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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Welcome back, bro! I've also been playing a bit of PR again lately, I could complain all day about the old school graphics or the technical mechanics of the bots, but in the end, it's the teamwork and cooperation with others that makes VG PR COOP so much fun - the sort of place you can lose yourself for 8 hours like it was five minutes. Good fun! See you around!
  2. Your options are based on where you happen to live. You don't get to choose your electric company, or your water company, and if you want the fastest internet, in most major cities in America, you're going with a major telecom company who laid the lines (and one per major city, the big boys don't compete on the same turf). If you are going with some other ISP in the area, if I am not mistaken, they may well be a re-seller on the same infrastructure, meaning your true "choice" in high-speed cable internet is a bit of an illusion. Smaller areas have fewer choices, in the end, shit rolls downhill. If the big ISP's start pulling this crap, everyone will fall in line. Like I said before, they'll be charging for the internet coming, going, and in-between as well. Of course you could always go with satellite internet.... For me in my city, it's Time Warner (Comcast) holding the power - spend an hour on the phone with these pricks and you'll have as little faith in "fair businesses regulating themselves" as I do.
  3. I don't know where the hell you are coming from (aside from the fact that you stated where you came from and where you are now) When you say those things as if government regulation of industry is a bad thing, when in fact it is absolutely necessary in at least some level of monitoring and oversight, I have no clue where you are coming from. This doesn't mean handing over control of these things completely to the government, but it does allow for fair and equitable business practices to be enforced, and a whole host of other important factors to be determined not solely by the business itself. In all industries, it is common to have some level of regulation. There must be some middle ground. It's been proven that greedy ass businessmen would do any number of immoral or unjust things in order to make money, and they cannot all be trusted to act in a right manner. You say these things as if you've studied American history, so you may already know. This country has been fighting back the Baron's for hundreds of years, and only through blood, sweat, and tears have we come to some sort of equitable state of what we call freedom in our democracy - a freedom that includes a degree of government regulation in nearly all industries. It certainly is not perfect, and could use plenty of work, but when an organized group of bully businesses attempt to pull this kind of crap, it isn't hard to boil it down to what we all know is just another attempt at a market share cash grab, and I could give a damn if they think it's better for the internet to be segregated between the "fast" and "slow" lanes. I'll say it again, it's Un-American. It goes against the freedom we now enjoy on the internet. I do not believe the ISP's should have this level of control over the specific traffic on their infrastructure. I could come up with a million reasons, but I could also point your attention to the links I've posted. Have you even read this thing? Do you even know what Title II does for us Americans? It prevents these greedy ISP's from "charging consumers more money in exchange for not reducing their Internet speed". That is damn important enough for me as a dyed-in-the-wool tax paying & voting American to oppose this deceptively named "Restore Internet Freedom Act" aimed directly at my already light wallet. You seem to assume that, while I'm no government loving political party enthusiast, I am a fool to think my government can be a savior to me at times, that some of the regulations my government puts on industries here help us greatly. You're talking to a disabled American here. For years, I could not even get health insurance if I had cash in hand, my friend. If I worked my 40 hours a week back when I worked, when I punched my time clock just like everyone else, I was unable to get the same health insurance (or any) as my co-workers - I had the money, just like they did. I could not get regular medical care. I had a pre-existing condition; I messed my body up a bit when I was a young man, still living with my family under their health insurance. When I went to live MY life on my own, my condition prevented me from ever getting health care again. Over 15 years without a doctor. Then the government stepped in and made it so I, and so many more like me, could actually get insurance and health care. A little regulation and the system is more fair - things could always be better, tweaked, fixed, amended. But I can enjoy some of the same freedoms as my fellow Americans now.
  4. ...only if you lost your current Windows product key. It is not a "per motherboard" license, you can reinstall it again and again. I got Windows 10 Home for $120 digital download online at NewEgg. They still have Win7 if you lost your key (or other reasons).
  5. Wow - that is an impressive tool! Should be able to use the SSD section to review your actual SSD speeds. I knew I had a decent gaming PC, so was expecting a decent score - but what is most impressive is that you can use this tool to analyze which components are under-performing or even bottlenecking the PC. I built my own PC from parts I spent months researching, and not everyone has that time or technical know-how to build a PC out of the better components on the market. That website and tool make it easy to see which components are the fastest on the market and worth investing in, from SSD's through CPU's and Graphics Cards as well. I'll probably come back to that site when it's time to upgrade components because it's list of parts sorted by performance is easier to read than the many articles on Tom's Hardware. It seems my Gaming PC is a "Battle Cruiser" (5th highest rating) which means that out of 100 computers with similar configurations, only 38 of them outperform my gaming PC. http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/4323037 I was also able to identify a serious speed problem with my 2TB Documents drive - gonna see if there is a missing driver update or something; or maybe I can review my SATA ports to ensure my fastest drives are on 6Gb/s connections as appropriate. I might have just connected them all willy nilly and I might not be getting the best speed because the drive is only connected to one of the 3Gb/s SATA connections. So, with their comparison builder, you can see your current build, and tweak a few items to see where you can improve -- if I were to change my i5-4690k to the i7-4790k and my GTX 970 to the 1070, use a better set of RAM, I'd see a serious performance boost up to "Nuclear Submarine". This comparison section of that site is VERY helpful: http://www.userbenchmark.com/PCBuilder/Custom/S9109-M11612.14719.1478.1305.89932vsS5175-M11601.141989.1478.1305.90080?tab=MBD zero - don't be modest - all our PC's, even the good ones, have parts that could use an upgrade; after a few years, all parts tend to lag behind and what was a killer system becomes just another PC. Would love to see your results, we may be able to find small places where you can affordably upgrade it to eliminate bottlenecks or to get the most out of the PC without completely replacing it.
