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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. I believe it was more recent than 1.3 -- which means if Ranger was playing recently, he may have that installer floating around the HDD, I know I keep my old crap forever until I need to free up space and empty the Downloads folder...
  2. https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=146333&highlight=1221+error https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=146323
  3. I don't get the part where Jersans cannot install programs... I have NEVER used the "app store" that came with Windows 10, and have disabled many of the "apps" that came pre-installed. I have TONS of programs installed, many not designed for Windows 10, and had little to no issues installing them. There are UAC pop-ups that can sometimes attempt to block the installation, and I have gotten into the habit of "unblocking" every installer.exe before running it (right click on installer, check the box next to "Unblock" and Apply) Sometimes the UAC pop-up says "Windows cannot install this program" ... but there is a link at the bottom of that pop-up along the lines of "tell me more..." and when you click that, you get options to proceed with installation. IF you click the "Okay" button instead, it may be forever impossible to get access to the aforementioned "tell me more..." link that allows you to get past the UAC for the installer.exe of that particular program. Windows 10 is terrible, and if you can avoid it, do so at all costs!! A dual boot is a very smart idea if you have the space (but still need Win10 for some reason). Otherwise, go with Windows 7. Personally, I needed to go over to the Dark Side because I have hardware/software(s) that only work in Windows 10 (oculus+touch). This is why I wrote that article on wrestling control back from Windows 10, yet still, everyday, I have to manually disable Windows 10 Updates and also, to be sure I don't come back to an Updated OS, I disable my internet connection when away from my PC. FUCK Win10! Best of luck to you!!!
  4. What can we say? It's a 24 hours server, but the regular crowd isn't... I keep an eye on the active PR players now and then, not just on our server, but on all servers -- people will always come and go, and play other games from time to time -- PR remains the go-to for squad based combined arms action whether it's COOP or Deployment, and the main servers are still maintaining high populations during peak hours. An interesting thing to think about is what if people have been trained to enjoy PR in large groups, or at least several squad groups, making ANY low population PR Server an unattractive prospect when compared to other games they might own. People might see "oh, my favorite server is off-peak right now, I'll play some other game instead for awhile" instead of jumping in the low pop server and helping to seed it back to larger numbers, which could potentially bring in more people who also may still be deciding what to play that evening (PR or some other game). Just a thought; I mean everyone takes breaks, I'm just coming back from a long one myself and trying to get back into these things. Regardless of all of that, every server has it's off-hours, and GameTracker shows this one's peak times have been closer to day than evenings right now (talking same zones as you, USA times). Here's hoping that Double_13's hard work will pay off in helping to re-popularize the COOP game mode, and fix so many frustrating bugs (and inept AI)
  5. Glad that PC shop did you right! That looks way more legit than the last PC they tried to sell you...
  6. Yes, you all may feel free to use one of the other PR Servers here for DEV testing. Contact myself or Melon with the files, and we can get it set up.
  7. Go Fund Me can be a bit fee-heavy. PayPal would allow direct purchases with the paypal funds (because they would be -33% if drawn out as cash), so might be the most affordable and efficient way to assemble funds to purchase 2 headsets. I'll toss 19 in the pot (dollars, not cents) -- just figure out the logistics and make it happen... and get us a linky
  8. You're all officially conscripted as play testers. Note any bugs, any CTD maps, and anything odd for Double_13 so he can focus on his work. Make a list and note things as you play, and paste it here during downtime. Saareemaa will remain off the list until it's fixed.
  9. Sareema (spelling?) removed from the maplist after reports of crashing clients. Server had emptied completely. I believe it was 64 layer, can check logs. Should test with active admins before letting it run all night with that map in the rotation as I think the 32 layer was not to blame. Just removed them both for the evening.
  10. (couldn't help myself - the expression of the guy on the right is priceless!) But seriously... Stay safe, men! Keep up the good work!
  11. m823us has my phone number, if you need to get a message to me in urgency, contact m823us and he will contact me as appropriate, and yes, this would apply to incremental updates that cause the server to empty due to lack of an update. He is in the East Coast Portland, I am in the West Coast Portland, three hours difference FYI There is no consistent release time on the days that updates are released, of course some updates come out at pre-dawn times in USA - it's a great big world out there, isn't it? In the past, they have come out anywhere between 1am - 1pm in my time zone. VG runs a modified setup for the PR COOP that involves several config files, it is not always a one-click update like yesterday's incremental patch. When people do not use the systems in-place that I designed to exchange between default version levels and test versions, unnecessary complications result in increased update procedure times, and a larger work load on the person updating. People can make as many snarky and sarcastic comments as they wish, but it won't change a thing unless people take some proper initiative and notify the server admins as I stated above.
