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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Things are kinda all over.... I'll try to assemble an all inclusive VG GFX zip file before the end of the week. A bit out of sorts this morning, woke up late to dizzy spells ... must be getting old.. or maybe just dehydrated. Also need a day or so since this is something I had planned since I built this new PC, to consolidate and organize the images on my PC - got VG graphics scattered around in more than one VG labeled folder, half the time I can barely find what I'm looking for with keyword searches and it's getting frustrating. So, like I said, been meaning to do this for some time, good enough excuse to get it cracked out in a few days. edit: if there is something specific you might need faster than anything else, I can prioritize that and get a small package to you sooner, otherwise, I'll assemble every VG graphics (even the retired ones) by this weekend.
  2. The key problem being that users have no way of quickly/easily turning down the volume of someone's direct chat (music spam) and also not everyone enjoys it, to be fair. If a Squad Leader needs to communicate with other Squad Leaders during transport, they have to fight to hear what is being said, or maybe they want to brief their Squad for landing, etc. etc. etc. You're not the first, you won't be the last, but take it to heart that it's not always as enjoyable for those getting a ride as you might hope. If you had some way of ensuring that it was at a low, ambient volume, I doubt anyone would mind quite so much -- but that's not the case at all, and you can't know the volume at which what your spam is heard, how much (or how little) it drowns out other essential in-game communication. Obviously your intent is for fun and not to annoy, but it's a fine line there, brother. Hate to be a wet blanket. Same with Kav, I'm sure.
  3. We definitely are working on adding new life to the Arma 3 sector at VG, it's hard when a lot of the tech guys are scattered - but it's just a matter of time. We plan to run Vanilla as well as Modded server(s), and hopefully get in some regular events, if only monthly to start. The game takes patience, on the part of players, and those who get technical designing missions. Attention to detail is key, and mistakes are compounded when a whole server of players is standing around scratching their asses while the mission host tries to jostle things into a working position as designed. ZEUS helps - like a Dungeon Master, they can on-the-fly add elements/enemies/gear to a map in action, and help keep things fresh if the original mission they designed doesn't play out exactly as planned. Takes time and effort to build something like this up, and a few good men willing to populate the server(s) and get them going.
  4. I think one of the coolest group missions that the VG AF can work towards one day would be combined package on an OCA Strike mission. Offensive Counter Air is a strike against an enemy airbase, and these are highly protected, often by dedicated SAM sites. A large multiplayer package might include a SEAD or DEAD flight (Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defense) as the tip of the spear, followed by an AI (Air Interdiction) flight to deal with any bandits, and the actual OCA Strike flight with each jet carrying as many as 12 BLU-107B 450lb Anti-Runway High Drag Penetrator bombs each. The goal would be to bring all pilots home safely, and maybe get some great video and pictures along the way. This would be a long term goal to work up to, so everyone should practice these various mission types - OCA strikes being much less dangerous in the latter days of the war when SAM's and interception by bandits are less likely - but SEAD/DEAD strikes must be practiced in the first few days of the campaign (unless outside the VG campaign in training/tactical engagement missions) before the enemy air defenses are completely wiped out by Day 5 or sooner.