  6. Cool! You fly that big bird to it's destination? I can guarantee all those poor passengers would be screaming for their lives if I were to give it a go! My sim license only covers F-16's which fly way faster than airliners, and the A-10C's which fly slower than that ground crewman loading baggage (if he were to flap his arms really fast).
  7. No, not completely, though I will admit it is a bit of a stretch. The Slip N Slide is Netflix, a company or third party product that relies solely on the infrastructure created by the owners of the infrastructure, and puts a larger than standard usage on that infrastructure. The supply does not meet the demand, and this is the situation they see - this Act is not targeted at the peering agreements so much as it is aimed at sectioning off the very traffic itself in order to make more money off of the new "smaller pieces of pie" they have in mind. The Netflix Data Server Farms already pay their internet bill, if it's not enough, raise the damn bill. I already pay MY internet bill to allow me to USE the Netflix, if it's not enough, raise my damn bill. That is where the "fees" need to stop. These ISP's have no right to make the money coming, going, and also in-between. While most every other developed country connects to the world wide web the same way as every other individual connection, further division of the traffic on the infrastructure into fast and slow lanes will only benefit the company who owns the infrastructure, and other rich companies that can afford to take priority on the internet over the small guy, perhaps a start up small business for example. This is outright un-American. Allowing those companies more fortunate than others to monopolize the "real" speed of the internet puts them at an unfair advantage over companies that may be just starting or having a difficult period of growth.
  8. With Windows 10 you may want to be sure you have the correct drivers installed to ensure your SSD is performing at it's stated speeds. I've had a terrible time trying to get proper speeds out of my secondary SSD's since I switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10. If you google the problem "windows 10 slow ssd speed" you will find a number of articles and posts, many with different solutions. I tried many myself with no success before giving up and dealing with inconsistent SSD speeds. You can get technical and get some actual speed data using the Event Viewer I believe, but I've forgotten the method. There are also third party tools that can give you the actual speeds so you can see if you are getting the 540MB/s read speed that SSD is capable of.
  9. =VG= SemlerPDX

    Im gone!

    Lemme guess: It was during off hours, there were disruptive players who required an Admin, but there was no Admin online at the time. Then TeeJay001 has the realization that he COULD be an admin and handle the situation himself, but he lost his Admin powers due to his own actions during his time as an Admin. The frustration of knowing he used to be able to handle such disruptions but will forever have to rely on OTHER Admins or the !R report system now makes him feel it is not worth playing on our server because he is often online when there are no VG Admins on the server. Life is all about our choices and actions, and the consequences of our choices and actions. Teejay001, you may be frustrated by this situation, but you own it. It is entirely of your own making. Had you been the upstanding player that we know you CAN be 100% of the time, you would still be a PR Admin here, and would be able to clean up the server when you play during off-hours where no other Admins are online. These are just video games - our hobby time. Real life is not so forgiving, and the consequences of one false move or saying the wrong thing to someone can have dire results. Take the lesson here, where it's safe, and apply it to your real life before you burn bridges during a period of "frustration" that cannot be rebuilt in the real world. We like you - you are a fun person to play with (when you are in a good mood, and we're all joking and having fun!) - but we cannot take ownership of a situation you put yourself in. Best wishes, bro!
  10. https://dearfcc.org/ also https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/proceedings?q=name:((17-108))
  11. =VG= SemlerPDX

    Hvar, Croatia

    Beautiful pic, bro! Nice calm water like glass!!
  12. Not sure that metering a connection for the purpose of charging an appropriate fee for the rate of usage is the same thing as what they have in mind with metering and throttling traffic in the Restore Internet Freedom Act. The most important difference being that businesses, schools, and government facilities are all on equal speed lanes of traffic and there is no prioritization model governing that traffic at this time; this Act will change the current internet landscape far more than just giving the ISP's more power over charging businesses for internet connection and data transfer usages. It goes against the very concept of internet freedom as it is today. Again, going by the water utility analogy, obviously the Fire Department may use more water than a residential customer, and therefore it's right that their usage is logged so an appropriate fee can be charged. It's also very important that they have access to water for emergencies BUT... they do not have a switch to turn off or limit all the rest of the water customers (residential users) so that the Fire Department has all the water they need, and everyone else come second (possibly losing water pressure in their homes). It is all still equal and all have the same freedom to use water for whatever they wish without any oversight. There is no one deciding that because the Water Park pays more money, they will have priority access over the rest of the people on the same infrastructure. Should the Water Company directly go after the makers of the Slip N Slide because their product causes an inordinate use of their service and taxes their infrastructure? Because of services like Neflix, many people purchase a home internet connection. This alone should compensate the companies who maintain that infrastructure. I could check my email on my phone, but I'd be pushing to get my internet installed at a new home quickly for my Netflix, for sure! Many more people have high-speed home internet connection subscriptions now due to the popularity of websites such as Netflix, YouTube, Twitch, Hulu, Amazon, and so many more. Of course, because of Neflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video, I shut off my cable TV from the same company, so I guess they are losing money. Would make sense for them to raise my internet bill each month, but that's the limit of the control they should have over my use of the service I pay them for. Thoughts?
