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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Well said and thanks to all veterans who have served
  2. ^ what he said... if you need help getting Six Updater working (it's a wonderful program but annoying at times) just let us know and we can walk you thru it http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?24065
  3. yep I'm at a BBQ at 4pm EDT on Saturday.. so I should be around before the event to help with troubleshooting but I'm gonna have to bail on the actual mission.. sorry guys.
  4. Love the lighting effects!! My hope is that Arma 3 is more than a cosmetic upgrade from Arma 2. They really need to incorporate mod management into the game itself rather than relying on 3rd party applications like Six-Updater
  5. =VG= SavageCDN

    ARMA Mods

    lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... For this kind of doubts is better to get in TS3 and find someone to disturb and ask (Savage juju) ppffftt... I am already disturbed !crazy I know you've probably seen this but just in case: IMPORTANT NOTES: - @JayArmA2Lib directory cannot be renamed or moved - dsound.dll must reside in the root of the ArmA2 directory. Directories and Files for Installation: -- ArmA 2\ Directory -- @ACRE\ . This is the main bulk of ACRE plugin @JayArmA2Lib\ . communications and helpers for ACRE userconfig\ACRE\ . hot-key configuration dsound.dll . implementation for jayarma2lib -- Teamspeak 3 Client\plugins\ Directory -- ACRE.dll . TS3 plugin for 32-bit systems ACRE_x64.dll . TS3 plugin for 64-bit systems Make sure you are not running Teamspeak during this installation. More info here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133891-A-C-R-E-Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment-1-4-Stable-Release-Thread Just found this guide (note that you should select YES when asked if you want to enable Multiplayer features): http://www.15thmeu.net/forum/showthread.php?12091-Tutorial-Guide-How-to-install-ACE-amp-ACRE-the-RIGHT-Way-PART-1
  6. =VG= SavageCDN

    ARMA Mods

    I use both SU and Armarize as well. SU is better for sync and updating mods and we use it on the Community Arma server. It makes it much easier for players to get the right mods/versions - find the server in SU browser, create new present and install. Armarize is great if you just want to fire up Arma with some mods loaded - program is faster to start, doesn't update every 30 minutes, uses far less RAM, etc. Just make sure you use SU to download and update mods. If you let Armarize do this it will screw up SU. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?24065
  7. Sign me up however there is a small chance I will be away this coming weekend.. will know for sure by Friday AM.
  8. Sorry about Saturday guys.. my Internet was all fucked up and I broke my router in a rage. Picking up a new one today. This is why I hate it when an ISP will only give you an all-in-one router/modem device.. just sell me the damn modem and let me worry about the router!!! Looked like a successful mission gonna watch the video later today.
  9. Make sure you have everything working properly before the event (ie: ACRE and CBA). If unsure, use Six-Updater and join thru it's server browser - it will download and install everything you need. As Calv mentioned if you need assistance configuring ACRE please join in early so we can sort you out.
  10. Apologies for not making it yesterday...bit of an emergency came up.
  11. Wooz2770 LAN_WROTE ... i?m afraid i won?t be able to join, will there be an event next week? It looks like there is enough interest to do weekly events.... so !yes
  12. Ok roger thanks.. didn't end up having time yesterday to check it out.
  13. ConfusedMaster LAN_WROTE ... a question i have is whether soundmods will be tolerated by the server. Supported client mods on the server: JSRS Sounds Blastcore Visuals STHUD The server will be setup Friday afternoon (EDT) for the Saturday event - please try and join BEFORE the event to make sure your mods are working OK. HIGHLY recommend using Six-Updater to join as it will download and update any files you need (except for sound/visual.. you'll need to d/l those on your own). I will be testing the server using signature checks and BattleEye tomorrow as well, which means (if I can get it working) you will be kicked if you don't have the right version or are trying to load a mod that is not allowed by the server. If there are other sound/visual mods you would like to use please let me know by tomorrow so I can add the proper .key files to the server. Thinking of trying out stmovement as well (allows better CQB movement but never tried it myself). Edit: right...sign me up for the event too please !mental
  14. ^ Nice find added link to the ACE tips thread: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15005
  15. ^ So just like real life then? !crazy Of course... I guess I meant more for mission makers.. you can make a customized loadout for each player
  16. Noticed yesterday there is a new (to me) radio in ACRE - the 152? Also the 148 now comes in VHF and UHF flavours (or has it always been like that)?
  17. Some good forum posts here with info on ACRE and ACE http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15078 http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15005 The ever-handy LEA loadout util - works with ACE http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?20305.last
  18. LEA updated to 1.3.56 last week: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?128696-LEA-Loadout-Editor-For-ArmA-2-Combined-Operations-and-ACE-2 If we're going to be using ACE on a regular basis this is a very handy utility!!
  19. Calv LAN_WROTE ... There's a trigger in the mission that adds basic items (earplugs, medical items) to everyone at the start. I'm assuming from your post that you lost the items when respawning? Did you have any of the items/weapons you were carrying when dying after respawning or was it back to the basic stuff? Yes at least I did.. no earplugs after respawn and I don't think there were any in the crates.. or at least they had been picked clean. I can't remember if it kept weapons on respawn or not.... I think with ACE if you use the weapon respawn editor module it respawns you with the weapons/items you had at your time of death, rather than what you originally started with. I'll test it out again today and let you know.
  20. Yes my ears are still bleeding from yesterday...lol
  21. Calv LAN_WROTE ... Earplugs and batteries are only available in ACE which we haven't started using yet. Intend to keep the weapon selection quite limited partly for realism, but mainly to remove the distraction of picking what weapon to use. In future campaigns it will likely be a choice between the mk16/mk17. Once we're using ACE there is the possibility to carry two main weapons so I may add an m24 or m40 sniper rifle at that point. This will be even more of a problem once we start using ACE on a regular basis.... there are soooo many items. What about using a loadout editor like LEA or some other way of assigning a gear template to a player based on unit class? Or does ACE have a built-in way of doing this (like the weapon/ammo on respawn ACE module)? Obviously for training and so on having all items available in a crate is a must.. but for missions we do want to avoid the 20 minute "lock and load" scene if possible.
  22. Funker has lots of good vids in his channel
  23. Sorry to hear that.. hope he's doing OK
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