  12. Only reason for slow update times is lack of notice from you guys who regularly play on the server = y'all are the problem (yes I said it)
  13. Lol @ MS Paint! Yea, that's been my go-to next to MS Publisher for years, and only used GIMP for quick transparency modifications with "intelligent scissors" magic wand style tools; but if you think PS is nuts with the GUI, GIMP is insane! Learning curve through the roof even for simple tasks, even just knowing where to find a tool to do a task. Made this sprite sheet in MS Paint for a Java project, and MS Paint is a very awesome program. (You can check out the game here, walk around, smack a tree or chest - see readme) But MS Paint can't use awesome plugin tools you find for different effects like PS, so I had to come over to the Dark Side And for the animation, I probably don't want to go with .gifv because, like you've demonstrated, it doesn't embed well in websites like a normal .gif would. But .gif's are getting way better these days, even with many frames of animation. Check out this example, [R-DEV] Mineral's PR sig: Believe it or not, that .gif is only 235 Kilobytes! And it's 43 frames of very smooth animation. I've seen some others around the internets as well, very cool stuff. I think I might work on an A-10 next, firing the GAU-8 nose cannon kinda slow motion like Mineral's sig.
  14. No, it was not. So, I've been checking the website here today several times, as I've been trying to get back into all of this, and the only hint that another quick patch update was slipped in was a small reply to this update thread that has been used for bug reporting in Then you won't have to wait for 15 hours for a simple 2 minute incremental patch update. Was helping my elderly mother in her garden today, and checking the website frequently. I would have welcomed a short break. Just sayin. Server Updated to
  15. I've had a love/hate relationship with Photoshop for years - I hate it, and it loves to make me furious. I always end up closing it and slapping together something less ambitious and more simple in MS Office Publisher... until now... I've wanted to make one of these "pop-out" vehicle pictures forever, and I love those animated ones even more. I'd like to add a waving to the exhaust blur or flashing lights, just a frame or two, but for now I am so happy I was able to do everything I wanted and more (even thinner feathering on the bottom and left margins than the top and right). It's a little tall for a sig pic, but I'm gonna get into making more of these - this was actually fun and that's not something I'm used to saying about spending time with Photoshop. I think I might love it now (still hate Adobe, of course) A BMS pilot named Hechter took the original screenshot, and had already edited it a bit in PS:
  16. This isn't a war, it's a moider! When will the killing end?! Geez, Martin... take it down a notch. I highly doubt Jersans meant any disrespect to the real world troubles going on regarding this gun, and the actual real people in the Forest Guard, or their plight missing the spotlight of the mainstream media and the bleeding hearts. Let's not damn him to hell for finding a foreign concept humorous. I bet there are a number of specific specialized protection forces around the world that would make any one of us laugh briefly without meaning to disrespect the actual troubles going in their neck of the woods. Yes, real people in the armed forces fight and die everyday all over the world. Not all of it is widely known for simple lack of coverage. All of this is very dark. When people make jokes or find humor in something, it just means they are trying to lighten it up a bit. This world can use humor and light. Have a look at these soldiers behaving very soldierly and serious in these very real, very ridiculous traditional uniforms, and try not to find humor in this dark world full of secret wars and unknown soldiers:
  17. Not sure how this one fell off the radar... We're gonna give you one last chance. Before you even step foot on the server, be sure you have read AND understand our Server Rules. The VG PR COOP is a very structured game with many specific rules governing who can use which vehicles, and if you cannot wrap your head around it on Day 1, I suggest you stick to playing Infantry in a squad (and stick with your squad, and obey your squad leader). We are not a training server, we expect players to learn how to operate vehicles offline, and also to hold their fire in-game if they cannot properly identify friend from foe. We expect accidental teamkills to be few and far between, and promptly followed by a genuine and sincere apology; carelessness will not be tolerated in our game. Just FYI. You will be watched over the coming weeks, and any intentional violation of our rules will reinstate the ban permanently. To be clear: this is your LAST chance! /Unbanned
  18. Servers updated and back online - post up here if mumble is not working or any other problems are found. Thank you
  19. The VG PR Server(s) are updated and the COOP is back online. Post errors or bugs here
  20. I've never used a second line on my taskbar, but I use accessibility options on my touchscreen laptop to make icons and the taskbar huge and they can get forced to two lines - in that scenario, I could drag the taskbar height if I didn't want to scroll it. Though it's still frustrating, I have found reasons to like the new Windows 10 start menu (after plenty of modifications) and I can group my many frequently used programs and games more easily than in past Win OS versions. I particularly like that I can group all my Adobe icons into one icon that expands when I click it. Really jives with my OCD. Of course, on that note, there are icons that don't play nicely like the FireFox one with it's odd blue background (I could probably customize it if it really bothered me that much, though).
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