  13. Thank you for the helpful post! I've always had such terrible success with STT software profiles. Once I even got my mini-stick "mouse cursor" on the throttle to work as the Radar Cursor in Falcon BMS by using Bands - now I cannot get it to work at all, and if it does, the cursor moves constantly to one side of the FCR. I do not use Rudder Pedals so I must keep my X52 Twist Rudder working for Yaw Control and therefore I cannot assign that axis to the Radar Cursor for the mini-stick. BLuDKLoT has the same problem. My only workaround is to use Direct X mapping and shift-states to have all my HAT switches working and that way I cannot use my mini-stick X52 "mouse cursor" for anything at all. I wonder if this timing fix will make it possible to use STT Profile with mini-stick Bands that do not move the cursor without input. I'll have to do some testing soon. Thanks again!
  14. Our Internet Freedom is Under Attack (again)!! NET NEUTRALITY: ACT NOW OR THEY WILL WIN! "The internet is a utility, like water or electricity." -TB The water company has no right to charge you more or less depending on what you use water for. It has no right to prioritize water accessibility to companies over residences, and therefore it is a fair utility system. Congress wants to abolish this level of fairness on the internet. They have created a deliberately misleading name for their newest Act aimed at destroying the fairness and freedom of the internet. The "Restoring Internet Freedom Act" will do just the opposite of what it's name implies - it will remove the internet freedom we now enjoy. It will allow internet service providers such as Comcast to throttle your residential internet speed in favor of companies and advertisers who pay more to have priority access to the same internet lines. By selling the "fast lanes of traffic" to companies, you will be subjugated to much slower lanes of internet traffic, and will notice a clear decrease in your internet speed. When we talk about online gaming, this means you will have a massive increase in Latency which is the primary cause of "lag" - noticed in game when you dive behind a solid wall to avoid getting shot, only to get riddled with bullets anyway because you were not behind the wall when you though you were (you arrived later, based on your internet latency). Any increase in this latency and we will be going backwards in time with regards to the improvements we've seen in online gaming over the past 10+ years here in America. ACT NOW!! If you live in the United States, you must act now to help protect Net Neutrality and our internet freedoms. Thousands of Comcast bots have reportedly pushed the United States Congress to believe that consumers WANT a throttled internet that favors Companies, Corporations, and Advertisers over residential consumers (all of us). Using these duplicitous means, Comcast and others have twisted the facts and impressed opinions upon our Government that do not represent the true opinions and values of the American public. SAVE THE WHALES! (so we can torture and murder them for reality tv?) Using a name for their act such as, "Restore Internet Freedom", is the lowest form of deception! It is like to forcing Apple loving people to take Oranges out of a bag labeled "Bag of Apples". No one should be stupid enough to fall for such childish tactics, but the supporters of this Act do not give the American public much credit at all. The Restore Internet Freedom Act will remove the freedom you now enjoy on the internet - you currently enjoy the same rights and speeds and priorities of everyone else on the internet, including businesses, schools, and government facilities. If this Act passes, you will LOSE your internet freedom and the power will shift to companies and organizations who can afford to pay for priority traffic and speed. FREE TO PAY! If the incorrectly named "Restore Internet Freedom Act" passes, you will only gain the freedom to pay more for the same speed you currently enjoy as these Internet Service Providers restructure their subscriber agreements into two clearly defined speed groups where the residential customer (us) has no option to pay (even if they were able to) at the same level as a commercial customer and can never afford the same priority traffic lanes on the internet. Right now, you notice nothing because the packets of info you send through the internet to access a website, or play a game online, travel alongside everyone else's packets at the speed of the lines inbetween. If this Act passes, your packets will get passed as well - they may be pushed to the side to allow for more "important" packets to move along internet lines. This is irrespective of any necessity; your packets could arrive too late causing problems (for gaming, this is Lag) and to minimize this you will be encouraged to pay your ISP for a higher level of access. In the end, though, you will not be able to pay for the level of access commercial customers enjoy, you will always have a tier over you that has priority access. What is this priority access speed like? EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE NOW! And what you have NOW will be GONE if the Restore Internet Freedom Act passes -- you will have the speed you remember from years ago; you will have inconsistent speeds and irregular latency -- a horrible step backwards in internet connectivity for all of us. What should I do? AMERICANS: DO THIS FOR YOURSELF NOW - RIGHT NOW - THIS MINUTE! (I did it - it takes just a few minutes to do) Go here to join the petition and protest the removal of Net Neutrality rules: https://www.battleforthenet.com/july12/ Go to this website to send a message to the FCC: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/07/net-neutrality-allies-send-16-million-comments-fcc ( https://dearfcc.org/ ) Go to this website and scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom, just above the footer is this: ( https://netneutrality.internetassociation.org/action/ ) (I've linked this pic to the "Let's Go" button, just click the pic & follow the instructions on the pic to send a comment directly to the FCC) ( Mashable article ) “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke The video game industry revenues in 2016 for the United States were estimated at $23.5 billion. This industry is driven by the residential consumers who use the internet to access content and interact with others through online gaming and other services available only over the internet. Currently, the largest limiting factor for successful online gaming is the latency of a persons internet connection to that online game at any given second. Often measured in milliseconds, this delay of information packets arriving at their destination has steadily gone down thanks to new technological developments and internet infrastructure upgrades over the years. By