  5. The thing is, both BLuD and I have been "out of it" for so long, it is us who will rely upon you guys to help get us back up to speed, and to understand things that are different from BMS/Falcon versions we were familiar with - while it might amount to reminders (a metric fuck ton of them) other times it will require learning a whole system again, or just trying to bypass it for a single flight just to not bring everything to a grinding halt mid-flight or something, to come back to it when we have time to watch a tutorial video and do a re-training flight for that system. It's gonna be frustrating as shit and require a fair bit of patience, and only so much of that a human can take in any one day. Looking forward to it, nonetheless!! Not sure about Blud, but my brain is messed up with a decade of past info from Allied Force, Free Falcon, and the Falcon BMS 4.32-current versions - so when I try to remember something, sometimes it's not for the same jet/sim that I'm in. Fun fun! The longer the break you take, the longer it takes to retrain, but definitely not as long as that first time learning. Both BLuD and I still have to set up our gear, so it's like actually starting from scratch there. Personally, I told myself I'd get this next AVCS4 BMS version into pubic beta before I lose myself in the 3D world in any game (hard to do when you have "to-do" list nagging at ya). Looking forward to a list including BMS, ARK, Arma 3, Elite Dangerous, SQUAD, and even Red Dead Redemption 2 (when we get some other hombres into an online posse) - even some creative world stuff like COOP Satisfactory or Stormworks. Played so many games for so many years here, I just wanted to 'produce' something substantial so I can look back at these years and not say that all I did was play... mid life crisis, maybe? lmao .. ten years of VG for me so far... For me, it will be a little while after coming back before I'm comfortable leading a flight, might even have a hard time keeping up as a wingman, blowing through too much fuel and all that noob shit.... but it's like riding a bike, ya know, you never truly forget... well, a bike with like a thousand little switches and buttons, that is
  6. I don't know why this went 'under the radar' for folks here, but this is STILL the ground floor, and I literally just created this thing last week - and posted this stuff up for everyone to see. After Kav included me in the group message thread where they had been training up some interested members, I realized the need to provide a base for all our members who have become interested (and serious) about this thing that BLuD and I (and others) have been into for years and years, the BMS 'niche' at VG. Really want anyone here (especially YOU, Blud) to be part of this and help direct it - those who have time to help manage things, as always, should step up to help out with the things that need doing so others not so involved may enjoy being part of this as pilots and just fly with the group. Please join!!
  7. Preview of the Upcoming Features of AVCS CORE Framework & the (WIP) 1.4 (alpha) of AVCS4 BMS Immersive Voice Control Radios ***APOLOGIES FOR THE LOW VOLUME!*** Took too much time to create, need to get back to work or this thing will never get into public beta tests -- thanks for understanding! Since I expected this upcoming version to be in public beta tests much sooner, I've created a preview of the new systems and functions in the next version of AVCS4 BMS Immersive Voice Control Radio Menus for VoiceAttack. This new version will be coming to a beta test soon. This will include the new AVCS CORE Framework and App designed for VoiceAttack which powers the profile update system, save file system, and bug reporting and semi-automated debugging systems. AVCS CORE is a VoiceAttack Profile that will load first, and handle the initialization of any AVCS4 Profile that it switches to, in this video, AVCS4 BMS. It will also handle my upcoming Elite: Dangerous voice control systems profile for VoiceAttack, and many other game control systems I have planned. Huge thanks for all the feedback and support! I am hoping to have a public beta test before the end of July, possibly much sooner, as I complete the final rounds of testing and get everything ready for release. Cheers! a note: *Not used to public speaking, and wasn't paying enough attention to my own actions, at about 2:10 said 0.04 was the 'default' - but the reason the "change" to the default keypress timings shown in the video didn't appear in the save file was because 0.05 is the default, and only changing to a non-default time would cause a changed value to appear in the save file.
