Version: 1.8.5 Steps to reproduce: two || AI COMMS - Prefix Words say fuel || AI COMMS 1 - WILDCARDS (alternate syntax) Expected Behavior: default functional operation Observed Behavior: (see attached error log file, if available) Personal Testing: (AVCS Automated Debug and Reporting used) Comments: AVCS CORE Version: "0.88.6" CORE App Version: "0.88.99"Session Command Count:126 RAM(total):8502231040 RAM(available):5849595904 LastCMD:two say fuel PreviousCMD:two this a seal Playback:Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) Playback(comms):Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) Playback Volume:100 Playback Mute:0 Microphone:Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) Microphone(comms):Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) Microphone Volume:49 Microphone Mute:0 Speech Device Volume:49 Speech Device Mute:0 JOYSTICK1:0 JOYSTICK2:0 JOYSTICK3:0 JOYSTICK4:0 GAMEPAD1:0 GAMEPAD2:0 GAMEPAD3:0 GAMEPAD4:0 AVCS CORE Profile: AVCS CORE (0.89)PUB-TEST-3 AVCS Profiles List: AVCS_PROFILE_AVCSCORE80=AVCS CORE (0.89)PUB-TEST-3 AVCS_PROFILE_AVCSBMS80=AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios (v1.38b)PUB-TEST-3 014937667 CID:0 -DEBUG-##- || INFO: ==========================NEW REPORT========================== 014958928 CID:3026 -DEBUG-000- || IS:0 || ACT:Spoken || CMD:two 014958948 CID:3026 -DEBUG-000- || RID:500 || CAT:AI COMMS - Prefix Words 015001158 CID:2823 -DEBUG-000- || IS:0 || ACT:Spoken || CMD:say fuel 015001178 CID:2823 -DEBUG-000- || RID:500 || CAT:AI COMMS 1 - WILDCARDS (alternate syntax) 015002658 CID:2823 -DEBUG-03- || INFO: ~command = SayFuelState || ~category = Mission Management 015002968 CID:2823 -DEBUG-04- || INFO: LOOP page = 4 - Keyboard Key has been pressed == W 015003248 CID:2823 -DEBUG-04- || INFO: LOOP page = 3 - Keyboard Key has been pressed == W 015003528 CID:2823 -DEBUG-04- || INFO: LOOP page = 2 - Keyboard Key has been pressed == W 015003798 CID:2823 -DEBUG-04- || INFO: LOOP page = 1 - Keyboard Key has been pressed == W 015004018 CID:2823 -DEBUG-05- || INFO: Command complete - ~avcs_prefix_target = WINGMAN || Current TimeKeyIsHeldDown = 0.05 || Current TimeBetweenKeys = 0.05 015004048 CID:2823 -DEBUG-05b- || INFO: Final Keyboard Key has been pressed == 8 Severity / Status: Resolved (please download new profile version) View full bug report
  13. Servers run similar to clients, in this case being separate client-server processing, whereas bots in Payday 2 would be hosted by whoever is running the match and synced across multiple players. Game servers are processed in frames, similar to graphical Frames Per Seconds of a client but containing data cycles and not graphics output cycles, usually in a way that limits the clients maximum FPS if the server is chugging along and not processing frames at a high enough rate. So, what I'm saying is that reaction time of Bots, and I could be wrong (I don't know how AI or data is processed in BF2:PR), if linked to every frame processed, is in a matter of milliseconds, give or take a few either way. There could be any number of reasons for bad or undesirable behavior not linked to number of Bots, like you said, direct experimentation would be required to come to any logical conclusion and it might be redundant anyway unless this was needed and/or useful to anyone who actually works on the game (as in R-DEV/CON).
  14. If only it was some sort of instability on the server or server OS, then we could actually do something directly for you all. Feel bad for ya, but it's not the dedicated server we run or the server OS - that thing is rock solid, hardware and software. We've been doing this for ten years now and we have some professional (career) technicians looking after the hardware side of VG. PR COOP on the other hand.... I dropped 5 crash dump files and a 1500kb python errors log to the Devs just this afternoon. They use these to work out the kinks and fix issues like crashes, etc. All we can do is have patience knowing they are working on it, actively, and are attentive to client crash issues as much as map/level crash issues.
  15. since the past week following the most recent 3 patch updates, the file which contains that setting has not been changed by an update, and it does not appear to be any different than it was before based on the last modified date of the file. I noted this on another matter today when I added links for the prdemo files tracker files for the "replay" button in PRSPY.
  16. @Hesynergy I never made a wiring diagram, it's just two rotary encoders after all, but the pins are labeled in the Arduino sketch at the top - I believe the resistors are 10k Ohms.
  17. Welcome to TCAdmin, Rotblut! Thanks for helping out! Any questions, feel free to ask - but it should be straightforward. WHEN IN DOUBT -- Hit "STOP" and wait a minute, then hit "START" - wait at least a minute (can try joining server by IP, will not appear in COOP list even after refresh for some time). If after a few minutes no one can join by IP, and subsequent attempts fail, post up here, or try to contact someone like myself or Melon in TS3 if we're online.
  18. Here is everything I have -- the zip contents are not sorted, sorry don't have time to organize them, and though there are some folders these were dropped in as I found them.. There will be duplicates, but in those cases, there also may be slight differences between them (text orientation in the image, file size, image size/resolution, image format, alpha/transparency layers) - so if it's something that is in use today (like on the website) just download it from there for the most recent "official" version of a graphic. Everything I had is in this zip, including many TS3 icons, ranks and ribbons from this website and older ones, and even some .PSD files that can be opened in photoshop. Any questions, specific requests, feel free to ask: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7n4uq8d51ylckq4/VG Graphics Master.zip?dl=1
  19. Thought Discord had something along the lines of video conferencing, but upon googling, seems there may be some limiting factors... Haven't 'video called' anyone since my kid was... a kid. The grown up ones only text, sign of the times.... don't even properly 'phone call' these days. No idea what software is the 'good one', that isn't gonna cost money, or isn't literal spyware. Personally, I prefer the anonymity of VOIP like TS3, I mean, why should I have to put clothes on to chat on the computer? Counting on you all to figure that out and decide on a 'standard' for us all.
  20. Yea, FTR - if anyone needs TCAdmin Access to be able to restart the PR Server, please contact me - it's a simple web panel interface that lets us provide access to one, or more, of our game servers with simple start/stop/restart access all the way up to file management permissions and more. If anyone HAD access and lost login info, it's no trouble for me to get you a new password/login and get you up and running again. VG TCAdmin panel looks like this, though not everyone has my view showing all game servers (even disabled ones) - it's web browser based, not an application or program, just a secure login like this website:
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