abolishing the Net Neutrality that Americans now enjoy, ISP's will have the ability to de-prioritize residential consumer internet traffic, favoring commercial consumers and therefore limiting the ability of the residential consumer to interact in the same way on the internet. This will directly impact the latency of residential customers as their internet traffic is subject to slower lanes thereby decreasing the quality of their internet experience, and could directly influence their decision to purchase or support any online gaming industry products. Online services currently enjoy success derived from the ease and speed with which consumers can access their services, and if an ISP can limit that speed favoring other customers, popularity and revenues from such services may decline significantly. An industry that counts on taking advantage of the latest technological developments or the newly available internet standards in America will suffer from the inability to cater to the needs of their consumer base, namely the online video game player. Popularity in general could drop due to the unreliability that a lack of Title II Net Neutrality rules could pose to an online game player's internet connection in an online game or internet service. Check out this video by The Cynical Brit himself, TotalBiscuit: For these reasons and more, it is of great importance for America to keep the internet an equal place for everyone. We must fight to keep Title II Net Neutrality rules in place!
  15. Our Internet Freedom is Under Attack (again)!! NET NEUTRALITY: ACT NOW OR THEY WILL WIN! "The internet is a utility, like water or electricity." -TB The water company has no right to charge you more or less depending on what you use water for. It has no right to prioritize water accessibility to companies over residences, and therefore it is a fair utility system. Congress wants to abolish this level of fairness on the internet. They have created a deliberately misleading name for their newest Act aimed at destroying the fairness and freedom of the internet. The "Restoring Internet Freedom Act" will do just the opposite of what it's name implies - it will remove the internet freedom we now enjoy. It will allow internet service providers such as Comcast to throttle your residential internet speed in favor of companies and advertisers who pay more to have priority access to the same internet lines. By selling the "fast lanes of traffic" to companies, you will be subjugated to much slower lanes of internet traffic, and will notice a clear decrease in your internet speed. When we talk about online gaming, this means you will have a massive increase in Latency which is the primary cause of "lag" - noticed in game when you dive behind a solid wall to avoid getting shot, only to get riddled with bullets anyway because you were not behind the wall when you though you were (you arrived later, based on your internet latency). Any increase in this latency and we will be going backwards in time with regards to the improvements we've seen in online gaming over the past 10+ years here in America. ACT NOW!! If you live in the United States, you must act now to help protect Net Neutrality and our internet freedoms. Thousands of Comcast bots have reportedly pushed the United States Congress to believe that consumers WANT a throttled internet that favors Companies, Corporations, and Advertisers over residential consumers (all of us). Using these duplicitous means, Comcast and others have twisted the facts and impressed opinions upon our Government that do not represent the true opinions and values of the American public. SAVE THE WHALES! (so we can torture and murder them for reality tv?) Using a name for their act such as, "Restore Internet Freedom", is the lowest form of deception! It is like to forcing Apple loving people to take Oranges out of a bag labeled "Bag of Apples". No one should be stupid enough to fall for such childish tactics, but the supporters of this Act do not give the American public much credit at all. The Restore Internet Freedom Act will remove the freedom you now enjoy on the internet - you currently enjoy the same rights and speeds and priorities of everyone else on the internet, including businesses, schools, and government facilities. If this Act passes, you will LOSE your internet freedom and the power will shift to companies and organizations who can afford to pay for priority traffic and speed. FREE TO PAY! If the incorrectly named "Restore Internet Freedom Act" passes, you will only gain the freedom to pay more for the same speed you currently enjoy as these Internet Service Providers restructure their subscriber agreements into two clearly defined speed groups where the residential customer (us) has no option to pay (even if they were able to) at the same level as a commercial customer and can never afford the same priority traffic lanes on the internet. Right now, you notice nothing because the packets of info you send through the internet to access a website, or play a game online, travel alongside everyone else's packets at the speed of the lines inbetween. If this Act passes, your packets will get passed as well - they may be pushed to the side to allow for more "important" packets to move along internet lines. This is irrespective of any necessity; your packets could arrive too late causing problems (for gaming, this is Lag) and to minimize this you will be encouraged to pay your ISP for a higher level of access. In the end, though, you will not be able to pay for the level of access commercial customers enjoy, you will always have a tier over you that has priority access. What is this priority access speed like? EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE NOW! And what you have NOW will be GONE if the Restore Internet Freedom Act passes -- you will have the speed you remember from years ago; you will have inconsistent speeds and irregular latency -- a horrible step backwards in internet connectivity for all of us. What should I do? AMERICANS: DO THIS FOR YOURSELF NOW - RIGHT NOW - THIS MINUTE! (I did it - it takes just a few minutes to do) Go here to join the petition and protest the removal of Net Neutrality rules: https://www.battleforthenet.com/july12/ Go to this website to send a message to the FCC: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/07/net-neutrality-allies-send-16-million-comments-fcc ( https://dearfcc.org/ ) Go to this website and scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom, just above the footer is this: ( https://netneutrality.internetassociation.org/action/ ) (I've linked this pic to the "Let's Go" button, just click the pic & follow the instructions on the pic to send a comment directly to the FCC) ( Mashable article ) “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke The video game industry revenues in 2016 for the