  8. Changed Severity / Status to Significant Changed Issue to Profile not saving/loading user settings as set Changed Profile Version to 1.3.8 Changed VoiceAttack Version to 1.8.5
  9. Profile: AVCS4 BMS - Immersive Voice Control Radios Issue: Profile not saving/loading user settings as set Profile Version: 1.3.8 VoiceAttack Version: 1.8.5 Steps to reproduce: open default keypress timings menu || (configuration - BMS) f_sfs_to_file || Script Functions - Save File System Expected Behavior: default functional operation Observed Behavior: (see attached error log file, if available) Personal Testing: (AVCS Automated Debug and Reporting used) Comments: AVCS CORE Version: "0.88.5" CORE App Version: "0.88.99"Session Command Count:14 RAM(total):34271133696 RAM(available):26544631808 LastCMD:open default keypress timings menu PreviousCMD:guess Playback:VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO) Playback(comms):VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO) Playback Volume:100 Playback Mute:0 Microphone:Microphone (Logitech G933 Gaming Headset) Microphone(comms):Microphone (Logitech G933 Gaming Headset) Microphone Volume:70 Microphone Mute:0 Speech Device Volume:70 Speech Device Mute:0 JOYSTICK1:0 JOYSTICK2:0 JOYSTICK3:0 JOYSTICK4:0 GAMEPAD1:0 GAMEPAD2:0 GAMEPAD3:0 GAMEPAD4:0 210241095 CID:0 -DEBUG-##- || INFO: ==========================NEW REPORT========================== 210254193 CID:1234 -DEBUG-000- || IS:0 || ACT:Spoken || CMD:open default keypress timings menu 210254197 CID:1234 -DEBUG-000- || RID:500 || CAT:(configuration - BMS) 210259462 CID:1234 -DEBUG-01- || INFO: Current Keypress Time Betweek Keys ( 0.03 ) does not match user choice - saving new value to file... choice = 0.03 || current = 0.06 210302815 CID:1234 -DEBUG-02- || INFO: Current Keypress Hold Time ( 0.03 ) does not match user choice - saving new value to file... choice = 0.03 || current = 0.06 210302850 CID:1234 -DEBUG-03- || INFO: Executing Sub-Command (F_SFS_TO_FILE) with RID:2175 - valid Return should == 2409 210302962 CID:3510 -DEBUG-000- || IS:1 || ACT:Spoken || CMD:f_sfs_to_file 210302969 CID:3510 -DEBUG-000- || RID:2175 || CAT:Script Functions - Save File System 210302975 CID:3510 -DEBUG-01- || INFO: AVCS_SFS_DELETE_saved = False || AVCS_SFS_BACKUP_bypass = True || AVCS_SFS_SORT_bypass = False || AVCS_SFS_RESTORE_backup = False 210303604 CID:3510 -DEBUG-11- || INFO: COMPLETE -- should have sent text to: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceAttack\Apps\AVCS\save_files\bms_save\80\save.txt 210303654 CID:3510 -DEBUG-15- || INFO: SFS Variable(s) Saved to C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceAttack\Apps\AVCS\save_files\bms_save\80\save.txt 210303927 CID:1234 -DEBUG-04b- || INFO: Sub-Command (F_SFS_TO_FILE) COMPLETE -- Return == 2409 Severity / Status: Resolved (live update pushed to all users) View full bug report
  10. Now that we've got the VG Air Force group officially created as a part of this website, I thought it would be good to discuss the plans and ideas for the future of the VG Air Force. First of all, I would like VG Air Force to be a home for pilots on the VG BMS Server, and should be the home for more than one VGAF Virtual Fighter Squadron, that way a VG Air Force pilot might enjoy being part of some VGAF Harriers Squadron with some unique name and number, and also take part in the events of the VGAF F-16's Strike Squadron, or something. Would like to let this thing grow into the different aspects of BMS that we enjoy, and organically let our members take up leadership roles if desired for training others, or hosting VGAF events of any kind. We should try to mix up the scheduling as well, so as to not stack too many during other events (some of us play other games here at VG, as well), so care should be taken when deciding on times for regular repeating events. It would be wise to begin creating some forum post materials that can serve as easy reference for standards we may like to encourage, from manner of dealing with in-game comms to use of in-game radio commands and communicating with ATC/AWACS/ETC. -- we can also try to discuss common multiplayer concepts and standards that we all might want to get on the same page with. Obviously, pilots learn these things as we all fly together, but having a central location to point people to will help create actual reference guides in the future. Thought it might be fun for us to all start at the 2nd Lt. and move through the ranks of this group based on some agreed upon criteria, including time with the VGAF, time on the server, and proficiency in a number of tasks from mundane to challenging, as appropriate. Needs discussion, and ideas. So, let's have at it in this thread, and flesh out this new VG Air Force into something we all enjoy!
