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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. OS is running on C: drive (Windows 10) -- PR is installed on another drive, say drive P: Figured it was a Win10 issue otherwise I'd report it -- your checklist of things to try were run through systematically, trust me when I say we're on the same page there - trying to pin shortcuts instead of the item, and getting pushy with parameters or even batch scripts... Win10 is annoying as hell.
  2. Roger that. Tested desktop icon shortcut and it works. Still, I have all desktop icons hidden, I don't use them - I use Start Menu and Taskbar shortcuts, and for the non-default /C: drive program it will not load when I pin it to Start Menu or Taskbar and that is what I had wanted to express. When Win10 figures that out, I'll hate it just a little bit less. (This is specific to PR, I have many program icons on Start menu that are not installed on C: drive)
  3. In my experience over the past few years in Windows 10, I am unable to launch PR from a hard drive that is not the C: drive with the OS -- any shortcuts fail. Maybe they know this now and ditch the shortcut so it isn't attempted? I have no idea. But I've given up and now open file explorer to the bin folder with the PRLauncher.exe and I use that, then close the explorer before it launches. Very annoying that it cannot be a shortcut on my desktop, Start Menu, or Taskbar, but I stopped trying to give myself an aneurysm over why Win10 is so terrible.
  4. My jaw dropped at this amazing amateur cosmic photography by Thunderf00t - @11:35 Alien Mothership confirmed! (j/k) ;)


    1. =VG= 22..12

      =VG= 22..12

      man rlly I can't watch stuff like this my brain will shutdown because now I dont have space need a new hard drive for my brain :)

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX
    3. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      P R A I S E    T H E     S U N     ! ! ! ! ! ! :D


  5. If you would like to Appeal your Ban, please provide the following information: 1. Banned Username 2. What Server(s)? 3. When did this happen? 4. Reason you were banned 5. Describe the events leading up to your ban ( how did this occur and why? ) 6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ) As a courtesy we look into all unban requests. The nature of the offense and the information you provide in your personal statement will determine the final outcome of your Appeal. We value honesty above all else. (the admin who banned you must also agree to the terms) We try to resolve all bans within 72 hours of the Appeal. All unbanned individuals will be placed on a watch list for 30 days. If any further issues occur during this time, your Ban will be reinstated and any future appeals will be denied...permanently. Thank you
  6. That is sweet! Been thinking about getting into Blender a bit. In Oculus Rift, you have these "homes", like a digital construct before you launch a game. They've been improved over the years, now you have all sorts of new features and you can even import objects that you make in Blender, or Unity, etc. You can use these objects like decorations around the digital home. Would be fun to learn Blender!
  7. I think for the scenario where you are not the lead pilot, but you still want to use the profile so you can talk to Tower/Ground/ATC/etc. there should be a way to disregard comms that may try to trigger such calls. Should I have a mode that we tell AVCS we are not the lead pilot, and therefore a certain set of commands will not trigger even if we directly call them? That would not be difficult, but we would want to compile a list of all commands that logically should be ignored if we're not the lead in a flight online with humans. An alternate on this method would be to set only one PTT (for example, UHF) and use that for AI comms primarily, and the VHF for inter-ship Player to Player comms. The PTT mode does not require both keys to be set, just the Press & Release for VHF -or- UHF would suffice. The way you propose an alternate use of PTT mode might possibly get more in the way than anything, if I could make it so you don't have to do work like another simple mode which could be made to handle this type of flight, it may be preferable. I hadn't thought about this, much appreciated!
  8. Restarted. Thanks for the report - it seems to have hung up, but it's all good now. Cheers!
  9. Hey! You mentioned changing HUD color in Elite Dangerous, and wanted to share the method I use in case you want to use it, too.

    It's the Elite: Dangerous Profiler by DrKaii http://www.drkaii.com/tools/edprofiler/

    And it gives access to a lot of menu options outside the game, and a bunch of other helpful tools.  Here's a screenshot of my own setup, I use it to go between 3 different settings profiles quickly.  I don't change my HUD color anymore only because dangerous things that are normally Red on the radar (to draw our eyes) will also change colors to something innocuous, and can then be hard to notice on the radar as a "dangerous thing".


  10. According to Stark, the service was still running but was not operating properly (as opposed to a crash to desktop). He restarted it and everything is running normally now. If it happens again soon, feel free to post up here and we'll take care of it. *All PR Admins here will regain their ability to restart the server through TCAdmin in August, one of our Tech Team had a life issue so it has postponed our progress on that front.
  11. Hmmm.... This hits home for me for some reason...

     "and the home of the brave."