United States were estimated at $23.5 billion. This industry is driven by the residential consumers who use the internet to access content and interact with others through online gaming and other services available only over the internet. Currently, the largest limiting factor for successful online gaming is the latency of a persons internet connection to that online game at any given second. Often measured in milliseconds, this delay of information packets arriving at their destination has steadily gone down thanks to new technological developments and internet infrastructure upgrades over the years. By abolishing the Net Neutrality that Americans now enjoy, ISP's will have the ability to de-prioritize residential consumer internet traffic, favoring commercial consumers and therefore limiting the ability of the residential consumer to interact in the same way on the internet. This will directly impact the latency of residential customers as their internet traffic is subject to slower lanes thereby decreasing the quality of their internet experience, and could directly influence their decision to purchase or support any online gaming industry products. Online services currently enjoy success derived from the ease and speed with which consumers can access their services, and if an ISP can limit that speed favoring other customers, popularity and revenues from such services may decline significantly. An industry that counts on taking advantage of the latest technological developments or the newly available internet standards in America will suffer from the inability to cater to the needs of their consumer base, namely the online video game player. Popularity in general could drop due to the unreliability that a lack of Title II Net Neutrality rules could pose to an online game player's internet connection in an online game or internet service. Check out this video by The Cynical Brit himself, TotalBiscuit: For these reasons and more, it is of great importance for America to keep the internet an equal place for everyone. We must fight to keep Title II Net Neutrality rules in place! (join the discussion here: http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/forums/topic/8083-americans-act-now-your-net-neutrality-is-under-fire-again/ )
  16. That is indeed strange. I can say that I've never seen that in all my years of managing that server. I suppose all we can do is a restart. Thanks!
  17. This is one of the reasons I love Elite Dangerous! The freedom to fly around and check stuff out, land and search a lunar surface for some material that can be used to make the ship faster/better; most games you can do a little "exploring" but then there's no main rewards for it - just a side trip off the sandbox stories. In Elite, you could do all your ranking up and gain all of your cash just by exploring, if you wanted. Gotta love the eye candy!!
  18. I'm back from vacation, and Melon messaged me. I've found the problem, but I'll need to take down the PR server for 5-15 minutes or so to fix it. The server is in the middle of Peak Hours right now, 24/40 players, and it's mostly working great. Aside from the above mentioned map, and possibly a few you've not yet noticed (but trust me, there would be others). My plan is to fix it later today when the server has died down a bit. Tomorrow is OPFOR Friday, so you'll be able to play Vadso (blufor) on Saturday. Server map problem is fixed. Tested Vadso before the OPFOR Rotation went live. Vadso STD worked fine, ran around on the Carrier a bit, jumped off and went for a swim. Seemed okay.
  19. If Melon is around, let him know. You can simply remove the entry from each of the Maplist files in the several folders we use. Leave the OPFOR map list alone. Might run a test to see if alt or large have the same problem.
  20. Windows 10 Home here, no problems with Mumble since the update. Is the problem OS version specific? It seems random...
  21. VG Guide for New Windows 10 Users Why I made this guide: I created this guide to help my friends avoid all the web searching to fix, improve, or change all of these Windows 10 options. Microsoft Windows 10 is an Operating System that thinks your awesome Gaming PC is a smart phone, and it is your Big Brother that has everything you need because it knows what you want, because it knows what you do. In the past, this was a private and secret relationship between you and your PC, but your Big Brother will read your emails now and gabs about all that private stuff with Big Daddy Microsoft to help "improve" your "experience". Quote-y fingers strongly implied. As your Big Brother, Win10 know best - it will turn off your PC and restart it when it thinks the next 3.2kb Windows Update is more important than anything you as a mere User of the PC may consider important. You will need to put in some work to wrest control of your PC back, and doing so may cause more work for you down the road as you manually update Windows or manually add newly installed programs to permissions lists for Privacy and control purposes. Again, thinking that it's an operating system installed on a phone, Microsoft Windows 10 Brand programs are called "apps". Many come installed with Windows 10, and many more are available on the Microsoft Store. I couldn't tell you what is there because I've never had a reason to open it, though I'm certain it's trying to be another Android App Store packed with free and paid "apps" with plenty of questionable permissions and underwhelming content. It is worth noting that you do not need a Microsoft Account to use Windows 10 and nearly all of it's features. If you use email through your web browser like most people, or if you don't use your computer to manage your contacts or xbox account(s), you'll be able to use Windows 10 without ever creating or signing in to Microsoft. And if you think you need to use Minecraft Windows 10 Edition and therefore create/sign in to Microsoft, you should re-examine why you would use that version of Minecraft: you cannot join "normal" Minecraft servers or third-party servers, it doesn't support mods, or Realms, and is not required to play Minecraft in VR. Changing Windows 10 Behavior, Privacy Settings, and Default Apps Open Settings -> Privacy - Review the 13 screens: The most important starting point is the Windows 10 Privacy Settings screen. Here, there are 13 tabs along the left side for the many screens you should review. I've found that for my PC use, nearly every option is set to Off. Near the bottom are a few that are important and should remain On. Open the Start Menu and type Settings, then press Enter. Click on the Privacy icon. The section "Other devices" has a sub-section called "Use trusted devices" which may contain certain devices you'll want apps to use. Leave this On, unless you have reason to kill it. Background apps are programs that run, or can run, at