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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. ^ Thats OK there will be lots more I'm sure
  2. 2nd server now running ACE + ACRE with signature checks off and no battleye (still working on that bitch...lol) Password is still acre Calv's ACE trainer is available in mission list. I need someone to test joining the server with Six-updater. You'll need to delete (or rename/move) all your @ACE folders and your @ACRE, @jayarma2lib folders as well. Find the server in the SU browser, right-click, set new preset from server, then try to install/update/join. If it's working OK, SU should download and re-install ACE+ACRE.
  3. Think I want to try the Engineer role if possible... I'll see what I can do about getting ACE working on the 2nd server.. it's being a real pain....
  4. I see what you're saying but I think that's pretty much what we're doing now... events where we can practice working together as a team/squad/etc. Of course there's nothing stopping anyone from getting together in smaller groups and doing some formation or firing drills on a public server. If you're talking about having actual training missions that we create ourselves we could do something like that but it would take some planning and implementation. That being said I'd be up for it!!
  5. The only issue I can see is that you probably won't always get the same people for each event which means no guarantee your squad will all be there. We also need to learn to work together in a 'standard' way so that anyone can be in any squad and know what to do and when to do it.
  6. Thanks to Calv for the mission and to all those that made it out. I think what we are doing now could be considered 'training'.. at least that was the intent at the start. Most things will come over time.. especially things like FTL experience. Saturday was my first time leading a FT and boy do I need some more XP.
  7. Yes do the check on both OA and Arma2 in Steam library. Also are you running the 1.60 patch?
  8. OK server should be ready to go with CBA and ACRE. In Six-Updater server browser you should be able to add it as a preset and install, update and join server... SU will download and install the required mods. If you need help with this please join teamspeak BEFORE the event starts and we'll get you sorted. VETERANS-GAMING COOP | Community Event password is: acre I did have problems with getting it to work so I've disabled sig checks and battleye on that server for now. Eclipse - did you get Six-Updater installed OK?
  9. no just ACRE not Clafghan this weekend... nous pouvons amener les gens habitu?s ? utiliser la radio comm appropri?es dans le jeu
  10. ^ Eclipse you still having problems with BattleEye? I noticed you get disconnected a lot from TS.. if you have bad internet this could be why BE is kicking you from Arma servers
  11. I've uploaded the ACRE files and keys to the Clafghan server for this weekend's event... still need to setup a new cmd line and restart server which I will do this evening. Also JSRS and Blastcore keys are now added on both servers... let me know if there are any issues. Great post Semler!!
  12. JSRS and Blastcore keys added to Insurgency server.. please let me know if you have problems
  13. Check your Arma\Userconfig folder there should be an ACE folder in there with that file. If not I think you can re-download it or someone could PM it to you. This file holds all the customization settings and keys (for ACE not ACRE)
  14. I don't have much time this week but I was thinking of creating a training mission for editors. Something that others could download and then we could meet up and go over various aspects while everyone had the mission open in the editor. @Speirs - don't worry I know precious little about scripting myself.. there are lots of other things that we can go over
  15. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Are you going to set the sound and visual effects mods in the other server? Yes I will add the necessary keys to both servers
  16. I'm in I'll fiddle with getting ACRE on the server Thursday or Friday. --- Dedicated Server Installation --- A server side addon is also needed to run ACRE. This is due to the need to synchronize dropped radio's appropriately. However, the server ONLY required the @ACRE mod folder. It does *NOT* require JayArma2Lib. It is server compatible, but it is not required.
  17. There are a few people who want to do this kind of mission it seems.. I think we should work together on it. If you guys want to do the placement of editor objects and stuff like that I can take care of random AI spawning and patrols, as well as respawn or rally-point stuff if needed. Of course we would need to get together first and discuss how the mission should play out, etc. Also I was checking out ACE last night and forgot how awesome it really is.. it has lots of tools for mission makers in the form of editor-placed modules.. and.. .it comes with DAC built-in!! DAC is a very powerful AI generation script that makes your missions dynamic and random, and if we're going to be moving to ACE eventually any mission-makers will need to know the basics of how DAC works. I would be happy to show anyone who is interested.. or would you guys want to do a mission-making training session at some point?
  18. Sec[0].Key=BCCode Sec[0].Value=be Hmmm... Value should usually return a number if I'm not mistaken so hard to tell from that BSOD report. I would need to look at this file: C:\Windows\Minidump\050712-9672-01.dmp But you can also try what AB said.. remove RAM sticks one at a time and see if it still crashes. Run a test on your HDD to make sure there are no bad sectors or anything... try swapping out any other parts if possible.
  19. if it's a blackhawk down style mission Fallujah is the best option
  20. Well great job then 'cause we got fucked up in a hurry...lol At first I thought you had gotten killed on purpose to see how we handled the loss of a commander :) For that situation, does the Alpha FTL then take command of the troops? Should I have taken command being squad medic?
  21. I was the squad medic... never healed anyone and I think I might have fired 10-12 rounds total !yes At mission start I ran forward with Calv as I thought he was just going to move up to RV1 and get organized. After he got shot I hit the ground and crawled to the outskirts of the town where I linked up with Castor's squad FT1 and stuck with them moving through the town until we got ambushed and I was shot in the head. It was our own fault I think we were all looking at the map when the enemy opened fire.. good lesson there. I think this mission showed us the importance of planning and communicating the plan so that all SLs understand the overall objective. Everyone needs to thank Calv for making the mission as these things take a lot of work to get right.
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