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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. From the album: ARK: Survival Evolved

    Playing on Airbats server with the Structures+ mod; one of the worst things about the vanilla game is the building system, and Structures+ takes away 90 percent of the problems, and adds a cool round crafting table for all the items in the mod (which include most every vanilla item with new S+ features attached). The round S+ tables also have a sizable inventory (300), so I've placed 3 of them within reach of my 3 main industrial machines (forge, fabricator, chemistry station) and I sunk the smithy into the forge body so only the anvil is exposed. Looks great, and I can craft multiple items at once from one spot without moving. Best part: if I'm a ways from this spot outside building some wall, and I run out of "wall blocks" and need just a couple more, I don't need to run inside to those tables - I can just open my inventory and "pull" the items for any blueprint I can craft on foot so long as I'm near my base. A little "cheaty", but it is optional and saves time if needed.
  2. From the album: ARK: Survival Evolved

    Playing on Airbats server with the Structures+ mod; one of the worst things about the vanilla game is the building system, and Structures+ takes away 90 percent of the problems, and adds a cool round crafting table for all the items in the mod (which include most every vanilla item with new S+ features attached). The round S+ tables also have a sizable inventory (300), so I've placed 3 of them within reach of my 3 main industrial machines (forge, fabricator, chemistry station) and I sunk the smithy into the forge body so only the anvil is exposed. Looks great, and I can craft multiple items at once from one spot without moving. Best part: if I'm a ways from this spot outside building some wall, and I run out of "wall blocks" and need just a couple more, I don't need to run inside to those tables - I can just open my inventory and "pull" the items for any blueprint I can craft on foot so long as I'm near my base. A little "cheaty", but it is optional and saves time if needed.
  3. This was an idea I had a ways back, and after a few discussions we came to the following conclusion: Glad others have noticed this fact as well. This is on point. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" I think it would be great to host more group gaming events rather than "workshops": There would be less micro-management of the rules, less concern for too many attendees vs. "tutors", and more fun to be had by all. __ All that being said, we do have the server capacity and we can spin up one of the others behind a password anytime we want. If someone would like to volunteer to host a small group training session for some people, that would be just fine and we'd support you all the way, providing tools and access as needed to make the venture a success. Just contact me in any way and I can set it all up. As far as VG just hosting these, and waiting to see who shows up, I feel that would be more work and less fun for the show runners as well as the attendees. If ANYONE would like to host a training session on a private VG server, that is something we can do, again, just contact me. If this was a job or if we were a competitive lot, we'd certainly run these weekly -- but this is all just for fun and making too much work out of your hobbies is a good way to get burned out by them. Whatever you do here, do it for fun. If it becomes more than just a challenging project and turns into work that you'd rather avoid, then you're doing it wrong, and should just stop and focus on having fun with your free time. __ Maybe you have a small group you've already discussed it with and have expressed interest in joining a training session or event -- that would be the best way, pre-RSVP's. We make Public Events "come as you are" but workshops should be scheduled where people sign up (no more than a squad or so); and the day of the workshop, we can give that squad it's own server to run whatever maps they want, we can even lower respawn timers for assets and player to a few seconds so that training is not interrupted too much by accidents or deaths, if needed for the new players. Realistically, it would take a day or two to set this up, so account for that if you wish to contact us to set up a one-time training session. The idea way back was to create a set of maps with additional assets or modified respawn timers so a training group would not have to worry about limitations of the gamemodes and can jump right into whatever they want to focus on.
  4. Where would this info go? If I have created more confusion by doing this, I can undo it. Time zones display locally on websites, most all websites. When you look at a forum post, it says when it was posted (not in the poster's time zone, but the reader). example: Note the time displayed of those posts -- they are displayed to ME in PST because that is where I live. Again, all I did was add the time of an event to it's Calendar entry -- it's the person's browser that changes it to their time. I can't add notes to every online detail/concept, and if it's not intuitive enough (and requires over-explanation), then it's likely not a good system to use, and should be removed. It's not easy to account for people who would be confused by a concept when one cannot understand how it is confusing, or in what way. Not exactly sure what to do, but input is welcome. **EDIT: Added a small block below it to explain, but IMO it looks bad, ugly and unprofessional:
  5. I've updated the Calendar with a date and time with the base time zone set to GMT, it will display locally to the user in their time. Check the date of the PR Event, 30th at 1800 -- the calendar will tell you when that 3 hour event runs in YOUR time.
  6. For explanation, go to this thread, and scroll down to Step 7: (just below that are links to two tutorial videos) Best wishes and good luck to you!
  7. Yea, the EVO instead of PRO is the way I went, too. You'll see a very slight reduction in capacity for the very fastest SSD speeds at consumer level pricing! I have four of them, a couple 120's, a 250, and a 500.