any time or all the time. This is helpful for programs such as the Weather App which keeps the Weather Tab on the Start Menu updated, but for performance, privacy and even security, it's best to monitor and limit the programs you allow to run in the background on your PC. Personally, I only have Windows Defender, Weather, and Photos allowed to run in the background. Under "Background apps", you may want certain apps to be allowed while others should be turned off so they are only running when you activate them manually, and you should set these before continuing. App diagnostics is the final tab at the bottom, and the final Privacy settings screen. In most setups, most apps should be allowed to access diagnostic information, but if there are any apps that need permission to access this, they will appear on a list on this screen and you can set them as you wish. WiFi Sharing and HotSpot Hosting: Most PC's have an Ethernet cable connection for internet, but some may have a WiFi adapter as well - and of course, most every Laptop has both. You can turn off WiFi under the WiFi settings screen if you use a wired connection. Windows 10 also has a WiFi Sharing feature called Mobile Hotspot that allows your PC to become a WiFi Hotspot for other devices, and it is turned on by default for all Windows 10 users. You may want to disable this on a PC, or you should review & set this accordingly if you have a Laptop. If you don't use Hotspots or networks shared by your Contacts, turn off these settings here as well. Finally, select "Change advanced sharing options" under the Control Panel to review and set these options as appropriate for your PC use, I have all of them off. You can find a link to this under the WiFi tab - scroll down to the "Related settings" section and select "Change advanced sharing options". Disable Microsoft Windows EDGE Internet Browser: One of the best features of Windows 7 over Windows XP was the ability to press the Windows key to bring up the Start Menu so you could begin typing the name of a program, file, or even some of the contents of a file, and have them appear on the list of the Start Menu. With Windows 10, attempting to perform this action has the chance to search the internet through the Microsoft EDGE Internet Browser and Bing when no sufficient result is displayed on the *first* Start Menu search screen. This is because Windows 10 has separated the Start Menu search into 3 categories called "apps", "documents", and "settings". The default search will only look for apps and files on the local C:\ drive, and if you use multiple Hard Drives and SSD's, you will need to click the Documents Tab at the top after typing what you are searching for; otherwise when you press Enter to search, Microsoft EDGE will open up to search for your file/item on the internet through Bing. For this reason, and plenty of others, it's helpful to disable the Microsoft EDGE Internet Browser if you use Google Chrome, FireFox, or another Web Browser to view the internet. Of course, MS won't let you simply turn off or uninstall their premier browser, so we have to get creative. Navigate to the folder and rename it to anything different and Windows will be unable to start it due to an internal file path error. Navigate to and then Rename this Windows folder: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe to anything else, such as this: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe_DISABLED Stop Microsoft from Spying on your Email & Activity in ALL Your Web Browsers: Microsoft has a secret hidden setting for displaying Microsoft Ad content and tracking in your Web Browser whether you use Chrome, Firefox, etc. This invasive feature will literally read your email text, such as Gmail in a Google Chrome Web Browser, in order to "create a more customized online experience". To disable this feature, or "opt out" of this "Microsoft Advertising Experience", you must open your internet browser and go to the link below - on the right, Turn Off each of the options. Do this in every one of your web browsers, and be sure you temporarily disable any ad-blocker or pop-up blockers to ensure the page is displayed correctly and that the setting change goes through. Okay, it's not a secret and it's barely hidden, but I'm spitefully calling it that due to the fact that this should have been an option under Settings in Privacy. The installed web browsers could have been listed just as Windows 10 lists Apps that want to run in the background, or access Diagnostic information, with an individual Off/On slider just like every other option under Privacy Settings already, just like the secret hidden opt-out webpage. https://choice.microsoft.com/en-gb/opt-out Stop Windows 10 from Updating & Restarting your PC or Limit when it can: Windows 10 Updates are invasive and annoying. The PC will be restarting itself whenever a new update arrives, and it can cause problems. You can limit this behavior in the settings by having Windows 10 notify you and ask when it should restart. If you want to completely stop the Updater from restarting your PC, the only resort is to disable the Windows Update service and set your internet connection to "Metered". This means when you DO wish to run through the available updates, you must re-enable the Windows Update service in the same way and disabled Metered Connection for your ethernet/WiFi. It would be a good idea to do this at least once a month, particularly if you rely on Windows Defender as a security service. By manually taking control, you have the option to perform a File & System Settings backup before any Windows Updates are installed, in case the worst happens. Let's face it, Windows ain't what it used to be, and data loss is terrible - I've up'd my Backup schedule significantly since I've switched to Windows 10 and I recommend the same to everyone, or better yet, a backup subscription service like Carbonite. If you want to Limit Windows Update: Open Settings -> Update & security -> Windows Update -> Restart Options -> Turn On the Show More Notifications option If you want to Disable Windows Update: Open Services (Press Windows Key to open Start Menu - type Services press enter) Click "Name" Category to sort by name if not already in alphabetical order Find Windows Update near the bottom - Right Click on it and select Properties Change Startup Type to Disabled and click Apply. You will need to restart your PC for changes to take effect. *It's recommended to return to Services occasionally to ensure that Windows Update remains disabled - Win10 CAN turn it back on silently with triggers! For maximum control, disable or delete all Task Scheduler Update Events and Triggers - follow instructions here: How to Disable WinUpdate Task Scheduler Events and Triggers **To fully disable ALL update activity, you must set your internet connection to "metered" - follow