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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. This is a feature, one I am a bit proud of I hated when, after typing out a sentence or few, something would close, and I'd lose what I wrote. So, anything you type into a reply box is sortof saved like a draft. This is so you can come back and continue your post where you left off. Simple solution is just copy all and delete to start over with a clean post. -------- Regarding the bug reports, those are some whoppers!! Definitely not a VG setting causing that, but a serious code issue in the game itself, likely from the last update if it was after that that you noticed it.
  2. I highly doubt that deployable assets not working is a feature of the game. It is a broken mechanic however it happened, and was not planned nor designed that way -- if it is an unintended consequence of any other updated feature (i.e. deployment) then it is still a broken mechanic, and not a feature. Because of this... ...we will likely take it upon ourselves to fix these things in the pythons (or elsewhere) in order to have a working version of this game in COOP Mode on the VG Server at least, until such time as those fixes become part of an official update / patch. Don't expect an ETA, and don't expect it to happen overnight, but we've discussed this previously and it is an option we have to fix the game when no other fix is pending/possible. In hopes of avoiding janky updates/features in the future, VG will be providing a dedicated server testing environment to the PR COOP Devs and Contributors, they have already requested it, and we're happy to help out with the development and refinement of the PR COOP Game mode. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!
  3. Yea, that's something Double broke... (j/k) ... but thank you for the report anyway Bliz
  4. Melon has restored the kits to working order. Please keep the reports coming. If you see something, make a note and toss it here in this post later.
  5. Rub some dirt on it and take a lap j/k Glad you're okay. Take it easy, stay off that thing!!
  6. Whoa!! That's not anything we did regarding settings or whatever. That's a serious problem. And not just VG Servers?? This would be something to post up in the support section of the actual RealityMod website. They'd likely ask for some logfile or whatever to help you identify the source of the issue. You ARE certain nothing at all has changed on your end? And that the first time this issue occurred was AFTER this(these) most recent PR Updates? Anyone know if anyone else is experiencing this?
  7. How about we add a feature where all the players can vote to runnext and then if the vote goes through, the command gets executed (even without admin present). That would be great way to prevent this feature from becoming an issue.
  8.  :sarcastic:   Cuz ya gotta have fun with people once in awhile:
    BMS vs DCS will chaffer facebook lols.PNG

    1. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      LEL... I still find DCS quite shitty :mellow:

  9. That is definitely one of the settings we have not restored. Thank you for the report, it will be fixed after we've finished testing the rest of the settings.
  10. yes, we do have another update. Will be shutting down and patching shortly - we'll continue in this thread... _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hotfix Patch has been applied to the server, server restarted. "hotfix for issues regarding disabled vehicles staying disabled after respawn"
  11. Can we please verify if this is just us, or all COOP servers online? Remember, we did a reinstall, and bypassed many settings restoration that we had in the past in order to identify "increased server crashes" such as the "fly off map crash", etc. If this is a result of something we've done (or not done) we can know it's a simple fix (and that I am to blame) -- but if this is the same on ALL COOP servers, it's a global problem and it should be noted (so we can begin blaming Double_13) (j/k haha!). RSVP
  12. Serious overkill. Get an AE hookup for your guitar, it's what I did. You're trying to find a mic that will do too much, and like they said above, if it goes into USB, all that goodness is lost. A pro would get a wired mic, and that would then go into a microphone amplifier, before going into the mixer (or the PC, and hopefully there, a digital mixer like VoiceMeeter Pro) You might consider getting a good headset mic for gaming, and a separate microphone for recording, if you can afford it. Going as high as 170 pounds, I bet you could fit both into that budget. I love the Logitech G35, but also had a friend tell me just how to handle it so it didn't break in the first year (oniblood) cuz the ear swivels are easy to snap off. Has 7.1 surround sound, makes it sound like the speakers are a few meters from my actual ears, it's eerie (pun intended).
  13. The VG PR COOP Server has been reinstalled from default 1.5 files, and updated to A select few changes were made to the admin.py and coop.py to make the server functional, but we have left many settings default in order to test in the coming week and isolate any "VG" specific changes that may lead to server crashes. Though we have no reason to believe this is happening, we need to begin ruling out factors to zero in on the issue more closely. If something is odd, or seems off, please note it, even though it may be a result of our current settings, we need any input you can offer. Changelog: Complete ChangeLog here: PR ChangeLog (2018/8/9) Hotfix Patch Changenotes: hotfix for issues regarding disabled vehicles staying disabled after respawn
  14. Had some time to kill, so here's the new Starter Map List for the Randomizer - I've just made it Live on the server: mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append albasrah_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append asad_khal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append asad_khal gpm_coop 64 mapList.append assault_on_grozny gpm_coop 16 mapList.append assault_on_grozny gpm_coop 64 mapList.append bamyan gpm_coop 32 mapList.append bamyan gpm_coop 64 mapList.append beirut gpm_coop 32 mapList.append black_gold gpm_coop 16 mapList.append black_gold gpm_coop 64 mapList.append burning_sands gpm_coop 16 mapList.append burning_sands gpm_coop 64 mapList.append dragon_fly gpm_coop 16 mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64 mapList.append gaza_2 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 16 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 64 mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 16 mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 32 mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 16 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 32 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 128 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 16 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 32 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 64 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 128 mapList.append kokan gpm_coop 16 mapList.append kokan gpm_coop 32 mapList.append kokan gpm_coop 64 mapList.append lashkar_valley gpm_coop 16 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 128 mapList.append operation_archer gpm_coop 64 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 16 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 32 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 64 mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 32 mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 64 mapList.append qwai1 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append qwai1 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append qwai1 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append ramiel gpm_coop 16 mapList.append ramiel gpm_coop 32 mapList.append saaremaa gpm_coop 64 mapList.append sbeneh_outskirts gpm_coop 16 mapList.append sbeneh_outskirts gpm_coop 32 mapList.append shijiavalley gpm_coop 16 mapList.append shijiavalley gpm_coop 32 mapList.append shijiavalley gpm_coop 64 mapList.append silent_eagle gpm_coop 16 mapList.append silent_eagle gpm_coop 64 mapList.append vadso_city gpm_coop 32 mapList.append vadso_city gpm_coop 128 mapList.append wanda_shan gpm_coop 64
  15. So, it seems there has been another communication error in this thread, and it has caused yet another delay in getting this Randomizer sorted as we had desired. I apologize for not scrutinizing the proposals more closely, I fully understand that English is not a first language for all of us. That being said, I would appreciate it if we could all get on the same page here with terms and concepts regarding this system. I have been careful in my posts to explain things directly and plainly, and I feel that if more care is taken when reading or translating these concepts, fewer communication errors will occur. If something doesn't make sense to you, say so and ask for clarification. I had clarified three terms for use, and in the post directly following that, a term was misused, and though we could tell by context what was meant, it is an example of where we can improve. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. *Referring to interpreting and understanding a concept in a language not your own. _____ Okay, so this has been live for some time now. I had mentioned a few times how odd and long that list looked, as it exceeded the length of the actual start maps file. I am in Wisconsin trying to keep my parents' spirits up while mom is dealing with cancer and chemo shit; times like this when they are not home, I distract myself by getting online and trying to remember where I left off in my projects, and it's hard to work on this laptop with it's tiny screen when you're used to a triple monitor setup. Because of all that, I outsourced the work last time, and would like to do that again here as I am waiting for the PR Update (coming asap). I didn't review the list at all, I just took it as read to be needed. @Xenalite if you would like to create (or recreate) a starter map file with some serious thought put into it, with maps meeting the criteria we discussed, and upload a link to this thread, I will get it in place and live.
  16. When more than one computer connects through a router to the internet, those computers still have their own IP addresses. The final number in an IP address dictates the actual machine, even if the first three parts are identical (the subnet). These are the numbers broadcast to websites, and/or games, and so two users in the same house would might look like this: Therefore, more than one computer can connect to a website, etc. from the same network (the router/modem). I personally don't see why 2 computers in the same house could not connect to our BMS Server at the same time, so long as they had different IP addresses, which they will. It would be a rare thing for 2 computers in the same house to utilize the same IP address, but it's not impossible. Modems and routers usually work their magic in the background to split the devices into subnets, and assigning a final designation unique to each device.
  17. @bammajdg Certainly let us know if the above tips do not work. We will keep trying to help you guys get flying together, and what we learn will likely get taught to others in the future if/when the issue comes up again.
  18. You are exactly right - the models. That one check box would apply to the host of a game, definitely important to have it set as desired if the machine will host a session either by LAN or online server, but if we connect as mere clients to another server, it won't do anything. Same with the SameTileSet thing - will come into play when we want to host a session. I could see it being useful for a PvP environment so people aren't flying out with "48" AIM-120C's in a Harrier - haha!! Thank you, Kav!
  19. You simply need to copy the entire ACData Folder from the "working" computer to the one that does not. Because of Janhas models you may have installed in the past, that one folder is sortof "out of sorts" as our BMS Server sees it. We have to force "no modified files" for stability purposes, as most online servers do, as I understand it. This is your problem. The path to the ACData folder is this: Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Data\Sim\Acdata Here's a link to a fresh copy I just grabbed from a 4.33.5 (U5) updated BMS installation (or just copy from your other computer as I said above): https://www.dropbox.com/s/uhv0x104fn3gp0n/Acdata.zip?dl=0 that's all, but if you want to know the why's for future reference, here they are: The Steam thing mentioned above is up to Steam, it's a non-issue in this case. Steam gets you Falcon 4.0 (which must be installed for BMS), but Falcon 4.0 is never run, so Steam won't even know -- it is a legal reason that BMS checks for a full installation of the game it mods, but BMS comes with it's own executable. Using one Falcon 4.0 to install the BMS mod on two machines is only a legal grey area like the "sharewares/freewares" of the 80's, but will not cause this type of issue. You should really buy Falcon 4.0 for each BMS mod you install, though, it's not expensive. lol
  20. Road America IMSA Super Car Championship races