  11. Aw, dude - I don't know if I want that responsibility... it's finicky tech right now... No good "standard". So much should be considered before doing it, from the comfortability of the actual headset, to the tracking systems it uses, even the controllers they use (I prefer the Oculus Touch, I've tried the Vive 'wands' and didn't like them, I hear they have new ones now tho) -- also, these things tax the shit out of even good graphics cards, where they may run solid FPS, but the "latency" may jump around - higher than 20ms and it makes you literally sea-sick. I know you got a kick-ass Nvidia 1080 GFX card, but depending on the game, that's actually not far above entry-level VR (like, it would be fine to play a VR game, but say goodbye to recording/streaming at the same time... maybe... it's a good guess...) *Definitely don't expect BMS in VR, no matter what you read - the DIY methods are full of compromises and generally suck ass for any real sim flight, near zero situational awareness, can't read gauges/displays well, can't see distant aircraft so dogfighting is straight out.... So... if it's something you are looking to get into, start watching good review videos and 'what you should know first' type videos about VR (I haven't kept up this past year, there are a few contenders now, but with "new" comes "new" base hardware requirements). I'm on a new $600 Nvidia RTX 2070 Super, and finally I can jam all the setting up in VR, and everything runs at proper FPS and Latency at 10-11ms for no sea-sick feeling, and can record/stream at the same time if needed... on the old GTX 970, I could barely run the games at just above low-graphics settings, and couldn't dream of recording/streaming at same time... the 1080 is literally the very next generation of GFX that came after it, and we're just about to see Nvidia launch their 3000 series cards (which will drop the price of all current 2000 series cards like my own, once they come out). Hard to recommend what VR to purchase when it's sometimes coupled with the need for a better GFX card at the same time depending on what you plan to use the VR for (single player, no recording/streaming? or playing+recording and/or streaming?). It's not even easy to get a VR headset right now, COVID spiked sales and stock is very low for all entertainment hardware in most places, so you have time to look around, and base it on your budget, too... I have the original Oculus Rift (CV1), first commercial version that was released. I'm wary to upgrade until I see something actually worth it, where all the things I didn't like about this are fixed... screendoor effect, poor resolution and pixels-per-inch, and with controllers on par with the Oculus Touch controls I have now...
  12. Yea, I'll take care of any Steam Cards - you should have me as a friend on Steam, @Nyther the Komrade Dog - toss them my way. I did it once, got rid of all the cards I had built up, several dozen, came out to like $12 once they were all finally sold. Ten cents here, twenty-five there... But it all adds up. Would use them for purchasing Steam Keys for games on a big sale >70% off, for example, ones people we know might play, and yea, we'll use them for giveaways in future. Have ideas for that sort of stuff, but growing the VG Socials is actually something we need to work on first - get that fan base back up to where it was back in the day. @=VG= Clan Members - please like/subscribe to help us grow!! Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Steam Group.... All the links are at the bottom center of every webpage, or top right below the banner.
  13. So, Ciro has been working hard for a long time on a custom VG Arma 3 Framework mission that is very, very cool. Since he's gotten busy, it's been on the back burner, and I've been poking him with pointy things now and then to see if he could get it onto the server soon. I'll drop some teasers here - in order to be able to run even without mods, he has scripted many things that would otherwise require mods directly into the mission itself. The concept is that you are a solder at a base, you walk up to the commander to get missions, and these can be accomplished with varying numbers of players, making objectives clear as well as dynamic. One final addition has held up finalization, including a monetary income system, but we discussed the bad idea of 'paying soldiers to kill' so ideas were thrown around to change the details of how that would work (like an interval instead of based on K/D or points), what money could be spent on, etc. etc. Here's some details on the table -*subject to change*- this should be out very soon, I'll continue poking him with pointy things whenever I get a chance - I don't think he knows yet how many people will love his hard work: SO - rather than using a popular mission that other servers run, the idea is to have this unique gem of a mission framework by Ciro, it is even suitable for group events, with no further scripting even necessary. Coming soon to VG!!
  14. VR is the most awesome pain in the ass technology I've ever owned! So cool, so much of a pain... Can't wait until VR is in it's proper 3rd or 4th generation... that's when the Playstation really got awesome, too.
  15. Holy crap! An actual GOOD Star Wars space battles game?! Hell yea! No loot boxes and advancements earned in-game? Double hell yea! (graphics look tight!!)
  16. Almost done with my voice control profile framework for VoiceAttack, and the next version of AVCS4 BMS Immersive Voice Control Radios -- finishing up work on the semi-automated debugging and bug reporting system - a bit behind schedule, but pushing hard to get this into a public beta test soon:
    imgur linky

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    2. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Freakin awesome news Sem.