instructions here: How to Set Metered Connection in Win10 You will need to come back to this screen to Re-Enable Windows Updates when you wish to use the service: Ditch the Windows 10 Calculator and Re-Install Windows 7 Calculator: The Windows 10 Calculator "app" is another thing Microsoft changed for no good reason. They've separated functions into tabs, and made the font huge (again, thinking your PC is a tablet or smart phone). The Unit Conversion Tab makes it so you cannot make a conversion while looking at your calculator space and calculation history, and though this is a seemingly small gripe, adding that extra step to go back and forth between the Unit Conversion and the actual Calculator is unnecessary and cumbersome. Luckily, there's a Windows 7 calculator program for Windows 10 already, and you won't be able to tell the difference. I actually think he may have just copied the source code of the original and made it modular - or made graphical duplicates for the GUI so close it's near perfect. Windows 7 Calculator by Sergey Tkachenko: http://winaero.com/download.php?view.1795 Restore Saved Sticky Notes from Windows 7: If you used Windows Sticky Notes in Windows 7 and would like to restore or transfer them to Windows 10, you can find them in the Windows 7 AppData folder. You'll want to backup this folder (among others) before upgrading to Windows 10. Here's how to restore them into Windows 10 Sticky Notes program: Close Sticky Notes program Open File Explorer and Paste this into Address Bar to open the Sticky Notes folder: %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState Create a new folder there called: Legacy Find your old Sticky Notes backup file from Windows 7: C:\Users\(YOUR NAME)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt Paste your old StickyNotes.snt file into the new Legacy folder Rename StickyNotes.snt to ThresholdNotes.snt Start the Sticky Notes program - it will restore all old notes, which could take awhile depending on the number of notes. Remove Default Apps with Windows PowerShell: Many Windows 10 Apps come pre-installed, and whether you use them or not, they will get updates, run in the background, or even access the internet from time to time. Some of these can simply be un-installed in the normal fashion, but others must be manually removed through Windows PowerShell. This is a simple Command Prompt style interface that allows you to manipulate a number of Windows functions, and here we can use it to get rid of the useless baggage that Windows 10 comes bloated with. I'll note that though I use the old Windows 7 Calculator program, I haven't bothered to remove the Windows 10 Calculator. Also, I use the Weather App that is shown as a button on my Start Menu. This isn't an "un-install everything" list, though you can remove everything at your own discretion; Go through and remove the ones you personally do not want. If you want to get something back through Windows PowerShell, you will need to run the "Restore All" command listed below, and once again remove certain items you do not want. Only Apps that can be removed through Windows PowerShell are listed here: Open Windows Start Menu and type PowerShell, right click on it and select Run As Administrator (copy and paste these commands ONE BY ONE into PowerShell and press Enter) Get-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowscalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowscamera* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *officehub* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *skypeapp* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *getstarted* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowsmaps* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *solitairecollection* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *bingfinance* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *zunevideo* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *bingnews* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *onenote* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowsphone* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *windowsstore* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *bingsports* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *soundrecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *bingweather* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage To ReInstall All of these Apps, use this command: Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”} Changing Windows 10 Look and Appearance Change Start Menu and Taskbar Look: You can change the items that appear on the Start Menu under settings as well. Remove useless features you don't use and de-clutter the Start Menu here. Settings -> Personalization -> Start Below the Start options screen is the Taskbar screen. Review and adjust settings here before proceeding. If you use Multiple Monitors, you may want to limit the Taskbar to one particular monitor and you can do that here. Settings -> Personalization -> Taskbar Change Notification Settings for Pop-ups: Windows 10 won't stop with the pop-ups. Every little thing seems to get a notification pop-up these days, and you can limit this behavior in the settings. Review the notification settings and set as appropriate for your uses - I have them off completely. You can also change which "Quick Action" buttons appear on the taskbar notifications tab in this screen. Settings -> System -> Notifications & actions Windows 7 had a nice Window Snapping function, but Windows 10 can't let an unbroken system remain unfixed. You may find that trying to snap a Window to the left, right, or top of the screen resizing all nearby windows as well. Very frustrating when you're just trying to move a single window like a webpage or pdf document. You can disable this "resizing of adjacent snapped windows" under System Settings. Multi-Monitor users will want to review these settings carefully. Settings -> System -> Multitasking A note about editing the Windows Registry Keys The rest of the modifications I've listed here required modifying or creating Registry Keys, and you must be careful when working with the Registry. You can very easily follow these instructions and copy/paste the Registry Paths that I include and the Key names directly from this guide. There is no harm in what I have listed. But every instruction telling people to work with the Registry must include a note of caution. Follow instructions to the letter, if something doesn't look right, ask a question before proceeding. Do not worry, though, as I followed these instructions as I've written them myself and my Windows 10 PC is working AND looking great! To open RegEdit, open the Start Menu and type RegEdit, press enter to open this program - copy the HKEY path from the parts of this guide below with your mouse and paste it into the address