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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Ooh - then it is a problem. Feel free to report to Stark58 if there is an unplayable broken map *(note the layer) that should be removed from rotation. No sense having to load and then skip a map and waste your time, just let us know.
  2. Interesting things to note, but definitely not worthy of fixing just for coop, if it is unintentional after all. A thing that discourages people from messing around in an uncappable enemy main? Can we get some more of that please?
  3. That's gonna change the SOP for sure...
  4. Thanks man! Bad luck on the friendly fire. BMS isn't perfect, then again, a review of the ACMI if you have it might shed some light on what went down. I'll catch you online sometime and get in a flight, it's been awhile. I'm gonna do my "retraining" and getting familiar with BMS again in 4.33 just until the YAME64 update comes out for BMS 4.34 -- I never knew how much I relied on just one external monitor for my MFD's until I tried an Instant Action today without it. I'll be around and hang out, and can even host a flight (in 4.33) so hopefully people who fly BMS still have old version(s) installed. I have 3 versions of BMS all working great, 4.32 -- 4.33.5 -- and 4.34.0 now. I had some pretty sweet frame rates near a 100FPS, too, so if it's that high in Instant Action, I hope it remains pretty high in a busy campaign online.
  5. I'm just getting 4.34 installed, and trying to get my Helios working again. A monitor got changed, and I kinda forgot how to config this so I have to relearn it. Side topic: Can we try to use the ZULU Clock on the front page instead of regional specifics like BST? (which is UTC/ZULU +1) The ZULU Clock on the home page is UTC and easy to get your own conversion for you (coincidentally, I see 20:00:17 right now and my Windows PC clock says 13:00, an easy 7 hour difference). If I wanted to say I'm going to be available to fly at around 19:00 here, I just add 7 to that and say to everyone in a post: "I'll be flying online at 02:00 ZULU if anyone would like to join" I added that ZULU Clock so we can more easily share our time without anyone worrying about international datelines, like for our Aussie friends and such, as it's just a matter of what that ZULU clock says and what your own watch or clock says, and the difference. When we get to dates far in the future, and international dateline issues arise, I've rigged our Calendar to display dates in our own personal time zone(s), so anyone looking at it will see the actual date and time the event will happen for them.
  6. I updated the page (and then updated the post above this one because my update broke that link ) Cheers!
  7. Update on my DIY TrackIR project -
    Wireless TrackClip Pro has now been on for a several hours and the voltage on the battery has dropped by 0.40 Volts. If I do some very rough estimates, I am assuming this thing might last between 18-24 hours between charges. I'm leaving it on overnight to find out. The other connector for the magnetic micro USB charger tip is shown in this pic. They sell cords, or these tips that plug onto the end of a normal micro USB charging cable. They have a tiny green indicator light when powered. At $4 a piece (for a male and female pair of magnetic plugs) they are so worth it for the bi-directional connection option alone!

    $4.00 NetDot Magnetic USB Charging Connectors
    $2.92 3.7V 10440 AAA Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery (sold in 4-pack for around $12)
    $1.00 TP4056 (03962A) Charging Board with Protection
    $1.00 MT3608 DC to DC Step Up Boost Converter
    $8.92 Total Cost



  8. So that did work? You can just use the key from the box version to activate it on Steam?
  9. A tiny little Arduino project wot I did late last night... Road America lap timer & avg. speed calculator
    (charging circuits for the wireless TrackClip should arrive Wednesday)


    1. WCCBadploy
    2. =VG= Sausag3

      =VG= Sausag3

      Really nice job you did there with the Arduino's man!

      I got an Arduino kit myself, them botch standard buttons always do my head in, really uncomfortable to press xD

      The wiring on the arduino's is always a mess but yours looks shit hot, well done mate!


  10. ^What he said. Basically, it has a narrow FOV (field of view), so if the target gets out of that, and then back on center, that 5 seconds is gonna start over, isn't it? Account for that, and like Stark said "lead time" and you'll probably have more success in any game with simple AA weapons.
  11. DIY Wireless TrackClip Pro
    Haven't had time to spend on this project for awhile....  Been trying to find batteries that will power these 3 LED's, and previous tests required at least 4x 1.5V AAA Batteries which is way too large for a battery pack that will sit velcro'd to my headphones.

    I just found some rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries with 3.7 Volts each in a "AAA" form-factor.  These things are great!  I tried running a single battery, but the LED's didn't illuminate in any noticeable way so I had to wire a second battery in serial, and they light up just fine.  They are 350mAh each, which is less than half the capacity of a standard rechargeable Li-ion AAA battery, but the trade-off for a higher voltage in such a small size is exactly what I need for this project.

    I left this thing plugged in overnight and it was off in the morning, I guess I'll time it to see how long it lasts.  Next step will be to rig a recharging circuit with a micro-A USB female plug-in for easy re-charging, and then cram it all in a small black box with a velcro strap to easily attach to my headset.  To start, I'm not going to cut the TrackClip Pro wire, and I'll leave the female USB connector shown below on the battery pack.  I may shorten the TrackClip wire near the end of this project, at least to remove the heavy USB pass-through dongle hanging off it.

    We'll see where this goes, I've never done anything like this before so it's a small challenge.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WCCBadploy


      Well done and Congratulations!!

    3. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      OMG looks like a bomb ...

    4. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      lol @=VG= kiwirambob

      Yea, I'm sure the stuff I've ordered online has put me on some list somewhere.  Then again, a cursory search would reveal I'm just another gaming dork with no radical beliefs of a social, political or religious nature.