  8. Maybe try this.... Ensure your default audio device is not allowed to be controlled with priority access by software. Go to "Manage Audio Devices" and scroll down to your default device - click properties and then Advanced tab as shown - uncheck the boxes in Exclusive mode to turn off -- you might do this for Recording Tab as well to ensure your mic is not in Exclusive Mode: Open Mumble and along the top, click Configure -> Settings Under Audio Input and Audio Output, ensure Exclusive is Unchecked -- also, you can either set Default as the device, or try forcing Mumble to whatever audio device you want. Click apply to save changes:
  9. We need to troubleshoot your connection, like we talked about the other day. There must be some reason, and we are not starting with zero information: it is regularly happening every 10-20 minutes. Believe it or not, but that is a starting point. It depends on how aggressively you pursue this problem, but it certainly isn't on our end. We have no "disconnect ranger" script running, of course - this problem must be with your hardware or software blocking this connection. Maybe instead of quips we can get our heads together and ask/answer questions to get to the root of this. I'd also suggest that you google the shit out of this problem, most times, we're not the first person to have "X" error or problem. Again, we can post here, or you can also reach out to the world wide web of information to find out more. All problems can be solved, given patience and determination.
  10. Thank you SolarFlame! ( @=VG= Double_13 ?? - Solar is a man, man.)
  11. Server files re-downloaded, server reinstalled, and freshly updated again to All maps SHOULD work, so now if there are any that do not, let us know! Thank you!
  12. Tried to get as many as I could before hand -- as you will see in the admin.py. Many people had not logged recently enough (or did not post up when I asked for names) so I could not get everyone's new hashes before this update. Did my best. Also, someone had been messing with the PR COOP Server, that's why those maps don't work after the update. Enjoy! Will fix later
  13. The PR COOP Server (and the Event server on port 16587) have been updated to v1.5.4.5 Post any bugs or issues here. I verified Mumble seemed to be working before signing off. Note any maps that cause issues, refer to changelog for details. COOP Changes: Complete Changelog: *reinstalled freshly downloaded server files after bugs found - reset reports, please post any bugs found below
  14. Yea, off topic was not your bad, bro - that was a PayDay 2 caliber thread Hi-Jack there, unintentional I assure you. As far as PR Admins going AWOL after getting their tags: Sometimes she's just not so attractive anymore after you finally ... well, you know....
  15. ... free for you, maybe... Personally, I pay $16 a month so VG & PR Admins have access to a secure and easy to use web panel (TCAdmin) to manage the server(s), SavageCDN pays about $50 a month to keep the game server from shutting down, BLuDKLoT pays around $40 a month to keep the website running, and around $140 a year for domain registration and other taxes/fees, m823us paid the TeamSpeak 3 server license for 2018 to the tune of around $50 (Double13 paid the 2017 TS3), and we've almost made back the around $900 BLuDKLoT put out of his own pocket for website/coding/html/css work he needed to be done back in 2015/2016 (current running total is about $746 / 900). And we don't goad people for donations, though the list is displayed prominently on the home page. VG is a member supported community, some members support more than others and I'm not bitching at the disproportionate end of it (when's the last time you saw SavageCDN enjoy these servers he pays for?) but I just wanted to remind everyone since the opportunity arose. So, free for almost everyone - and we encourage people with a sense of justice and a level head to become good Admins, but not everyone is up to the challenge. How can you know if you like anchovies if you never eat them? We toss these players in to the deep water of PR Admin, and see if they sink or swim. The cream always rises to the top.
  16. ^ YES! THIS!!! Funniest real war in the history of man -- for those who don't know of the Emu War, here's a quick primer (remember, this actually happened!): (it's funny, but real - people lost their homes, their farms, became poor and homeless refugees.) ALL HAIL THE EMU OVERLORDS!
  17. I thought I smelled something burning... A PvP Event like that might be difficult to arrange just because the timezones of the groups you suggested are nearly on opposites sides of the globe, separated by as much as 12 hours in some cases. In addition to that, the population of "West of the Atlantic" is 1/3 that of the East, so balancing could be a major issue. Not saying it couldn't be done, it just smacks of effort.
  18. Once an images is inserted into a post, left click it one time to select it, then press CTRL + RIGHT Click on the image to bring up the Image Editing menu - there you can select size, left/right/center placement, and even attach a URL to the image for when it is clicked.
  19. Your ironical appreciation of old school russian propaganda imagery is baffling. You are a crazy mofo, Nyther ... for a Brazilian, anyway.
  20. Yea, that hash is not on the banlist, and I don't see any actions against GRN&GLD except getting kicked by Spartanish after you TK'd him (not deathdealer) ... not sure what you wish to gain with this post?
  21. You are not on the banlist and your last "kick" from the game was back in March because you were AFK... Post your CD Key Hash if you can, because I do not find any activity for player name "GRNANDGLD" on the PR Server since March 2018... which is odd (have you been on break? I though I see you regularly, but I do smoke a lot of weed...)
  22. Yea, you can get your Windows 10 to behave and look like Windows 7. Edge is simple to disable, Cortana is simple to neuter, the shitty Windows 10 calculator can be removed and the Windows 7 calc installed, and you can get rid of the shitty start menu, too. Only the last part is not covered in my article on the subject, I'll add it in somewhere... How to get the Win7 Start Menu back with Classic Shell (freeware - a well designed one without bs). Also, to hell with default Windows 10 search - another freeware with no strings attached, Everything by voidtools is the way to go - instant file searches, no bs, includes all attached storage devices (and not just the C: drive like Win10)
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