    3. Ereen


      Congrats sem.
      You must feel awesome, you've been working on this for a long time, hope there is no bugs or dumb things happen. anyway Good luck with the launch! :)

  17. Can someone who knows the files/map assets create a list of the following maps so I can add them to the disabled maps list until the next version gets released? Thank you!
  18. Changed Severity / Status to Resolved (for upcoming download version) fixed - issue in F_SFS_TO_FILE, in the AVCS_SaveToFile inline function. The way I had used .Contains has issues comparing when the item to change is at the beginning or end of a string, needs to account for those cases if needed. if not(entry(1).Contains(requestVarValue)) changed to: if ((not(entry(1).StartsWith(requestVarValue))) or (not(entry(1).Contains(requestVarValue))) or (not(entry(1).EndsWith(requestVarValue))))
  19. Last crash dump dated June 7th. It's the 9th now. Not bad... Zipping up the only crash dump and python errors to submit to the R-DEV's. Looking good!
  20. Had a lot of fun once it got going! Excellent debrief afterwards, lots of notes on what went well, and what needs improvement. Most importantly, we're gonna try to make sure startup is more expedited, and again work towards a common VG Mod Pack that will be used for all Arma 3 events, so our patrons do not have the hassle of getting it all set up each time. We're also going to discuss better times, and also other days to run events, I believe we settled on starting these about two hours sooner than this event started, and also trying to avoid conflict with any other weekly get-togethers if able. Blizzard had also mentioned difficulty juggling the tasks of running the event and also participating as a Commander, so we'll get him some help next time and assign him an FAC to take up the slack. More training ops and some dedicated sessions for teaching some A3 skills are definitely in order, and we'll see what we can do once we settle on a common mod pack we can all agree on. Thanks for everyone who joined and played, and special thanks to Blizzard for the event! *edit: Here's a link to a .mkv file of my footage from the event. It's 1080p 60FPS at 3500bps, there were some muddling issues in the grass when I moved, didn't know that or I'd have tried to stay more still as a camera.... File size is large but it's 2 hours and 49 minutes of raw footage (unedited) and includes the extended after action report in TeamSpeak at the end. There should be 2 audio tracks in the file as seen in an editor, one is purely game sound, and the other is any VOIP like my own mic and TeamSpeak (and hopefully all of the TFAR audio). This is so editing can pull out any bullshit (maybe a cough or something) without killing the in-game audio, so if anyone uses this, please - feel free to remove any crazy yelling, coughing, or general bullshit from the VOIP audio channel. I also don't care if it's just uploaded as-is somewhere, without being edited... might be a bit boring in many stages, maybe some loud screaming here or there, but it's fine with me. Raw .mkv file -- (4.75GB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/txp8iv1jqk6zp3b/Operation Slayer - Day 1.mkv?dl=1
  21. Blast from the past! Awesome video, man! Was that Tyox? Haven't heard his voice in years! He trained me in multiplayer Falcon (don't remember the version) Helluva flight - you were the only one that made it back to the runway!
  22. It's a hard fact to juggle: New players need direction, encouragement, before they get turned off the game, and before they get banned for not understanding it. It's a fine line between those things, new players are essentially on the fence until they know which way it's gonna go -- m823us reminds me often that I forget this is NOT AT ALL the normal way people play FPS games, team based or not, and we need to show people how they can participate and enjoy that aspect rather than shooting at anything that moves and asking questions later. If we just ban them all, any attempts to grow a new player base in this ancient game will be wasted efforts... The true 'bad' ones will show in time, for now, patience is a virtue as we deal with a new influx of players and fold them into the PR way of gaming, and the VG way of playing PR COOP. Again, commendable restraint and patience Hater, you're not alone - we feel for ya, bro!!
  23. Odd... not showing a crash dump - was trying to find the crash on activity graphs, but can't see it there either... maybe it somehow recovered and just loaded the next map... or it was a soft crash and manually restarted by a PR Admin here? So true about it being more stable! Only been seeing about 1 crash dump per day, as opposed to the 4-7 per day before.
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