  12. Jabal always looks so great from the carrier! Nice screenshots, man!
  13. For those here who don't know, Gold is bad... Great for space shuttles and fighter jets and CPU and tiny integrated circuit chips, and everywhere else it's just a bullshit marketing gimmick. Plenty of vids exposing the bs of "gold plated" connections, etc. on so called "performance grade" consumer electronics cables. Fun fact: See those 4 lines on the white thing? Those are the connections.... See the big golden metal square things that hold it? They are holders, and not to get all science-y, but they conduct exactly zero signal or connection or current or voltage or ground. But if you put this cable side by side with a silver/steel colored end, the gold one will sell at nearly twice the price, while the other collects dust, because...gold.
  14. Who still uses non-rechargeable batteries?! Chinese shop lol Wired FTW, but for anything that takes 2 AA's like the wireless X-Box controller, it's not hard to figure out: They sell rechargeable AA's in a 4-pack, ya keep the other two charged up so when it starts flashing LOW mid-game, you can quickly swap them at the next opportunity (not easy during a race, I hate it..). But it's the price to pay for getting a little less wired for a few controllers. They don't make wired Oculus Touch controllers.... just sayin'
  15. A small bug has been found, the Keyboard Layout is not remembering it's settings when the profile is reloaded because the variable didn't get loaded in the initialization file as intended. This will be fixed for the final version. If you use a different keyboard layout than the default QWERTY, and you don't want to have to set this each time this profile loads until the next update, you can simply add the line to the KEYPRESS_Variables command as shown in the image below. Copy the variable AVCS_BMS_KeyboardLayout and insert a 'Set an Integer Value' found under "Other > Advanced" and paste in the variable name. Below, select the box "Retrieve Saved Value" and nothing else. Again, this will be done for the final version, and only people with non-standard keyboards need to be concerned.
  16. Was playing GTA:V online awhile ago, been saving up trying to get to $1 million for a long time just as a goal.  I don't spend much on cars, already got them, and guns galore...  I walked into AmmuNation to fill up on mags and sticky bombs, and accidentally the cursor moved from the Sticky Bombs to some half a million dollar alien gun on the wall.

    Since I was just jamming the button to rebuy as many sticky bombs as I could hold, I instantly purchased this lame ass gun I didn't want when the cursor moved up.  I've since tried it out, it's pretty meh.  I'd rather have  the mini-gun if I wanted a heavy machine gun style weapon, for sure.

    Luckily for my dumb ass, a new Casino is opening in GTA:V Online and they're having a promotion to launch it, including perks for linking Twitch Prime with your Rockstar Social Club.  I happen to have Amazon Prime, and Twitch, so I jumped through their hoops and BOOM!  EASY MONEY!  Also comes with a penthouse suite (free of charge/rent) at the new Casino when it opens on July 23rd.


    1. Vanillapop


      I really like how rockstar has incorporated their in game money to the real world

  17. BETA UPDATED TO v0.99 (final beta!) Please download newest version! Link below and updated in the main post above! You don't have to remove the 0.98 beta profile, but it is recommended to not use both at the same time or variables may get messed up. Thanks to everyone for helping to finish up final testing! SitRep: I've finished integrating the proposed changes I received through the v0.98 beta, and the v0.99 beta is now available for download (click here). There is now an alternate All-Humans Mode that can be turned on, and will assume all pilots are humans unless you individually set Computer Pilots per callsign/flight/wing numbers. All the same "Set a Human Pilot" commands have been copied to make "Set a Computer Pilot" equivalents. You can also change the Keyboard Layout from the default QWERTY by voice command or just executing the "change" command found under initialization. Per request, to speed up the interaction of adding/removing pilots from the exclusion lists, you can now say the entire Callsign + Flight Number + Wing Number when asked for the callsign. Example: "Set a Human Pilot" "say the callsign" "Cowboy 7 3" "Cowboy 7 3 - is this correct?" "Yes" ... (bypassing the need to individually set Flight Number and then Wing Number!) This will jump to the confirmation at the end of the command and greatly reduces the time spent interacting with the voice control system configuration. During my testing, I found there must be a clear separation between the Flight Number and Wing Number when spoken, to avoid "Cowboy 7 3" getting recognized as "Cowboy 73", and your own results may vary. Please test and let me know. The old system is still in place, and you can even just say the Callsign + Flight number, and it will notice and skip to the Set Wing Number segment of the script. The entire idea was to allow a lot of options to recognize how we speak, and the only catch is that we need to enunciate and keep succinct breaks between words for this style of input. Further beta testing in this final 0.99 phase should help judge if this will work or if it needs adjustment. Additionally, there are now VoiceAttack command log notifications whenever the profile loads showing the current profile settings, and also voice notifications if either PTT mode or the new All-Humans mode are On. Here's a copy of the changelog: Beta v0.99 Changelog Jul2019 New Commands: -Change Default Keyboard Layout allows choices between QWERTY, QWERTZ, & AZERTY (per user request) -Turn On/Off All-Humans Mode : Reverse mode assumes all pilots are humans, add Computer Pilots individually as needed (per user request) -Copy of all Add/Remove Human Pilots commands for Computer Pilots & All-Humans Mode Fixes/Improvements: -Can state an entire callsign plus flight & wing numbers when asked for Callsign (per user request to speed up the voice system interaction of adding/removing human pilots) -VoiceAttack log entries displays profile information on startup (current keyboard layout, push-to-talk mode on/off state, All-Humans mode on/off state) (per user request) -Speech notifications on startup for PTT mode and All-Humans mode if they are enabled (see above) -Forced profile initialization if not initialized on any command use (per bug report: on first download/import of profile, trying to use any command fails until voiceattack restarted) *wheelchock2 had asked about a query system. I have not made a system to ask which callsigns have been set/saved to either a Human Pilot or Computer Pilot, as it was always designed to be a throw-away use concept, add a few for the afternoon, adjust for different flights, reset at the end or beginning of a days' use of Falcon BMS. I'd like to know if there is serious interest in a query system before I create one as it will add a bit of size to the profile, increase it's RAM footprint further, and possibly increase profile load time even further. It would not make sense to add this if there is too little use for it. Personally, I remove all human pilot callsigns before every flight, when I'm at the 2D map/mission planning phase. Please let me know how you guys use the profile, and if you'd use something like a query system.
  18. It's not on the Server Rules page, I suppose I should put it there, too... I have written about this aspect, like many "rules" for our Falcon BMS Server, they are more of guidelines than actual rules, as there is rarely ever a need to discipline players in a flight sim. I don't specify how many or how often, but basically we expect players to use AI for their own flights only and within reason. On that note, I will put this quote in more prominent locations so it doesn't go unseen:
  19. 28 miles of fireworks for 4th of July - at Long Beach, Washington  :beach: It was a fun vacation, but it's good to be home.