  12. Tried a $5 again just now. Same results, same as screenshot above. I googled the problem a little bit, a lot of the results came up assuming there was a problem with the receiver's PayPal account. Other comments suggested that it was temporary and might resolve within 72 hours. I don't know what to believe, but it would be worth checking out your PayPal, and also, I'll try again tomorrow and the next day to see if it ever gets through.
  13. Okay, I have tried $1.00 and just now $5.00 We could really use help -- if someone else from USA can try donating $5.00 and also someone from out of the USA as well. I have a feeling none of it will go through, but please don't be our tester if you can't afford $5 Both of them failed with the following screenshot:
  14. AHH!! I keep throwing money at my screen but nothing's happening!!



    1. =VG= Kavelenko
    2. =VG= kiwirambob
    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      ooh... this is awkward... sorry, I do not believe Justin Roiland or his humor would be popular "in the land down under".... not mainstream, anyway.  He's famous for his show Rick & Morty here in the US.  I forget how diverse this crowd is sometimes ;)


  15. Crab People are REAL!

    1. WCCBadploy


      Genetically modified sea food.... I worry about you Yanks... Sure there is no micro plastic in that item? LOL!!



      Yer thats wild meat : ) i know, 100 year old teeth on the claw, owwww hahah..... they sneak up on you, underwater if you have been eating them.  

      Im sooo hungry now, and i have a hard on as well ,, blush ...


    3. =VG= kiwirambob
  16. Once again, I have reviewed all Server Settings and permissions, and there is no VG specific setting or Bot that is kicking you out. We have no AFK monitor, and no system in place to do anything to people who have gone AFK. I have gone ahead and googled your problem and found many users who have experienced your exact issue, of course, not on the VG Discord. This issue seems to be part of the Discord code itself, in one such post I saw that the user reported it gone after a Discord update. Basically, we have no control over this, Discord does not operate like our TeamSpeak where we have direct control over everything from a program that is actually installed on our server. Best wishes and good luck to you!
  17. Keep your feet wet and your powder dry! Don't be a stranger
  18. Hey, no worries, guys -- it's a video game and it's not perfect; glitches happen. Seems you were somehow able to rejoin, but you are indeed banned for now, and it has not been lifted yet (for the record). Please do not attempt to rejoin the server until someone from this forum thread has informed you that you're unbanned. Rejoining our server and playing while banned (by taking advantage of some glitch in the code) will not look good on your record as we investigate your Unban Request. Please be patient and respect our PR Admin's wishes. Thank you! This is the stage we are at now:
  19. I'm just gonna say this once and hope that both players and our PR Admins learn something -- sometimes we ban someone when necessary to cease behavior knowing that it will open up a dialog in the forums during an Unban Request thread, as we are doing here. Not saying that is what happened in this case, but we're here now, so why waste an opportunity... The constructive criticism being raised here is not intended to hurt your feelings but to get a word in edgewise to tell you how to move forward if you continue to play on our server(s). Regardless of the matter of your ban, assuming your are unbanned after all of this, you must understand the following things or you'll find yourself right back here before too long: This is not a training server - while it's okay to play while you learn as Infantry, this is not okay in vehicles and we expect you to learn how to operate those proficiently offline or elsewhere. Your use of the in-game chat system is bordering on spam because you average at least 3 messages every minute, and it's easier to count the minutes you didn't chat up than those you did while you were online. While we encourage communication, we also encourage brevity. Doesn't matter if it's Squad Chat or All Chat - you need to dial it way back. Our Admin Team will expect you to learn and adhere to the rules of our server, and while some information may be offered, the burden is upon you to educate yourself in our rules and SOP's, and you're expected to avoid any discussion or arguments about rules/SOP's with Admins during gameplay.
  20. GOG has a decent sale going on right now; picked up a pair of classics for less than a fiver -- Sid Meier's Pirates (the 2004 remake) and Railroad Tycoon 3
    Always nice to put a few more cheap titles in the rainy-day games bin :dirol:

  21. First, you list 4.33.4 U5 -- if there is a typo, that is okay, but U5 is: 4.33.5 Build 16084 Let's be sure we are on the same page with the updates, so launch BMS and check the lower right corner of the main menu - be sure it looks like this: One easy thing you can do is to copy and move your modded Acdata folder to the side, and use a clean un-modified version for use on Public Servers such as ours. When you want to play offline or elsewhere using mods or custom items, you can move the modded Acdata folder back into position. Be sure BMS is not running when you move these folders around. The path to this folder is: (your programs folder)\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Data\Sim Here's a copy of a default un-modified Acdata folder for 4.33.5 (U5) from my own installation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7v7oxvid329ped/Acdata.zip?dl=0 I keep that folder at that link until the next update, and usually do it for every update - if you ever get mixed up and need a fresh unmodified Acdata folder, just refer to that link. I might get it into the Downloads section here for easy reference, because basically it's the go-to fix for the error you posted.
  22. Take care and fly safe! See you when you get time!
  23. Not sure off the top of my head, cannot remember the last time I had to deal with a crash log. You may find more selective help on THIS issue on the BMS forums, as the devs themselves (as well as several long time members) have far more collective knowledge between them. We could try all day here, but I'd feel you'd not be getting the expert help you deserve cuz we're just taking shots in the dark. Chances are, over at the BMS sim's actual forums, someone has helped someone else out in the last 18 years who had your exact set of issues and PC hardware.
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