bar of RegEdit, then press enter to go there. This is how you navigate to an HKEY entry in the Windows Registry. The Folder View is always on the Left and the Entries on the Right. To create Entries on the Right, you Left-Click a Folder on the Left, and select New> and then choose the entry I have listed below, setting the name as I've written it. Simple. If this value already exists, just modify it's Value as instructed and press OK. Many of these settings require you to log off or restart your PC before they take effect, but you can perform all of these actions below and restart one time afterwards. Disable Windows Snap Assist (Left and Right mouse snapping) for users of MultiMonitors: Using the Mouse to drag a window to the top, left, or right margin will cause the window to "snap" there. You can achieve the same effect by holding down the Windows key and pressing the arrows on the keyboard (up, left, right, or down for "minimize") making the mouse snapping redundant or even cumbersome. Personally, I use the keyboard only so my mouse can move windows more freely. If you want to disable the Mouse Windows Snapping feature completely, an option I prefer to disable while using Multiple Monitors, you will need to modify the following Windows Registry key: Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop On the right, select DockMoving and press Enter Change the value to 0 and press OK *If the DockMoving Entry does not exist, you can create one by Right Clicking on Desktop in the left folder view, select New> String Value with the name DockMoving. Press Enter to show the Key, and set the Value to 0 (zero), and press OK Disallow Cortana Search function when you open Start Menu: If you want to disable the Windows Cortana feature about as much as it can be disabled without breaking the Windows Search function, you will need to modify the following Windows Registry key: Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search RightClick on Windows Search in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name AllowCortana. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value to 100, under Base, select Decimal - then press OK *If Windows Search does not exist when you try to navigate to that key, you will need to create it: Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows then Right Click on Windows in the left folder view, and select New> Key name this new folder (or "key") Windows Search and press Enter. Now, just like above, you can Right Click on Windows Search in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name AllowCortana. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value to 100, under Base, select Decimal - then press OK Change Inactive Window Title Bar Color: Windows 10 surprised me right away when I first started using it: the Title Bar of windows I did not have selected, like the Chrome Browser playing Neflix as I write this, was the exact same color as the Title Bar of the Window I was working with. This makes it difficult to tell which Window is currently active, and again an example of Windows 10 fixing or changing something that just didn't need to be changed. If you would like to make your inactive Windows a different color just like Windows 7, you'll need to get the HEX Value of the colors you wish to use (HEX Color Picker http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/ ) and create the following registry keys: Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM Active Window Color - ex. choose a brighter version of your desired title bar color Right Click on DWM in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name AccentColor. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value of your desired window color - then press OK *If this value already exists, just modify it's Value as shown above and press OK Inactive Window Color - ex. choose a darker/faded version of your title bar color Right Click on DWM in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name AccentColorInactive. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value of your desired window color - then press OK *If this value already exists, just modify it's Value as shown above and press OK **You must include the # symbol in this value - for example, you'd type/paste in #DBA901 to get the Gold color we use on this website. Upon re-entering the Key, you may notice the # symbol replaced by 2 letters/numbers such as ffDBA901; this is normal, it's the alpha (transparency) data of the HEX color code, usually defaulted to ff (0% transparent). You can add the ff yourself instead of the # symbol, if you want. Add Transparency to Taskbar and Start Menu: Windows 10 did away with transparency on the Taskbar and Start Menu, but you can still add it back for a great improvement of it's look. If you would like to add transparency back to your Start Menu and Taskbar, you will need to create the following registry key: Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize Right Click on Personalize in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name EnableBlurBehind. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value to 1 - then press OK *If this value already exists, just modify it's Value as shown above and press OK Increase Taskbar Transparency: If you want to increase the transparency of your Taskbar, you will need to create the following registry key: Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Right Click on Advanced in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value to 1 - then press OK *If this value already exists, just modify it's Value as shown above and press OK You will then need to open Settings -> Personalization -> Colors and toggle Transparency Effects to Off and On again. If you don't like it and want to revert to a less transparent Taskbar, change the DWORD back to a value of 0 and toggle this On/Off switch again. Better Desktop Pictures and Account Pictures: Windows 10 will transform and decrease the quality of the pictures you select for your User Profile and Desktop Background to an 85% quality JPEG. There may be some valid reasons, but they likely don't apply to most people. Our final option in this guide is to force Windows 10 to respect the resolution of the images we wish to set for our own Operating System. If you want to stop Windows 10 from downgrading the quality of your Desktop Background and Profile pictures, you will need to create or edit the following registry key: Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop Right Click on Desktop in the left folder view, select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name JPEGImportQuality. Press Enter to show the key, and set the Value to 100, under Base, select Decimal - then press OK *If this value already exists, just modify it's Value as shown above and press OK
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