  20. Noop. Sorry. Please take any further discussion to the relevant bug report thread on the PR Mod website, that is where the love is needed, where multiple groups can contribute to the same discussion. And note the quote, too, please because what's needed to be said has been said. It's a sad situation, would love if it was fixed, and no one here is preventing that.
  21. I'm not exactly sure if it would cause issues, but you could try it out for a while and we could see. If it causes any problems, we can discuss this again at that time. The campaign file could really use some attention and tweaking, so I'll be getting into that, and if you're regularly watching the server, I'll make sure you know when I'm taking it down or restarting to Day 1. I'll also get a more realistic custom weather model as we had before in 4.33 eventually, I've just been spinning plates with too many things to do at VG lately, plus my own projects and goals, and a little free time too. Finally, if it's ever down, you can feel free to post up in the forums here, in the chatbox on the home page, or message me personally. I intend to find other VG members here to learn how to restart it, but for right now, I'm the only active member who has access and can restart it if it crashes. Don't be shy - I don't mind taking a break from whatever to start it back up if it crashes. Cheers!
  22. File format matters, it has to be one of the mainstream formats like png, jpg, haven't tested a .gif (might work, even if it doesn't cycle - might cycle) Size examples from Binary are similar to mine, I'm currently using a .png with transparency and it's 172px x 172px at 58.3kb Limits are in place because previous iterations of the VG website had swollen to over 300 terabytes, nearly completely comprised of unrestricted uploading of images and large file attachments over the course of years. Meant we couldn't move the site to a less expensive host in New York, so we had to change how it's done. When we finally did, a lot of links were broken as we couldn't migrate all those files and images. You can archive and remove leaving blank chunks in posts that may get crawled here and there for years, or you can enforce smaller sizes and encourage the use of imgur links in posts, and dropbox links for files. But for Avatars and profile background images, you're restricted to the 200kb limit if I am not mistaken. If you use Photoshop, select "Save for Web..." to get great looking images at a fraction of the size. TMI, but after finally learning PS some time ago, I started using a tip I got to make all my photoshop images massive, like 4K (3840 x 2660), and then shrink them down for whatever size they'll be used at, like 300 x 300, or 480 x 60 banners, etc. using the Save function options in PS. A great tip.
  23. Noop. Sorry. This was proven quite some time ago. It's in the code itself. Seems to need a fair number of people over the course of a map or few to make it happen, to get a map running that will have the bug happening. But it requires no editing or changing of any config files (unless adding the name we use and the IP and the number of players for a COOP match, with all COOP map maplist is what you would call customizations). Our clean run tests did knock at least that much out, can't blame freshly downloaded and installed files with no changes except a server license key and a name/MODT & basic COOP setup. That's all you need to reproduce this..... and a server that remains populated throughout the day for days/weeks on end, on a Windows server that rarely goes down. Not that uptime is a factor, just noted it in case trying to duplicate an environment. Again, best wishes and good luck to you - it is not something that anyone wants to persist. But we don't hold the keys to the kingdom, we aren't the cause/reason, and for our COOP team here, we do promote from within. I do hope you don't get discouraged if it's difficult to get working with the PR Dev team on the issue coming in from the outside without PR Mod coding experience already. Keep at it! Cheers!
  24. Sorry, the answer is no. Apply to the development team, perhaps they will let you be a contributor like Double. AFAIK that is the only way to get access to the source code and server files that are not available to the general public without application. We don't have any say over that here, wrong website. No worries. Best wishes and good luck! That bug is quite the nuisance.
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