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      Hardest track (possibly), when reaching turn 12 and 13 ( Known as Canada Corner ), but here you are. :)

      It always been amazing to see some GT1, GT3 or even with Le Mans Prototypes ( LMP ) racing together like this. Awesome-! :biggrin:

    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Many people wonder what happened to turn 4.  The insiders will tell you the truth: it went into the FBI witness protection program in the 1980's after it testified to terrible things.  But it can be found if you know where to look, these days it lives over by turn 12 and it's changed it's name to 11a.

      ^In the picture above, later that day, there was a terrible wreck before Kettle Bottoms, the first car hit the wall and tumbled about six times, but then another one slid into him on the outside skirt and it exploded in a ball of fire.  Both drivers walked away.


    4. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      That touch in the corner... RIP Aston Martin Vantage GT4 :P...

  21. Slowly helping my Pop get his PC gaming setup(s) working, and I find out new things everyday.

    Today I learned why all my attempts to get online (ARK, PR, etc.) fail from this house:  Pop has DSL... 1Mb/s Up...16Mb/s Down ugh!!!  Like stepping back in time!  

    Soooooo..... I would be rather grateful if someone in ARK already in the VG Tribe could pop by my castle and fill up the feeding trough with raw meat and a few berries in a week or so.

    They can all last about 3 weeks with server settings as is, and I'll be back home in September, but at least once would do them well so I don't lose any of my breeders, etc.

    No biggie if I lose everything, tho - can always get new animals,  I have a few eggs in the fridge that I can hatch to start up again, slowly, but.... I have already lost the otters and a few dimorphodons, tribe log showed the loss.


  22. =VG= SemlerPDX

    New PC

    That's the whole point, tho. No one should have do that, it's insane and highly un-intuitive. Sure, us young folks might get by, but what about our parents, and other older friends? An OS should not be a hassle. Period. Win10 = FAIL ... use at your own discretion, not recommended for everyone (especially the old or non-technical folks) haha!
  23. =VG= SemlerPDX

    New PC

    Hey, Ramdrive is still a very cool concept, if one does not have m.2 -- and nowadays, we can get enough ram to actually hold very large titles (Arma was always a bitch with streaming data from HDD, so that would really help) and if someone is trying to eliminate or identify a bottleneck, it is a great way to rule out the storage devices. Like you said, can always buy more ram down the road if you find a use for it. That is shaping up to be one slick maching, mang! You gonna feed it Windows 7 or come over to the darkside for DX12 in Win10 (ug - threw up in my mouth a little while writing that, Win10 is just that bad) haha
  24. Running a hardcore event would be a fine alternative, and making it regular on Sundays would be appreciated by the players, I'm sure. So long as you don't change too much, it may even be able to run without a password, We'll flesh out the details as we move forward. Increasing the bots on the standard COOP would sound like a better option than reducing the number of player slots, so long as it doesn't mess with the design as it sits and ruin the flow. Probably the best idea I've heard so far. I will say, though, that the design of PR is so good, even in COOP, that we have been able to run a highly successful COOP server with very few changes for eight years, and have maintained a high population throughout. New ideas certainly keep it fresh, but remember the wise words of the wily magician: Don't run when no one is chasing you!
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